ADO.NET Provider for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Returns a list of products.

Table-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

  • Id supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.
  • Title supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • ProductType supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • Status supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • Vendor supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • TotalInventory supports the '=,!=,<,>,>=,<=' comparison operators.
  • HasOnlyDefaultVariant supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • UpdatedAt supports the '=,!=,<,>,>=,<=' comparison operators.
  • CreatedAt supports the '=,!=,<,>,>=,<=' comparison operators.

The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductType='VALUE'
	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Status='VALUE'
	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Vendor='VALUE'
	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE TotalInventory<'100'
	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE HasOnlyDefaultVariant='true'
	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE UpdatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
	SELECT * FROM Products WHERE CreatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'


The following columns can be used to create a new record:

DescriptionHtml, Title, Handle, ProductType, Tags, Status, Vendor, RequiresSellingPlan, GiftCardTemplateSuffix, IsGiftCard, SeoTitle, SeoDescription

The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:

VariantPrice, VariantTaxable, VariantRequiresShipping


The following columns can be updated:

DescriptionHtml, Title, Handle, ProductType, Tags, Status, Vendor, RequiresSellingPlan, GiftCardTemplateSuffix, SeoTitle, SeoDescription

The following pseudo-columns can be updated:

VariantPrice, VariantTaxable, VariantRequiresShipping


You can delete entries by specifying the Id.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

A globally-unique identifier.

LegacyResourceId Long True

The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.

Description String True

The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting.

DescriptionHtml String False

The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting.

Title String False

The title of the product.

Handle String False

A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

ProductType String False

The product type specified by the merchant.

Tags String False

A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. Updating 'tags' overwrites any existing tags that were previously added to the product.

Status String False

The product status. This controls visibility across all channels.

Vendor String False

The name of the product's vendor.

OnlineStorePreviewUrl String True

The online store preview URL.

OnlineStoreUrl String True

The online store URL for the product.A value of 'null' indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel.

RequiresSellingPlan Bool False

Whether the product can only be purchased with a selling plan (subscription). Products that are sold on subscription ('requiresSellingPlan: true') can be updated only for online stores. If you update a product to be subscription only, then the product is unpublished from all channels except the online store.

SellingPlanGroupCount Int True

Count of selling plan groups associated with the product.

TracksInventory Bool True

Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product.

TotalInventory Int True

The quantity of inventory in stock.

HasOnlyDefaultVariant Bool True

Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value.

HasOutOfStockVariants Bool True

Whether the product has out of stock variants.

TotalVariants Int True

The number of variants that are associated with the product.

TemplateSuffix String True

The theme template used when viewing the product in a store.

GiftCardTemplateSuffix String False

The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store.

IsGiftCard Bool True

Whether the product is a gift card.

PublishedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the product was published to the Online Store.

AvailablePublicationCount Int True

The number of publications a resource is published to without feedback errors.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the product was last modified.A product's 'updatedAt' value can change for different reasons. For example, if an order is placed for a product that has inventory tracking set up, then the inventory adjustment is counted as an update.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the product was created.

FeedbackSummary String True

Summary of resource feedback pertaining to the resource.

PriceRangeMaxVariantPriceAmount Decimal True

Decimal money amount.

PriceRangeMaxVariantPriceCurrencyCode String True

Currency of the money.

PriceRangeMinVariantPriceAmount Decimal True

Decimal money amount.

PriceRangeMinVariantPriceCurrencyCode String True

Currency of the money.

SeoTitle String False

SEO Title.

SeoDescription String False

SEO Description.

MediaCount Int True

Total count of media belonging to a product.

FeaturedImageId String True

A unique identifier for the image.

FeaturedImageAltText String True

A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image.

FeaturedImageHeight Int True

The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify.

FeaturedImageWidth Int True

The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify.

FeaturedImageUrl String True

The location of the image as a URL.

ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationIsPublished Bool True

Whether the resource publication is published. If true, then the resource publication is published to the publication. If false, then the resource publication is staged to be published to the publication.

ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublishDate Datetime True

The date that the resource publication was or is going to be published to the publication.

ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublicationId String True

A globally-unique identifier.

ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublicationName String True

Name of the publication.

ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublicationSupportsFuturePublishing Bool True

Whether the publication supports future publishing.

ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeId String True

The ID of the product taxonomy node.

ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeName String True

The name of the product taxonomy node. For example, Dog Beds.

ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeFullName String True

The full name of the product taxonomy node. For example, Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Dog Supplies > Dog Beds.

ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeIsLeaf Bool True

Whether the node is a leaf node.

ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeIsRoot Bool True

Whether the node is a root node.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御したり、INSERT ステートメントのパラメータとして使用したりすることができます。

Name Type Description
VariantPrice Double

The price of the variant.

VariantTaxable Bool

Whether the variant is taxable.

VariantRequiresShipping Bool

Whether the variant requires shipping.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963