ADO.NET Provider for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves selling plans associated to the selling plan group.

View-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

  • SellingPlanGroupId supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

  SELECT * FROM SellingPlanGroupSellingPlans
  SELECT * FROM SellingPlanGroupSellingPlans WHERE SellingPlanGroupId = 'Val1'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String A globally-unique ID.
SellingPlanGroupId String


A globally-unique ID.
Name String A customer-facing description of the selling plan. If your store supports multiple currencies, then don't include country-specific pricing content, such as 'Buy monthly, get 10$ CAD off'. This field won't be converted to reflect different currencies.
Category String The category used to classify the selling plan for reporting purposes.
Description String Buyer facing string which describes the selling plan commitment.
Options String The values of all options available on the selling plan. Selling plans are grouped together in Liquid when they are created by the same app, and have the same 'selling_plan_group. name' and 'selling_plan_group. options' values.
Position Int Relative position of the selling plan for display. A lower position will be displayed before a higher position.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the selling plan was created.
InventoryPolicyReserve String When to reserve inventory for the order.
FixedBillingPolicyCheckoutChargeType String The charge type for the checkout charge.
FixedBillingPolicyCheckoutChargeValueAmount Decimal The charge value for the checkout charge. Decimal money amount.
FixedBillingPolicyCheckoutChargeValueCurrencyCode String The charge value for the checkout charge. Currency of the money.
FixedBillingPolicyCheckoutChargeValuePercentage Double The charge value for the checkout charge. The percentage value of the price used for checkout charge.
FixedBillingPolicyRemainingBalanceChargeExactTime Datetime The exact time when to capture the full payment.
FixedBillingPolicyRemainingBalanceChargeTimeAfterCheckout String The period after remaining_balance_charge_trigger, before capturing the full payment. Expressed as an ISO8601 duration.
FixedBillingPolicyRemainingBalanceChargeTrigger String When to capture payment for amount due.
RecurringBillingPolicyAnchors String Specific anchor dates upon which the billing interval calculations should be made. Aggregate value.
RecurringBillingPolicyCreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the selling plan billing policy was created.
RecurringBillingPolicyInterval String The billing frequency, it can be either: day, week, month or year.
RecurringBillingPolicyIntervalCount Int The number of intervals between billings.
RecurringBillingPolicyMaxCycles Int Maximum number of billing iterations.
RecurringBillingPolicyMinCycles Int Minimum number of billing iterations.
FixedDeliveryPolicyAnchors String The specific anchor dates upon which the delivery interval calculations should be made. Aggregate value.
FixedDeliveryPolicyCutoff Int A buffer period for orders to be included in next fulfillment anchor.
FixedDeliveryPolicyFulfillmentExactTime Datetime The date and time when the fulfillment should trigger.
FixedDeliveryPolicyFulfillmentTrigger String What triggers the fulfillment. The value must be one of ANCHOR, ASAP, EXACT_TIME, or UNKNOWN.
FixedDeliveryPolicyIntent String Whether the delivery policy is merchant or buyer-centric. Buyer-centric delivery policies state the time when the buyer will receive the goods. Merchant-centric delivery policies state the time when the fulfillment should be started. Currently, only merchant-centric delivery policies are supported.
FixedDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior String The fulfillment or delivery behavior of the first fulfillment when the order is placed before the anchor. The default value for this field is ASAP.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyAnchors String The specific anchor dates upon which the delivery interval calculations should be made. Aggregate value.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyCreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the selling plan delivery policy was created.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyCutoff Int Number of days which represent a buffer period for orders to be included in a cycle.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyIntent String Whether the delivery policy is merchant or buyer-centric. Buyer-centric delivery policies state the time when the buyer will receive the goods. Merchant-centric delivery policies state the time when the fulfillment should be started. Currently, only merchant-centric delivery policies are supported.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyInterval String The delivery frequency, it can be either: day, week, month or year.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyIntervalCount Int The number of intervals between deliveries.
RecurringDeliveryPolicyPreAnchorBehavior String The fulfillment or delivery behavior of the first fulfillment when the order is placed before the anchor. The default value for this field is ASAP.
FixedPricingPolicies String Represents fixed selling plan pricing policies associated to the selling plan. Aggregate value.
RecurringPricingPolicies String Represents recurring selling plan pricing policies associated to the selling plan. Aggregate value.

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Build 24.0.8963