ADO.NET Provider for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963




CData ADO.NET Provider for Shopify ビュー

Name Description
Abandonment Returns abandonment.
AbandonmentProductsAddedToCart Returns the products added to the cart during the customer abandoned visit.
AbandonmentProductsViewed Returns the products viewed during the customer abandoned visit.
AppCredits Lists credits that can be used towards future app purchases.
ArticleComments Returns a list of comments posted on an article.
Articles Returns a list of the shop's visible articles.
AssignedFulfillmentOrders Retrieves a paginated list of fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations owned by the app. Assigned fulfillment orders are fulfillment orders that are set to be fulfilled from locations managed by fulfillment services that are registered by the app. One app (api_client) can host multiple fulfillment services on a shop. Each fulfillment service manages a dedicated location on a shop. Assigned fulfillment orders can have associated, or might currently not be requested to be fulfilled. The app must have 'read_assigned_fulfillment_orders' to be able to retrieve fulfillment orders assigned to its locations. All assigned fulfillment orders (except those with the 'CLOSED' status) will be returned by default.
Blogs Retrieves a list of the shop's blogs.
CarrierServices Returns a list of activated carrier services and associated shop locations that support them.
CollectionProducts Retrieves a list of the products inside of a collection.
CompanyEvents Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
CustomerEvents Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
DeliveryProfileLocationGroupCountries Lists countries already selected in any zone for the specified location group.
DeliveryProfileLocationGroupCountryProvinces Returns the list of regions associated with this country.
DeliveryProfileLocationGroups Lists the location groups using this profile.
DeliveryProfileLocationGroupZones Lists the applicable zones associated to the specified location group.
DeliveryProfileUnassignedLocations Lists the locations that have not been assigned to a location group for this profile.
DiscountEvents Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
DiscountsCodeFreeShipping Returns a list of discounts.
DraftOrderCustomAttributes Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource.
DraftOrderEvents Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
DraftOrderLineItemCustomAttributes Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource.
DraftOrderLineItems Returns a list of the line items in the draft order.
DraftOrderLineItemTaxLines Represents a single tax applied to the associated resource.
DraftOrderTaxLines Represents a single tax applied to the associated resource.
InventoryItemCountryHarmonizedSystemCodes Returns a list of country specific harmonized system codes.
InventoryItemInventoryLevels Returns a list of the inventory item's quantities for each location that the inventory item can be stocked at.
Jobs Returns a Job resource by ID. Used to check the status of internal jobs and any applicable changes.
Locations Returns a list of active inventory locations.
MarketingEvents Returns a list of marketing events associated with the marketing app.
MetaobjectDefinitions Provides the definition of a generic object structure composed of metafields.
MetaObjects All metaobjects for the shop.
OrderCustomAttributes Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource.
OrderDiscountApplications Returns a list of discounts that are applied to the order, not including order edits and refunds.
OrderEvents Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
OrderLineItemCustomAttributes Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource.
OrderLineItemDiscountAllocations Retrieves the discounts that have been allocated onto the line item by discount applications, not including order edits and refunds.
OrderLineItems Retrieves a list of line items in the associated resource.
OrderNonFulfillableLineItems Retrieves a list of line items in the associated resource.
OrderRisks Lists the order risks associated with this order.
OrderTaxLines Represents a single tax applied to the associated resource.
Pages Returns a list of the shop's pages.
ProductOptions Returns a list of product options. The limit is specified by Shop.resourceLimits.maxProductOptions.
PublicationCollections Returns a list of collections published to the publication.
PublicationProducts Returns the list of publication for products.
RefundDuties Lists the refunded duties as part of this refund.
RefundLineItems Retrieves the 'RefundLineItem' resources attached to the refund.
RefundTransactionFees Returns the transaction fees charged on the order transaction. Only present for Shopify Payments transactions.
RefundTransactions Retrieves the transactions associated with the resource.
ReturnLineItems Retrieves the return line items attached to the return.
SellingPlanGroupSellingPlans Retrieves selling plans associated to the selling plan group.
Shop Returns the Shop resource corresponding to the access token used in the request. The Shop resource contains business and store management settings for the shop.
ShopifyPaymentsAccount Returns Shopify Payments account information, including balances and payouts.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountBalance Returns current balances in all currencies for the account.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountBankAccounts Lists all bank accounts configured for the Shopify Payments account.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes Lists all disputes related to the Shopify Payments account.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountPayouts Returns all current and previous payouts made between the account and the bank account. Its avaible only in a few certain countries.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountPermittedVerificationDocuments Retrieves the permitted documents for identity verification.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountVerifications Returns the verifications necessary for this account.
StaffMembers Retrieves a paginated list of the shop's staff members.(This table is available only with a ShopifyPlus subscription)
TenderTransactions Returns a list of TenderTransactions associated with the shop.

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Build 24.0.8963