Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData ADO.NET Provider for Shopify Views
Name | Description |
AbandonedCheckouts | Query abandoned checkouts. |
AbandonedCheckoutsItems | Query abandoned checkouts items. |
AssignedFulfillmentOrders | The AssignedFulfillmentOrder resource allows you to retrieve all the fulfillment orders that are assigned to an app at the shop level. |
DiscountApplications | Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order. |
DraftOrderItemProperties | Query order item properties. |
DraftOrderItems | Query draft order items. |
DraftOrderItemTaxLines | Query draft order items tax lines. |
Events | Retrieve events which have happened in your shop. |
FulfillmentOrderLineItems | Query fulfillment order line items. |
FulfillmentOrders | Query fulfillment orders. |
Locations | Retrieve information regarding store locations. |
NoteAttributes | Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order. |
OrderDiscountCodes | Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order. |
OrderItemDiscountAllocations | Query order item discount allocations. |
OrderItemProperties | Query order item properties. |
OrdersItems | Query order items. |
Payouts | Retrieves a list of all payouts ordered by payout date, with the most recent being first. |
PayoutTransactions | Retrieves a list of all balance transactions ordered by processing time, with the most recent being first. |
PayoutTransactionsAdjustmentOrderTransactions | Retrieves associated order transactions that resulted in a balance transaction. |
RefundAdjustments | Create and query transactions. |
RefundsItems | Get data on OrdersItems that have been refunded. |
RefundTransactions | Query transactions for Refund Object. |
Reports | To query all the Reports. |
ShippingItemDiscountAllocations | Query Shipping item discount allocations. |
ShippingItems | Query order shipping. |
ShippingZones | Retrieve information regarding shipping zones. |
Shop | Contains general settings and information about the shop. |
TaxItems | Query order taxes. |
Users | Query Users. |