Excel Add-In for Shopify

Build 23.0.8839


Returns a list of discounts.

Table-Specific Information


The add-in uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The add-in processes other filters client-side within the add-in.

  • Title supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • Status supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • DiscountClass supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • StartsAt supports the '=,!=,<,>,>=,<=' comparison operators.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE Title='VALUE'

SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE Status='VALUE'

SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'

SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'


INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticBxgyCreate' GraphQL mutation.

The following columns can be used to create a new record:

Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsesPerOrderLimit, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts

The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:

DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove


UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticBxgyUpdate' GraphQL mutation.

The following columns can be updated:

Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsesPerOrderLimit, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts

The following pseudo-columns can be updated:

DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove


DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.

You can delete entries by specifying the Id.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

A globally-unique ID.

Title String False

The title of the discount.

Status String True

The status of the discount.

Summary String True

A detailed summary of the discount.

DiscountClass String True

The class of the discount for combining purposes.

EndsAt Datetime False

The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'.

StartsAt Datetime False

The date and time when the discount starts.

AsyncUsageCount Int True

The number of times the discount has been used. This value is updated asynchronously and can be different than the actual usage count.

UsesPerOrderLimit Int False

The maximum number of times that the discount can be applied to an order.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time when the discount was created.

CombinesWithOrderDiscounts Bool False

Combines with order discounts.

CombinesWithProductDiscounts Bool False

Combines with product discounts.

CombinesWithShippingDiscounts Bool False

Combines with shipping discounts.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.

Name Type Description
DiscountOnQuantity String

The value of the discount.

DiscountPercentage Double

The value of the discount.

ProductsToAdd String

A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add.

ProductsToRemove String

A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove.

DiscountQuantityToBuy String

The quantity of prerequisite items.

DiscountAmountToBuy String

The value of the discount.

ProductsBuysToAdd String

A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add.

ProductsBuysToRemove String

A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839