Cmdlets for Shopify

Build 23.0.8839


General Changes

  • Added ConfirmationNumber as a column to the Orders table in the REST-2023-07, REST-2023-10, GRAPHQL-2023-07 and GRAPHQL-2023-10 schema.
  • Added PresentmentPrices, PresentmentAmount, PresentmentCurrency, CompareAtPriceAmount, CompareAtPriceCurrency columns to ProductVariants table.
  • Added support for API version 2023-10.
  • Table Location in the GraphQL schema and the 2023-10 version now has CUD support.
  • Added two new columns OrderName and OrderProcessedAt for the FulfillmentOrders table (GraphQL schema, 2023-10 version).

  • Removed deprecated column AverageOrderAmountV2Amount and AverageOrderAmountV2CurrencyCode from the Customers table (GraphQL schema, 2023-10 version).
  • Removed deprecated column BillingOn from the UsageCharges table (REST schema, 2023-10 version).
  • Removed deprecated column ProcessingMethod from the Orders table (REST schema).
  • Added PublishDate, IsPublished and PublicationName columns for PublicationProducts table. The column LegacyResourceId is removed.

  • Added MetaObjects and MetaobjectDefinitions table for the GraphQL schema.
  • The ROUND function doesn't accept the negative precision values anymore.

  • The returning types of the FDMonth, FDQuarter, FDWeek, LDMonth, LDQuarter, LDWeek functions are changed from Timestamp to Date.
  • The return type of the ABS function will be consistent with the parameter value type.
  • CarrierServices is new view in the GraphQL schema.
  • AppFeedbacks, and ProductResourceFeedbacks are three new tables in the GraphQL schema.
  • CarrierServices, ResourceFeedbacks, and ProductResourceFeedbacks are three new tables in the Rest schema.
  • The following list are stored-procedures added in Rest and GraphQL schema: SendFulfillmentRequest, AcceptFulfillmentRequest, RejectFulfillmentRequest, SendCancellationRequest, AcceptCancellationRequest and RejectCancellationRequest.
  • Added Catalogs table for the GraphQL schema.
  • Added Returns table for the GraphQL schema.
  • Added ReturnLineItems table for the GraphQL schema.
  • Added PriceLists table for the GraphQL schema.
  • Changed Fulfillments.FulfillmentOrderId from pseudo-column to column.
  • Added support for API version 2023-07, the following stored procedures have been added to the GRAPHQL-2023-07 schema to reflect the new mutations: FulfillmentOrderSplit, FulfillmentOrderMerge, CompanyContactRemoveFromCompany.
  • Added AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove pseudo-column to the DiscountsAutomaticBxgy table.
  • Added AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountAmount, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, MinimumQuantity, MinimumSubtotal pseudo-column to the DiscountsAutomaticBasic table.
  • Added Code, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove pseudo-column to the DiscountsCodeApp table.
  • Added Code, AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountAmount, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove pseudo-column to the DiscountsCodeBasic table.
  • Added Code, AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove pseudo-column to the DiscountsCodeBxgy table.
  • Changed ThemeId of Assets table to be key for the table.
  • Changed Articles.PublishedStatus, Comments.PublishedStatus, CustomCollections.PublishedStatus, CustomCollections.ProductId, Pages.PublishedStatus, Products.PublishedStatus, SmartCollections.PublishedStatus, SmartCollections.ProductId from pseudo-columns to columns.
  • Changed names of 'Image.alt', 'Image.createdAt', 'Image.height', 'Image.src', 'Image.width', 'Image.attachment', Template_suffix', 'published_status' columns in Articles table, REST schema, to 'ImageAlt', 'ImageCreatedAt', 'ImageHeight', 'ImageSrc', 'ImageWidth', 'ImageAttachment', 'TemplateSuffix', 'PublishedStatus'.
  • Changed name of 'published_status' column in Comments table, REST schema, to 'PublishedStatus'.
  • Changed name of 'published_status' column in Pages table, REST schema, to 'PublishedStatus'.

  • Removed pseudo-column 'status' of Comments table in REST schema. Data can now be filtered server-side through 'Status' column.
  • Added TransactionItemSource pseudo-column to the OrderTransactions table.

  • Changed Authorization and Currency columns of OrderTransactions table to writable.
  • Changed Metafields column of Pages table to writable.
  • Added new stored procedure CalculateRefund in REST schema, used to calculate refund transactions based on line items and shipping.

  • Changed Metafields column of Blogs table to writeable.

  • Removed CalculateRefund pseudocolumn from Refunds table, used to access the endpoint for calculating refunds. Refunds will be calculated through the CalculateRefund stored procedure.
  • Added EnableShopifyPlus connection property, when set to true, additional columns and tables will be available in the driver. This property is only available to accounts with a ShopifyPlus membership.
  • Added Receipt column as a JSON aggregate to the OrderTransactions table.

  • Removed ReceiptTestcase and ReceiptAuthorization columns from OrderTransactions table.
06/29/20238580PowerShell CmdletsRemoved
  • Removed support for .NET 2.0
  • Added the new sys_lastresultinfo system table.
  • From the ProductVariants table (in GraphQL schema) the Title column has been removed.

  • Rest schema has been modified to REST-2023-04, which represents the REST API version 2023-04.
  • GraphQL schema has been modified to GraphQL-2023-04, which represents the 2023-04 version of the GraphQL API.

  • Added support for pushing metafields as custom field/columns for Products and ProductVariants in the GraphQL schema.

  • Changed the GraphQL data model to better align with and support version 2023-04 of the API.
  • The following tables are now supported in the GraphQL schema, AppSubscriptionLineItems, AppSubscriptions, Collections, Companies, CompanyLocations, Customers, DeliveryProfiles, DiscountsAutomaticApp, DiscountsAutomaticBasic, DiscountsAutomaticBxgy, DiscountsCodeApp, DiscountsCodeBasic, DiscountsCodeBxgy, DraftOrders, FulfillmentEvents, FulfillmentOrders, Fulfillments, FulfillmentServices, FulfillmentTrackingInfo, GiftCards, InventoryItems, Metafields, Orders, OrderTransactions, ProductImages, Products, ProductVariants, Publications, Refunds, ScriptTags, SellingPlanGroups, StorefrontAccessTokens, UrlRedirects.
  • The following views are now supported in the GraphQL schema, Abandonment, AbandonmentProductsAddedToCart, AbandonmentProductsViewed, AppCredits, ArticleComments, Articles, AssignedFulfillmentOrders, Blogs, CollectionProducts, CompanyEvents, CustomerEvents, DeliveryProfileLocationGroupCountries, DeliveryProfileLocationGroupCountryProvinces, DeliveryProfileLocationGroups, DeliveryProfileLocationGroupZones, DeliveryProfileUnassignedLocations, DiscountEvents, DiscountsCodeFreeShipping, DraftOrderCustomAttributes, DraftOrderEvents, DraftOrderLineItemCustomAttributes, DraftOrderLineItems, DraftOrderLineItemTaxLines, DraftOrderTaxLines, InventoryItemCountryHarmonizedSystemCodes, InventoryItemInventoryLevels, Jobs, Locations, MarketingEvents, OrderCustomAttributes, OrderDiscountApplications, OrderEvents, OrderLineItemCustomAttributes, OrderLineItemDiscountAllocations, OrderLineItems, OrderNonFulfillableLineItems, OrderRisks, OrderTaxLines, Pages, ProductOptions, PublicationCollections, PublicationProducts, RefundDuties, RefundLineItems, RefundTransactionFees, RefundTransactions, SellingPlanGroupSellingPlans, Shop, ShopifyPaymentsAccount, ShopifyPaymentsAccountBalance, ShopifyPaymentsAccountBankAccounts, ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes, ShopifyPaymentsAccountPayouts, ShopifyPaymentsAccountPermittedVerificationDocuments, ShopifyPaymentsAccountVerifications, StaffMembers, TenderTransactions.
  • Tables support certain CUD statements in the GraphQL schema, refer to the Data Model documentation.
  • Added Fulfillments and Refunds as aggregate columns in Orders table of REST schema.
  • Changed GraphQL.DraftOrders.AppliedDiscountValue data type from "float" to "double".
  • Changed GraphQL.ProductVariants.Weight data type from "float" to "double".
  • Removed support for the SELECT INTO CSV statement. The core code doesn't support it anymore.
  • Added PageSize property to the Rest schema, default value is 250.
  • Added UpdateQuantity stored procedure for the Rest schema, which allows the user to update InventoryQuantity column from ProductVariants table.
  • Added Collections view to the GraphQL schema.
  • Added CollectionProducts view to the GraphQL schema.
  • Added Jobs view to the GraphQL schema.
  • Added CollectionReorder store procedure for the GraphQL schema, which allows the user to reorder a set of products within a specified collection.
  • Added FulfillmentEvents view to the GraphQL schema. The view has server-side filtering support for FulfillmentId.
  • Added the Default column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
  • In Customers table (REST and GraphQL Schema) EmailMarketingState, EmailMarketingLevel and EmailMarketingUpdatedAt columns have been added.

  • In PriceRules table (REST Schema) the PrerequisiteSavedSearchIds column is based on the new customer_segment_prerequisite_ids field.

  • In Customers table (REST Schema) the AcceptsMarketing column has been removed.
  • In Customers table (GraphQL Schema) the AcceptsMarketingUpdatedAt and HasTimelineComment columns have been removed.
  • Added Metafields view to the GraphQL schema. OwnerResource is required and only accepts "product" or "variant" as values. The view has server-side filtering support for Id and OwnerId. The GraphQL.Metafields columns Id, LegacyResourceId, Namespace, Key, Value, Type, Description, OwnerId, OwnerResource, CreatedAt and UpdatedAt correspond to the same name columns in the REST table, except for Id and LegacyResourceId. GraphQL.Metafields.Id corresponds to REST.Metafields. AdminGraphqlApiId, and GraphQL.Metafields.LegacyResourceId corresponds to REST.Metafields.Id.
  • Added Products view to the GraphQL schema. GraphQL.Products supports server-side filtering for the following columns: Id, Title, ProductType, Status, Vendor, TotalInventory, HasOnlyDefautlVariant, UpdatedAt and CreatedAt.
  • Added ProductVariants view to the GraphQL schema. GraphQL.ProductVariants supports server-side filtering for the following columns: Id, ProductId, Title, Barcode, Sku, Taxable, UpdatedAt, CreatedAt, InventoryQuantity and DeliveryProfileId.
  • Added ProductImages and ProductOptions view to the GraphQL schema.

  • Changed REST.GraphQL.Metafields.OwnerResource column to required (except when Id is specified), and limited to the following values: shop,draft_order,product,variant,page,article,order,customer,collection,blog,product_image.
  • For the Fulfillments table in Rest the FulfillmentOrderId pseudo column is required. The value of this column can be found in the FulfillmentOrders table. Example: Insert Into OrdersItems#Temp (ItemId) Values ('6578878840855') Insert INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LocationId, LineAggregate) VALUES (315766505495, 1448280087, 'OrdersItems#Temp')
  • For the Fulfillments table in Rest, only the tracking information (TrackingCompany, TrackingNumbers, TrackingUrls) is updatable.
  • Changed how a Fulfillment is canceled. To cancel, the Status of the Fulfillment should be updated to cancel.
  • In the MetaField the new `type` field is being used to determine the data type.

  • HasNote and OrdersCount columns from the Customers table in GraphQL.
  • Added the IsPath column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
  • Added INSERT support for MetaFields and dynamic tables (Products, ProductVariants).

  • Changed how custom field names are handled. Custom fields will be pushed as either 'key' or 'namespace_key' depending on duplicates.
  • Removed the deprecated Basic authentication. These were deprecated by Shopify in January 2022.
  • The AppId and Password connection properties have been removed.
  • Added Token as an authentication scheme to be used with custom apps.
  • Deprecated the RowScanDepth property.
  • Added support for the GiftCards and Users tables.
  • Added support for GraphQL Bulk operations.
  • Added the UseBulkApi and BulkPageSize connection properties.
  • Added the AuthScheme connection property with the options of Basic and OAuth.
  • Querying data from 'OrderTransactions' or 'DiscountCode' with UpdatedAt filter will push the filter to the parent table, respectively 'Orders' and 'PriceRule'.
  • Added the view ShippingItemDiscountAllocations.
  • Added write support for the Metafields table.
  • Changed the datatype for the ShippingZones.ProfileId and ShippingZones.LocationGroupId columns from long to string as they were marked with the incorrect data type.
  • The following columns were added to the Orders Table: TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyAmount and TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode.
  • Added the Metafields view.
  • Added the column OrderUpdatedAt to tables OrderItemDiscountAllocations and OrderItemProperties.
  • Added support for delta replication for columns OrderUpdatedAt, ProductUpdatedAt and CustomerUpdatedAt.
  • The following columns were added to the FullfillmentOrders Table: FullfillAt, Fullfillmentholds, InternationalDuties.
  • The following columns were added to the Orders Table: PaymentTermsAmount, PaymentTermsCurrency, PaymentTermsPaymentTermsName, PaymentTermsPaymentTermsType, PaymentTermsDueInDays, PaymentTermsPaymentSchedules.
  • The following columns were added to the OrderTransactions Table: PaymentsRefundsAttributesStatus, PaymentsRefundsAttributesAcquirerReferenceNumber.
  • Added the ChannelLiable column to the TaxItems table.
  • Updated the api version to 2021-10.

  • Removed the ForceSSL field from Shop table.
  • Updated the primary key data type from String to Long.
  • Added support for the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function in the CROSS APPLY clause.
  • Added the KeySeq column to the sys_foreignkeys table.
  • Added the new sys_primarykeys system table.
  • Updated the Literal Function Names for relative date/datetime functions. Previously, relative date/datetime functions resolved to a different value when used in the projection as opposed to the predicate. For example: SELECT LAST_MONTH() AS lm, Col FROM Table WHERE Col > LAST_MONTH(). Formerly, the two LAST_MONTH() methods would resolve to different datetimes. Now, they will match.
  • As a replacement for the previous behavior, the relative date/datetime functions in the criteria may have an 'L' appended to them. For example: WHERE col > L_LAST_MONTH(). This will continue to resolve to the same values that were previously calculated in the criteria. Note that the "L_" prefix will only work in the predicate - it not available for the projection.
  • Added the AbandonedCheckoutsItems View.
  • Added the Articles, Assets, Blogs, Comments, Pages, Redirects, ScriptTags and Themes tables.
  • Added the ApproveComment, ChangeSpamStatus, and RestoreComment stored procedures.
  • Added the Status column to the Products table.

  • Updated the API Version to 2021-04.
  • Added support for handling client side formulas during insert / update. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1 = CONCAT(Col1, " - ", Col2) WHERE Col2 LIKE 'A%'
  • Updated how display sizes are determined for varchar primary key and foreign key columns so they will match the reported length of the column.
  • Non-conditional updates between two columns is now available to all drivers. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1=Col2
  • Reduced the length to 255 for varchar primary key and foreign key columns.

  • Updated index naming convention to avoid duplicates.
  • Updated implicit and metadata caching to improve performance and support for multiple connections. Old metadata caches are not compatible - you need to generate new metadata caches if you are currently using CacheMetadata.
04/16/20217776PowerShell CmdletsAdded
  • Added support for PowerShell 7.
  • Added the ApplicationCharges, ApplicationCredit, RecurringApplicationCharges and UsageCharges tables.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839