CData Python Connector for Shopify

Build 23.0.8839


The connector models the data in Shopify as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Python Connector for Shopify Tables

Name Description
AppFeedbacks Reports the status of shops and their resources and displays this information within Shopify admin. AppFeedback is used to notify merchants about steps they need to take to set up an application on their store.
AppSubscriptionLineItems Returns the plans attached to the app subscription.
AppSubscriptions Lists all subscriptions created for a shop on the installed application.
Catalogs The catalogs belonging to the shop.
Collections Returns a list of collections.
Companies Returns the list of companies in the shop.
CompanyLocations Returns a list of locations in the company.
Customers Retrieves a list of customers.
DeliveryProfiles Returns a list of saved delivery profiles.
DiscountsAutomaticApp Returns a list of discounts.
DiscountsAutomaticBasic Returns a list of discounts.
DiscountsAutomaticBxgy Returns a list of discounts.
DiscountsCodeApp Returns a list of discounts.
DiscountsCodeBasic Returns a list of discounts.
DiscountsCodeBxgy Returns a list of discounts.
DraftOrders Returns a list of saved draft orders.
FulfillmentEvents Retrieves the history of events associated with one or many fulfillments.
FulfillmentOrders Retrieves a paginated list of merchant-managed and third-party fulfillment orders.
Fulfillments Fulfillment represents a shipment of one or more items in an order.
FulfillmentServices Lists fulfillmentServices which Represents service that prepares and ships orders on behalf of the store owner.
FulfillmentTrackingInfo Lists tracking information associated with the fulfillment, such as the tracking company, tracking number, and tracking URL.
GiftCards Returns a list of gift cards. Requires read_gift_cards access scope. Also, note that the API client must be a private or custom application installed on a Shopify Plus or Shopify Plus Partner Sandbox store.(This table is available only with a ShopifyPlus subscription)
InventoryItems Returns a list of inventory items.
Locations Returns a list of active inventory locations.
Metafields Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to one or many resource IDs.
Orders Retrieves a list of orders.
OrderTransactions Retrieves the transactions associated with the resource.
PriceLists All price lists for a shop.
ProductImages Returns the images associated with the product.
ProductResourceFeedbacks Returns the product resource feedback for the currently authenticated app.
Products Returns a list of products.
ProductVariants Returns a list of the product variants.
Publications Returns the list of publications.
Refunds Represents a refund of items or transactions in an order.
Returns Retrieves a list of returns for the order.
ScriptTags Returns a list of script tags.
SellingPlanGroups Returns a list Selling Plan Groups.
StorefrontAccessTokens Retrieves the storefront access token of a private application. These are scoped per-application.
UrlRedirects Returns a list of redirects for a shop.

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Build 23.0.8839