CData Cloud offers access to Shopify across several standard services and protocols, in a cloud-hosted solution. Any application that can connect to a MySQL or SQL Server database can connect to Shopify through CData Cloud.
CData Cloud allows you to standardize and configure connections to Shopify as though it were any other OData endpoint, or standard SQL Server/MySQL database.
This page provides a guide to Establishing a Connection to Shopify in CData Cloud, as well as information on the available resources, and a reference to the available connection properties.
Establishing a Connection shows how to authenticate to Shopify and configure any necessary connection properties to create a database in CData Cloud
Accessing data from Shopify through the available standard services and CData Cloud administration is documented in further details in the CData Cloud Documentation.
Connect to Shopify by selecting the corresponding icon in the Database tab. Required properties are listed under Settings. The Advanced tab lists connection properties that are not typically required.
Connecting via an access token takes two steps:
GraphQL was created to overcome shortcomings that REST APIs were not designed to address. Working with GraphQL has a number of advantages, one of which being the reduced number of HTTP calls required to obtain all of the data available through REST API.
However, calls to the GraphQL Admin API are limited based on estimated query costs, which means that the cost of queries over time should be considered rather than the amount of requests.
The points function in a very straightforward manner. A bucket of 1000 cost points is given to each app and store combination, with a leak rate of 50 cost points per second. This means that at any given time, the total cost of your queries cannot exceed 1,000 points, and that space in the app's bucket is created at a rate of 50 points per second. Plainly put, every second, you're given 50 points in a typical plan. Any mutation that requires you to edit, create, or delete data costs ten points. The cost of obtaining an object, on the other hand, is merely one point. Let's imagine you needed an order, but you also wanted each and every line item from that order. That isn't going to be a one-point penalty. If your order contains 10 line items, each of those line items will cost one point, and the order itself will cost one point, totaling 11 points.
The requested and actual query costs are combined to set the limit. Before the query can be executed, the app's bucket must have enough space to accommodate the desired cost. When the query is finished, the bucket is repaid the difference between the requested and actual query costs.
The cost of the request and the state of the throttle are included in the response. The following information is returned under the extensions key:
"extensions": {
"cost": {
"requestedQueryCost": 101,
"actualQueryCost": 46,
"throttleStatus": {
"maximumAvailable": 1000,
"currentlyAvailable": 954,
"restoreRate": 50
Taking these into consideration, our driver must calculate the appropriate quantity of data that can be retrieved each request to avoid throttling. The pagesize of a table is calculated automatically based on the number of fields and data in the table to conform to GraphQL API restrictions. Due to a low computed pagesize, performance for large tables in GraphQL may be lacking. An alternative is to increase the MaxPointsPerCall, which forces an increase in the pageisze, but we do not encourage this as it will most certainly result in throttling.
Bulk operations, rather than single queries, are recommended to be used to query and get massive amounts of data.
Bulk operations are intended to handle massive amounts of data and do not have the same cost or rate constraints as single queries. You'll have to paginate your data sets if you don't utilize the bulk query. For REST, for example, a response can only include 250 elements. GraphQL is cost-based, but you're still limited to a specific number per request.
With a Bulk Operation API, this is not the case. Therefore, when using the GraphQL schema, we suggest setting UseBulkAPI to TRUE in the connection string to retrieve massive amounts of data without worrying about pagination or throttling.
By default, the Cloud attempts to negotiate SSL/TLS by checking the server's certificate against the system's trusted certificate store.
To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert property for the available formats to do so.
To connect through the Windows system proxy, you do not need to set any additional connection properties. To connect to other proxies, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
In addition, to authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort.
Set the following properties:
The CData Cloud models entities in the Shopify API as tables, views, and stored procedures. These are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files that are easy to customize.
See REST Data Model for the available entities in the REST API.
See GRAPHQL Data Model for the available entities in the GraphQL API.
The CData Cloud models entities in the Shopify API as tables, views, and stored procedures. These are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files that are easy to customize.
See REST Data Model for the available entities in the REST API.
See GRAPHQL Data Model for the available entities in the GraphQL API.
The CData Cloud models the Shopify API as relational views, and stored procedures.
To use REST Data Model, simply set Schema to REST.
Tables are tables that can be modified, such as Orders, Products.
Views are tables that cannot be modified, such as Events, Patouts and Reports. Typically, read-only model data is shown as views.
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to the data source. Use these interfaces to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
The Cloud models the data in Shopify as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Name | Description |
ApplicationCharges | Create or view Application Charges for Billing. |
ApplicationCredit | Create or view Application Credit for Billing. |
Articles | Create, read, update or delete articles |
Assets | Create, read, update or delete assets. CUD support is no longer accessible for public apps. |
Blogs | Create, read, update or delete blogs |
CarrierServices | Returns a list of resource feedback objects.. |
CollectionListings | Query and delete information regarding different collects. |
Collects | Query, insert, or delete information regarding different collects. |
Comments | Create, read, update and delete the comments. |
Countries | Create, select, update, and delete information regarding countries. |
CustomCollections | Query, insert, update, or delete information regarding different custom collections. |
CustomerAddresses | Create, update, delete, and query customer addresses. |
Customers | Create, update, delete, and query customers. |
DiscountCodes | Create, select, update, and delete information regarding discount codes. |
DraftOrders | Create, update, delete, and query draft orders. |
FulfillmentEvents | Create, delete, and query information regarding fulfillment events. |
Fulfillments | Create, update, and query fulfillments. |
FulfillmentServices | Query, create, update, and delete information regarding different fulfillment services. |
GiftCards | Create, update, delete, and query gift cards. |
InventoryItems | Query and update information regarding different inventory items. |
InventoryLevels | Query, create, and update information regarding different inventory levels. |
MarketingEvents | Create, update, delete, and query marketing events. |
Metafields | Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a resource. |
OrderRisks | Create, update, delete, and query order risks. |
Orders | Create, update, delete, and query orders. |
OrderTransactions | Create and query transactions. |
Pages | Create, read, update or delete pages |
PriceRules | Create, update, delete, and query price rules. |
ProductImages | Query, Update and Delete Product Images |
ProductListings | Query and delete product listings. |
ProductOptions | Query product options. |
ProductResourceFeedbacks | Returns a list of resource feedback objects.. |
Products | List of products. |
ProductVariants | List of the product variants. |
Provinces | Query and update information regarding different provinces. |
RecurringApplicationCharges | Create, update, delete, and query Recurring Application Charges. |
Redirects | Create, read, update or delete redirects. |
Refunds | Create and query refunds. |
ResourceFeedbacks | Returns a list of resource feedback objects.. |
ScriptTags | Create, read, update or delete script tags. |
SmartCollections | Query, insert, update, or delete information regarding different smart collections. |
Themes | Create, read, update or delete themes |
UsageCharges | Create or view Usage Charges for Recurring Application Charges. |
Create or view Application Charges for Billing.
SELECT * FROM ApplicationCharges WHERE Id = '123'
INSERT INTO ApplicationCharges ( Test ) VALUES ( 'true' )
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The Unique Identifier of the Application Charge | |
Name | String | False |
The Order Number | |
ApiClientId | Long | True |
The API Client ID | |
Price | Decimal | False |
The price of the application charge | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the application charge. Valid Values are: pending, active, declined, expired | |
ReturnUrl | String | False |
The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting a charge. | |
Test | String | False |
Whether the application charge is a test transaction. Valid values:true,null | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the application charge was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the application charge was last updated. | |
ChargeType | String | True |
The type of the application charge | |
DecoratedReturnUrl | String | True |
The decorated return url |
Create or view Application Credit for Billing.
SELECT * FROM ApplicationCredit WHERE Id = '123'
INSERT INTO ApplicationCredit (Amount, Description, Test) VALUES ('100', 'success or failure', 'true')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
The ID of the application credit. | |
Amount | Decimal | False |
The amount refunded by the application credit. | |
Description | String | False |
The description of the application credit. | |
Test | String | False |
Whether the application credit is a test transaction. Valid values: true,null |
Create, read, update or delete articles
SELECT * FROM Articles
SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Title to create an Article.
INSERT INTO Articles (BlogId, Author, Title) VALUES ('599421749', 'Adam', 'New Article')
You must specify the blog id and id to update an article. For example:
UPDATE Articles SET Author = 'Harry' WHERE BlogId = '599421749' AND Id = '5557081211'
You must specify the Id and the Blog Id of the article to delete it.
DELETE FROM Articles WHERE BlogId = '599421749' AND Id = '5556952105'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The ID of the article. | |
BlogId [KEY] | Long | False |
Blogs.Id |
The ID of the blog containing the article. |
AdminGraphqlApiId | String | True |
Displays the Admin Graphql API id. | |
Author | String | False |
The name of the author of the article. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The text of the body of the article, complete with HTML markup. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the article was created. | |
Handle | String | False |
A human-friendly unique string for the article that's automatically generated from the article's title. The handle is used in the article's URL. | |
ImageAlt | String | False |
Alternative text that describes the image. | |
ImageCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when image is created. | |
ImageHeight | Int | False |
Height of the image. | |
ImageSrc | String | False |
A source URL that specifies the location of the image. | |
ImageWidth | Int | False |
Width of the image. | |
ImageAttachment | String | False |
An image attached to article returned as Base64-encoded binary data. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the article was published. | |
SummaryHtml | String | False |
A summary of the article, complete with HTML markup. | |
Tags | String | False |
Tags are additional short descriptors formatted as a string of comma-separated values. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | False |
The name of the template an article is using if it's using an alternate template. If an article is using the default article.liquid template, then the value returned is null. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the article. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the article was last updated. | |
UserId | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the author of the article. | |
PublishedStatus | String | False |
Filter articles by their publish status. Valid values are: published, unpublished and any ; default: any. |
Create, read, update or delete assets. CUD support is no longer accessible for public apps.
SELECT * FROM Assets WHERE Key = 'assets/abc.gif'
You must specify the Theme Id and Key to insert an Asset. For example:
INSERT INTO Assets(Key, Value, ThemeId) VALUES('assets/abc.gif', '

', '282977')
You must specify the Theme Id and Key to update an Asset. For example:
UPDATE Assets SET value = 'pqrs' WHERE Key = 'assets/abc.gif' AND ThemeId = '282977'
You must specify the Id and the Theme Id of the Asset to delete it.
DELETE FROM Assets WHERE Key = 'assets/abc.gif' AND ThemeId = '282977'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Key [KEY] | String | False |
The path to the asset within a theme. | |
ThemeId [KEY] | Long | True |
Themes.Id |
The ID for the theme that an asset belongs to. |
Attachment | String | False |
A base64-encoded image. | |
Checksum | String | True |
The MD5 representation of the content, consisting of a string of 32 hexadecimal digits. May be null if an asset has not been updated recently. | |
ContentType | String | True |
The MIME representation of the content, consisting of the type and subtype of the asset. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the asset was created. | |
PublicUrl | String | True |
The public-facing URL of the asset. | |
Size | Int | True |
The asset size in bytes. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when an asset was last updated. | |
Value | String | False |
The text content of the asset, such as the HTML and Liquid markup of a template file. |
Create, read, update or delete blogs
SELECT * FROM Blogs WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Blogs WHERE Id IN ('123', '345')
SELECT * FROM Blogs WHERE Handle = 'new-blog-5927';
SELECT * FROM Blogs WHERE Handle IN ('new-blog-5927', 'new-blog-5926');
You must specify the Title to create a Blog.
INSERT INTO Blogs (title) VALUES ('new blog')
INSERT INTO Blogs (Title, Metafields) VALUES ('new blog','[{"key":"sponsor","value":"shopify","type":"single_line_text_field","namespace":"global"}]')
You must specify the id to update a Blog. For example:
UPDATE Blogs SET title = 'new blog' WHERE Id = '77171130'
UPDATE Blogs SET Metafields='[{"key":"sponsor","value":"shopify","type":"single_line_text_field","namespace":"global"}]' WHERE Id='77171130'
You must specify the Id of the Blog to delete it.
DELETE FROM Blogs WHERE Id = '555695'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the blog. | |
AdminGraphqlApiId | String | True |
Displays the Admin Graphql API id. | |
Commentable | String | False |
Indicates whether readers can post comments to the blog and if comments are moderated or not. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the blog was created. | |
Feedburner | String | False |
Feedburner is a web feed management provider and can be enabled to provide custom RSS feeds for Shopify bloggers. This property will default to blank or null unless feedburner is enabled through the shop admin. | |
FeedburnerLocation | String | False |
URL to the feedburner location for blogs that have enabled feedburner through their store admin. This property will default to blank or null unless feedburner is enabled through the shop admin. | |
Handle | String | False |
A human-friendly unique string for a blog automatically generated from its title. | |
Metafields | String | False |
Attaches additional metadata to a store's resources. | |
Tags | String | False |
Tags are additional short descriptors formatted as a string of comma-separated values. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | False |
States the name of the template a blog is using if it is using an alternate template. If a blog is using the default blog.liquid template, the value returned is null. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the blog. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when changes were last made to the blog's properties. |
Returns a list of resource feedback objects..
SELECT * FROM CarrierServices
SELECT * FROM CarrierServices WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM CarrierServices WHERE Id IN ('123', '235');
You must specify path and target to create a Redirect.
INSERT INTO [CarrierServices] (Name, Type, CallbackUrl) VALUES ('ApiServiceType', 'api', '');
You must specify the id to update a Redirect. For example:
UPDATE [CarrierServices] SET [Active] = 'false' WHERE [Id] = 59103608855;
You must specify the Id of the Redirect to delete it.
DELETE FROM [CarrierServices] WHERE [Id] = 59103608855;
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
The ID of the carrier service. | |
Active | Bool | False |
Whether this carrier service is active. If true, then the service will be available to serve rates in checkout. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the shipping service as seen by merchants and their customers. | |
CallbackUrl | String | False |
The URL endpoint that Shopify needs to retrieve shipping rates. This must be a public URL. | |
Type | String | False |
Distinguishes between API or legacy carrier services. | |
Format | String | False |
The format of the data returned by the URL endpoint. json is the only valid value. | |
ServiceDiscovery | String | False |
Whether merchants are able to send dummy data to your service through the Shopify admin to see shipping rate examples. | |
AdminGraphqlApiId | String | False |
The GraphQL GID for this carrier service. |
Query and delete information regarding different collects.
SELECT * FROM CollectionListings WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the collection listing to delete it.
DELETE FROM CollectionListings WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
The Id of the collection this listing belongs to. | |
Title | String | True |
The titke of the collection listing. | |
BodyHtml | String | True |
The HTML body/description for this listing. | |
DefaultProductImage | String | True |
The default product image in this listing. | |
ImageCreatedAt | String | True |
The date and time the image for this listing was created at. | |
ImageSource | String | True |
The source/link of the image for this listing. | |
Handle | String | True |
The handle of this listing. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the collection listing was last modified. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the collection listing was created. |
Query, insert, or delete information regarding different collects.
SELECT * FROM Collects WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the ProductId and CollectionId to create a collect.
INSERT INTO Collects (ProductId, CollectionId) VALUES ('512433520663', '22892937239')
You must specify the Id of the collect to delete it.
DELETE FROM Collects WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the collect. | |
CollectionId | Long | False |
The Id of the collection this collection is linked with. | |
ProductId | Long | False |
Products.Id |
The Id of the product this collection is linked with. |
Position | Int | True |
The position of this product in a manually sorted custom collection. The first position is 1. This value is applied only when the custom collection is sorted manually. | |
SortValue | String | True |
This is the same value as position but padded with leading zeroes to make it alphanumeric-sortable. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the collect was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the collect was last modified. |
Create, read, update and delete the comments.
SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify Article Id, Author, Body, Email to create a Comment.
INSERT INTO Comments (articleid, author, body, email) VALUES ('5557001', 'Harry', 'test', '[email protected]')
You must specify the Id to update a Comment. For example:
UPDATE Comments SET Author = 'Adam' WHERE Id = '77171130'
You must specify the Id of the Comments to delete it.
DELETE FROM Comments WHERE Id = '555695'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the comment. | |
BlogId | Long | False |
Blogs.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the blog containing the article that the comment belongs to. |
ArticleId | Long | False |
Articles.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the article that the comment belongs to. |
Author | String | False |
The name of the author of the comment. | |
Body | String | False |
The basic Textile markup of a comment. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The text of the comment, complete with HTML markup. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the comment was created. | |
String | False |
The email address of the author of the comment. | ||
Ip | String | False |
The IP address from which the comment was posted. | |
PublishedAt | String | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the comment was published. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the comment. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the comment was last modified. | |
UserAgent | String | False |
The user agent string provided by the software used to create the comment. | |
PublishedStatus | String | False |
Filter comments by their publish status. Valid values are: published, unpublished and any ; default: any. |
Create, select, update, and delete information regarding countries.
SELECT * FROM Countries
SELECT * FROM Countries WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Code to create a country.
INSERT INTO Countries (Code) VALUES ("FR")
You must specify the country Id to update a country. For example:
UPDATE Countries SET Tax = 0.1 WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the country to delete it.
DELETE FROM Countries WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the country. | |
Name | String | True |
The name of the country. | |
Code | String | False |
The code of the country. | |
Tax | Decimal | False |
The amount of tax which should be applied for this country. | |
Provinces | String | False |
The sub-regions of a country, such as its provinces or states. Each sub-region has the following properties: code: The two letter province or state code, country_id: The ID for the country to which this sub-region belongs, id: The ID for the particular sub-region, name: The name of the sub-region, tax: The tax value in decimal format, tax_name: The name of the tax as it is referred to in the applicable sub-region. For example, in Canada, the sales tax in the province Ontario is referred to as HST, tax_type: The tax type. Valid values: null, normal, or harmonized. If the value is harmonized, then the tax is compounded of the provincial and federal sales taxes, tax_percentage: The tax value in percent format |
Query, insert, update, or delete information regarding different custom collections.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE Title = 'Ducks'
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE Handle = 'frontpage'
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE Handle IN ('frontpage', 'lastpage')
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE PublishedStatus = 'published'
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE UpdatedAt > '2018-05-02'
SELECT * FROM CustomCollections WHERE PublishedAt < '2017-08-15'
You must specify the Title to create a custom collection.
INSERT INTO CustomCollections (Title) VALUES ('Macbooks')
INSERT INTO CustomCollections (Title, Published) VALUES ('Macbooks', false)
You must specify the custom collection Id to update a custom collection. For example:
UPDATE CustomCollections SET Title = 'Updated title' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the custom collection to delete it.
DELETE FROM CustomCollections WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the custom collection. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the custom collection. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The body/description of the custom collection. | |
Image | String | False |
A JSON aggregate with information regarding the image of custom collection. | |
Metafields | String | False |
Attaches additional metadata to a shop's resources: key: An identifier for the metafield. (maximum: 30 characters), namespace: A container for a set of metadata. Namespaces help distinguish between metadata created by different apps. (maximum: 20 characters), value: Information to be stored as metadata, value_type: The information type being stored. Valid values: string or integer, description (optional): Additional information about the metafield . | |
Handle | String | False |
A human-friendly unique string for the custom collection automatically generated from its title. | |
SortOrder | String | False |
The order in which products in the custom collection appear. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | False |
The suffix of the liquid template being used. | |
PublishedScope | String | False |
The sales channels in which the custom collection is visible. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the custom collection was last modified. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the custom collection was published to the Online Store channel. | |
ProductId | String | False |
Show custom collections that include a given product. | |
PublishedStatus | String | False |
Show custom collection with a given published status: published: show only published custom collections, unpublished: show only unpublished custom collections, any: show custom collections of any published status. (default: any). |
Create, update, delete, and query customer addresses.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM CustomerAddresses WHERE CustomerId = '123'
SELECT * FROM CustomerAddresses WHERE CustomerId IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM CustomerAddresses WHERE CustomerUpdatedAt >= '2018-05-04'
You must specify the customer Id to create an address.
INSERT INTO CustomerAddresses (CustomerId, Address1, City, Company) VALUES ('123', '1 Rue des Carrieres', 'Suite 1234', 'Montreal')
You must specify the customer Id and the Id of the customer address to update an address.
UPDATE CustomerAddresses SET Zip = '90210' WHERE CustomerId = '123' AND Id = '456'
You must specify the customer Id and the Id of the customer address to delete an address. You cannot delete a customer's default address.
DELETE FROM CustomerAddresses WHERE CustomerId = '183467180055' AND Id = '292265787415'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the address. | |
CustomerId [KEY] | Long | False |
Customers.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the customer. |
CustomerUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer information was last updated. | |
Name | String | False |
The customer's name. | |
FirstName | String | False |
The customer's first name. | |
LastName | String | False |
The customer's last name. | |
Company | String | False |
The customer's company. | |
Address1 | String | False |
The customer's mailing address. | |
Address2 | String | False |
An additional field for the customer's mailing address. | |
City | String | False |
The customer's city. | |
Province | String | False |
The customer's province or state name. | |
Country | String | False |
The customer's country. | |
Zip | String | False |
The customer's zip or postal code. | |
Phone | String | False |
The customer's phone number for this mailing address. | |
ProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter pcode for the customer's province or state. | |
CountryCode | String | False |
The two-letter country code corresponding to the customer's country. | |
CountryName | String | False |
The customer's normalized country name. | |
Default | Bool | True |
Indicates whether this address is the default address for the customer. |
Create, update, delete, and query customers.
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CreatedAt >= '2017-10-25'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CreatedAt <= '2017-10-25'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE UpdatedAt <= '2017-10-25'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2017-10-25'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FirstName = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE LastName = 'xyz'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Email = '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE OrdersCount = 5
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Phone = '999999999'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE VerifiedEmail = true
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE UpdatedAt = '2017-10-25'
The Email field is required to insert.
INSERT INTO Customers (Email, Phone) VALUES ('[email protected]', '+15142546011')
INSERT INTO Customers (Email, Phone, SendEmailInvite) VALUES ('[email protected]', '+15142546011', true)
You must specify the Id of the customer to update a customer.
UPDATE Customers SET Note = 'Customer is a great guy' WHERE Id = '123'
UPDATE Customers SET Tags = 'New Customer, Repeat Customer' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the customer to delete a customer.
DELETE FROM Customers WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the customer. | |
LastOrderId | Long | True |
Orders.Id |
The id of the customer's last order. |
LastOrderName | String | True |
The name of the customer's last order. | |
FirstName | String | False |
The customer's first name. | |
LastName | String | False |
The customer's last name. | |
String | False |
The unique email address of the customer. | ||
Phone | String | False |
The unique phone number for this customer. | |
TaxExempt | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the customer should be charged taxes when placing orders. | |
TotalSpent | Decimal | True |
The total amount of money that the customer has spent at the shop. | |
OrdersCount | Int | True |
The number of orders associated with this customer. | |
MultipassIdentifier | String | True |
The customer's identifier used with Multipass login. | |
Note | String | False |
A note about the customer. | |
EmailMarketingState | String | False |
The current email marketing state for the customer. | |
EmailMarketingLevel | String | False |
The marketing subscription opt-in level. | |
EmailMarketingUpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. | |
State | String | True |
The state of the customer's account in a shop. | |
Tags | String | False |
The tags for this customer. Separate with comma for multiple tags. | |
VerifiedEmail | Bool | True |
States whether or not the email address has been verified. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer information was updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Password | String |
Password of the customer. |
PasswordConfirmation | String |
Password confirmation of the customer. |
SendEmailWelcome | Bool |
Whether to send a welcome email to the customer or not. |
SendEmailInvite | Bool |
Whether to send an invite email to the customer or not. |
Create, select, update, and delete information regarding discount codes.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountCodes WHERE PriceRuleId = '123'
SELECT * FROM DiscountCodes WHERE PriceRuleId = '123' AND Id = '456'
You must specify the PriceRuleId and Code to create a discount code.
INSERT INTO DiscountCodes (PriceRuleId, Code) VALUES ('290807676951', 'SUMMERSALE100OFF')
You must specify the PriceRuleId and Id to update a discount code. For example:
UPDATE DiscountCodes SET Code = 'WINTERSALE500OFF' WHERE PriceRuleId = '123' AND Id = '456'
You must specify the Id of the custom collection to delete it.
DELETE FROM DiscountCodes WHERE PriceRuleId = '123' AND Id = '456'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the discount code. | |
PriceRuleId [KEY] | Long | False |
PriceRules.Id |
The Id for the price rule that this discount code belongs to. |
Code | String | False |
The case-insensitive discount code that customers use at checkout. | |
UsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times that the discount code has been redeemed. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount code was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount code was last modified. |
Create, update, delete, and query draft orders.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process search criteria that refer to the Id, Status, and UpdatedAt columns. The supported SQL operators are "=" and "IN" for Id, "=" for Status, and ">" and "<" for UpdatedAt. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE Status = 'completed'
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE UpdatedAt > '2018-02-05'
Create a simple draft order with only a product variant Id using aggregates.
INSERT INTO DraftOrders (LineAggregate) VALUES ('[{\"variant_id\":\"4236041945111\",\"quantity\":2},{\"variant_id\":\"4236069011479\",\"quantity\":3}]')
Create a simple draft order with only a product variant Id using temporary table.
The temporary table you are populating is dynamic and will be created at run time the first time you insert to it. Temporary tables are denoted by a # appearing in their name. When using a temporary table to insert, the temporary table must be named in the format [TableName]#TEMP, where TableName is the name of the table you will be inserting to. For instance:
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 2)
Once your temporary table is populated, it is now time to insert to the actual table in Shopify. You can do this by performing an INSERT to the actual table and setting as a value for LinesAggregate the name of the temporary table. For instance:
INSERT INTO DraftOrders (LineAggregate) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP')
Create a custom draft order using aggregates.
INSERT INTO DraftOrders (LineAggregate, CustomerId, UseCustomerDefaultAddress) VALUES ('[{\"title\":\"Custom Tee\",\"price\":20.15,\"quantity\":5}]', '709015339031', true)
Create a custom draft order using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemTitle, ItemPrice, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('Custom Tee', 20.15, 5)
INSERT INTO DraftOrders (LineAggregate, CustomerId, UseCustomerDefaultAddress) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP', '709015339031', true)
Add a Note to a draft order:
UPDATE DraftOrders SET Note = 'Customer contacted us about a custom engraving on this iPod' WHERE Id = '123'
Set a discount on a draft order:
UPDATE DraftOrders SET AppliedDiscountDescription = 'Custom discount', AppliedDiscountValueType = 'percentage', AppliedDiscountValue = 10.0, AppliedDiscountAmount = 19.90, AppliedDiscountTitle = 'Custom' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the draft order to delete it.
DELETE FROM DraftOrders WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the order. | |
CustomerId | Long | False |
Customers.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the customer. |
Currency | String | False |
The three letter code (ISO 4217) for the currency used for the payment. | |
String | False |
The customer's email address. | ||
Name | String | True |
The customer's order name as represented by a number. | |
TotalPrice | Decimal | True |
The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, taxes and discounts included. | |
SubtotalPrice | Decimal | True |
Price of the order before shipping and taxes. | |
TotalTax | Decimal | False |
The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. | |
TaxesIncluded | Bool | False |
States whether or not taxes are included in the order subtotal. | |
InvoiceSentAt | Datetime | True |
This auto-generated property is the date and time when the invoice was emailed to the customer. Only available for draft orders. | |
Note | String | False |
The text of an optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order. | |
Tags | String | False |
Additional short descriptors. | |
InvoiceUrl | String | True |
The URL for the invoice. Only available for draft orders. | |
TaxExempt | Bool | True |
States whether or not taxes are exempt for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the order. Valid values are: open (all open orders), invoice_sent (only closed orders), and completed (cancelled orders). Defaults to 'open'. | |
LineAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of line items associated with the draft order. | |
BillingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The street address of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressPhone | String | False |
The phone number at the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCity | String | False |
The city of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCompany | String | False |
The company of the person associated with the billing address. | |
BillingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressProvince | String | False |
The name of the state or province of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressLatitude | Double | False |
The latitude of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressLongitude | Double | False |
The longitude of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressName | String | False |
The full name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressCountryCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressDefault | Bool | False |
Whether this address is the default one or not. | |
ShippingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the person associated with the shipping method. | |
ShippingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the person associated with the shipping method. | |
ShippingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The street address of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | False |
The phone number at the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | False |
The city of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCompany | String | False |
The company of the person associated with the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressProvince | String | False |
The name of the state or province of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLatitude | Double | False |
The latitude of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLongitude | Double | False |
The longitude of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | False |
The full name of the person associated with the shipping method. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressDefault | Bool | False |
Whether this address is the default one or not. | |
AppliedDiscountTitle | String | False |
The title of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountDescription | String | False |
The description of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValue | Decimal | False |
The value of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValueType | String | False |
The value type of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountAmount | Decimal | False |
The amount of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
CompletedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was completed at. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
UseCustomerDefaultAddress | Bool |
Optional boolean that you can send as part of a draft order object to load customer shipping information. Valid values: true or false. |
Create, delete, and query information regarding fulfillment events.
The OrderId and FulfillmentId are required to query this table. The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process search criteria that refer to the OrderId, FulfillmentId, and Id columns. The supported SQL operator is '='. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentEvents WHERE OrderId = '123' AND FulfillmentId = '456'
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentEvents WHERE OrderId = '123' AND FulfillmentId = '456' AND Id = '789'
You must specify the OrderId, FulfillmentId, and Status to create a fulfillment event.
INSERT INTO FulfillmentEvents (Orderid, FulfillmentId, Status, Message, EstimatedDeliveryAt) VALUES ('202520330263', '206541914135', 'in_transit', 'test', '2018-08-02 10:15:25 PM')
You must specify the OrderId, FulfillmentId, and Id of the fulfillment event to delete it.
DELETE FROM FulfillmentEvents WHERE Orderid = '202520330263' AND FulfillmentId = '206541914135' AND Id = '2374424264727'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A numeric unique identifier for the fulfillment event. | |
OrderId [KEY] | Long | False |
Orders.Id |
The id of the order the fulfillment event belongs to. |
FulfillmentId [KEY] | Long | False |
Fulfillments.Id |
A numeric unique identifier for the fulfillment to which the fulfillment event belongs. |
ShopId | Long | True |
Shop.Id |
A numeric unique identifier for the shop to which the fulfillment event belongs. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the fulfillment event. Valid values are: confirmed, in_transit, out_for_delivery, delivered, failure. | |
EstimatedDeliveryAt | Datetime | False |
The status of the fulfillment event. Valid values are: confirmed, in_transit, out_for_delivery, delivered, failure. | |
Message | String | False |
An arbitrary message describing the status. Can be provided by a shipping carrier. | |
City | String | False |
The city in which the fulfillment event occurred. | |
Province | String | False |
The province in which the fulfillment event occurred. | |
Zip | String | False |
The zip code in the location in which the fulfillment event occurred. | |
Country | String | False |
The country in which the fulfillment event occurred. | |
Address1 | String | False |
The fulfillment event's street address. | |
Latitude | Double | False |
Geographic coordinate specifying the north/south location of a fulfillment event. | |
Longitude | Double | False |
Geographic coordinate specifying the east/west location of a fulfillment event. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment event was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment event was updated. | |
HappenedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment event occurred. |
Create, update, and query fulfillments.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
If you specify the unique identifier of the order, then this view will only list fulfillment information concerning that order. You can also retrieve a specific fulfillment by specifying OrderId and Id. To retrieve fulfillments associated with a fulfillment order you need to specify the FulfillmentOrderId.
SELECT * FROM Fulfillments WHERE OrderId = '123'
SELECT * FROM Fulfillments WHERE OrderId = '123' AND Id = '567'
SELECT * FROM Fulfillments WHERE FulfillmentOrderId = '123'
This view supports filtering by the CreatedAt and UpdatedAt columns on the server-side.
SELECT * FROM Fulfillments WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-10-25'
You must specify the FulfillmentOrderId column to insert a fulfillment.
Fulfill one line item using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LineAggregate) VALUES ('123', '[{\"id\":\"123\"}]')
Fulfill one line item using temporary table.
The temporary table you are populating is dynamic and will be created at run time the first time you insert to it. Temporary tables are denoted by a # appearing in their name. When using a temporary table to insert, the temporary table must be named in the format [TableName]#TEMP, where TableName is the name of the table you will be inserting to. For instance:
Insert INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId) VALUES ('123')
Once your temporary table is populated, it is now time to insert to the actual table in Shopify. You can do this by performing an INSERT to the actual table and setting as a value for LinesAggregate the name of the temporary table. For instance:
Insert INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LinesAggregate) VALUES ('123', 'OrdersItems#TEMP')
In cases that two ore more shop locations are specified in your Shopify account the LocationId needs to be added. For instance:
Insert INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LocationId, LinesAggregate) VALUES ('123', '456', 'OrdersItems#TEMP')
Fulfill many line items using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LineAggregate) VALUES ('123', '[{\"id\":\"123\"},{\"id\":\"456\"},{\"id\":\"789\"}]')
Fulfill many line items using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId) VALUES ('123')
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId) VALUES ('456')
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId) VALUES ('789')
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LineAggregate) VALUES ('123', 'OrdersItems#TEMP')
Fulfill all line items, notify the customer, and set a tracking number.
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, TrackingNumbers, NotifyCustomer) VALUES ('123', 'FEDEX1', true)
Partially fulfill a single line item by explicitly specifying the line item and quantity to be fulfilled using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LineAggregate) VALUES ('123', '[{\"id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":5}]')
Partially fulfill a single line item by explicitly specifying the line item and quantity to be fulfilled using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 5)
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, LineAggregate) VALUES ('456', 'OrdersItems#TEMP')
Complete a fulfillment (you must specify the Id of the fulfillment as well).
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, Id, Status) VALUES ('123', '456', 'Complete')
Transition a fulfillment from pending to open (you must specify the Id of the fulfillment as well).
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, Id, Status) VALUES ('123', '456', 'Open')
Cancel a fulfillment (you must specify Id of the fulfillment as well).
INSERT INTO Fulfillments (FulfillmentOrderId, Id, Status) VALUES ('123', '456', 'Cancel')
You must specify the OrderId and Id of the fulfillment to fulfill an order.
UPDATE Fulfillments SET TrackingNumbers = 'FedEx123,UPS123' WHERE OrderId = '123' AND Id = '456'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the fulfillment. | |
OrderId | Long | False |
Orders.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the order. |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | False |
A unique numeric identifier for the Location. | |
NotifyCustomer | Bool | False |
A flag indicating whether the customer should be notified | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the fulfillment. | |
Receipt | String | True |
Provides information about the receipt of this fulfillment. | |
TrackingCompany | String | False |
The name of the tracking company. | |
TrackingNumbers | String | False |
A list of comma-separated tracking numbers, provided by the shipping company. | |
TrackingUrls | String | False |
The sum of all the prices of all the items in the fulfillment. | |
VariantInventoryManagement | String | True |
States the name of the inventory management service. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment was last modified. | |
LineAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of line items associated with the fulfillment. | |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
OrderCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was last created. | |
FulfillmentOrderId | Long | False |
The ID of the fulfillment order that is associated with the fulfillments. |
Query, create, update, and delete information regarding different fulfillment services.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentServices WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Name, CallbackUrl, and Format to create a fulfillment service.
INSERT INTO FulfillmentServices (Name, CallbackUrl, Format) VALUES ('testing fulfillment services', '', 'json')
You must specify the Id to update a fulfillment service. For example:
UPDATE FulfillmentServices SET Name = 'test32', IncludePendingStock = true WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the fulfillment service to delete it.
DELETE FROM FulfillmentServices WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the fulfillment service. | |
LocationId | Long | True |
Locations.Id |
The unique identifier of the location tied to the fulfillment service. |
ProviderId | String | True |
A unique identifier for the fulfillment service provider. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants and their customers. | |
Handle | String | True |
A human-friendly unique string for the fulfillment service generated from its title. | |
ServiceName | String | True |
The name of the fulfillment service. | |
String | False |
The email of the fulfillment service. | ||
IncludePendingStock | Bool | False |
States if the fulfillment service includes a pending stock. | |
RequiresShippingMethod | Bool | False |
States if the fulfillment service requires products to be physically shipped. Valid values are 'true' and 'false'. | |
TrackingSupport | Bool | False |
States if the fulfillment service provides tracking numbers for packages. Valid values are | |
InventoryManagement | Bool | False |
States if the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. Valid values are | |
FulfillmentOrdersOptIn | Bool | False |
States if the fulfillment orders is opt in. | |
CallbackUrl | String | False |
States the URL endpoint that Shopify needs to retrieve inventory and tracking updates. This field is necessary if either inventory_management or tracking_support is set to | |
Format | String | False |
Specifies the format of the API output. Valid values are json and xml. |
Create, update, delete, and query gift cards.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The ID of the gift card. | |
APIClientId | Long | True |
The ID of the client that issued the gift card. | |
Balance | Decimal | True |
The balance of the gift card. | |
Code | String | False |
The gift card code, which is a string of alphanumeric characters. For security reasons, this is available only upon creation of the gift card. (minimum: 8 characters, maximum: 20 characters) | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the gift card was created. | |
Currency | String | True |
The currency of the gift card. | |
CustomerId | Long | True |
Customers.Id |
The ID of the customer associated with this gift card. |
DisabledAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the gift card was disabled. | |
ExpiresOn | Date | False |
The date (YYYY-MM-DD format) when the gift card expires. Returns null if the gift card doesn't have an expiration date. | |
InitialValue | Decimal | False |
The initial value of the gift card when it was created. | |
LastCharacters | String | True |
The last four characters of the gift card code. Because gift cards are alternative payment methods, the full code cannot be retrieved. | |
LineItemId | Long | True |
OrdersItems.ItemId |
The ID of the line item that initiated the creation of this gift card, if it was created by an order. |
Note | String | False |
An optional note that a merchant can attach to the gift card that isn't visible to customers. | |
OrderId | Long | True |
Orders.Id |
The ID of the order that initiated the creation of this gift card, if it was created by an order. |
TemplateSuffix | String | False |
The suffix of the Liquid template that's used to render the gift card online. For example, if the value is birthday, then the gift card is rendered using the template gift_card.birthday.liquid. When the value is null, the default gift_card.liquid template is used. | |
UserId | Long | True |
Users.Id |
The ID of the user that issued the gift card, if it was issued by a user. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the gift card was last modified. |
Query and update information regarding different inventory items.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
You must specify the Id to update an inventory item. For example:
UPDATE InventoryItems SET Sku = 'lamo', Tracked = false WHERE Id = '123'
UPDATE InventoryItemsSET Cost = 45.95, CountryCodeOfOrigin = 'AU', CountryHarmonizedSystemCodes ='[{"harmonized_system_code":"701912","country_code":"CA"},{"harmonized_system_code":"701912","country_code":"US"}]', HarmonizedSystemCode = '701912', ProvinceCodeOfOrigin = 'NC', SKU = 'Test1', Tracked = FALSE WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the fulfillment. | |
Cost | Decimal | False |
The unit cost of the inventory item. | |
CountryCodeOfOrigin | String | False |
The two-digit code for the country where the inventory item was made. | |
CountryHarmonizedSystemCodes | String | False |
An array of country-specific Harmonized System (HS) codes for the item. | |
HarmonizedSystemCode | String | False |
The general Harmonized System (HS) code for the inventory item. Used if a country-specific HS code is not available. | |
ProvinceCodeOfOrigin | String | False |
The two-digit code for the province where the inventory item was made. Used only if the shipping provider for the inventory item is Canada Post. | |
SKU | String | False |
The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the inventory item. | |
Tracked | Bool | False |
Whether the inventory item is tracked. If true, then inventory quantity changes are tracked by Shopify. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | True |
Whether a customer needs to provide a shipping address when placing an order containing the inventory item. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the inventory item was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the inventory item was last updated. |
Query, create, and update information regarding different inventory levels.
To query this table InventoryItemId, LocationId or both should be specified. The supported SQL operators are '=' and 'IN'. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId = '123'
SELECT * FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId = '123' AND LocationId = '456'
SELECT * FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId IN ('123', '456') AND LocationId IN ('123', '456')
Adjust the available quantity of an inventory item at a single location:
INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId, LocationId, Available, Operation) VALUES (534169354263, 1448280087, 5, 'Adjust')
Connects an inventory item to a location by creating an inventory level at that location:
INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId, LocationId, Operation) VALUES (534169354263, 4484497431, 'Connect')
Sets the inventory level for an inventory item at a location:
INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId, LocationId, Available, Operation, DisconnectIfNecessary) VALUES (534169354263, 4484497431, 42, 'Set', true)
You must specify the InventoryItemId and LocationId to delete an inventory level of an inventory item at a location.
DELETE FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId = '153681943' AND LocationId = '45678'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
InventoryItemId [KEY] | Long | False |
The ID of the inventory item that the inventory level belongs to. | |
LocationId [KEY] | Long | False |
Locations.Id |
The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to. To find the ID of the location, use the Locations view. |
Available | Int | False |
The quantity of inventory items available for sale. Returns null if the inventory item is not tracked. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory level was last modified. | |
Operation | String | False |
An operation to apply to the InventoryLevel. Valid values for order: adjust, connect, set. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
RelocateIfNecessary | Bool |
Whether inventory for any previously connected locations will be relocated. This property is ignored when no fulfillment service location is involved. Used in insertions. |
DisconnectIfNecessary | Bool |
Whether inventory for any previously connected locations will be set to 0 and the locations disconnected. This property is ignored when no fulfillment service is involved. Used in insertions. |
Create, update, delete, and query marketing events.
SELECT * FROM MarketingEvents
SELECT * FROM MarketingEvents WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the MarketingChannel, EventType, Paid, ReferringDomain, and StartedAt columns to create a marketing event. For example:
INSERT INTO MarketingEvents (MarketingChannel, EventType, Paid, ReferringDomain, StartedAt) VALUES ('social', 'ad', true, '', '2018-12-15')
You must specify the Id to update a marketing event. You can modify only timestamps, RemoteId, and budget/currency. For example:
UPDATE MarketingEvents SET RemoteId = '1000:2000', StartedAt = '2018-02-02T00:00 +00:00', EndedAt = '2018-02-03T00:00 +00:00', ScheduledToEndAt = '2018-02-04T00:00 +00:00', Budget = 11.1, BudgetType = 'daily', Currency = 'USD' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the marketing event to delete it.
DELETE FROM MarketingEvents WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the marketing event. | |
RemoteId | String | False |
An optional remote identifier for a marketing event. | |
BreadcrumbId | String | True |
An optional identifier for the breadcrumb of a marketing event. | |
UTMCampaign | String | True |
A unique name for the UTM campaign. | |
UTMSource | String | True |
The source of the UTM campaign. | |
UTMMedium | String | True |
The medium of the UTM campaign. | |
UTMContent | String | True |
The content of the UTM campaign. | |
UTMTerm | String | True |
The term of the UTM campaign. | |
EventTarget | String | True |
The target of the event. | |
Description | String | True |
A description for the marketing event. | |
MarketingChannel | String | False |
A broader marketing event type that is focused only on the channel. Must be one of the allowed values (`search`, `display`, `social`, `email`, `referral`). | |
EventType | String | False |
The specific type of marketing event. Must be one of the allowed values (`ad`, `post`, `message`, `retargeting`, `transactional`, `affiliate`, `loyalty`, `newsletter`, `abandoned_cart`, `receipt`). | |
Budget | Decimal | False |
The budget of the ad campaign. | |
Paid | Bool | False |
A boolean field to specify whether this event is paid or organic. | |
BudgetType | String | False |
The type of the budget; must be either `daily` or `lifetime`. | |
Currency | String | False |
The currency for the budget. | |
ManageUrl | String | True |
A link to manage the marketing event, generally in the Shopify app's interface. | |
PreviewUrl | String | True |
A link to view the live version of the post/ad, or to view a rendered preview of the post/ad/email in the Shopify app. | |
ReferringDomain | String | False |
The destination domain of the marketing event. Required unless MarketingChannel is one of email/referral/display. | |
MarketedResources | String | True |
A list of the items that were marketed in the marketing event. It's a list of dictionaries with type keys and id keys. Valid values for type are: (`product`, `collection`, `price_rule`, `page`, `article`, `homepage`). All types, other than homepage, also require an id. | |
StartedAt | Datetime | False |
The timestamp when the marketing action was started, or when the email was sent, or when the Facebook post was made live, etc. | |
EndedAt | Datetime | False |
For events with a duration, when the event actually ended. This may differ from ScheduledToEndAt, if the ad was stopped early, etc. | |
ScheduledToEndAt | Datetime | False |
For events with a duration, when the event was supposed to end. |
Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to a resource.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE Id = 721389482
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE ID IN (19422939054103, 19422939185175, 19422939250711, 19431415152663, 19431415185431)
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerId = 64146833431 AND OwnerResource = 'product'
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerId = 64146833431 AND OwnerResource IN ('product', 'customer')
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerId IN (64146833430, 64146833431) AND OwnerResource = 'product'
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerResource = 'customer' AND OwnerId IN (SELECT Id FROM Customers);
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerResource = 'product' AND OwnerId = '64146735127' AND UpdatedAt >= '2021-10-13T05:55:08-04:00';
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerResource = 'product' AND OwnerId = '64146735127' AND Type = 'multi_line_text_field';
You must specify the NameSpace, Key, and Value to create Metafields.
INSERT INTO Metafields (NameSpace, Key, Value, Type, Description, OwnerResource) VALUES ('inventory', 'warehouse', 25, 'number_integer', 'This is description about data', 'factory')
You must specify the Id to update Metafields. For example:
UPDATE Metafields SET Value = 26 WHERE Id = 19712314851607
You must specify the Id of the Metafields to delete it.
DELETE FROM Metafields WHERE Id = 19712314851607
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The unique ID of the metafield. | |
Namespace | String | False |
A container for a set of metafields. You need to define a custom namespace for your metafields to distinguish them from the metafields used by other apps. | |
Key | String | False |
The name of the metafield. | |
Value | String | False |
The information to be stored as metadata. | |
Type | String | False |
The metafield's information type. | |
Description | String | False |
A description of the information that the metafield contains. | |
OwnerId | Long | False |
The unique ID of the resource that the metafield is attached to. | |
OwnerResource | String | False |
The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was last updated. | |
AdminGraphqlApiId | String | True |
The admin graphql api id |
Create, update, delete, and query order risks.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the order risk. | |
CauseCancel | Bool | False |
Whether this order risk is severe enough to force the cancellation of the order. | |
CheckoutId | Long | True |
The ID of the checkout that the order risk belongs to. | |
Display | Bool | False |
Whether the order risk is displayed on the order details page in the Shopify admin. | |
Message | String | False |
The message that's displayed to the merchant to indicate the results of the fraud check. | |
OrderId | Long | True |
Orders.Id |
The ID of the order that the order risk belongs to. |
Recommendation | String | False |
The recommended action given to the merchant. | |
Score | Decimal | False |
For internal use only. A number between 0 and 1 that's assigned to the order. The closer the score is to 1, the more likely it is that the order is fraudulent. | |
Source | String | False |
The source of the order risk. |
Create, update, delete, and query orders.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE FinancialStatus = 'pending'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-10-25'
Create a simple order with only a product variant Id using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate) VALUES ('[{\"variant_id\":\"4236041945111\",\"quantity\":2}]')
Create a simple order with only a product variant Id using temporary table.
The temporary table you are populating is dynamic and will be created at run time the first time you insert to it. Temporary tables are denoted by a # appearing in their name. When using a temporary table to insert, the temporary table must be named in the format [TableName]#TEMP, where TableName is the name of the table you will be inserting to. For instance:
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 2)
Once your temporary table is populated, it is now time to insert to the actual table in Shopify. You can do this by performing an INSERT to the actual table and setting as a value for LinesAggregate the name of the temporary table. For instance:
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP')
Create a simple order, sending the order receipt and fulfillment receipt to the customer using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (Email, FulfillmentStatus, SendReceipt, SendFulfillmentReceipt, LineAggregate) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'fulfilled', true, true, '[{\"variant_id\":\"4236041945111\",\"quantity\":2},{\"variant_id\":\"4236069011479\",\"quantity\":3}]')
Create a simple order, sending the order receipt and fulfillment receipt to the customer using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('4236041945111', 2)
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('4236069011479', 3)
INSERT INTO Orders (Email, FulfillmentStatus, SendReceipt, SendFulfillmentReceipt, LineAggregate) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'fulfilled', true, true, 'OrdersItems#TEMP')
Create a simple order, with taxes using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, TaxAggregate) VALUES ('[{\"variant_id\":\"4236041945111\",\"quantity\":2},{\"variant_id\":\"4236069011479\",\"quantity\":3}]', '[{\"price\":10.2,\"rate\":0.06,\"title\":\"State Tax\"}]')
Create a simple order, with taxes using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('4236041945111', 2)
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('4236069011479', 3)
INSERT INTO TaxItems#TEMP (TaxItemPrice, TaxItemRate, TaxItemTitle) VALUES (10.2, 0.06, 'State Tax')
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, TaxAggregate) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP', 'TaxItems#TEMP')
Create a simple order, with multiple taxes using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, TaxAggregate) VALUES ('[{\"variant_id\":\"4236041945111\",\"quantity\":2},{\"variant_id\":\"4236069011479\",\"quantity\":3}]', '[{\"price\":10.2,\"rate\":0.06,\"title\":\"State Tax\"},{\"price\":4.25,\"rate\":0.025,\"title\":\"County Tax\"}]')
Create a simple order, with multiple taxes using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('4236041945111', 2)
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('4236069011479', 3)
INSERT INTO TaxItems#TEMP (TaxItemPrice, TaxItemRate, TaxItemTitle) VALUES (10.2, 0.06, 'State Tax')
INSERT INTO TaxItems#TEMP (TaxItemPrice, TaxItemRate, TaxItemTitle) VALUES (4.25, 0.025, 'County Tax')
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, TaxAggregate) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP', 'TaxItems#TEMP')
Create a more comprehensive order using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate) VALUES ([{\"title\":\"Big Brown Bear Boots\",\"price\":74.99,\"grams\":1300,\"quantity\":3}])
Create a more comprehensive order using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemTitle, ItemPrice, ItemGrams, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('Big Brown Bear Boots', 74.99, 1300, 3)
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP')
Create a pending order with an existing customer using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, CustomerId, FinancialStatus) VALUES ('[{\"variant_id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3}]', '456', 'pending')
Create a pending order with an existing customer using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, CustomerId, FinancialStatus) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP', '456', 'pending')
Create a partially paid order with a new customer and addresses using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, CustomerEmail, FinancialStatus) VALUES ('[{\"variant_id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3}]', 'Paul', 'Norman', '[email protected]', 'partially_paid')
Create a partially paid order with a new customer and addresses using temporary.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemVariantId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
INSERT INTO Orders (LineAggregate, CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, CustomerEmail, FinancialStatus) VALUES ('OrdersItems#TEMP', 'Paul', 'Norman', '[email protected]', 'partially_paid')
Close an order (you must specify the Id of the order).
INSERT INTO Orders (Id, Operation) VALUES ('123', 'Close')
Reopen an order (you must specify the Id of the order).
INSERT INTO Orders (Id, Operation) VALUES ('123', 'Open')
Cancel an order (you must specify the Id of the order).
INSERT INTO Orders (Id, Operation) VALUES ('123', 'Cancel')
Only columns BuyerAcceptsMarketing, Email, Phone, Note, Tags, ShippingAddressFirstName, ShippingAddressLastName, ShippingAddressAddress1, ShippingAddressAddress2, ShippingAddressPhone, ShippingAddressCity, ShippingAddressCompany, ShippingAddressZip, ShippingAddressProvince, ShippingAddressCountry, ShippingAddressLatitude, ShippingAddressLongitude, ShippingAddressName, ShippingAddressCountryCode, ShippingAddressProvinceCode and ShippingAddressDefault can be updated.
Update the shipping address of an existing order.
UPDATE Orders SET ShippingAddressAddress1 = '123 Ship Street', ShippingAddressCity = 'Shipsville' WHERE Id = '123'
Update an order's tags.
UPDATE Orders SET Tags = 'External, Inbound, Outbound' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the order when deleting an item from this table.
DELETE FROM Orders WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the order. | |
Number | Long | True |
A unique identifier for the order, used by the shop owner and customer. | |
CustomerId | Long | False |
Customers.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the customer. |
CustomerFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the customer. | |
CustomerLastName | String | False |
The last name of the customer. | |
Currency | String | False |
The three letter code (ISO 4217) for the currency used for the payment. | |
String | False |
The customer's email address. | ||
Name | String | True |
The customer's order name as represented by a number. | |
TotalDiscounts | Decimal | True |
The total amount of the discounts to be applied to the price of the order. | |
TotalOrderItemsPrice | Decimal | True |
The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order. | |
TotalPrice | Decimal | True |
The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, taxes and discounts included. | |
SubtotalPrice | Decimal | True |
Price of the order before shipping and taxes. | |
TotalTax | Decimal | False |
The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. | |
TotalWeight | Int | True |
The sum of all the weights of the line items in the order, in grams. | |
BrowserIp | String | True |
The IP address of the browser used by the customer when placing the order. | |
BuyerAcceptsMarketing | Bool | False |
Indicates whether or not the person who placed the order would like to receive email updates from the shop. | |
CancelReason | String | True |
The reason why the order was canceled. | |
CartToken | String | True |
Unique identifier for a particular cart that is attached to a particular order. | |
OrderStatusUrl | String | True |
The URL pointing to the order status web page. | |
Token | String | True |
Unique identifier for a particular order. | |
TaxesIncluded | Bool | False |
States whether or not taxes are included in the order subtotal. | |
SourceName | String | True |
Where the order originated. | |
ReferringSite | String | True |
The website that the customer clicked on to come to the shop. | |
Phone | String | False |
The customer's phone number. | |
Note | String | False |
The text of an optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order. | |
LocationId | Long | True |
The unique numeric identifier for the physical location at which the order was processed. | |
LandingSite | String | True |
The URL for the page where the buyer landed when entering the shop. | |
Tags | String | False |
Additional short descriptors. | |
FulfillmentStatus | String | False |
The fulfillment status of the order. Valid values during SELECT: shipped, partial, unshipped, any, unfulfilled. Valid values during INSERT: fulfilled, null, partial, restocked. | |
FinancialStatus | String | False |
The financial status of the order. Valid values during SELECT: authorized, pending, paid, partially_paid, refunded, voided, partially_refunded, any, unpaid. Valid values during INSERT: authorized, pending, paid, partially_paid, refunded, voided, partially_refunded. | |
CustomerLocale | String | True |
The customer locale of the order. | |
InvoiceSentAt | Datetime | True |
This auto-generated property is the date and time when the invoice was emailed to the customer. Only available for draft orders. | |
InvoiceUrl | String | True |
The URL for the invoice. Only available for draft orders. | |
TaxExempt | Bool | True |
States whether or not taxes are exempt for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
DiscountCodes | String | True |
Applicable discount codes that can be applied to the order. | |
LineAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of line items associated with the order. | |
TaxAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of tax line items associated with the order. Note, these taxes are applied on the order, not on individual items. If you want them to be applied on individual items, use them in LineAggregate. Tax lines must be associated with either order or line item but not both. | |
ShippingAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of shipping line items associated with the order. | |
NoteAttributesAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of note attributes associated with the order. | |
DiscountApplicationsAggregate | String | True |
An ordered list of stacked discount applications. | |
BillingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The street address of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressPhone | String | False |
The phone number at the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCity | String | False |
The city of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCompany | String | False |
The company of the person associated with the billing address. | |
BillingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressProvince | String | False |
The name of the state or province of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressLatitude | Double | False |
The latitude of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressLongitude | Double | False |
The longitude of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressName | String | False |
The full name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressCountryCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressDefault | Bool | False |
Whether this address is the default one or not. | |
ShippingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the person associated with the shipping method. | |
ShippingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the person associated with the shipping method. | |
ShippingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The street address of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | False |
The phone number at the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | False |
The city of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCompany | String | False |
The company of the person associated with the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressProvince | String | False |
The name of the state or province of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLatitude | Double | False |
The latitude of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLongitude | Double | False |
The longitude of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | False |
The full name of the person associated with the shipping method. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressDefault | Bool | False |
Whether this address is the default one or not. | |
AppliedDiscountTitle | String | False |
The title of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountDescription | String | False |
The description of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValue | Decimal | False |
The value of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValueType | String | False |
The value type of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountAmount | Decimal | False |
The amount of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
PaymentTermsAmount | Long | True |
The amount that is owed according to the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsCurrency | String | True |
The presentment currency for the payment. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentTermsName | String | True |
The name of the selected payment terms template for the order. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentTermsType | String | True |
The type of selected payment terms template for the order. | |
PaymentTermsDueInDays | Int | True |
The number of days between the invoice date and due date that is defined in the selected payment terms template. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentSchedules | String | True |
An array of schedules associated to the payment terms. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was imported, in ISO 8601 format. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was created. | |
ClosedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was closed. | |
CancelledAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was canceled. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
SendReceipt | Bool | False |
Determines whether an order confirmation will be sent to the customer. | |
SendFulfillmentReceipt | Bool | False |
Determines whether a fulfillment confirmation will be sent to the customer. | |
InventoryBehaviour | String | False |
Determines which inventory updating behavior is used. The following values are available: default, decrement_ignoring_policy, decrementobeying_policy | |
Operation | String | False |
An operation to apply to the Order. Valid values for order: Close, Open, or Cancel. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Double | True |
The amount of the shop money in the total shipping price set. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
The currency code of the shop money in the total shipping price set. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the total shipping price set. | |
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the total price set. | |
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the total price set. | |
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the total tax set. | |
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the total tax set. | |
CheckoutId | Long | True |
The checkout id. | |
CheckoutToken | String | True |
A unique value when referencing the checkout that's associated with the order. | |
EstimatedTaxes | Bool | True |
Estimated taxes of the order. | |
Test | Bool | True |
Test boolean for the order. | |
TotalOutstanding | Decimal | True |
The outstanding sum of all the items in the order. | |
TotalTipReceived | Decimal | True |
The total tip for the order. | |
PresentmentCurrency | String | True |
The currency code of the presentment money. | |
TotalLineItemsPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the total line items price set. | |
TotalLineItemsPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the total line items price set. | |
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the discounts set. | |
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the discounts set. | |
TotalSubtotalSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the subtotal. | |
TotalSubtotalSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the subtotal. | |
OrigTotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the original total additional fees set. | |
OrigTotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the original total additional fees set. | |
CurTotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the current total discounts set. | |
CurTotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the current total discounts set. | |
CurSubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the current subtotal price set. | |
CurSubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the current subtotal price set. | |
CurrentTotalTaxSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the current total tax set. | |
CurrentTotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the current total tax set. | |
CurTotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the current total additional fees set. | |
CurTotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the current total additional fees set. | |
CurrentTotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the current total price set. | |
CurrentTotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the current total price set. | |
OriginalTotalDutiesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the original total duties set. | |
OriginalTotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the original total duties set. | |
CurrentTotalDutiesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the current total duties set. | |
CurrentTotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the current total duties set. | |
PaymentGatewayNames | String | True |
The list of payment gateway names | |
FulfillmentAggregate | String | True |
A JSON aggregate of fulfillments associated with the order. Note, these fulfillments are applied on the order, not on individual items. | |
RefundAggregate | String | True |
A JSON aggregate of refunds associated with the order. Note, these refunds are applied on the order, not on individual items. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String |
Filter orders by their status. Valid values are: open: show only open orders, closed: show only closed orders, cancelled: show only canceled orders, any: show orders of any status,default: open. |
Create and query transactions.
The Shopify APIs requires the search criteria to contain OrderId. For example, the following query is processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM OrderTransactions WHERE OrderId = '123'
When performing a query without a filter or a filter other then the OrderId column, the Cloud will retrieve the entire list of transactions and perform the filters client-side.
The Shopify API requires that an OrderId be specified when retrieving transactions. Therefore to retrieve all the transactions, the Cloud will first retrieve all the OrderIds
from the Orders table (essentially performing the query: SELECT Id FROM Orders). Once the OrderId values have been retrieved, the Cloud will issue individual requests to the
Shopify API to retrieve all the transactions for each OrderId to build the result set.
SELECT * FROM OrderTransactions WHERE Kind = 'Capture'
You must specify the OrderId and Kind when inserting a transaction.
Capture a specified amount on a previously authorized order.
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Amount, Kind) VALUES ('123', 10.25, 'Capture')
Capture a previously authorized order for the full amount.
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Kind) VALUES ('123', 'Capture')
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Kind, Authorization) VALUES ('123', 'authorization', '7')
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Kind) VALUES ('123', 'capture')
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Kind) VALUES ('123', 'sale')
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Kind, TransactionItemParentId, Currency, Amount) VALUES ('123', 'void', '456', 'USD', '0.1')
INSERT INTO OrderTransactions (OrderId, Kind, TransactionItemParentId, Amount) VALUES ('123', 'refund', '456', '1440.00')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the transaction. | |
OrderId | Long | False |
Orders.Id |
A unique numeric identifier for the order. |
UserId | Long | True |
The unique identifier for the user. | |
LocationId | Long | True |
The ID of the physical location where the transaction was processed. | |
Amount | Decimal | False |
The amount of money that the transaction was for. | |
Authorization | String | False |
The authorization code associated with the transaction. | |
Currency | String | False |
The three letter code (ISO 4217) for the currency used for the payment. | |
DeviceId | String | True |
The unique identifier for the device. | |
Gateway | String | False |
The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through. | |
SourceName | String | True |
The origin of the transaction. | |
Kind | String | False |
The kind of transaction. Can be any of the following: Authorization, Capture, Sale, Void, Refund. | |
Message | String | True |
The message associated with this transaction. | |
ErrorCode | String | True |
A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the transaction. | |
Test | Bool | True |
The option to use the transaction for testing purposes. | |
AVSResultCode | String | True |
The Response code from the address verification system. | |
CreditCardBin | String | True |
The issuer identification number (IIN). | |
CVVResultCode | String | True |
The Response code from the credit card company. | |
CreditCardNumber | String | True |
The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted with Xs. | |
CreditCardCompany | String | True |
The name of the company who issued the customer's credit card. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer was created. | |
PaymentsRefundsAttributesStatus | String | True |
The current status of the refund | |
PaymentsRefundsAttributesAcquirerReferenceNumber | String | True |
A unique number associated with the transaction that can be used to track the refund. | |
PaymentId | String | True |
The unique identifier for the payment. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the transaction was processed. | |
CreditCardName | String | True |
The name on the customer's credit card. | |
CreditCardWallet | String | True |
The wallet of the customer's credit card. | |
CreditCardExpMonth | Long | True |
The expiration month of the customer's credit card. | |
CreditCardExpYear | Long | True |
The expiration year of the customer's credit card. | |
Receipt | String | True |
A JSON aggregate of the order receipt. | |
TotalUnsettledSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the shop money in the total unsettled set. | |
TotalUnsettledSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the presentment money in the total unsettled set. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
TransactionItemAmount | Decimal |
The amount of money that the transaction was for. Use this when inserting transactions into an order or refund. |
TransactionItemGateway | String |
The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through. Use this when inserting transactions into an order or refund. |
TransActionItemKind | String |
The kind of transaction. Can be any of the following: Authorization, Capture, Sale, Void, Refund. Use this when inserting transactions into an order or refund. |
TransactionItemStatus | String |
The status of the transaction. Use this when inserting transactions into an order or refund. |
TransactionItemParentId | String |
The parent id of the transaction. Use this when inserting transactions into a refund. |
TransactionItemSource | String |
The status of the transaction. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime |
The last time the order is updated. |
Create, read, update or delete pages
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE CreatedAt > '2018-05-02'
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE Handle = 'test'
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE PublishedAt <= '2018-05-02'
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE Title = 'new title'
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE UpdatedAt >= '2018-05-02'
SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE PublishedStatus >= 'published'
You must specify the Title to create a Page.
INSERT INTO Pages (title) VALUES ('new Page')
You must specify the id to update a Page. For example:
UPDATE Pages SET author = 'Harry' WHERE Id = '77171130'
You must specify the Id of the Page to delete it.
DELETE FROM Pages WHERE Id = '555695'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The unique numeric identifier for the page. | |
AdminGraphqlApiId | String | True |
Displays the Admin Graphql API id. | |
Author | String | False |
The name of the person who created the page. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The text content of the page, complete with HTML markup. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the page was created. | |
Handle | String | False |
A unique, human-friendly string for the page, generated automatically from its title. In online store themes, the Liquid templating language refers to a page by its handle. | |
Metafields | String | False |
Additional information attached to the Page object. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the page was published. Returns null when the page is hidden. | |
ShopId | Long | True |
The ID of the shop to which the page belongs. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | False |
The suffix of the Liquid template being used. | |
Title | String | False |
The page's title. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the page was last updated. | |
PublishedStatus | String | False |
Filter comments by their publish status. Valid values are: published, unpublished and any ; default: any. |
Create, update, delete, and query price rules.
SELECT * FROM PriceRules WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Title, TargetType, TargetSelection, ValueType, Value, CustomerSelection, StartsAt, and AllocationMethod columns to create a price rule. For example:
INSERT INTO PriceRules (Title, TargetType, TargetSelection, ValueType, Value, CustomerSelection, StartsAt, AllocationMethod) VALUES ('SUMMERSALE10OFF', 'line_item', 'all', 'fixed_amount', '-10.0', 'all', '2017-01-19T17:59:10Z', 'across')
You must specify the Id to update a price rule. For example:
UPDATE PriceRules SET Title = 'SUMMERSALE10OFF' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the price rule to delete it.
DELETE FROM PriceRules WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the price rule. | |
AllocationMethod | String | False |
The allocation method of the price rule. Valid values: each: The discount is applied to each of the entitled items. across: The calculated discount amount will be applied across the entitled items. | |
CustomerSelection | String | False |
The customer selection for the price rule. Valid values: all: The price rule is valid for all customers. prerequisite: The customer must either belong to one of the customer saved searches specified by PrerequisiteSavedSearchIds. | |
EntitledCollectionIds | String | False |
A list of Ids of collections whose products will be eligible to the discount. It can be used only with TargetType set to line_item and TargetSelection set to entitled. It can't be used in combination with EntitledProductIds or EntitledVariantIds. | |
EntitledCountryIds | String | False |
A list of Ids of shipping countries that will be entitled to the discount. It can be used only with TargetType set to shipping_line and TargetSelection set to entitled. | |
EntitledProductIds | String | False |
A list of Ids of products that will be entitled to the discount. It can be used only with TargetType set to line_item and TargetSelection set to entitled. | |
EntitledVariantIds | String | False |
A list of Ids of product variants that will be entitled to the discount. It can be used only with TargetType set to line_item and TargetSelection set to entitled. | |
OncePerCustomer | Bool | False |
Whether the generated discount code will be valid only for a single use per customer. This is tracked using customer Id. | |
PrerequisiteCustomerIds | String | False |
A list of customer Ids which for the price rule to be applicable, the customer must match one of the specified customers. If PrerequisiteCustomerIds is populated, then PrerequisiteSavedSearchIds must be empty. | |
PrerequisiteQuantityRange | String | False |
The minimum number of items for the price rule to be applicable. It has the following property: greater_than_or_equal_to: The quantity of an entitled cart item must be greater than or equal to this value. | |
PrerequisiteSavedSearchIds | String | False |
A list of customer saved search Ids. For the price rule to be applicable, the customer must be in the group of customers matching a customer saved search. If PrerequisiteSavedSearchIds is populated, then PrerequisiteCustomerIds must be empty. | |
PrerequisiteShippingPriceRange | String | False |
The maximum shipping price for the price rule to be applicable. It has the following property: less_than_or_equal_to: The shipping price must be less than or equal to this value. | |
PrerequisiteSubtotalRange | String | False |
The minimum subtotal for the price rule to be applicable. It has the following property: greater_than_or_equal_to: The subtotal of the entitled cart items must be greater than or equal to this value for the discount to apply. | |
TargetSelection | String | False |
The target selection method of the price rule. Valid values: all: The price rule applies the discount to all line items in the checkout, entitled: The price rule applies the discount to selected entitlements only. | |
TargetType | String | False |
The target type that the price rule applies to. Valid values: line_item: The price rule applies to the cart's line items, shipping_line: The price rule applies to the cart's shipping lines. | |
UsageLimit | Int | False |
The maximum number of times the price rule can be used, per discount code. | |
PrerequisiteProductIds | String | False |
List of product ids that will be a prerequisites for a Buy X Get Y type discount. The PrerequisiteProductIds can be used only with: TargetType set to line_item, TargetSelection set to entitled, AllocationMethod set to each and PrerequisiteToEntitlementQuantityRatio defined. Caution: If a product variant is included in PrerequisiteVariantIds, then PrerequisiteProductIds can't include the ID of the product associated with that variant. | |
PrerequisiteVariantIds | String | False |
List of variant ids that will be a prerequisites for a Buy X Get Y type discount. The EntitledVariantIds can be used only with: TargetType set to line_item, TargetSelection set to entitled, AllocationMethod set to each and PrerequisiteToEntitlementQuantityRatio defined. Caution: If a product is included in PrerequisiteProductIds, then PrerequisiteVariantIds can't include the ID of any variants associated with that product. | |
PrerequisiteCollectionIds | String | False |
List of collection ids that will be a prerequisites for a Buy X Get Y discount. The EntitledCollectionIds can be used only with: TargetType set to line_item, TargetSelection set to entitled, AllocationMethod set to each and PrerequisiteToEntitlementQuantityRatio defined. Cannot be used in combination with PrerequisiteProductIds or PrerequisiteVariantIds. | |
Value | Decimal | False |
The value of the price rule. If if the value of target_type is shipping_line, then only -100 is accepted. The value must be negative. | |
ValueType | String | False |
The value type of the price rule. Valid values: fixed_amount: Applies a discount of value as a unit of the store's currency. For example, if value is -30 and the store's currency is USD, then $30 USD is deducted when the discount is applied, percentage: Applies a percentage discount of value. For example, if value is -30, then 30% will be deducted when the discount is applied. If TargetType is shipping_line, then only percentage is accepted. | |
PrerequisiteToEntitlementQuantityRatio | String | False |
Buy/Get ratio for a Buy X Get Y discount. prerequisite_quantity defines the necessary 'buy' quantity and entitled_quantity the offered 'get' quantity. The PrerequisiteToEntitlementQuantityRatio can be used only with: ValueType set to percentage, TargetType set to line_item, TargetSelection set to entitled, AllocationMethod set to each, PrerequisiteProductIds or PrerequisiteVariantIds or PrerequisiteCollectionIds defined and EntitledProductIds or EntitledVariantIds or EntitledCollectionIds defined. | |
Images | String | False |
A list of image objects. | |
ProductType | String | False |
A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching. | |
Options | String | True |
Custom product property names. | |
PublishedScope | String | False |
Indicates whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel. | |
Tags | String | False |
A categorization that a product can be tagged with. Use commas to separate categories. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | True |
The suffix of the liquid template being used. | |
Title | String | False |
The name of the product. | |
Vendor | String | False |
The name of the vendor of the product. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the price rule starts. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the price rule ends. Must be after StartsAt. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was published to the Online Store channel. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the price rule was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the price rule was last modified. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Published | Bool |
Set to true to publish the product or to false to not publish it |
MetafieldsGlobalTitleTag | String |
The name of the product, to be used for SEO purposes. |
MetafieldsGlobalDescriptionTag | String |
The description of the product, to be used for SEO purposes. |
Query, Update and Delete Product Images
SELECT * FROM ProductImages WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM ProductImages WHERE ProductId = '123' AND ImageId = '2342'
To create a new product image with image data as attachment
INSERT INTO ProductImages (productid, filename, attachment) VALUES ('64146735127', 'test.png', 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==')")
To create a new product image using a source URL that will be downloaded by Shopify
INSERT INTO ProductImages (productid, filepath) VALUES ('64146735127', '')")
To create a new product image and make it the main image
INSERT INTO ProductImages (productid, position, filename, filepath) VALUES ('64146735127', 1, 'test.png', '')")
To create a new product image and attach it to product variants
INSERT INTO ProductImages (productid, variantids, filename, attachment) VALUES ('64146735127', '[808950810,457924702]', 'test.png', 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==')")
To update a product image you must specify its ProductId and ImageId.
To change the position and alt tag content for an image
UPDATE ProductImages SET Position = 1, Alt = 'This is the main image' WHERE ProductId = '123' AND ImageId = '2342'
To add it to product variants for an image
UPDATE ProductImages SET VariantIds = '[808950810,457924702]' WHERE ProductId = '123' AND ImageId = '2342'
To delete a product image you must specify its Id.
DELETE FROM ProductImages WHERE ProductId = '123' AND ImageId = '2342'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ImageId [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the product image. | |
ProductId | Long | True |
Products.Id |
The id of the product associated with the image. |
VariantIds | String | False |
The array of variant ids associated with the image. | |
Position | Int | False |
The order of the product image in the list. | |
FilePath | String | False |
Full path to the image. Can be locally or online. Example: Either this or Base64Content are required. | |
Width | Int | True |
The width of the image. | |
Height | Int | True |
The height of the image. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the image was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the image was updated. | |
Alt | String | False |
The Alt content of the image. | |
Src | String | False |
Specifies the location of the product image. This parameter supports URL filters that you can use to retrieve modified copies of the image. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
FileName | String |
The name that the image will be displayed in the application. |
Attachment | String |
Base64 encoded bytes of the image. Either this or FilePath are required. |
Query and delete product listings.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ProductListings WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM ProductListings WHERE ProductId IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM ProductListings WHERE Handle = 'ipod-nano'
SELECT * FROM ProductListings WHERE Handle IN ('ipod-nano', 'ipod-nano2')
Delete a product listing to unpublish a product from your app (ProductId is required):
DELETE FROM ProductListings WHERE Productid = 512433520663
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ProductId [KEY] | Long | False |
The unique identifer of the product this listing is for. The primary key for this resource. | |
Title | String | False |
The name of the product. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. | |
Handle | String | True |
A human-friendly unique string for the Product automatically generated from its title. | |
Variants | String | True |
A list of variant objects, each one representing a slightly different version of the product. | |
Images | String | False |
A list of image objects, each one representing an image associated with the product. | |
ProductType | String | False |
A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching. | |
Options | String | True |
Custom product property names like 'Size', 'Color', and 'Material'. | |
Tags | String | False |
A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering. | |
Vendor | String | False |
The name of the vendor of the product. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was published to the Online Store channel. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was last modified. |
Query product options.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process search criteria that refer to the ProductId and ProductUpdatedAt columns. The supported SQL operators are '=' for ProductId and '>' and '<' for ProductUpdatedAt.
SELECT * FROM ProductOptions WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM ProductOptions WHERE ProductUpdatedAt > '2018-05-10'
UPDATE ProductOptions SET Name='test' where ProductId='123'"
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The id of the product option. | |
ProductId | Long | True |
Products.Id |
The id of the product. |
ProductUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was last modified. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the product option. | |
Position | Int | True |
The position of the product option. | |
Values | String | True |
The values of the product option. |
Returns a list of resource feedback objects..
SELECT * FROM ProductResourceFeedbacks
SELECT * FROM ProductResourceFeedbacks WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM ProductResourceFeedbacks WHERE ProductId IN ('123', '235');
You must specify path and target to create a Redirect.
INSERT INTO [ProductResourceFeedbacks] ([ProductId], [State], [Messages], [ResourceUpdatedAt], [FeedbackGeneratedAt]) VALUES (6578879004695, 'requires_action', 'My message.', '2023-05-05 09:00:00', '2023-05-05 09:00:00');
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
Unique id of the resource. | |
ProductId | Long | False |
Products.Id |
Unique id of the resource. |
Type | String | False |
TType of resource for which feedback is returned. eg. Shop, Product. | |
State | String | False |
Indicates the state that the Shop or resource is in, from the perspective of your app. Valid values are requires_action, or success. | |
Messages | String | False |
The name of the report. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
DateTime when the resource feedback record was stored by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
DateTime when the resource feedback record was last updated by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone. | |
ResourceUpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601) when the report was last modified. | |
FeedbackGeneratedAt | Datetime | False |
The time at which the payload is constructed. Used to help determine whether incoming feedback is outdated compared to feedback already received, and if it should be ignored upon arrival. Type: ISO 8601 UTC datetime as string with year, month [or week], day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and time zone. |
List of products.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-10-25'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Title = 'just a title'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Vendor = 'just a vendor'
Create a new product with the default product variant.
INSERT INTO Products (Title, BodyHtml, Vendor, ProductType, Tags) VALUES ('Burton Custom Freestyle 151', 'Good snowboard!', 'Burton', 'Snowboard', 'Barnes & Noble, Johns Fav, Big Air')
Create a new unpublished product.
INSERT INTO Products (Title, BodyHtml, Vendor, ProductType, Tags, Published) VALUES ('Burton Custom Freestyle 151', 'Good snowboard!', 'Burton', 'Snowboard', 'Barnes & Noble, Johns Fav, Big Air', false)
To update a product you must specify its Id.
UPDATE Products SET Published = true WHERE Id = '123'
UPDATE Products SET MetafieldsGlobalTitleTag = 'Brand new title', MetafieldsGlobalDescriptionTag = 'Brand new description' WHERE Id = '123'
To delete a product you must specify its Id.
DELETE FROM Products WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the product. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. | |
Handle | String | True |
A human-friendly unique string for the Product automatically generated from its title. | |
Images | String | False |
A list of image objects, each one representing an image associated with the product. | |
ProductType | String | False |
A categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching. | |
Options | String | False |
Custom product property names like 'Size', 'Color', and 'Material'. | |
Variants | String | False |
Custom product property names like 'Size', 'Color', and 'Material'. | |
PublishedScope | String | False |
Indicates whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel. | |
Tags | String | False |
A categorization that a product can be tagged with. Use commas to separate categories. | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the product. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | True |
The suffix of the liquid template being used. | |
Title | String | False |
The name of the product. | |
Vendor | String | False |
The name of the vendor of the product. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was published to the Online Store channel. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was last modified. | |
PublishedStatus | String | True |
Return products by their published status: published: show only published products;unpublished: show only unpublished products; any: show all products. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Published | Bool |
Set to true to publish the product or to false to not publish it. |
MetafieldsGlobalTitleTag | String |
The name of the product, to be used for SEO purposes. |
MetafieldsGlobalDescriptionTag | String |
The description of the product, to be used for SEO purposes. |
List of the product variants.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE ProductId = '456'
You must specify the ProductId to insert a product variant.
INSERT INTO ProductVariants (ProductId, Option1, Price) VALUES ('123', 'Yellow', 3.5)
You must specify the Id of the variant to edit a product variant.
Update the title and price of an existing variant.
UPDATE ProductVariants SET Option1 = 'Pink', Price = 99.99 WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the ProductId and the Id of the variant to delete a product variant.
DELETE FROM ProductVariants WHERE Id = '123' AND ProductId = '456'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the product variant. | |
ProductId | Long | False |
A unique numeric identifier for the product this variant belongs to. | |
InventoryItemId | Long | False |
The unique identifier for the inventory item, which is used in the Inventory API to query for inventory information. | |
ImageId | Long | False |
A unique numeric identifier for the image this variant belongs to. | |
Price | Decimal | False |
The price of the product variant. | |
CompareAtPrice | String | False |
The competitors prices for the same item. | |
Title | String | False |
The name of the product. | |
Grams | Int | False |
The weight of the product variant in grams. | |
Barcode | String | False |
A human-friendly unique string for the Product automatically generated from its title. | |
Weight | Double | False |
The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified. | |
WeightUnit | String | True |
The unit of measurement that applies to the product's variant weight. | |
FulfillmentService | String | False |
Service which is doing the fulfillment. | |
InventoryManagement | String | False |
Specifies whether or not Shopify tracks the number of items in stock for this product variant. | |
InventoryPolicy | String | True |
Specifies whether or not customers are allowed to place an order for a product variant when it's out of stock. Valid values are deny or continue. | |
InventoryQuantity | Int | True |
The number of items in stock for this product variant. Default value 1. | |
Option1 | String | False |
Custom properties that a shop owner can use to define product variants. | |
Option2 | String | False |
Custom properties that a shop owner can use to define product variants. | |
Option3 | String | False |
Custom properties that a shop owner can use to define product variants. | |
Position | Int | False |
The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | False |
Specifies whether or not a customer needs to provide a shipping address when placing an order for this product variant. | |
Sku | String | False |
A unique identifier for the product in the shop. | |
Taxable | Bool | False |
Specifies whether or not a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product variant was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was last modified. |
Query and update information regarding different provinces.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Provinces WHERE CountryId = '123'
SELECT * FROM Provinces WHERE CountryId = '123' and Id = '456'
You must specify the CountryId and Id to update a province. For example:
UPDATE Provinces SET Tax = '3.4' WHERE CountryId = '123' AND Id = '456'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The ID for the province. | |
CountryId [KEY] | Long | True |
Countries.Id |
The ID for the country that the province belongs to. |
Name | String | False |
The full name of the province. | |
Code | String | False |
The standard abbreviation for the province. | |
Tax | Decimal | False |
The sales tax rate to be applied to orders made by customers from this province.. | |
TaxPercentage | Double | False |
The province's tax in percent format. | |
TaxName | String | False |
The name of the tax for this province. | |
TaxType | String | False |
The tax type. Valid values: normal, null, or harmonized. If the value is harmonized, then the tax is compounded of the provincial and federal sales taxes. | |
ShippingZoneId | Long | True |
The ID for the shipping zone that the province belongs to. |
Create, update, delete, and query Recurring Application Charges.
SELECT * FROM RecurringApplicationCharges
SELECT * FROM RecurringApplicationCharges WHERE Id = '123'
UPDATE RecurringApplicationCharges SET Test = 'true', Name = 'cd' WHERE Id = '2'
You must specify the Id of the recurring application charge to delete it.
DELETE FROM RecurringApplicationCharges WHERE Id = '2'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
The ID of the recurring application charge. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the recurring application charge. | |
ApiClientId | String | False |
The API Client Id | |
Price | Decimal | False |
The price of the recurring application charge. The maximum price is 10,000. | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the recurring charge | |
ReturnUrl | String | False |
The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting the charge. | |
BillingOn | Date | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the customer was billed. | |
Test | String | False |
Whether the application charge is a test transaction. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the recurring application charge was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the recurring application charge was last updated. | |
ActivatedOn | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the customer activated the recurring application charge. | |
CancelledOn | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the merchant canceled their recurring application charge. | |
TrialDays | Int | False |
The number of days that the customer is eligible for a free trial. | |
TrialEndsOn | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the free trial ends. | |
DecoratedReturnUrl | String | False |
The decorated return url. | |
CappedAmount | String | False |
The limit a customer can be charged for usage based billing. If this property is provided, then you must also provide the terms property. | |
ConfirmationUrl | String | False |
The URL where the merchant accepts or declines the recurring application charge. | |
Terms | String | False |
The terms and conditions of usage based billing charges. Must be present in order to create usage charges, |
Create, read, update or delete redirects.
SELECT * FROM Redirects
SELECT * FROM Redirects WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Redirects WHERE Target = '/pqr.jsp'
SELECT * FROM Redirects WHERE Path = '/abc.php'
You must specify path and target to create a Redirect.
INSERT INTO Redirects (path, target) VALUES ('/abc.php', '/pqr.jsp')
You must specify the id to update a Redirect. For example:
UPDATE Redirects SET Path = '/abc.php' WHERE Id = '77171130'
You must specify the Id of the Redirect to delete it.
DELETE FROM Redirects WHERE Id = '555695'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The ID for the redirect. | |
Path | String | False |
The old path to be redirected. | |
Target | String | False |
The target location where the user will be redirected. |
Create and query refunds.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
If you specify the unique identifier of the Order, then this view will only list refund information concerning that order.
SELECT * FROM Refunds WHERE OrderId = '179098550295'
SELECT * FROM Refunds WHERE OrderId = '179098550295' AND Id = '7382073367'
You must specify the OrderId when inserting a refund.
Create a new refund for an order using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Refunds (OrderId, Restock, Notify, Note, ShippingFullRefund, LineAggregate) VALUES ('123', true, true, 'Wrong size', true, '[{\"id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3,\"restock_type\": \"return\"}]')
Create a new refund for an order using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
INSERT INTO Refunds (OrderId, Restock, Notify, Note, ShippingFullRefund, LineAggregate) VALUES ('123', true, true, 'Wrong size', true, 'OrdersItems#TEMP')
Create a new refund for an order and attach a transaction to the refund as well using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Refunds (OrderId, LineAggregate, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES ('123', '[{\"id\":\"123\",\"quantity\":3,\"restock_type\": \"return\"}]', '[{\"kind\":\"refund\",\"amount\":5.5,\"gateway\":\"gw\",\"parent_id\":\"789\"}]')
Create a new refund for an order and attach a transaction to the refund as well using temporary table.
INSERT INTO OrdersItems#TEMP (ItemId, ItemQuantity) VALUES ('123', 3)
INSERT INTO Transactions#TEMP (TransactionItemParentId, TransactionItemAmount, TransactionItemKind, TransactionItemGateway) VALUES ('789', 5.5, 'refund', 'gw')
INSERT INTO Refunds (OrderId, LineAggregate, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES ('123', 'OrdersItems#TEMP', 'Transactions#TEMP')
Refund a specific amount of shipping using aggregates.
INSERT INTO Refunds (OrderId, ShippingAmount, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES ('123', 5.3, '[{\"parent_id\":\"456\"}]')
Refund a specific amount of shipping using temporary table.
INSERT INTO Transactions#TEMP (TransactionItemParentId) VALUES ('456')
INSERT INTO Refunds (OrderId, ShippingAmount, OrderTransactionAggregate) VALUES ('123', 5.3, 'Transactions#TEMP')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The unique identifier for the refund. | |
OrderId | Long | False |
Orders.Id |
The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Orders.UpdatedAt |
The date and time when the order was last modified. |
Note | String | False |
The optional note attached to a refund. | |
Restock | Bool | True |
Whether or not the line items were added back to the store inventory. | |
UserId | Long | True |
The unique identifier of the user who performed the refund. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the refund was created. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the refund was imported. | |
LineAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of line items associated with the refund. | |
OrderTransactionAggregate | String | False |
A JSON aggregate of transactions associated with the refund. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Notify | Bool |
Whether or not to send a refund notification to the customer. |
DiscrepancyReason | String |
An optional comment, used if there is a discrepancy between calculated and actual refund amounts (one of: restock, damage, customer, other) |
ShippingAmount | Decimal |
Set specific amount of shipping to refund. Takes precedence over FullRefund. |
ShippingFullRefund | Bool |
Whether or not to to refund all remaining shipping. |
Returns a list of resource feedback objects..
SELECT * FROM ResourceFeedbacks
You must specify path and target to create a Redirect.
INSERT INTO [ResourceFeedbacks] ([State], [Messages], [FeedbackGeneratedAt]) VALUES ('requires_action', 'Wow wow.', '2023-09-13 09:00:00');
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
Unique id of the resource. | |
Type | String | False |
TType of resource for which feedback is returned. eg. Shop, Product. | |
State | String | False |
Indicates the state that the Shop or resource is in, from the perspective of your app. Valid values are requires_action, or success. | |
Messages | String | False |
The name of the report. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
DateTime when the resource feedback record was stored by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
DateTime when the resource feedback record was last updated by Shopify. Type: ISO 8601 UTC DateTime as string with year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, time zone. | |
ResourceUpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601) when the report was last modified. | |
FeedbackGeneratedAt | Datetime | False |
The time at which the payload is constructed. Used to help determine whether incoming feedback is outdated compared to feedback already received, and if it should be ignored upon arrival. Type: ISO 8601 UTC datetime as string with year, month [or week], day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and time zone. |
Create, read, update or delete script tags.
SELECT * FROM ScriptTags
SELECT * FROM ScriptTags WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM ScriptTags WHERE CreatedAt > '2018-05-02'
SELECT * FROM ScriptTags WHERE UpdatedAt < '2017-08-15'
SELECT * FROM ScriptTags WHERE Src = ''
You must specify event and src to create a ScriptTag.
INSERT INTO Scripttags (event, src) VALUES ('onload', '')
You must specify the id to update a ScriptTag. For example:
UPDATE ScriptTags SET src = '' WHERE Id = '77171130'
You must specify the Id of the ScriptTag to delete it.
DELETE FROM ScriptTags WHERE Id = '555695'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The ID for the script tag. | |
Cache | Bool | False |
Whether the Shopify CDN can cache and serve the script tag. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601) when the script tag was created. | |
DisplayScope | String | False |
The page or pages on the online store where the script should be included. | |
Event | String | False |
The DOM event that triggers the loading of the script. Valid values: onload. | |
Src | String | False |
The URL of the remote script. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601) when the script tag was last updated. |
Query, insert, update, or delete information regarding different smart collections.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE Id IN ('123', '456')
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE Title = 'Ducks'
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE Handle = 'frontpage'
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE PublishedStatus = 'published'
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE UpdatedAt > '2018-05-02'
SELECT * FROM SmartCollections WHERE PublishedAt < '2017-08-15'
You must specify the Title and Rules to create a smart collection. For example:
INSERT INTO SmartCollections (Title, Rules) VALUES ('IPods', '[{"column": "vendor","relation": "equals","condition": "Apple"}]')
You must specify the smart collection Id to update a smart collection. For example:
UPDATE SmartCollections SET BodyHtml = '5000 songs in your pocket' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the smart collection to delete it.
DELETE FROM SmartCollections WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
The ID of the smart collection. | |
Title | String | False |
The name of the smart collection. Maximum length: 255 characters. | |
BodyHtml | String | False |
The description of the smart collection. Includes HTML markup. Many shop themes display this on the smart collection page. | |
Image | String | False |
A JSON aggregate with information regarding the image of smart collection. | |
Rules | String | False |
A JSON aggregate with the list of rules that define what products go into the smart collection. Valid values for each rule field: column: tag, title, type, vendor, variant_price, variant_compare_at_price, variant_weight, variant_inventory, variant_title; relation: equals, greater_than, less_than, starts_with, ends_with, contains; condition: any string | |
Handle | String | False |
A human-friendly unique string for the smart collection. Automatically generated from the title. Used in shop themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the smart collection. (maximum: 255 characters) | |
Disjunctive | Bool | False |
Whether the product must match all the rules to be included in the smart collection. Valid values: true: products only need to match one or more of the rules to be included in the smart collection, false: products must match all of the rules to be included in the smart collection. | |
SortOrder | String | False |
The order in which products in the smart collection appear. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | False |
The suffix of the Liquid template that the shop uses. By default, the original template is called product.liquid, and additional templates are called product.suffix.liquid. | |
PublishedScope | String | False |
Whether the smart collection is published to Point of Sale. Valid values: web: The smart collection is published to the shop's online channels and not published to the Point of Sale channel, global: The smart collection is published to both the online channels and the Point of Sale channel. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the smart collection was last modified. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the smart collection was published. Returns null when the collection is hidden. | |
ProductId | String | True |
Show smart collections that include a given product. | |
PublishedStatus | String | True |
Show smart collection with a given published status: published: show only published smart collections, unpublished: show only unpublished smart collections, any: show all smart collections. (default: any). |
Create, read, update or delete themes
SELECT * FROM Themes WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify name to create a Theme.
INSERT INTO Themes (name) VALUES ('NewTheme')
You must specify the id to update a Theme. For example:
UPDATE Themes SET name = 'NewTheme' WHERE Id = '77171130'
You must specify the Id of the Theme to delete it.
DELETE FROM Themes WHERE Id = '555695'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | True |
A unique numeric identifier for the theme. | |
AdminGraphqlApiId | String | True |
Displays the Admin Graphql API id. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the theme was created. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the theme. | |
Previewable | Bool | True |
Whether the theme can currently be previewed. | |
Processing | Bool | True |
Whether files are still being copied into place for this theme. | |
Role | String | False |
Specifies how the theme is being used within the shop. | |
ThemeStoreId | Long | True |
A unique identifier applied to Shopify-made themes that are installed from the Shopify Theme Store Theme Store. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the theme was last updated. |
Create or view Usage Charges for Recurring Application Charges.
SELECT * FROM UsageCharges WHERE Id = 123
SELECT * FROM UsageCharges WHERE RecurringApplicationId = 5569619
SELECT * FROM UsageCharges WHERE RecurringApplicationId = 5569619 AND Id = 123
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False |
The ID of the usage charge. | |
Description | String | False |
The name of the usage charge. | |
Price | Decimal | False |
The price of the usage charge. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the usage charge was created. | |
BillingOn | Date | False |
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the customer is billed. | |
BalanceUsed | Decimal | False |
The used balance | |
BalanceRemaining | Decimal | False |
The remaining balance | |
RiskLevel | Int | False |
The risk Level | |
RecurringApplicationId | Long | False |
The Id of the RecurringApplication Charge |
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
AbandonedCheckouts | Query abandoned checkouts. |
AbandonedCheckoutsItems | Query abandoned checkouts items. |
AssignedFulfillmentOrders | The AssignedFulfillmentOrder resource allows you to retrieve all the fulfillment orders that are assigned to an app at the shop level. |
DiscountApplications | Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order. |
DraftOrderItemProperties | Query order item properties. |
DraftOrderItems | Query draft order items. |
DraftOrderItemTaxLines | Query draft order items tax lines. |
Events | Retrieve events which have happened in your shop. |
FulfillmentOrders | Query fulfillment orders. |
Locations | Retrieve information regarding store locations. |
NoteAttributes | Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order. |
OrderDiscountCodes | Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order. |
OrderItemDiscountAllocations | Query order item discount allocations. |
OrderItemProperties | Query order item properties. |
OrdersItems | Query order items. |
Payouts | Retrieves a list of all payouts ordered by payout date, with the most recent being first. |
PayoutTransactions | Retrieves a list of all balance transactions ordered by processing time, with the most recent being first. |
RefundAdjustments | Create and query transactions. |
RefundsItems | Get data on OrdersItems that have been refunded. |
RefundTransactions | Query transactions for Refund Object. |
Reports | To query all the Reports. |
ShippingItemDiscountAllocations | Query Shipping item discount allocations. |
ShippingItems | Query order shipping. |
ShippingZones | Retrieve information regarding shipping zones. |
Shop | Contains general settings and information about the shop. |
TaxItems | Query order taxes. |
Users | Query Users. |
Query abandoned checkouts.
SELECT * FROM AbandonedCheckouts WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-10-25'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique numeric identifier for the order. | |
AbandonedCheckoutUrl | String | The full recovery URL to be sent to a customer to recover their abandoned checkout. | |
BuyerAcceptsMarketing | Bool | Indicates whether or not the person who placed the order would like to receive email updates from the shop. | |
CancelReason | String | The reason why the order was cancelled. | |
CartToken | String | Unique identifier for a particular cart that is attached to a particular order. | |
Currency | String | The three letter code (ISO 4217) for the currency used for the payment. | |
CustomerId | Long |
Customers.Id | A unique numeric identifier for the customer. |
DiscountCodes | String | Applicable discount codes that can be applied to the order. | |
String | The customer's email address. | ||
Note | String | The text of an optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order. | |
LandingSite | String | The URL for the page where the buyer landed when entering the shop. | |
ReferringSite | String | The website that the customer clicked on to come to the shop. | |
SourceName | String | Where the order originated. | |
SubtotalPrice | Decimal | Price of the order before shipping and taxes. | |
TotalDiscounts | Decimal | The total amount of the discounts to be applied to the price of the order. | |
TotalLineItemsPrice | Decimal | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order. | |
TotalPrice | Decimal | The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, taxes and discounts included. | |
TotalTax | Decimal | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order. | |
TotalWeight | Double | The sum of all the weights of the line items in the order, in grams. | |
TaxesIncluded | Bool | States whether or not taxes are included in the order subtotal. | |
Token | String | Unique identifier for a particular order. | |
BillingAddressFirstName | String | The first name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressLastName | String | The last name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressAdress1 | String | The street address of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressAdress2 | String | An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressPhone | String | The phone number at the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCity | String | The city of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCompany | String | The company of the person associated with the billing address. | |
BillingAddressZip | String | The zip or postal code of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressProvince | String | The name of the state or province of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressCountry | String | The name of the country of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressLatitude | Double | The latitude of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressLongitude | Double | The longitude of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressName | String | The full name of the person associated with the payment method. | |
BillingAddressCountryCode | String | The two-letter code for the country of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressProvinceCode | String | The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the billing address. | |
BillingAddressDefault | Bool | Whether this address is the default one or not. | |
ShippingAddressFirstName | String | The first name of the person associated with the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLastName | String | The last name of the person associated with the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressAdress1 | String | The street address of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressAdress2 | String | An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | The phone number at the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | The city of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCompany | String | The company of the person associated with the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressZip | String | The zip or postal code of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressProvince | String | The name of the state or province of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | The name of the country of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLatitude | Double | The latitude of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressLongitude | Double | The longitude of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | The full name of the person associated with the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | The two-letter code for the country of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressProvinceCode | String | The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address. | |
ShippingAddressDefault | Bool | Whether this address is the default one or not. | |
ClosedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was closed. | |
CompletedAt | Datetime | CompletedAt | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. |
Query abandoned checkouts items.
SELECT * FROM AbandonedCheckoutsItems WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-10-25'
Name | Type | References | Description |
AbandonedCheckoutId [KEY] | Long | The unique numeric identifier for the order. | |
ProductId [KEY] | Long |
Products.Id | The product ID od the item. |
ItemVariantId [KEY] | Long | The product variant ID of item. | |
ItemTitle | String | The title of the product. | |
ItemQuantity | Int | The number of products that were purchased. | |
ItemPrice | Decimal | The price of the item in presentment currency. | |
ItemGrams | Int | The weight of the item in grams. | |
SKU | String | A unique identifier for the item in the shop. | |
VariantTitle | String | The title of the product variant. | |
Vendor | String | The name of the item's supplier. | |
FulFillmentsService | String | The fulfillment service provider for the item. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. |
The AssignedFulfillmentOrder resource allows you to retrieve all the fulfillment orders that are assigned to an app at the shop level.
SELECT * FROM AssignedFulfillmentOrders WHERE AssignedLocationId IN (1, 2)
SELECT * FROM AssignedFulfillmentOrders WHERE RequestStatus = 'cancellation_requested'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The ID of the fulfillment order. | |
ShopId | Long |
Shop.Id | The ID of the shop that's associated with the fulfillment order. |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment order. |
AssignedLocationId | Long | The ID of the location that has been assigned to do the work. | |
FulfillmentServiceHandle | String | A unique numeric identifier for the order. | |
RequestStatus | String | The status of the fulfillment. | |
DestinationId | String | The ID of the fulfillment order destination. | |
DestinationAddress1 | String | The first line of the address of the destination. | |
DestinationAddress2 | String | The second line of the address of the destination. | |
DestinationCity | String | The city of the destination. | |
DestinationCompany | String | The company of the destination. | |
DestinationFirstName | String | The first name of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationLastName | String | The last name of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationPhone | String | The phone number of the customer at the destination. | |
LineItems | String | Represents line items belonging to a fulfillment order. | |
Status | String | The status of the fulfillment order. | |
Operation | String | An operation to apply to the fulfillment. Complete, Open, or Cancel. |
Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order.
SELECT * FROM DiscountApplications WHERE OrderId = '1'
SELECT * FROM DiscountApplications WHERE OrderId IN ('1', '2')
SELECT * FROM DiscountApplications WHERE OrderUpdatedAt <= '2020-07-20 08:28:03.0'
SELECT * FROM DiscountApplications WHERE OrderUpdatedAt > '2020-07-20 08:28:03.0'
Name | Type | References | Description |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
Type | String | The name of the note attribute. | |
Title | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
Description | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
Value | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
ValueType | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
AllocationMethod | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
TargetSelection | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
TargetType | String | The value of the note attribute. |
Query order item properties.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM DraftOrderItemProperties WHERE DraftOrderId = '123'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ItemId | Long |
DraftOrderItems.ItemId | The id of the order item. |
DraftOrderId | Long |
DraftOrders.Id | The id of the draft. |
Name | String | The name of the item property. | |
Value | String | The value of the item property. |
Query draft order items.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM DraftOrderItems WHERE DraftOrderId = '123'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | The id of the line item. | |
DraftOrderId | Long |
DraftOrders.Id | The id of the draft. |
ProductId | Long |
Products.Id | The ID of the product corresponding to the line item product variant. |
Custom | Bool | States whether this is a custom line item or a product variant line item | |
FulfillableQuantity | Int | The amount available to fulfill. | |
FulFillmentsService | String | Service provider responsible for fulfillment. | |
ItemGrams | Int | The weight of the item in grams. | |
ItemPrice | Decimal | The price of the item before discounts have been applied. | |
ItemQuantity | Int | The number of products that were purchased. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | States whether or not the fulfillment requires shipping. | |
SKU | String | A unique identifier of the item in the fulfillment. | |
ItemTitle | String | The title of the product or variant. | |
ItemVariantId | Long | The id of the product variant. | |
VariantTitle | String | The title of the product variant. | |
Vendor | String | The name of the supplier of the item. | |
Name | String | The name of the product variant. | |
GiftCard | Bool | States whether or not the product is a gift card. | |
Properties | String | Shows custom properties for this order item. | |
Taxable | Bool | States whether or not the product was taxable. | |
TaxLines | String | Shows tax lines for this order item. | |
AppliedDiscountTitle | String | The title of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountDescription | String | The description of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValue | Decimal | The value of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValueType | String | The value type of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountAmount | Decimal | The amount of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. |
Query draft order items tax lines.
Name | Type | References | Description |
LineNumber [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the table. | |
ItemId | Long |
DraftOrderItems.ItemId | The id of the draft line item. |
DraftOrderId | Long |
DraftOrders.Id | The id of the draft. |
TaxTitle | String | The name of the tax. | |
TaxRate | Decimal | The rate of tax to be applied. | |
TaxPrice | Decimal | The amount of tax to be charged. |
Retrieve events which have happened in your shop.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE ProductId = '123'
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE OrderId = '123'
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE Verb = 'Confirmed'
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE CreatedAt > '2018-05-02'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The ID of the event. | |
Description | String | A human readable description of the event. | |
Message | String | A human readable description of the event. Can contain some HTML formatting. | |
Body | String | A text field containing information about the event. | |
Path | String | A relative URL to the resource the event is for, if applicable. | |
SubjectId | Long | The ID of the resource that generated the event. | |
SubjectType | String | he type of the resource that generated the event. Valid values: Article, Blog, Collection, Comment, Order, Page, Product, ApiPermission. | |
Verb | String | The type of event that occurred. Different resources generate different types of event. | |
Author | String | The author of the event. | |
Arguments | String | Refers to a certain event and its resources. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the event was created. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description | |
OrderId | Long | The ID of the Order to retrieve events from. | |
ProductId | Long | The ID of the Product to retrieve events from. |
Query fulfillment orders.
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentOrders WHERE OrderId = '1'
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentOrders WHERE Id = '1'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | An ID for the fulfillment order. | |
ShopId | Long |
Shop.Id | The ID of the shop that's associated with the fulfillment order. |
OrderId [KEY] | Long |
Orders.Id | The ID of the order that's associated with the fulfillment order. |
AssignedLocationId | Long | The ID of the location that has been assigned to do the work. | |
DestinationId | String | The ID of the fulfillment order destination. | |
DestinationAddress1 | String | The first line of the address of the destination. | |
DestinationAddress2 | String | The second line of the address of the destination. | |
DestinationCity | String | The city of the destination. | |
DestinationCompany | String | The company of the destination. | |
DestinationFirstName | String | The first name of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationLastName | String | The last name of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationPhone | String | The phone number of the customer at the destination. | |
FullfillAt | Datetime | The datetime (in UTC) when the fulfillment order is ready for fulfillment. | |
LineItems | String | Represents line items belonging to a fulfillment order. | |
RequestStatus | String | The status of the fulfillment. | |
Status | String | The status of the fulfillment order. | |
SupportedActions | String | The actions that can be performed on this fulfillment order. | |
MerchantRequests | String | A list of requests sent by the merchant to the fulfillment service for this fulfillment order.. | |
FulfillmentHolds | String | Represents the fulfillment holds applied on the fulfillment order. | |
InternationalDuties | String | The international duties relevant to the fulfillment order. | |
AssignedLocationAddress1 | String | The street address of the assigned location | |
AssignedLocationAddress2 | String | An optional additional field for the street address of the assigned location. | |
AssignedLocationCity | String | The city of the assigned location. | |
AssignedLocationCountryCode | String | The two-letter code for the country of the assigned location | |
AssignedLocationName | String | The name of the assigned location. | |
AssignedLocationPhone | String | The phone number of the assigned location. |
Retrieve information regarding store locations.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The ID for the location. | |
Name | String | The name of the location. | |
Legacy | Bool | Whether this is a fulfillment service location. If true, then the location is a fulfillment service location. If false, then the location was created by the merchant and isn't tied to a fulfillment service. | |
Address1 | String | The first line of the address. | |
Address2 | String | The second line of the address. | |
City | String | The city the location is in. | |
Zip | String | The zip or postal code. | |
Province | String | The province the location is in. | |
Country | String | The country the location is in. | |
Phone | String | The phone number of the location. This value can contain special characters like - and +. | |
CountryCode | String | The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) corresponding to country the location is in. | |
CountryName | String | The name of the country the location is in. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the location was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the location was last updated. | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the location was deleted. |
Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order.
SELECT * FROM NoteAttributes WHERE OrderId = '123'
SELECT * FROM NoteAttributes WHERE OrderUpdatedAt > '2018-05-05'
Name | Type | References | Description |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
Name | String | The name of the note attribute. | |
Value | String | The value of the note attribute. |
Query note attributes belonging to an order or draft order.
SELECT * FROM OrderDiscountCodes WHERE OrderId = '1'
SELECT * FROM OrderDiscountCodes WHERE OrderId IN ('1', '2')
SELECT * FROM OrderDiscountCodes WHERE OrderUpdatedAt <= '2019-05-13 09:23:06.0'
SELECT * FROM OrderDiscountCodes WHERE OrderUpdatedAt >= '2019-05-13 09:23:06.0'
Name | Type | References | Description |
OrderId [KEY] | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
Code [KEY] | String | The name of the note attribute. | |
Amount | String | The value of the note attribute. | |
Type | String | The value of the note attribute. |
Query order item discount allocations.
Name | Type | References | Description |
LineNumber [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the table. | |
ItemId | Long |
OrdersItems.ItemId | The id of the order item. Only available for orders. |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
amount | String | The Amount of the item discount allocations. | |
ApplicationIndex | Int | The ApplicationIndex of the item discount allocations. | |
ShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | The ShopMoneyAmount of the item discount allocations. | |
ShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The ShopMoneyCurrencyCode of the item discount allocations. | |
PresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | The PresentmentMoneyAmount of the item discount allocations. | |
PresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The PresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode of the item discount allocations. | |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. |
Query order item properties.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side. You can set the Type pseudo column to "DraftOrder" to list order items belonging to draft orders instead of orders, or you can set Type to "AbandonedCheckout" to list order items belonging to abandoned checkouts.
SELECT * FROM OrderItemProperties WHERE OrderId = '123'
Name | Type | References | Description |
LineNumber [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the table. | |
ItemId | Long |
OrdersItems.ItemId | The id of the order item. Only available for orders. |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
Name | String | The name of the item property. | |
Value | String | The value of the item property. | |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. |
Query order items.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | Long | The id of the order item. Only available for orders. | |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
ProductId | Long |
Products.Id | The id of the of the product beloning to the order item. |
ItemVariantId | Long | The id of the product variant. | |
ItemTitle | String | The title of the product. | |
Name | String | The name of the product variant. | |
ItemQuantity | Int | The number of products that were purchased. | |
ItemPrice | Decimal | The price of the item before discounts have been applied. | |
ItemGrams | Int | The weight of the item in grams. | |
SKU | String | A unique identifier of the item in the fulfillment. | |
VariantTitle | String | The title of the product variant. | |
Properties | String | Shows custom properties for this order item. | |
Vendor | String | The name of the supplier of the item. | |
FulFillmentsService | String | Service provider who is doing the fulfillment. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | States whether or not the fulfillment requires shipping. | |
Taxable | Bool | States whether or not the product was taxable. | |
GiftCard | Bool | States whether or not the order item is a gift card. | |
FulfillableQuantity | Int | The amount available to fulfill. | |
TotalDiscount | Decimal | The total discount amount applied to this order item. | |
FulfillmentStatus | String | How far along an order is in terms order items fulfilled. | |
AppliedDiscountTitle | String | The title of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountDescription | String | The description of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValue | Decimal | The value of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValueType | String | The value type of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountAmount | Decimal | The amount of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description | |
Type | String | The type of order item, can be one of the following(Order, DraftOrder, AbandonedCheckout). | |
Status | String | Filter orders by their status. Valid values are: open: show only open orders, closed: show only closed orders, cancelled: show only canceled orders, any: show orders of any status,default: open. |
Retrieves a list of all payouts ordered by payout date, with the most recent being first.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Payouts WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Payouts WHERE Status = 'pending'
SELECT * FROM Payouts WHERE Date = '2018-10-30'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the payout. | |
Status | String | The transfer status of the payout. | |
Currency | String | The ISO 4217 currency code of the payout. | |
Amount | Decimal | The total amount of the payout, in a decimal formatted string. | |
Date | Datetime | The date the payout was issued. |
Retrieves a list of all balance transactions ordered by processing time, with the most recent being first.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the transaction. | |
Type | String | The type of the balance transaction. | |
Test | Bool | If the transaction was created for a test mode Order or payment. | |
PayoutId | Long |
Payouts.Id | The id of the payout the transaction was paid out in. |
PayoutStatus | String | The status of the payout the transaction was paid out in, or pending if the transaction has not yet been included in a payout. | |
Currency | String | The ISO 4217 currency code of the transaction. | |
Amount | Decimal | The gross amount of the transaction, in a decimal formatted string. | |
Fee | Decimal | The total amount of fees deducted from the transaction amount. | |
Net | Decimal | The net amount of the transaction. | |
SourceId | Long | The id of the resource leading to the transaction. | |
SourceType | String | The type of the resource leading to the transaction. | |
SourceOrderTransactionId | String | The id of the Order Transaction that resulted in this balance transaction. | |
SourceOrderId | String | The id of the Order that this transaction ultimately originated from. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | The time the transaction was processed. |
Create and query transactions.
The Shopify APIs requires the search criteria to contain OrderId. For example, the following query is processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM RefundAdjustments WHERE OrderId = '123'
When performing a query without a filter or a filter other then the OrderId column, the Cloud will retrieve the entire list of refunds and perform the filters client-side.
The Shopify API requires that an OrderId be specified when retrieving refunds. Therefore to retrieve all the refunds, the Cloud will first retrieve all the OrderIds
from the Orders table (essentially performing the query: SELECT Id FROM Orders). Once the OrderId values have been retrieved, the Cloud will issue individual requests to the
Shopify API to retrieve all the refunds for each OrderId to build the result set.
SELECT * FROM RefundAdjustments WHERE OrderId = '123' AND RefundId = '123'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the refund adjustment. | |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The unique identifier for the order that the order adjustment is associated with. |
RefundId | Long |
Refunds.Id | The unique identifier for the refund that the order adjustment is associated with. |
Amount | Decimal | The value of the discrepancy between the calculated refund and the actual refund. | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | The taxes that are added to amount, such as applicable shipping taxes added to a shipping refund. | |
Kind | String | The order adjustment type. | |
Reason | String | The reason for the order adjustment. | |
AmountShopMoney | Decimal | The amount of the order adjustment in shop. | |
AmountShopCurrency | String | The currency of the order adjustment in shop. | |
AmountPresentmentMoney | Decimal | The amount of the order adjustment in presentment. | |
AmountPresentmentCurrency | String | The currency of the order adjustment in presentment. | |
TaxAmountShopMoney | Decimal | The tax amount of the order adjustment in shop. | |
TaxAmountShopCurrency | String | The tax currency of the order adjustment in shop. | |
TaxAmountPresentmentMoney | Decimal | The tax amount of the order adjustment in presentment. | |
TaxAmountPresentmentCurrency | String | The tax currency of the order adjustment in presentment. |
Get data on OrdersItems that have been refunded.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ItemId [KEY] | Long |
OrdersItems.ItemId | The id of the order item. Only available for orders. |
OrderID [KEY] | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the refund this refunded item belongs to. |
RefundId [KEY] | Long |
Refunds.Id | The id of the refund this refunded item belongs to. |
LocationId | Long | The unique identifier of the location tied to the refund item | |
ProductId | Long |
Products.Id | The id of the of the product beloning to the order item. |
ItemVariantId | Long | The id of the product variant. | |
ItemTitle | String | The title of the product. | |
Name | String | The name of the product variant. | |
ItemQuantity | Int | The number of products that were purchased. | |
ItemPrice | Decimal | The price of the item before discounts have been applied. | |
ItemGrams | Int | The weight of the item in grams. | |
SKU | String | A unique identifier of the item in the fulfillment. | |
VariantTitle | String | The title of the product variant. | |
Properties | String | Shows custom properties for this order item. | |
Vendor | String | The name of the supplier of the item. | |
FulFillmentsService | String | Service provider who is doing the fulfillment. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | States whether or not the fulfillment requires shipping. | |
Taxable | Bool | States whether or not the product was taxable. | |
GiftCard | Bool | States whether or not the order item is a gift card. | |
FulfillableQuantity | Int | The amount available to fulfill. | |
TotalDiscount | Decimal | The total discount amount applied to this order item. | |
FulfillmentStatus | String | How far along an order is in terms order items fulfilled. | |
RefundSubtotal | Decimal | The refunded amount for this item. This is calculated by multiplying ItemPrice with RefundQuantity. | |
RefundQuantity | Int | The quantity of the item refunded. | |
RefundRestockType | String | The type of the restock action. | |
RefundSubtotalPresentmentAmount | Decimal | The total amount of the presentment money. | |
RefundSubtotalPresentmentCurrencyCode | String | The currency code of the presentment money. | |
RefundSubtotalShopAmount | Decimal | The total amount of the shop money. | |
RefundSubtotalShopCurrencyCode | String | The currency code of the shop money. | |
RefundTotalTax | Decimal | Total tax for the refunded item. | |
RefundTotalTaxPresentmentAmount | Decimal | Total tax amount for the presentment money. | |
RefundTotalTaxPresentmentCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the tax on presentment money. | |
RefundTotalTaxShopAmount | Decimal | Total tax amount for the shop money. | |
RefundTotalTaxShopCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the tax on shop money. | |
AppliedDiscountTitle | String | The title of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountDescription | String | The description of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValue | Decimal | The value of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountValueType | String | The value type of the applied discount for order. Only available for draft orders. | |
AppliedDiscountAmount | Decimal | The amount of the applied discount for this order. Only available for draft orders. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description | |
Status | String | Filter orders by their status. Valid values are: open: show only open orders, closed: show only closed orders, cancelled: show only canceled orders, any: show orders of any status,default: open. |
Query transactions for Refund Object.
The Shopify APIs requires the search criteria to contain OrderId. For example, the following query is processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM RefundTransactions WHERE OrderId = '123'
When performing a query without a filter or a filter other then the OrderId column, the Cloud will retrieve the entire list of refunds and perform the filters client-side.
The Shopify API requires that an OrderId be specified when retrieving refunds. Therefore to retrieve all the refunds, the Cloud will first retrieve all the OrderIds
from the Orders table (essentially performing the query: SELECT Id FROM Orders). Once the OrderId values have been retrieved, the Cloud will issue individual requests to the
Shopify API to retrieve all the refunds for each OrderId to build the result set.
SELECT * FROM RefundTransactions WHERE OrderId = '123' AND RefundId = '123'
Name | Type | References | Description |
TransactionsId [KEY] | Long | The ID for the refund transaction. | |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with. |
RefundId | Long |
Refunds.Id | The unique identifier for the refund associated with. |
Amount | Decimal | The amount of money included in the transaction. | |
Authorization | String | The authorization code associated with the transaction.. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the transaction was created. | |
Currency | String | The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment. | |
DeviceId | String | The ID for the device. | |
ErrorCode | String | A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. | |
GraphqlAPIId | String | The order adjustment type. | |
Gateway | String | The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through. | |
Kind | String | The transaction's type. | |
LocationId | String | The ID of the physical location where the transaction was processed. | |
Message | String | A string generated by the payment provider with additional information about why the transaction succeeded or failed. | |
ParentId | Long | The ID of an associated transaction.. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when a transaction was processed. | |
Status | String | The status of the transaction. | |
SourceName | String | The origin of the transaction. | |
Test | Bool | Whether the transaction is a test transaction. | |
UserId | String | The ID for the user who was logged into the Shopify POS device when the order was processed, if applicable. |
To query all the Reports.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side.
SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE Id = '123'
SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE UpdatedAt > '2017-10-25'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique numeric identifier for the report. | |
Name | String | The name of the report. | |
ShopifyQl | String | The ShopifyQL query that generates the report. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time (ISO 8601) when the report was last modified. | |
Category | String | The category for the report. When you create a report, the API will return custom_app_reports. |
Query Shipping item discount allocations.
Name | Type | References | Description |
LineNumber [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the table. | |
ItemId | Long |
ShippingItems.ItemId | The id of the shipping item. Only available for orders. |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
Amount | String | The Amount of the item discount allocations. | |
ShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | The ShopMoneyAmount of the item discount allocations. | |
ShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The ShopMoneyCurrencyCode of the item discount allocations. | |
PresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | The PresentmentMoneyAmount of the item discount allocations. | |
PresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The PresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode of the item discount allocations. | |
DiscountApplicationIndex | Int | The Discount application index for an order. | |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. |
Query order shipping.
SELECT * FROM ShippingItems WHERE OrderId = '123'
SELECT * FROM ShippingItems WHERE OrderUpdatedAt > '2018-05-05'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The id of the shipping item. | |
OrderId [KEY] | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
Price | Decimal | The price of this shipping method. | |
Code | String | A reference to the shipping method. | |
Title | String | The title of the shipping method. | |
Source | String | The source of the shipping method. | |
CarrierIdentifier | String | A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. | |
RequestedFulfillmentServiceId | String | A reference to the fulfillment service that is being requested for the shipping method. |
Retrieve information regarding shipping zones.
The following query is the only one processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ShippingZones
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique numeric identifier for the shipping zone. | |
Name | String | The name of the shipping zone, specified by the user. | |
ProfileId | String | The ID of the shipping zone's delivery profile. Shipping profiles allow merchants to create product-based or location-based shipping rates. | |
LocationGroupId | String | The ID of the shipping zone's location group. Location groups allow merchants to create shipping rates that apply only to the specific locations in the group. | |
Countries | String | A list of countries that belong to the shipping zone. | |
CarrierShippingRateProviders | String | Information about carrier shipping providers and the rates used. | |
PriceBasedShippingRates | String | Information about price based shipping rates used. | |
WeightBasedShippingRates | String | Information about weight based shipping rates used. |
Contains general settings and information about the shop.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the shop. | |
Name | String | The name of the shop. | |
String | The contact email address for the shop. | ||
Address1 | String | The shop's street address. | |
Address2 | String | The shop's additional street address (apt, suite, etc.). | |
City | String | The city in which the shop is located. | |
Country | String | The shop's country (by default equal to the two-letter country code). | |
CountryCode | String | The two-letter country code corresponding to the shop's country. | |
CountryName | String | The shop's normalized country name. | |
CustomerEmail | String | The customer's email. | |
Currency | String | The three-letter code for the currency that the shop accepts. | |
Domain | String | The shop's domain. | |
GoogleAppsDomain | String | The URL of the domain if the shop has a google apps domain. | |
GoogleAppsLoginEnabled | String | Indicated whether the shop has google apps login enabled. | |
Latitude | Double | Geographic coordinate specifying the north/south location of a shop. | |
Longitude | Double | Geographic coordinate specifying the east/west location of a shop. | |
MoneyFormat | String | A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency isn't specified. | |
MoneyWithCurrencyFormat | String | A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency is specified. | |
WeightUnit | String | A string representing the default unit of weight measurement for the shop. | |
MyshopifyDomain | String | The shop's '' domain. | |
PlanName | String | The name of the Shopify plan the shop is on. | |
HasDiscounts | Bool | Indicates if any active discounts exist for the shop. | |
HasGiftCards | Bool | Indicates if any active gift cards exist for the shop. | |
PlanDisplayName | String | The display name of the Shopify plan the shop is on. | |
PasswordEnabled | Bool | Indicates whether the Storefront password protection is enabled. | |
Phone | String | The contact phone number for the shop. | |
PrimaryLocale | String | The shop's primary locale. | |
Province | String | The shop's normalized province or state name. | |
ProvinceCode | String | The two-letter code for the shop's province or state. | |
ShopOwner | String | The username of the shop owner. | |
Source | String | Source | |
TaxShipping | Bool | Specifies whether or not taxes were charged for shipping. | |
TaxesIncluding | Bool | The setting for whether applicable taxes are included in product prices. | |
CountryTaxes | Bool | The setting for whether the shop is applying taxes on a per-county basis or not (US-only). | |
Timezone | String | The name of the timezone the shop is in. | |
IANATimezone | String | The named timezone assigned by the IANA. | |
Zip | String | The zip or postal code of the shop's address. | |
HasStorefront | Bool | Indicates whether the shop has web-based storefront or not. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the shop was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the shop was last updated. | |
SetupRequired | Bool | Indicates whether the shop has any outstanding setup steps or not. |
Query order taxes.
SELECT * FROM TaxItems WHERE OrderId = '123'
SELECT * FROM TaxItems WHERE OrderUpdatedAt > '2018-05-21'
Name | Type | References | Description |
LineNumber [KEY] | Long | A unique numeric identifier for the table. | |
OrderId | Long |
Orders.Id | The id of the order. |
OrderUpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified. | |
ChannelLiable | Bool | Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. | |
TaxItemPrice | Decimal | The amount of tax to be charged. | |
TaxItemRate | Decimal | The rate of tax to be applied. | |
TaxItemTitle | String | The name of the tax. |
Query Users.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The ID of the user. | |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. | |
String | The email of the user. | ||
Url | String | The url of the user. | |
IM | String | The IM of the user. | |
ScreenName | String | The screen name of the user. | |
Phone | String | The phone number of the of the user. | |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. | |
AccountOwner | Bool | If the user is the account owner. | |
ReceiveAnnouncements | Bool | If the user receives announcements. | |
Bio | String | The bio of the user. | |
Permissions | String | The list of permissions of the user. | |
Locale | String | The Locale of the user. | |
UserType | String | The type of the user. | |
AdminGraphQLAPIId | String | The Admin GraphQL API Id of the user. | |
TFAEnabled | Bool | If TFA is enabled. |
Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the Cloud beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Shopify.
Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Shopify, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.
Name | Description |
AcceptCancellationRequest | Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order. |
AcceptFulfillmentRequest | Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order. |
ApproveComment | Approves a comment |
AssignDefaultAddress | Assign a default address to a customer. |
CalculateRefund | Calculates refund transactions based on line items and shipping. |
ChangeSpamStatus | Changes spam status of a comment |
CompleteDraftOrder | Complete a draft order. |
CreateAccountActivationUrl | Creates an account activation URL for the specified customer. |
ListProduct | Create a product listing to publish a product to your app. |
RejectCancellationRequest | Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order. |
RejectFulfillmentRequest | Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order. |
RestoreComment | Restores a previously removed comment |
SendCancellationRequest | Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order. |
SendFulfillmentRequest | Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order. |
SendInvite | Send a default or customized invite to a customer. |
SendInvoice | Send a default or customized invoice to a customer. |
UpdateQuantity | Update InventoryQuantity column from ProductVariants table. |
Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderId | String | The id of the order. |
Message | String | An optional message for the fulfillment request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the modified fulfillment order. |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderId | String | The id of the order. |
Message | String | An optional message for the fulfillment request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the modified fulfillment order. |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Approves a comment
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the comment that needs to be approved. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Assign a default address to a customer.
Name | Type | Description |
CustomerId | String | The id of the customer. |
CustomerAddressId | String | The id of the address you are setting as default. This address must belong to the customer specified in CustomerId. You cannot use the address of a different customer. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Calculates refund transactions based on line items and shipping.
Name | Type | Description |
OrderId | String | The id of the order. |
Currency | String | The ISO format for the currency used to refund. Required when the ShippingAmount is provided. |
RefundLineItems | String | A list of line item IDs, quantities to refund, and restock instructions. |
ShippingFullRefund | String | Specify whether to refund all remaining shipping. |
ShippingAmount | Double | Specify a specific amount to refund for shipping. Takes precedence over ShippingFullRefund. |
Name | Type | Description |
AdditionalFees | String | A JSON aggregate for additional fees. |
Currency | String | The ISO format for the currency used to refund. |
Duties | String | A JSON aggregate of the refunded duties as part of this refund. |
RefundLineItems | String | A JSON aggregate of line item IDs, quantities to refund, and restock instructions. |
Return | String | The items that will be returned to the merchant. |
ShippingAmount | Decimal | The decimal amount for shipping. |
ShippingMaximumRefundable | Decimal | The maximum amount that can be refunded for shipping. |
ShippingTax | Decimal | The tax amount for the shipping. |
TotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | The decimal amount for additional fees presentment money. |
TotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The currency for additional fees presentment money. |
TotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | The decimal amount for additional fees shop money. |
TotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The currency for additional fees shop money. |
TotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | The decimal amount for duties presentment money. |
TotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The currency for for duties presentment money. |
TotalDutiesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | The decimal amount for duties shop money. |
TotalDutiesSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | The currency for duties shop money. |
TransactionsOrderId | Long | The id of the transaction order. |
TransactionsKind | String | The kind of transaction. Indicates whether the refund will be accepted. |
TransactionsGateway | String | The gateway of the transaction. |
TransactionsParentId | Long | The parent ID for the transaction. |
TransactionsAmount | Decimal | The decimal amount for the transaction. |
TransactionsCurrencyCode | String | The currency for the transaction. |
TransactionsMaximumRefundable | Decimal | The maximum amount that can be refunded for transaction. |
Changes spam status of a comment
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the comment whose status needs to be changed |
Spam | String | Value of spam status
The allowed values are yes, no. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Complete a draft order.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the draft order. |
PaymentPending | String | Sets payment pending to true.
The default value is false. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Creates an account activation URL for the specified customer.
Name | Type | Description |
CustomerId | String | The id of the customer. |
Name | Type | Description |
AccountActivationUrl | String | The URL the customer needs to access to activate his account. |
Create a product listing to publish a product to your app.
Name | Type | Description |
ProductId | String | The id of the product to be added in product listings. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderId | String | The id of the order. |
Message | String | An optional message for the fulfillment request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the modified fulfillment order. |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderId | String | The id of the order. |
LineItems | String | An optional array of line item rejection details. If none are provided, all line items will be assumed to be unfulfillable. |
Message | String | An optional message for the fulfillment request. |
Reason | String | An optional reason for the fulfillment request rejection.
The allowed values are incorrect_address, inventory_out_of_stock, ineligible_product, undeliverable_destination, other. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the modified fulfillment order. |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Restores a previously removed comment
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the comment that needs to be restored. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderId | String | The id of the order. |
Message | String | An optional message for the fulfillment request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the modified fulfillment order. |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Sends a fulfillment request to the fulfillment service of a fulfillment order.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderId | String | The id of the fulfillment order. |
FulfillmentOrderLineItems | String | The fulfillment order line items to be requested for fulfillment. If left blank, all line items of the fulfillment order are requested for fulfillment. |
Message | String | An optional message for the fulfillment request. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the modified fulfillment order. |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Send a default or customized invite to a customer.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The customer id to whom the invite will be sent. |
To | String | The email address of whom to send the invite. |
From | String | The email address of the person who sent the invite. |
BCC | String | A comma separated list of email addresses to whom a blind carbon copy of the email will be sent. |
Subject | String | The subject of the email. |
CustomMessage | String | A custom message to be sent. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Send a default or customized invoice to a customer.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the draft order invoice which will be sent. |
To | String | The email address of whom to send the invoice. |
From | String | The email address of the person who sent the invoice. |
BCC | String | A comma separated list of email addresses to whom a blind carbon copy of the email will be sent. |
Subject | String | The subject of the email. |
CustomMessage | String | A custom message to be sent. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
Update InventoryQuantity column from ProductVariants table.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The id of the ProductVariant. |
InventoryQuantity | String | The value of the quantity to update. |
LocationID | String | The location id where the quantity difference is to be set. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the operation completed successfully or not. |
The CData Cloud models the Shopify API as relational views, and stored procedures.
To use GraphQL Data Model, simply set Schema to GraphQL.
Tables are tables that can be modified.
Views are tables that cannot be modified. Typically, model data that is read-only and cannot be updated are shown as views.
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
When UseBulkApi is set to True CData Cloud performs Shopify Bulk Operations. This option offers better performance when you need to select or export a lot of data from Shopify.
The Cloud models the data in Shopify as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Name | Description |
AppFeedbacks | Reports the status of shops and their resources and displays this information within Shopify admin. AppFeedback is used to notify merchants about steps they need to take to set up an application on their store. |
AppSubscriptionLineItems | Returns the plans attached to the app subscription. |
AppSubscriptions | Lists all subscriptions created for a shop on the installed application. |
Catalogs | The catalogs belonging to the shop. |
Collections | Returns a list of collections. |
Companies | Returns the list of companies in the shop. |
CompanyLocations | Returns a list of locations in the company. |
Customers | Retrieves a list of customers. |
DeliveryProfiles | Returns a list of saved delivery profiles. |
DiscountsAutomaticApp | Returns a list of discounts. |
DiscountsAutomaticBasic | Returns a list of discounts. |
DiscountsAutomaticBxgy | Returns a list of discounts. |
DiscountsCodeApp | Returns a list of discounts. |
DiscountsCodeBasic | Returns a list of discounts. |
DiscountsCodeBxgy | Returns a list of discounts. |
DraftOrders | Returns a list of saved draft orders. |
FulfillmentEvents | Retrieves the history of events associated with one or many fulfillments. |
FulfillmentOrders | Retrieves a paginated list of merchant-managed and third-party fulfillment orders. |
Fulfillments | Fulfillment represents a shipment of one or more items in an order. |
FulfillmentServices | Lists fulfillmentServices which Represents service that prepares and ships orders on behalf of the store owner. |
FulfillmentTrackingInfo | Lists tracking information associated with the fulfillment, such as the tracking company, tracking number, and tracking URL. |
GiftCards | Returns a list of gift cards. Requires read_gift_cards access scope. Also, note that the API client must be a private or custom application installed on a Shopify Plus or Shopify Plus Partner Sandbox store.(This table is available only with a ShopifyPlus subscription) |
InventoryItems | Returns a list of inventory items. |
Metafields | Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to one or many resource IDs. |
Orders | Retrieves a list of orders. |
OrderTransactions | Retrieves the transactions associated with the resource. |
PriceLists | All price lists for a shop. |
ProductImages | Returns the images associated with the product. |
ProductResourceFeedbacks | Returns the product resource feedback for the currently authenticated app. |
Products | Returns a list of products. |
ProductVariants | Returns a list of the product variants. |
Publications | Returns the list of publications. |
Refunds | Represents a refund of items or transactions in an order. |
Returns | Retrieves a list of returns for the order. |
ScriptTags | Returns a list of script tags. |
SellingPlanGroups | Returns a list Selling Plan Groups. |
StorefrontAccessTokens | Retrieves the storefront access token of a private application. These are scoped per-application. |
UrlRedirects | Returns a list of redirects for a shop. |
Reports the status of shops and their resources and displays this information within Shopify admin. AppFeedback is used to notify merchants about steps they need to take to set up an application on their store.
For example, the following queries are processed client-side:
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'shopResourceFeedbackCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following column can be used to create a new record:
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
State, FeedbackGeneratedAt
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Title | String | True |
Name of the app. | |
Message | String | True |
The feedback message presented to the merchant. | |
Url | String | True |
The URL that the link visits. | |
Label | String | True |
A context-sensitive label for the link. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
State | String |
The state of the feedback and whether it requires merchant action. |
FeedbackGeneratedAt | Datetime |
The date and time when the feedback was generated. Used to help determine whether incoming feedback is outdated compared to existing feedback. |
Returns the plans attached to the app subscription.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the AppInstallationId column, which supports the '=' comparison operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AppSubscriptionLineItems WHERE AppInstallationId='VALUE'
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'appSubscriptionLineItemUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
UsagePricingPlanCappedAmount, UsagePricingPlanCappedAmountCurrencyCode
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AppSubscriptionId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AppInstallationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
RecurringPricingPlanDiscountDurationLimitInIntervals | Int | True |
The total number of billing intervals to which the discount will be applied. The discount will be applied to an indefinite number of billing intervals if this value is blank. | |
RecurringPricingPlanDiscountPriceAfterDiscountAmount | Decimal | True |
The price of the subscription after the discount is applied. Decimal money amount. | |
RecurringPricingPlanDiscountPriceAfterDiscountCurrencyCode | String | True |
The price of the subscription after the discount is applied. Currency of the money. | |
RecurringPricingPlanDiscountRemainingDurationInIntervals | Int | True |
The remaining number of billing intervals to which the discount will be applied. | |
RecurringPricingPlanValueAmount | Decimal | True |
The value of the discount applied every billing interval. Decimal money amount. | |
RecurringPricingPlanValueAmountCurrencyCode | String | True |
The value of the discount applied every billing interval. Currency of the money. | |
RecurringPricingPlanValuePercentage | Double | True |
The value of the discount applied every billing interval. The percentage value of a discount. | |
RecurringPricingPlanInterval | String | True |
The frequency at which the subscribing shop is billed for an app subscription. | |
RecurringPricingPlanPriceAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount to be charged to the subscribing shop every billing interval. Decimal money amount. | |
RecurringPricingPlanPriceCurrencyCode | String | True |
The currency to be charged to the subscribing shop every billing interval. Currency of the money. | |
UsagePricingPlanBalanceUsedAmount | Decimal | True |
The total usage records for interval. Decimal money amount. | |
UsagePricingPlanBalanceUsedCurrencyCode | String | True |
The total usage records for interval. Currency of the money. | |
UsagePricingPlanCappedAmount | Decimal | False |
The capped amount prevents the merchant from being charged for any usage over that amount during a billing period. This prevents billing from exceeding a maximum threshold over the duration of the billing period. For the merchant to continue using the app after exceeding a capped amount, they would need to agree to a new usage charge. Decimal money amount. | |
UsagePricingPlanCappedAmountCurrencyCode | String | False |
The capped amount prevents the merchant from being charged for any usage over that amount during a billing period. This prevents billing from exceeding a maximum threshold over the duration of the billing period. For the merchant to continue using the app after exceeding a capped amount, they would need to agree to a new usage charge. Currency of the money. | |
UsagePricingPlanInterval | String | True |
The frequency with which the app usage records are billed. | |
UsagePricingPlanTerms | String | True |
The terms and conditions for app usage pricing. Must be present in order to create usage charges. The terms are presented to the merchant when they approve an app's usage charges. |
Lists all subscriptions created for a shop on the installed application.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM AppSubscriptions
SELECT * FROM AppSubscriptions WHERE AppInstallationId = 'Val1'
Insert statements are mapped to the 'appSubscriptionCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Name, Test, ReturnUrl, TrialDays
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Delete statements are mapped to the 'appSubscriptionCancel' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AppInstallationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Name | String | True |
The name of the app subscription. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the app subscription. | |
Test | Bool | True |
Specifies whether the app subscription is a test transaction. | |
ReturnUrl | String | True |
The URL that the merchant is redirected to after approving the app subscription. | |
TrialDays | Int | True |
The number of free trial days, starting at the subscription's creation date, by which billing is delayed. | |
CurrentPeriodEnd | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the current app subscription period ends. Returns 'null' if the subscription isn't active. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the app subscription was created. | |
LineItemIds | String | True |
The IDs of the plans attached to the app subscription. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
LineItem | String |
LineItem |
The catalogs belonging to the shop.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the catalog. | |
Title | String | False |
The name of the catalog. | |
PriceListId | String | False |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PublicationId | String | False |
A globally-unique ID. | |
OperationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
CompanyLocationIds | String |
The IDs of the company locations to associate to the catalog. |
Returns a list of collections.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Collections WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM Collections WHERE UpdatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'collectionUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following column can be updated:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
Title | String | True |
The name of the collection. It's displayed in the Shopify admin and is typically displayed in sales channels, such as an online store. | |
Handle | String | True |
A unique string that identifies the collection. If a handle isn't specified when a collection is created, it's automatically generated from the collection's original title, and typically includes words from the title separated by hyphens. For example, a collection that was created with the title 'Summer Catalog 2022' might have the handle 'summer-catalog-2022'. If the title is changed, the handle doesn't automatically change. The handle can be used in themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the collection, but using the ID is preferred because it never changes. | |
DescriptionHtml | String | True |
The description of the collection, including any HTML tags and formatting. This content is typically displayed to customers, such as on an online store, depending on the theme. | |
ProductsCount | Int | True |
The number of products in the collection. | |
SortOrder | String | False |
The order in which the products in the collection are displayed by default in the Shopify admin and in sales channels, such as an online store. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | True |
The suffix of the Liquid template being used to show the collection in an online store. For example, if the value is 'custom', then the collection is using the 'collection. custom. liquid' template. If the value is 'null', then the collection is using the default 'collection. liquid' template. | |
AvailablePublicationCount | Int | True |
The number of publications a resource is published to without feedback errors. | |
PublishedOnCurrentPublication | Bool | True |
Check to see whether the resource is published to the calling app's publication. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the collection was last modified. | |
FeedbackSummary | String | True |
Summary of resource feedback pertaining to the resource. | |
ImageId | String | True |
A unique ID for the image. | |
ImageWidth | Int | True |
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
ImageAltText | String | True |
A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. | |
ImageHeight | Int | True |
The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
ImageUrl | String | True |
The location of the image as a URL. | |
RuleSetAppliedDisjunctively | Bool | True |
Whether products must match any or all of the rules to be included in the collection. If true, then products must match at least one of the rules to be included in the collection. If false, then products must match all of the rules to be included in the collection. | |
SeoTitle | String | True |
SEO Title. | |
SeoDescription | String | True |
SEO Description. |
Returns the list of companies in the shop.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE ExternalId='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE CustomerSince='2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE CreatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE UpdatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'companyCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
ExternalId, Name, Note, CustomerSince
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'companyUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
ExternalId, Name, Note
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'companyDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ExternalId | String | False |
A unique externally-supplied ID for the company. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the company. | |
Note | String | False |
A note about the company. | |
ContactCount | Int | True |
The number of contacts that belong to the company. | |
CustomerSince | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company became the customer. | |
DefaultCursor | String | True |
A default cursor that returns the single next record, sorted ascending by ID. | |
LifetimeDuration | String | True |
The lifetime duration of the company, since it became a customer of the shop. Examples: '2 days', '3 months', '1 year'. | |
LocationCount | Int | True |
The number of locations that belong to the company. | |
OrderCount | Int | True |
The total number of orders placed for this company, across all its locations. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant added a timeline comment to the company. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company was created in Shopify. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company was last modified. | |
DefaultRoleId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DefaultRoleName | String | True |
The name of a role. For example, 'admin' or 'buyer'. | |
DefaultRoleNote | String | True |
A note for the role. | |
MainContactId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
TotalSpentAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalSpentCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Returns a list of locations in the company.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the CompanyId column, which supports the '=' comparison operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM CompanyLocations WHERE CompanyId='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'companyLocationCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
CompanyId, ExternalId, TaxRegistrationId, Name, Locale, Note, Phone, BillingAddressAddress1, BillingAddressAddress2, BillingAddressCity, BillingAddressPhone, BillingAddressRecipient, BillingAddressZip, BillingAddressCountryCode, BillingAddressZoneCode, ShippingAddressAddress1, ShippingAddressAddress2, ShippingAddressCity, ShippingAddressPhone, ShippingAddressRecipient, ShippingAddressZip, ShippingAddressCountryCode, ShippingAddressZoneCode
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'companyLocationUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
ExternalId, Name, Locale, Note, Phone
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'companyLocationDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CompanyId | String | True |
Companies.Id |
A globally-unique ID. |
ExternalId | String | False |
A unique externally-supplied ID for the company location. | |
TaxRegistrationId | String | True |
The tax registration ID for the company location. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the company location. | |
Currency | String | True |
The location's currency based on the shipping address. If the shipping address is empty, then the value is the shop's primary market. | |
Locale | String | False |
The preferred locale of the company location. | |
Note | String | False |
A note about the company location. | |
Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the company location. | |
DefaultCursor | String | True |
A default cursor that returns the single next record, sorted ascending by ID. | |
OrderCount | Int | True |
The total number of orders placed for the location. | |
TaxExemptions | String | True |
The list of tax exemptions applied to the location. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant added a timeline comment to the company location. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company location was created in Shopify. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company location was last modified. | |
BillingAddressId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
BillingAddressCompanyName | String | True |
The name of the company. | |
BillingAddressAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
BillingAddressCity | String | True |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
BillingAddressCountry | String | True |
The name of the country. | |
BillingAddressPhone | String | True |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
BillingAddressProvince | String | True |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
BillingAddressRecipient | String | True |
The identity of the recipient e. g. 'Receiving Department'. | |
BillingAddressZip | String | True |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
BillingAddressCountryCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
BillingAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
BillingAddressZoneCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
BillingAddressCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company address was created. | |
BillingAddressUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company address was last updated. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationCheckoutToDraft | Bool | True |
Whether to checkout to draft order for merchant review. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPayNowOnly | Bool | True |
Whether a buyer must pay at checkout or they can also choose to pay later using net terms. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPaymentTermsTemplateId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPaymentTermsTemplateName | String | True |
The name of the payment terms template. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPaymentTermsTemplateTranslatedName | String | True |
The translated payment terms template name. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPaymentTermsTemplateDescription | String | True |
The description of the payment terms template. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPaymentTermsTemplateDueInDays | Int | True |
The number of days between the issued date and due date if this is the net type of payment terms. | |
BuyerExperienceConfigurationPaymentTermsTemplatePaymentTermsType | String | True |
The type of the payment terms template. | |
MarketId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShippingAddressId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShippingAddressCompanyName | String | True |
The name of the company. | |
ShippingAddressAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
ShippingAddressAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | True |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | True |
The name of the country. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | True |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
ShippingAddressProvince | String | True |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
ShippingAddressRecipient | String | True |
The identity of the recipient e. g. 'Receiving Department'. | |
ShippingAddressZip | String | True |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
ShippingAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
ShippingAddressZoneCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
ShippingAddressCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company address was created. | |
ShippingAddressUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the company address was last updated. | |
TotalSpentAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalSpentCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Retrieves a list of customers.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE UpdatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AmountSpentAmount='100.000000'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'customerCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
FirstName, LastName, Email, Locale, Note, Phone, TaxExempt, SmsMarketingConsentMarketingState, SmsMarketingConsentMarketingOptInLevel, SmsMarketingConsentConsentUpdatedAt
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'customerDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
MultipassIdentifier | String | True |
A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
ValidEmailAddress | Bool | True |
Whether the email address is formatted correctly. Returns 'true' when the email is formatted correctly and belongs to an existing domain. This doesn't guarantee that the email address actually exists. | |
DisplayName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on the values for first_name and last_name. If the first_name and last_name are not available, then this falls back to the customer's email address, and if that is not available, the customer's phone number. | |
FirstName | String | True |
The customer's first name. | |
LastName | String | True |
The customer's last name. | |
String | True |
The customer's email address. | ||
Locale | String | True |
The customer's locale. | |
Note | String | True |
A note about the customer. | |
Phone | String | True |
The customer's phone number. | |
State | String | True |
The state of the customer's account with the shop. | |
Tags | String | True |
A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the customer. | |
CanDelete | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant can delete the customer from their store. A customer can be deleted from a store only if they have not yet made an order. After a customer makes an order, they can't be deleted from a store. | |
LifetimeDuration | String | True |
The amount of time since the customer was first added to the store. Example: 'about 12 years'. | |
TaxExempt | Bool | True |
Whether the customer is exempt from being charged taxes on their orders. | |
TaxExemptions | String | True |
The list of tax exemptions applied to the customer. | |
UnsubscribeUrl | String | True |
The URL to unsubscribe the customer from the mailing list. | |
VerifiedEmail | Bool | True |
Whether the customer has verified their email address. Defaults to 'true' if the customer is created through the Shopify admin or API. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Whether the timeline subject has a timeline comment. If true, then a timeline comment exists. | |
NumberOfOrders | String | True |
The number of orders that the customer has made at the store in their lifetime. | |
ProductSubscriberStatus | String | True |
Possible subscriber states of a customer defined by their subscription contracts. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer was added to the store. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer was last updated. | |
AcceptsMarketing | Bool | True |
Whether the customer has agreed to receive marketing materials. | |
AmountSpentAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
AmountSpentCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
AverageOrderAmountV2Amount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
AverageOrderAmountV2CurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
DefaultAddressId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DefaultAddressCoordinatesValidated | Bool | True |
Whether the address coordinates are valid. | |
DefaultAddressName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. | |
DefaultAddressFirstName | String | True |
The first name of the customer. | |
DefaultAddressLastName | String | True |
The last name of the customer. | |
DefaultAddressAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
DefaultAddressAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
DefaultAddressCity | String | True |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
DefaultAddressCompany | String | True |
The name of the customer's company or organization. | |
DefaultAddressCountry | String | True |
The name of the country. | |
DefaultAddressLatitude | Double | True |
The latitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
DefaultAddressLongitude | Double | True |
The longitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
DefaultAddressPhone | String | True |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
DefaultAddressProvince | String | True |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
DefaultAddressZip | String | True |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
DefaultAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
DefaultAddressProvinceCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
DefaultAddressCountryCodeV2 | String | True |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
EmailMarketingConsentMarketingState | String | True |
The current email marketing state for the customer. | |
EmailMarketingConsentMarketingOptInLevel | String | True |
The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described by the M3AAWG best practices guidelines, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. | |
EmailMarketingConsentConsentUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. The customer's consent state reflects the consent record with the most recent 'consent_updated_at' date. If no date is provided, then the date and time at which the consent information was sent is used. | |
ImageId | String | True |
A unique ID for the image. | |
ImageWidth | Int | True |
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
ImageAltText | String | True |
A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. | |
ImageHeight | Int | True |
The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
ImageUrl | String | True |
The location of the image as a URL. | |
LastOrderId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
MarketId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
MergeableReason | String | True |
The reason why the customer can't be merged with another customer. | |
MergeableErrorFields | String | True |
The list of fields preventing the customer from being merged. | |
MergeableIsMergeable | Bool | True |
Whether the customer can be merged with another customer. | |
MergeableMergeInProgressJobId | String | True |
The UUID of the merge job. | |
MergeableMergeInProgressResultingCustomerId | String | True |
The ID of the customer resulting from the merge. | |
MergeableMergeInProgressStatus | String | True |
The status of the customer merge request. | |
SmsMarketingConsentMarketingState | String | True |
The current SMS marketing state for the customer. | |
SmsMarketingConsentConsentCollectedFrom | String | True |
The source from which the SMS marketing information for the customer was collected. | |
SmsMarketingConsentMarketingOptInLevel | String | True |
The marketing subscription opt-in level that was set when the customer consented to receive marketing information. | |
SmsMarketingConsentConsentUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used. | |
StatisticsPredictedSpendTier | String | True |
The predicted spend tier of a customer with a shop. |
Returns a list of saved delivery profiles.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DeliveryProfiles WHERE Id='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DeliveryProfiles WHERE MerchantOwnedOnly='true'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'deliveryProfileCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following column can be used to create a new record:
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'deliveryProfileUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following column can be updated:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the delivery profile. | |
Default | Bool | True |
Whether this is the default profile. | |
LegacyMode | Bool | True |
Whether this shop has enabled legacy compatibility mode for delivery profiles. | |
OriginLocationCount | Int | True |
The number of active origin locations for the profile. | |
ZoneCountryCount | Int | True |
The number of countries with active rates to deliver to. | |
ActiveMethodDefinitionsCount | Int | True |
The number of active shipping rates for the profile. | |
LocationsWithoutRatesCount | Int | True |
The number of locations without rates defined. | |
ProductVariantsCountV2Capped | Bool | True |
Whether the count has reached the cap of 500. | |
ProductVariantsCountV2Count | Int | True |
The product variant count. | |
MerchantOwnedOnly | Bool | True |
If 'true', returns only delivery profiles that were created by the merchant. |
Returns a list of discounts.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticApp WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticApp WHERE Status='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticApp WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticApp WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticApp WHERE AppDiscountTypeTitle='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticApp WHERE AppDiscountTypeDiscountClass='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticAppCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, AppDiscountTypeFunctionId, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticAppUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, AppDiscountTypeFunctionId, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DiscountId | String | True |
The ID for the discount. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the discount. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the discount. | |
DiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the discount for combining purposes. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount starts. | |
AsyncUsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times the discount has been used. This value is updated asynchronously and can be different than the actual usage count. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was updated. | |
AppDiscountTypeFunctionId | String | False |
The ID of the function providing the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeTitle | String | True |
The title of the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeDescription | String | True |
A description of the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeAppKey | String | True |
The client ID of the app providing the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeDiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeTargetType | String | True |
The target type of the app discount type. Possible values: 'SHIPPING_LINE' and 'LINE_ITEM'. | |
CombinesWithOrderDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with order discounts. | |
CombinesWithProductDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with product discounts. | |
CombinesWithShippingDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with shipping discounts. | |
ErrorHistoryFirstOccurredAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time that the first error occurred. | |
ErrorHistoryErrorsFirstOccurredAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time that the first error occurred. | |
ErrorHistoryHasSharedRecentErrors | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant has shared all the recent errors with the developer. | |
ErrorHistoryHasBeenSharedSinceLastError | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant has shared all the recent errors with the developer. |
Returns a list of discounts.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBasic WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBasic WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBasic WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticBasicCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountAmount, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, MinimumQuantity, MinimumSubtotal
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticBasicUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountAmount, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the discount. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the discount. | |
Summary | String | True |
A detailed summary of the discount. | |
DiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the discount for combining purposes. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'. | |
ShortSummary | String | True |
A short summary of the discount. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount starts. | |
AsyncUsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times the discount has been used. This value is updated asynchronously and can be different than the actual usage count. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was created. | |
CombinesWithOrderDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with order discounts. | |
CombinesWithProductDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with product discounts. | |
CombinesWithShippingDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with shipping discounts. | |
DiscountMinimumQuantityGreaterThanOrEqualToQuantity | String | True |
The minimum quantity of items that's required for the discount to be applied. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
AppliesOnEachItem | Bool |
If true, then the discount is applied to each of the entitled items. If false, then the amount is split across all of the entitled items. |
DiscountAmount | Decimal |
The value of the discount. |
ProductsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add. |
ProductsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove. |
MinimumQuantity | String |
The minimum quantity of items that's required for the discount to be applied. |
MinimumSubtotal | String |
The minimum subtotal that's required for the discount to be applied. |
Returns a list of discounts.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE Status='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsAutomaticBxgy WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticBxgyCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsesPerOrderLimit, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountAutomaticBxgyUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsesPerOrderLimit, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the discount. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the discount. | |
Summary | String | True |
A detailed summary of the discount. | |
DiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the discount for combining purposes. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount starts. | |
AsyncUsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times the discount has been used. This value is updated asynchronously and can be different than the actual usage count. | |
UsesPerOrderLimit | Int | False |
The maximum number of times that the discount can be applied to an order. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was created. | |
CombinesWithOrderDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with order discounts. | |
CombinesWithProductDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with product discounts. | |
CombinesWithShippingDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with shipping discounts. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
DiscountOnQuantity | String |
The value of the discount. |
DiscountPercentage | Double |
The value of the discount. |
ProductsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add. |
ProductsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove. |
DiscountQuantityToBuy | String |
The quantity of prerequisite items. |
DiscountAmountToBuy | String |
The value of the discount. |
ProductsBuysToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add. |
ProductsBuysToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove. |
Returns a list of discounts.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeApp WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeApp WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeApp WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeApp WHERE AppDiscountTypeTitle='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeApp WHERE AppDiscountTypeDiscountClass='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeAppCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsageLimit, AppliesOncePerCustomer, AppDiscountTypeFunctionId, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts, DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Code, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeAppUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsageLimit, AppliesOncePerCustomer, AppDiscountTypeFunctionId, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts, DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
Code, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DiscountId | String | True |
The ID for the discount. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the discount. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the discount. | |
CodeCount | Int | True |
The number of redeem codes for the discount. | |
DiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the discount for combining purposes. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount starts. | |
UsageLimit | Int | False |
The maximum number of times that the discount can be used. | |
AsyncUsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times that the discount has been used. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Indicates whether there are any timeline comments on the discount. | |
RecurringCycleLimit | Int | True |
The number of times a discount applies on recurring purchases (subscriptions). | |
AppliesOncePerCustomer | Bool | False |
Whether the discount can be applied only once per customer. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was created. | |
AppDiscountTypeFunctionId | String | False |
The ID of the function providing the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeTitle | String | True |
The title of the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeDescription | String | True |
A description of the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeAppKey | String | True |
The client ID of the app providing the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeDiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the app discount type. | |
AppDiscountTypeTargetType | String | True |
The target type of the app discount type. Possible values: 'SHIPPING_LINE' and 'LINE_ITEM'. | |
CombinesWithOrderDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with order discounts. | |
CombinesWithProductDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with product discounts. | |
CombinesWithShippingDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with shipping discounts. | |
DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers | Bool | False |
Whether the discount can be applied by all customers. This value is always 'true'. | |
ErrorHistoryFirstOccurredAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time that the first error occurred. | |
ErrorHistoryErrorsFirstOccurredAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time that the first error occurred. | |
ErrorHistoryHasSharedRecentErrors | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant has shared all the recent errors with the developer. | |
ErrorHistoryHasBeenSharedSinceLastError | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant has shared all the recent errors with the developer. | |
TotalSalesAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalSalesCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String |
The code to use the discount. |
AddAllCustomers | Bool |
Whether all customers can use this discount. |
CustomersToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to add. |
CustomersToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to remove. |
CustomerSegmentsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to add. |
CustomerSegmentsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to remove. |
Returns a list of discounts.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeBasic WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeBasic WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeBasic WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeBasicCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsageLimit, RecurringCycleLimit, AppliesOncePerCustomer, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts, CustomerGetsAppliesOnSubscription, CustomerGetsAppliesOnOneTimePurchase, DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers, DiscountMinimumQuantityGreaterThanOrEqualToQuantity
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Code, AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountAmount, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeBasicUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsageLimit, RecurringCycleLimit, AppliesOncePerCustomer, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts, CustomerGetsAppliesOnSubscription, CustomerGetsAppliesOnOneTimePurchase, DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers, DiscountMinimumQuantityGreaterThanOrEqualToQuantity
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
Code, AppliesOnEachItem, DiscountAmount, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the discount. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the discount. | |
Summary | String | True |
A detailed summary of the discount. | |
CodeCount | Int | True |
The number of redeem codes for the discount. | |
DiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the discount for combining purposes. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'. | |
ShortSummary | String | True |
A short summary of the discount. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount starts. | |
UsageLimit | Int | False |
The maximum number of times that the discount can be used. | |
AsyncUsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times that the discount has been used. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Indicates whether there are any timeline comments on the discount. | |
RecurringCycleLimit | Int | False |
The number of times a discount applies on recurring purchases (subscriptions). | |
AppliesOncePerCustomer | Bool | False |
Whether the discount can be applied only once per customer. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was created. | |
CombinesWithOrderDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with order discounts. | |
CombinesWithProductDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with product discounts. | |
CombinesWithShippingDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with shipping discounts. | |
CustomerGetsAppliesOnSubscription | Bool | False |
Whether the discount applies on subscription items. | |
CustomerGetsAppliesOnOneTimePurchase | Bool | False |
Whether the discount applies on regular one-time-purchase items. | |
DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers | Bool | False |
Whether the discount can be applied by all customers. This value is always 'true'. | |
DiscountMinimumQuantityGreaterThanOrEqualToQuantity | String | False |
The minimum quantity of items that's required for the discount to be applied. | |
TotalSalesAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalSalesCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String |
The code to use the discount. |
AppliesOnEachItem | Bool |
If true, then the discount is applied to each of the entitled items. If false, then the amount is split across all of the entitled items. |
DiscountAmount | Decimal |
The value of the discount. |
ProductsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add. |
ProductsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove. |
AddAllCustomers | Bool |
Whether all customers can use this discount. |
CustomersToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to add. |
CustomersToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to remove. |
CustomerSegmentsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to add. |
CustomerSegmentsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to remove. |
Returns a list of discounts.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeBxgy WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeBxgy WHERE DiscountClass='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM DiscountsCodeBxgy WHERE StartsAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeBxgyCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsageLimit, AppliesOncePerCustomer, UsesPerOrderLimit, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Code, DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeBxgyUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Title, EndsAt, StartsAt, UsageLimit, AppliesOncePerCustomer, UsesPerOrderLimit, CombinesWithOrderDiscounts, CombinesWithProductDiscounts, CombinesWithShippingDiscounts
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
Code, DiscountOnQuantity, DiscountPercentage, DiscountQuantityToBuy, DiscountAmountToBuy, ProductsToAdd, ProductsToRemove, ProductsBuysToAdd, ProductsBuysToRemove, AddAllCustomers, CustomersToAdd, CustomersToRemove, CustomerSegmentsToAdd, CustomerSegmentsToRemove
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'discountCodeDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the discount. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the discount. | |
Summary | String | True |
A detailed summary of the discount. | |
CodeCount | Int | True |
The number of redeem codes for the discount. | |
DiscountClass | String | True |
The class of the discount for combining purposes. | |
EndsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount ends. For open-ended discounts, use 'null'. | |
StartsAt | Datetime | False |
The date and time when the discount starts. | |
UsageLimit | Int | False |
The maximum number of times that the discount can be used. | |
AsyncUsageCount | Int | True |
The number of times that the discount has been used. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Indicates whether there are any timeline comments on the discount. | |
AppliesOncePerCustomer | Bool | False |
Whether the discount can be applied only once per customer. | |
UsesPerOrderLimit | Int | False |
The maximum number of times that the discount can be applied to an order. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the discount was created. | |
CombinesWithOrderDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with order discounts. | |
CombinesWithProductDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with product discounts. | |
CombinesWithShippingDiscounts | Bool | False |
Combines with shipping discounts. | |
CustomerGetsAppliesOnSubscription | Bool | True |
Whether the discount applies on subscription items. | |
CustomerGetsAppliesOnOneTimePurchase | Bool | True |
Whether the discount applies on regular one-time-purchase items. | |
DiscountCustomerAllAllCustomers | Bool | True |
Whether the discount can be applied by all customers. This value is always 'true'. | |
TotalSalesAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalSalesCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String |
The code to use the discount. |
DiscountOnQuantity | String |
The value of the discount. |
DiscountPercentage | Double |
The value of the discount. |
ProductsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add. |
ProductsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove. |
DiscountAmountToBuy | String |
The value of the discount. |
DiscountQuantityToBuy | Double |
The quantity of prerequisite items. |
ProductsBuysToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to add. |
ProductsBuysToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of products IDs to remove. |
AddAllCustomers | Bool |
Whether all customers can use this discount. |
CustomersToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to add. |
CustomersToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to remove. |
CustomerSegmentsToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to add. |
CustomerSegmentsToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of customers IDs to remove. |
Returns a list of saved draft orders.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE Id = 'Val1'
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE Status = 'Val1'
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE CreatedAt = '2023-01-01 11:10:00'
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE UpdatedAt = '2023-01-01 11:10:00'
SELECT * FROM DraftOrders WHERE CustomerId = 'Val1'
Insert statements are mapped to the 'draftOrderCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Email, CustomerId, BillingAddressId, BillingAddressFirstName, BillingAddressLastName, BillingAddressAddress1, BillingAddressAddress2, BillingAddressCity, BillingAddressCompany, BillingAddressCountry, BillingAddressPhone, BillingAddressProvince, BillingAddressZip, BillingAddressProvinceCode, BillingAddressCountryCodeV2, ShippingAddressId, ShippingAddressFirstName, ShippingAddressLastName, ShippingAddressAddress1, ShippingAddressAddress2, ShippingAddressCity, ShippingAddressCompany, ShippingAddressCountry, ShippingAddressPhone, ShippingAddressProvince, ShippingAddressZip, ShippingAddressProvinceCode, ShippingAddressCountryCodeV2, AppliedDiscountTitle, AppliedDiscountDescription, AppliedDiscountValue, AppliedDiscountValueType, AppliedDiscountAmountV2Amount
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Update statements are mapped to the 'draftOrderUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Id, Email, CustomerId, BillingAddressId, BillingAddressFirstName, BillingAddressLastName, BillingAddressAddress1, BillingAddressAddress2, BillingAddressCity, BillingAddressCompany, BillingAddressCountry, BillingAddressPhone, BillingAddressProvince, BillingAddressZip, BillingAddressProvinceCode, BillingAddressCountryCodeV2, ShippingAddressId, ShippingAddressFirstName, ShippingAddressLastName, ShippingAddressAddress1, ShippingAddressAddress2, ShippingAddressCity, ShippingAddressCompany, ShippingAddressCountry, ShippingAddressPhone, ShippingAddressProvince, ShippingAddressZip, ShippingAddressProvinceCode, ShippingAddressCountryCodeV2, AppliedDiscountTitle, AppliedDiscountDescription, AppliedDiscountValue, AppliedDiscountValueType, AppliedDiscountAmountV2Amount
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
Delete statements are mapped to the 'draftOrderDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
Name | String | True |
The identifier for the draft order, which is unique within the store. For example, _#D1223_. | |
MarketName | String | True |
The name of the selected market. | |
String | False |
Email address of the customer, which is used to send notifications to. | ||
Note2 | String | True |
The text from an optional note attached to the draft order. | |
Phone | String | True |
The phone number assigned to the draft order. | |
Ready | Bool | True |
Whether the Draft Order is ready and can be completed. Draft Orders might have asynchronous operations that can take time to finish. | |
Status | String | True |
Status of the draft order. | |
Tags | String | True |
A comma separated list of tags associated with the draft order. Updating 'tags' overwrites any existing tags that were previously added to the draft order. To add new tags without overwriting existing tags, use the mutation. | |
CompletedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the draft order converted to a new order, and the draft order's status changed to **Completed**. | |
CurrencyCode | String | True |
The three letter code for the currency of the store at the time of the most recent update to the draft order. | |
DefaultCursor | String | True |
A default cursor that returns the single next record, sorted ascending by ID. | |
InvoiceUrl | String | True |
The link to the checkout, which is sent to the customer in the invoice email. | |
SubtotalPrice | Decimal | True |
The subtotal of the line items and their discounts. The subtotal doesn't include shipping charges, shipping discounts, or taxes. | |
TaxExempt | Bool | True |
Whether the draft order is tax exempt. | |
TaxesIncluded | Bool | True |
Whether the line item prices include taxes. | |
TotalPrice | Decimal | True |
The total amount of the draft order, including taxes, shipping charges, and discounts. | |
TotalTax | Decimal | True |
The total amount of taxes for the draft order. | |
TotalWeight | String | True |
The total weight in grams of the draft order. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant has added timeline comments to the draft order. | |
InvoiceSentAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the invoice was last emailed to the customer. | |
PresentmentCurrencyCode | String | True |
The payment currency of the customer for this draft order. | |
ReserveInventoryUntil | Datetime | True |
The time after which inventory will automatically be restocked. | |
TotalShippingPrice | Decimal | True |
The total shipping charge for the draft order. | |
VisibleToCustomer | Bool | True |
Whether the draft order will be visible to the customer on the self-serve portal. | |
InvoiceEmailTemplateSubject | String | True |
The subject defined for the draft invoice email template. | |
MarketRegionCountryCode | String | True |
The selected market region country code for the draft order. | |
BillingAddressMatchesShippingAddress | Bool | True |
Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the draft order was created in Shopify. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the draft order was last changed. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm: ss. For example, 2016-02-05 17: 04: 01. | |
OrderId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PurchasingEntityCustomerId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PurchasingEntityCompanyCompanyId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CustomerId | String | False |
Customers.Id |
Customer who will be sent an invoice for the draft order, if there is one. |
BillingAddressId | String | False |
A globally-unique ID. | |
BillingAddressCoordinatesValidated | Bool | True |
Whether the address coordinates are valid. | |
BillingAddressName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. | |
BillingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the customer. | |
BillingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the customer. | |
BillingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
BillingAddressCity | String | False |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
BillingAddressCompany | String | False |
The name of the customer's company or organization. | |
BillingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country. | |
BillingAddressLatitude | Double | True |
The latitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
BillingAddressLongitude | Double | True |
The longitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
BillingAddressPhone | String | False |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
BillingAddressProvince | String | False |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
BillingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
BillingAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
BillingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
BillingAddressCountryCodeV2 | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
ShippingAddressId | String | False |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShippingAddressCoordinatesValidated | Bool | True |
Whether the address coordinates are valid. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. | |
ShippingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the customer. | |
ShippingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the customer. | |
ShippingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
ShippingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | False |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
ShippingAddressCompany | String | False |
The name of the customer's company or organization. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country. | |
ShippingAddressLatitude | Double | True |
The latitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
ShippingAddressLongitude | Double | True |
The longitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | False |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
ShippingAddressProvince | String | False |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
ShippingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
ShippingAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
ShippingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCodeV2 | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
ShippingLineId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShippingLineCarrierIdentifier | String | True |
A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service. | |
ShippingLineTitle | String | True |
Returns the title of the shipping line. | |
ShippingLineCode | String | True |
A reference to the shipping method. | |
ShippingLineCustom | Bool | True |
Whether the shipping line is custom or not. | |
ShippingLinePhone | String | True |
The phone number at the shipping address. | |
ShippingLineSource | String | True |
Returns the rate source for the shipping line. | |
ShippingLineDeliveryCategory | String | True |
The general classification of the delivery method. | |
ShippingLineShippingRateHandle | String | True |
A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and is not meant to be shown to users. | |
ShippingLineRequestedFulfillmentServiceId | String | True |
The ID of the fulfillment service. | |
AppliedDiscountTitle | String | False |
Name of the order-level discount. | |
AppliedDiscountDescription | String | False |
Description of the order-level discount. | |
AppliedDiscountValue | Double | False |
Amount of the order level discount (when value_type is percentage, the value in this field is the percentage discount). | |
AppliedDiscountValueType | String | False |
Type of the order-level discount. | |
PaymentTermsId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PaymentTermsTranslatedName | String | True |
The payment terms name, translated into the shop admin's preferred language. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentTermsName | String | True |
The name of the payment terms template used to create the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsOverdue | Bool | True |
Whether the payment terms have overdue payment schedules. | |
PaymentTermsDueInDays | Int | True |
Duration of payment terms in days based on the payment terms template used to create the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentTermsType | String | True |
The payment terms template type used to create the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsOrderId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AppliedDiscountAmountV2Amount | Decimal | False |
Decimal money amount. | |
AppliedDiscountAmountV2CurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
LineItemsSubtotalPricePresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
LineItemsSubtotalPricePresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
LineItemsSubtotalPriceShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
LineItemsSubtotalPriceShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
SubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
SubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
SubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
SubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalLineItemsPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalLineItemsPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalLineItemsPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalLineItemsPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
DraftOrderLineItems | String |
The list of the line items in the draft order. |
Retrieves the history of events associated with one or many fulfillments.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the FulfillmentId column, which supports the '=' comparison operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentEvents WHERE FulfillmentId='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'fulfillmentEventCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
FulfillmentId, Status, Address1, City, Country, Latitude, Longitude, Message, Province, Zip, EstimatedDeliveryAt
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
FulfillmentId | String | True |
Fulfillments.Id |
A globally-unique ID. |
OrderId | String | True |
Orders.Id |
A globally-unique identifier. |
Status | String | True |
The status of this fulfillment event. | |
HappenedAt | Datetime | True |
The time at which this fulfillment event happened. | |
Address1 | String | True |
The street address where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
City | String | True |
The city where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
Country | String | True |
The country where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
Latitude | Double | True |
The latitude where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
Longitude | Double | True |
The longitude where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
Message | String | True |
A message associated with this fulfillment event. | |
Province | String | True |
The province where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
Zip | String | True |
The zip code of the location where this fulfillment event occurred. | |
EstimatedDeliveryAt | Datetime | True |
The estimated delivery date and time of the fulfillment. |
Retrieves a paginated list of merchant-managed and third-party fulfillment orders.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentOrders WHERE Id='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentOrders WHERE Status='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentOrders WHERE AssignedLocationLocationId='VALUE'
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'dynamic_depends_on_status' GraphQL mutation.
The following column can be updated:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the fulfillment order. | |
FulfillAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the fulfillment order will be fulfillable. When this date and time is reached, the scheduled fulfillment order is automatically transitioned to open. For example, the 'fulfill_at' date for a subscription order might be the 1st of each month, a pre-order 'fulfill_at' date would be 'nil', and a standard order 'fulfill_at' date would be the order creation date. | |
FulfillBy | Datetime | True |
The latest date and time by which all items in the fulfillment order need to be fulfilled. | |
RequestStatus | String | True |
The request status of the fulfillment order. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the fulfillment order was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment order was last updated. | |
AssignedLocationName | String | True |
The name of the location. | |
AssignedLocationAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address for the location. | |
AssignedLocationAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address for the location. | |
AssignedLocationCity | String | True |
The city of the location. | |
AssignedLocationPhone | String | True |
The phone number of the location. | |
AssignedLocationProvince | String | True |
The province of the location. | |
AssignedLocationZip | String | True |
The ZIP code of the location. | |
AssignedLocationCountryCode | String | True |
The two-letter country code of the location. | |
AssignedLocationLocationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AssignedLocationLocationLegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
AssignedLocationLocationName | String | True |
The name of the location. | |
AssignedLocationLocationActivatable | Bool | True |
Whether this location can be reactivated. | |
AssignedLocationLocationDeactivatable | Bool | True |
Whether this location can be deactivated. | |
AssignedLocationLocationDeletable | Bool | True |
Whether this location can be deleted. | |
AssignedLocationLocationAddressVerified | Bool | True |
Whether the location address has been verified. | |
AssignedLocationLocationDeactivatedAt | String | True |
The date and time that the location was deactivated at. For example, 3: 30 pm on September 7, 2019 in the time zone of UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is represented as '2019-09-07T15: 50: 00Z'. | |
AssignedLocationLocationIsActive | Bool | True |
Whether the location is active. | |
AssignedLocationLocationShipsInventory | Bool | True |
Whether this location is used for calculating shipping rates. In multi-origin shipping mode, this flag is ignored. | |
AssignedLocationLocationFulfillsOnlineOrders | Bool | True |
Whether this location can fulfill online orders. | |
AssignedLocationLocationHasActiveInventory | Bool | True |
Whether this location has active inventory. | |
AssignedLocationLocationHasUnfulfilledOrders | Bool | True |
Whether this location has orders that need to be fulfilled. | |
DeliveryMethodId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DeliveryMethodMethodType | String | True |
The type of the delivery method. | |
DeliveryMethodMaxDeliveryDateTime | Datetime | True |
The latest delivery date and time when the fulfillment is expected to arrive at the buyer's location. | |
DeliveryMethodMinDeliveryDateTime | Datetime | True |
The earliest delivery date and time when the fulfillment is expected to arrive at the buyer's location. | |
DestinationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DestinationFirstName | String | True |
The first name of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationLastName | String | True |
The last name of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address of the destination. | |
DestinationAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address of the destination. | |
DestinationCity | String | True |
The city of the destination. | |
DestinationCompany | String | True |
The company of the destination. | |
DestinationEmail | String | True |
The email of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationPhone | String | True |
The phone number of the customer at the destination. | |
DestinationProvince | String | True |
The province of the destination. | |
DestinationZip | String | True |
The ZIP code of the destination. | |
DestinationCountryCode | String | True |
The two-letter country code of the destination. | |
InternationalDutiesIncoterm | String | True |
The method of duties payment. Example values: 'DDP', 'DAP'. | |
OrderId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. |
Fulfillment represents a shipment of one or more items in an order.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the OrderIdcolumn, which supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Fulfillments WHERE OrderId='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'fulfillmentCreateV2' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
OriginAddressAddress1, OriginAddressAddress2, OriginAddressCity, OriginAddressCountryCode, OriginAddressProvinceCode, OriginAddressZip, TrackingInfoNumber, TrackingInfoUrl, FulfillmentOrderIds
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
OrderId | String | True |
Globally unique identifier. | |
Name | String | True |
Human readable reference identifier for this fulfillment. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the fulfillment. | |
DeliveredAt | Datetime | True |
The date that this fulfillment was delivered. | |
DisplayStatus | String | True |
Human readable display status for this fulfillment. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | True |
Whether any of the line items in the fulfillment require shipping. | |
TotalQuantity | Int | True |
Sum of all line item quantities for the fulfillment. | |
EstimatedDeliveryAt | Datetime | True |
The estimated date that this fulfillment will arrive. | |
InTransitAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment went into transit. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the fulfillment was last modified. | |
LocationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ServiceId | String | True |
The ID of the fulfillment service. | |
OriginAddressAddress1 | String | True |
The street address of the fulfillment location. | |
OriginAddressAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
OriginAddressCity | String | True |
The city in which the fulfillment location is located. | |
OriginAddressCountryCode | String | True |
The country code of the fulfillment location. | |
OriginAddressProvinceCode | String | True |
The province code of the fulfillment location. | |
OriginAddressZip | String | True |
The zip code of the fulfillment location. | |
TrackingInfoNumber | String | True |
TrackingInfoNumber | |
TrackingInfoUrl | String | True |
TrackingInfoUrl |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
FulfillmentOrderIds | String |
An aggregated object containing the FulfillmentOrder ids. Ex: [{'fulfillmentOrderId': 'gid://shopify/FulfillmentOrder/xxx'}] |
Lists fulfillmentServices which Represents service that prepares and ships orders on behalf of the store owner.
The Cloud processes filters client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'fulfillmentServiceCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
ServiceName, InventoryManagement, FulfillmentOrdersOptIn, CallbackUrl
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'fulfillmentServiceUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
ServiceName, FulfillmentOrdersOptIn, CallbackUrl
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'fulfillmentServiceDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The ID of the fulfillment service. | |
ServiceName | String | False |
The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. | |
Handle | String | True |
Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. | |
Type | String | True |
Type associated with the fulfillment service. | |
CallbackUrl | String | False |
The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. | |
InventoryManagement | Bool | True |
Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. | |
ProductBased | Bool | True |
Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. | |
PermitsSkuSharing | Bool | True |
Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. | |
FulfillmentOrdersOptIn | Bool | False |
Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. | |
LocationId | String | True |
Globally unique identifier. |
Lists tracking information associated with the fulfillment, such as the tracking company, tracking number, and tracking URL.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the FulfillmentId column, which supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM FulfillmentTrackingInfo WHERE FulfillmentId='VALUE'
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'fulfillmentTrackingInfoUpdateV2' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
FulfillmentId, Company, Number, Url
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
FulfillmentId [KEY] | String | True |
Fulfillments.Id |
The ID of the Fulfillment to return. |
Company | String | False |
The name of the tracking company. | |
Number | String | False |
The tracking number of the fulfillment. | |
Url | String | False |
The URLs to track the fulfillment. |
Returns a list of gift cards. Requires read_gift_cards access scope. Also, note that the API client must be a private or custom application installed on a Shopify Plus or Shopify Plus Partner Sandbox store.(This table is available only with a ShopifyPlus subscription)
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM GiftCards WHERE ExpiresOn<'2000-01-01'
SELECT * FROM GiftCards WHERE CreatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM GiftCards WHERE InitialValueAmount<'100.000000'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'giftCardCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Note, ExpiresOn, InitialValueAmount, CustomerId
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'giftCardUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Note, ExpiresOn, CustomerId
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'giftCardDisable' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Enabled | Bool | True |
Whether the gift card is enabled. | |
Note | String | False |
The note associated with the gift card, which is not visible to the customer. | |
DisabledAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the gift card was disabled. | |
ExpiresOn | Date | False |
The date at which the gift card will expire. | |
LastCharacters | String | True |
The final four characters of the gift card code. | |
MaskedCode | String | True |
The gift card code. Everything but the final four characters is masked. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time at which the gift card was created. | |
BalanceAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
BalanceCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
InitialValueAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
InitialValueCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CustomerId | String | False |
A globally-unique ID. | |
OrderId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. |
Returns a list of inventory items.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems WHERE Id = 'Val1'
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems WHERE Sku = 'Val1'
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems WHERE CreatedAt = '2023-01-01 11:10:00'
SELECT * FROM InventoryItems WHERE UpdatedAt = '2023-01-01 11:10:00'
Update statements are mapped to the 'inventoryItemUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Id, Tracked, HarmonizedSystemCode, CountryCodeOfOrigin, ProvinceCodeOfOrigin, UnitCostAmount
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
VariantId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Sku | String | True |
Inventory item SKU. | |
Tracked | Bool | False |
Whether inventory levels are tracked for the item. | |
LocationsCount | Int | True |
The number of locations where this inventory item is stocked. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | True |
Whether the inventory item requires shipping. | |
DuplicateSkuCount | Int | True |
The number of inventory items that share the same SKU with this item. | |
HarmonizedSystemCode | String | False |
The harmonized system code of the item. | |
InventoryHistoryUrl | String | True |
The URL that points to the inventory history for the item. | |
CountryCodeOfOrigin | String | False |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of where the item originated from. | |
ProvinceCodeOfOrigin | String | False |
The ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 province code of where the item originated from. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the inventory item was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the inventory item was updated. | |
TrackedEditableLocked | Bool | True |
Whether the attribute is locked for editing. | |
TrackedEditableReason | String | True |
The reason the attribute is locked for editing. | |
UnitCostAmount | Decimal | False |
Decimal money amount. | |
UnitCostCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
InventoryItemCountryHarmonizedSystemCodes | String |
List of country-specific harmonized system codes. |
Retrieves a list of metafields that belong to one or many resource IDs.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
OwnerResource is a required column, and eligible values include "product","variant","shop","draft_order","order","customer","collection".
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerResource = 'product'
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerResource = 'product' AND Id = 'gid://shopify/Metafield/19334473318423'
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerId = 'gid://shopify/ProductVariant/39378393497623' AND OwnerResource = 'variant'
SELECT * FROM Metafields WHERE OwnerId IN ('gid://shopify/ProductVariant/39378393497623', 'gid://shopify/Product/1418248224791') AND OwnerResource = 'variant'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'metafieldsSet' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Namespace, Key, Value, Type, OwnerId
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'metafieldDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique ID of the metafield. | |
LegacyResourceId | Long | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
Namespace | String | True |
A container for a set of metafields. You need to define a custom namespace for your metafields to distinguish them from the metafields used by other apps. | |
Key | String | True |
The name of the metafield. | |
Value | String | True |
The information to be stored as metadata. | |
Type | String | True |
The metafield's information type. | |
Description | String | True |
A description of the information that the metafield contains. | |
OwnerId | String | True |
The ID of the resource that the metafield is attached to. | |
OwnerResource | String | True |
The type of resource that the metafield is attached to. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the metafield was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the metafield was last updated. |
Retrieves a list of orders.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Id = 'gid://shopify/Order/232220695'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Id IN ('gid://shopify/Order/232220695', 'gid://shopify/Order/23220695')
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId != 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND Test = true
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND RiskLevel = 'LOW'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND RiskLevel != 'LOW'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND Email = '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND Email != '[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND DiscountCode = 'BlackFriday'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND DiscountCode != 'BlackFriday'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND UpdatedAt = '2022-01-18 02:32:26.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND UpdatedAt != '2022-01-18 02:32:26.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND UpdatedAt <= '2022-01-18 02:32:26.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND UpdatedAt >= '2022-01-18 02:32:26.0' AND UpdatedAt <= '2022-05-10 07:52:22.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND ProcessedAt = '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND ProcessedAt != '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND ProcessedAt <= '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND ProcessedAt >= '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0' AND ProcessedAt <= '2021-10-07 23:45:38.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND CreatedAt = '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND CreatedAt != '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND CreatedAt <= '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0'
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = 'gid://shopify/Customer/3514040471' AND CreatedAt >= '2017-09-19 06:10:39.0' AND CreatedAt <= '2021-10-07 23:45:38.0'
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'orderUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Email, Note, ShippingAddressId, ShippingAddressFirstName, ShippingAddressLastName, ShippingAddressAddress1, ShippingAddressAddress2, ShippingAddressCity, ShippingAddressCompany, ShippingAddressCountry, ShippingAddressPhone, ShippingAddressProvince, ShippingAddressZip, ShippingAddressProvinceCode, ShippingAddressCountryCodeV2
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Unpaid | Bool | True |
Whether no payments have been made for the order. | |
FullyPaid | Bool | True |
Whether the order has been paid in full. | |
SourceIdentifier | String | True |
A unique POS or third party order identifier. For example, '1234-12-1000' or '111-98567-54'. The 'receipt_number' field is derived from this value for POS orders. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
CanMarkAsPaid | Bool | True |
Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. | |
Name | String | True |
The unique identifier for the order that appears on the order page in the Shopify admin and the order status page. For example, '#1001', 'EN1001', or '1001-A'. This value isn't unique across multiple stores. | |
PaymentGatewayNames | String | True |
A list of the names of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, 'Shopify Payments' and 'Cash on Delivery (COD)'. | |
Capturable | Bool | True |
Whether payment for the order can be captured. | |
Closed | Bool | True |
Whether the order is closed. | |
Confirmed | Bool | True |
Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. | |
Edited | Bool | True |
Whether the order has had any edits applied. | |
String | False |
The email address associated with the customer. | ||
Fulfillable | Bool | True |
Whether there are line items that can be fulfilled. This field returns 'false' when the order has no fulfillable line items. For a more granular view of the fulfillment status, refer to the object. | |
Note | String | False |
The contents of the note associated with the order. | |
Phone | String | True |
The phone number associated with the customer. | |
Refundable | Bool | True |
Whether the order can be refunded. | |
Restockable | Bool | True |
Whether any line item on the order can be restocked. | |
Tags | String | True |
A comma separated list of tags associated with the order. Updating 'tags' overwrites any existing tags that were previously added to the order. To add new tags without overwriting existing tags, use the mutation. | |
Test | Bool | True |
Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. A test order cannot be converted into a real order and vice versa. | |
CancelReason | String | True |
The reason provided when the order was canceled. Returns 'null' if the order wasn't canceled. | |
CancelledAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was canceled. Returns 'null' if the order wasn't canceled. | |
ClientIp | String | True |
The IP address of the API client that created the order. | |
ClosedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was closed. Returns 'null' if the order is not closed. | |
CurrencyCode | String | True |
The shop currency when the order was placed. | |
CustomerLocale | String | True |
A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. | |
DiscountCode | String | True |
The discount code used for the order. | |
DiscountCodes | String | True |
The discount codes used for the order. | |
EstimatedTaxes | Bool | True |
Whether taxes on the order are estimated. This field returns 'false' when taxes on the order are finalized and aren't subject to any changes. | |
MerchantEditable | Bool | True |
Whether the order can be edited by the merchant. For example, canceled orders can't be edited. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was processed. This date and time might not match the date and time when the order was created. | |
RequiresShipping | Bool | True |
Whether the order has shipping lines or at least one line item on the order that requires shipping. | |
ReturnStatus | String | True |
The order's aggregated return status for display purposes. | |
RiskLevel | String | True |
The fraud risk level of the order. | |
TaxesIncluded | Bool | True |
Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. | |
TotalWeight | String | True |
The total weight of the order before returns, in grams. | |
CanNotifyCustomer | Bool | True |
Whether a customer email exists for the order. | |
CurrentTotalWeight | String | True |
The total weight of the order after returns, in grams. | |
CustomerAcceptsMarketing | Bool | True |
Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. | |
DisplayFinancialStatus | String | True |
The financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the details of an order's financial state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. | |
DisplayFulfillmentStatus | String | True |
The fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. For a more granular view of the fulfillment status, refer to the object. | |
HasTimelineComment | Bool | True |
Whether the merchant added a timeline comment to the order. | |
MerchantEditableErrors | String | True |
A list of reasons why the order can't be edited. For example, 'Canceled orders can't be edited'. | |
PresentmentCurrencyCode | String | True |
The payment 'CurrencyCode' of the customer for the order. | |
RegisteredSourceUrl | String | True |
The URL of the source that the order originated from, if found in the domain registry. | |
SubtotalLineItemsQuantity | Int | True |
The sum of the quantities for all line items that contribute to the order's subtotal price. | |
BillingAddressMatchesShippingAddress | Bool | True |
Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. | |
CurrentSubtotalLineItemsQuantity | Int | True |
The sum of the quantities for all line items that contribute to the order's current subtotal price. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the order was modified last. | |
AppId | String | True |
The application ID. | |
MerchantOfRecordAppId | String | True |
The application ID. | |
PhysicalLocationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ChannelInformationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ChannelInformationChannelId | String | True |
The unique ID for the channel. | |
ChannelInformationAppId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PublicationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PurchasingEntityCustomerId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PurchasingEntityCompanyId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CustomerId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CustomerFirstName | String | True |
The customer's first name. | |
CustomerLastName | String | True |
The customer's last name. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryReady | Bool | True |
Whether the attributed sessions for the order have been created yet. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryMomentsCount | Int | True |
The total number of customer moments associated with this order. Returns null if the order is still in the process of being attributed. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryCustomerOrderIndex | Int | True |
The position of the current order within the customer's order history. Test orders aren't included. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryDaysToConversion | Int | True |
The number of days between the first session and the order creation date. The first session represents the first session since the last order, or the first session within the 30 day attribution window, if more than 30 days have passed since the last order. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitSource | String | True |
Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitLandingPage | String | True |
URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitOccurredAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer's session occurred. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitReferralCode | String | True |
Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: _ref_, _source_, or _r_. For example, if the URL is myshopifystore. com/products/slide?ref=j2tj1tn2, then this value is j2tj1tn2. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitReferrerUrl | String | True |
Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, _https: //randomblog. com/page1_ or _android-app: //com. google. android. gm_. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitSourceDescription | String | True |
Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitSourceType | String | True |
Type of marketing tactic. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitLandingPageHtml | String | True |
Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was store. myshopify. com/products/1. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryFirstVisitReferralInfoHtml | String | True |
Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitSource | String | True |
Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitLandingPage | String | True |
URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitOccurredAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the customer's session occurred. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitReferralCode | String | True |
Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: _ref_, _source_, or _r_. For example, if the URL is myshopifystore. com/products/slide?ref=j2tj1tn2, then this value is j2tj1tn2. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitReferrerUrl | String | True |
Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, _https: //randomblog. com/page1_ or _android-app: //com. google. android. gm_. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitSourceDescription | String | True |
Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitSourceType | String | True |
Type of marketing tactic. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitLandingPageHtml | String | True |
Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was store. myshopify. com/products/1. | |
CustomerJourneySummaryLastVisitReferralInfoHtml | String | True |
Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. | |
DisplayAddressId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
DisplayAddressCoordinatesValidated | Bool | True |
Whether the address coordinates are valid. | |
DisplayAddressName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. | |
DisplayAddressFirstName | String | True |
The first name of the customer. | |
DisplayAddressLastName | String | True |
The last name of the customer. | |
DisplayAddressAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
DisplayAddressAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
DisplayAddressCity | String | True |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
DisplayAddressCompany | String | True |
The name of the customer's company or organization. | |
DisplayAddressCountry | String | True |
The name of the country. | |
DisplayAddressLatitude | Double | True |
The latitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
DisplayAddressLongitude | Double | True |
The longitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
DisplayAddressPhone | String | True |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
DisplayAddressProvince | String | True |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
DisplayAddressZip | String | True |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
DisplayAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
DisplayAddressProvinceCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
DisplayAddressCountryCodeV2 | String | True |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
BillingAddressId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
BillingAddressCoordinatesValidated | Bool | True |
Whether the address coordinates are valid. | |
BillingAddressName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. | |
BillingAddressFirstName | String | True |
The first name of the customer. | |
BillingAddressLastName | String | True |
The last name of the customer. | |
BillingAddressAddress1 | String | True |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | True |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
BillingAddressCity | String | True |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
BillingAddressCompany | String | True |
The name of the customer's company or organization. | |
BillingAddressCountry | String | True |
The name of the country. | |
BillingAddressLatitude | Double | True |
The latitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
BillingAddressLongitude | Double | True |
The longitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
BillingAddressPhone | String | True |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
BillingAddressProvince | String | True |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
BillingAddressZip | String | True |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
BillingAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
BillingAddressProvinceCode | String | True |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
BillingAddressCountryCodeV2 | String | True |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
ShippingAddressId | String | False |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShippingAddressCoordinatesValidated | Bool | True |
Whether the address coordinates are valid. | |
ShippingAddressName | String | True |
The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. | |
ShippingAddressFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the customer. | |
ShippingAddressLastName | String | False |
The last name of the customer. | |
ShippingAddressAddress1 | String | False |
The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. | |
ShippingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | False |
The name of the city, district, village, or town. | |
ShippingAddressCompany | String | False |
The name of the customer's company or organization. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | False |
The name of the country. | |
ShippingAddressLatitude | Double | True |
The latitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
ShippingAddressLongitude | Double | True |
The longitude coordinate of the customer address. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | False |
A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E. 164 standard. For example, _+16135551111_. | |
ShippingAddressProvince | String | False |
The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. | |
ShippingAddressZip | String | False |
The zip or postal code of the address. | |
ShippingAddressFormattedArea | String | True |
A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. | |
ShippingAddressProvinceCode | String | False |
The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCodeV2 | String | False |
The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. | |
ShippingLineId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShippingLineCarrierIdentifier | String | True |
A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service. | |
ShippingLineTitle | String | True |
Returns the title of the shipping line. | |
ShippingLineCode | String | True |
A reference to the shipping method. | |
ShippingLineCustom | Bool | True |
Whether the shipping line is custom or not. | |
ShippingLinePhone | String | True |
The phone number at the shipping address. | |
ShippingLineSource | String | True |
Returns the rate source for the shipping line. | |
ShippingLineDeliveryCategory | String | True |
The general classification of the delivery method. | |
ShippingLineShippingRateHandle | String | True |
A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and is not meant to be shown to users. | |
ShippingLineRequestedFulfillmentServiceId | String | True |
The ID of the fulfillment service. | |
PaymentTermsId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PaymentTermsTranslatedName | String | True |
The payment terms name, translated into the shop admin's preferred language. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentTermsName | String | True |
The name of the payment terms template used to create the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsOverdue | Bool | True |
Whether the payment terms have overdue payment schedules. | |
PaymentTermsDueInDays | Int | True |
Duration of payment terms in days based on the payment terms template used to create the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsPaymentTermsType | String | True |
The payment terms template type used to create the payment terms. | |
PaymentTermsDraftOrderId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CartDiscountAmountSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CartDiscountAmountSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CartDiscountAmountSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CartDiscountAmountSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
ChannelInformationChannelDefinitionId | String | True |
The unique ID for the channel definition. | |
CurrentCartDiscountAmountSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentCartDiscountAmountSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentCartDiscountAmountSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentCartDiscountAmountSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentSubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentSubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentSubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentSubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalDutiesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalDutiesSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
CurrentTotalTaxSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
CurrentTotalTaxSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
NetPaymentSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
NetPaymentSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
NetPaymentSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
NetPaymentSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
OriginalTotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
OriginalTotalAdditionalFeesSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
OriginalTotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
OriginalTotalAdditionalFeesSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
OriginalTotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
OriginalTotalDutiesSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
OriginalTotalDutiesSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
OriginalTotalDutiesSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
OriginalTotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
OriginalTotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
OriginalTotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
OriginalTotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
PaymentCollectionDetailsAdditionalPaymentCollectionUrl | String | True |
The URL to use for collecting an additional payment on the order. | |
RefundDiscrepancySetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
RefundDiscrepancySetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
RefundDiscrepancySetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
RefundDiscrepancySetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
SubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
SubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
SubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
SubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalCapturableSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalCapturableSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalCapturableSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalCapturableSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalOutstandingSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalOutstandingSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalOutstandingSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalOutstandingSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalReceivedSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalReceivedSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalReceivedSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalReceivedSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalRefundedSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalRefundedSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalRefundedSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalRefundedSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalRefundedShippingSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalRefundedShippingSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalRefundedShippingSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalRefundedShippingSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalTipReceivedSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalTipReceivedSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalTipReceivedSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalTipReceivedSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Retrieves the transactions associated with the resource.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the ResourceId column, which supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM OrderTransactions WHERE ResourceId='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'orderCapture' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
ResourceId, ParentTransactionId, Amount, Currency
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ResourceId [KEY] | String | True |
Orders.Id |
A globally-unique ID. |
PaymentId | String | True |
The payment ID associated with the transaction. | |
ParentTransactionId | String | True |
The associated parent transaction, for example the authorization of a capture. | |
AccountNumber | String | True |
The masked account number associated with the payment method. | |
Gateway | String | True |
The payment gateway used to process the transaction. | |
Kind | String | True |
The kind of transaction. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of this transaction. | |
Test | Bool | True |
Whether the transaction is a test transaction. | |
AuthorizationCode | String | True |
Authorization code associated with the transaction. | |
ErrorCode | String | True |
A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. | |
FormattedGateway | String | True |
The human-readable payment gateway name used to process the transaction. | |
ManuallyCapturable | Bool | True |
Whether the transaction can be manually captured. | |
ProcessedAt | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the transaction was processed. | |
ReceiptJson | String | True |
The transaction receipt that the payment gateway attaches to the transaction. The value of this field depends on which payment gateway processed the transaction. | |
SettlementCurrency | String | True |
The settlement currency. | |
AuthorizationExpiresAt | Datetime | True |
The time when the authorization expires. This field is available only to stores on a Shopify Plus plan and is populated only for Shopify Payments authorizations. | |
SettlementCurrencyRate | Decimal | True |
The rate used when converting the transaction amount to settlement currency. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Date and time when the transaction was created. | |
CardPaymentDetailsName | String | True |
The holder of the credit card. | |
CardPaymentDetailsBin | String | True |
The issuer identification number (IIN), formerly known as bank identification number (BIN) of the customer's credit card. This is made up of the first few digits of the credit card number. | |
CardPaymentDetailsCompany | String | True |
The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card. | |
CardPaymentDetailsNumber | String | True |
The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted. | |
CardPaymentDetailsWallet | String | True |
Digital wallet used for the payment. | |
CardPaymentDetailsExpirationMonth | Int | True |
The month in which the used credit card expires. | |
CardPaymentDetailsExpirationYear | Int | True |
The year in which the used credit card expires. | |
CardPaymentDetailsAvsResultCode | String | True |
The response code from the address verification system (AVS). The code is always a single letter. | |
CardPaymentDetailsCvvResultCode | String | True |
The response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code, or card verification value, correctly. The code is a single letter or empty string. | |
PaymentIconId | String | True |
A unique ID for the image. | |
PaymentIconWidth | Int | True |
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
PaymentIconAltText | String | True |
A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. | |
PaymentIconHeight | Int | True |
The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
AmountSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
AmountSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
AmountSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
AmountSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
MaximumRefundableV2Amount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
MaximumRefundableV2CurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
ShopifyPaymentsSetExtendedAuthorizationSetExtendedAuthorizationExpiresAt | Datetime | True |
The time after which the extended authorization expires. After the expiry, the merchant is unable to capture the payment. | |
ShopifyPaymentsSetExtendedAuthorizationSetStandardAuthorizationExpiresAt | Datetime | True |
The time after which capture will incur an additional fee. | |
ShopifyPaymentsSetRefundSetAcquirerReferenceNumber | String | True |
The acquirer reference number (ARN) code generated for Visa/Mastercard transactions. | |
TotalUnsettledSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalUnsettledSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalUnsettledSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalUnsettledSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Amount | Decimal |
The amount to capture. The capture amount can't be greater than the amount of the authorized transaction. |
Currency | String |
The amount to capture. The capture amount can't be greater than the amount of the authorized transaction. |
All price lists for a shop.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
Currency | String | False |
The currency for fixed prices associated with this price list. | |
FixedPricesCount | Int | True |
The number of fixed prices on the price list. | |
Name | String | False |
The unique name of the price list, used as a human-readable identifier. | |
ParentAdjustmentType | String | False |
The type of price adjustment, such as percentage increase or decrease. | |
ParentAdjustmentValue | Double | False |
The value of price adjustment, where positive numbers reduce the prices and negative numbers increase them. | |
ParentSettingsCompareAtMode | String | False |
The type of price list adjustment setting for compare at price. |
Returns the images associated with the product.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
SELECT * FROM ProductImages WHERE ProductId='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'productAppendImages' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
ProductId, AltText, Url
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'productImageUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
ProductId, AltText, Url
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A unique identifier for the image. | |
ProductId [KEY] | String | True |
Products.Id |
A globally-unique identifier. |
AltText | String | False |
A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. | |
Height | Int | True |
The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
Width | Int | True |
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
Url | String | False |
The location of the image as a URL. |
Returns the product resource feedback for the currently authenticated app.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the Id column, which supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ProductResourceFeedbacks WHERE Id='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'bulkProductResourceFeedbackCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
ProductId, FeedbackGeneratedAt, Messages, ProductUpdatedAt, State
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ProductId [KEY] | String | True |
Products.Id |
The product associated with the resource feedback. |
FeedbackGeneratedAt | Datetime | True |
The time when the feedback was generated. Used to help determine whether incoming feedback is outdated compared to existing feedback. | |
Messages | String | True |
The feedback messages presented to the merchant. | |
ProductUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The timestamp of the product associated with the feedback. | |
State | String | True |
Conveys the state of the feedback and whether it requires merchant action or not. |
Returns a list of products.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductType='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE TotalInventory<'100'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE HasOnlyDefaultVariant='true'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE UpdatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE CreatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'productCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
DescriptionHtml, Title, Handle, ProductType, Tags, Status, Vendor, RequiresSellingPlan, GiftCardTemplateSuffix, IsGiftCard, SeoTitle, SeoDescription
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
VariantPrice, VariantTaxable, VariantRequiresShipping
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'productUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
DescriptionHtml, Title, Handle, ProductType, Tags, Status, Vendor, RequiresSellingPlan, GiftCardTemplateSuffix, SeoTitle, SeoDescription
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
VariantPrice, VariantTaxable, VariantRequiresShipping
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'productDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique identifier. | |
LegacyResourceId | Long | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
Description | String | True |
The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. | |
DescriptionHtml | String | False |
The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the product. | |
Handle | String | False |
A unique human-friendly string of the product's title. | |
ProductType | String | False |
The product type specified by the merchant. | |
Tags | String | False |
A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. Updating 'tags' overwrites any existing tags that were previously added to the product. | |
Status | String | False |
The product status. This controls visibility across all channels. | |
Vendor | String | False |
The name of the product's vendor. | |
OnlineStorePreviewUrl | String | True |
The online store preview URL. | |
OnlineStoreUrl | String | True |
The online store URL for the product.A value of 'null' indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel. | |
RequiresSellingPlan | Bool | False |
Whether the product can only be purchased with a selling plan (subscription). Products that are sold on subscription ('requiresSellingPlan: true') can be updated only for online stores. If you update a product to be subscription only, then the product is unpublished from all channels except the online store. | |
SellingPlanGroupCount | Int | True |
Count of selling plan groups associated with the product. | |
TracksInventory | Bool | True |
Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. | |
TotalInventory | Int | True |
The quantity of inventory in stock. | |
HasOnlyDefaultVariant | Bool | True |
Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value. | |
HasOutOfStockVariants | Bool | True |
Whether the product has out of stock variants. | |
TotalVariants | Int | True |
The number of variants that are associated with the product. | |
TemplateSuffix | String | True |
The theme template used when viewing the product in a store. | |
GiftCardTemplateSuffix | String | False |
The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store. | |
IsGiftCard | Bool | True |
Whether the product is a gift card. | |
PublishedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was published to the Online Store. | |
AvailablePublicationCount | Int | True |
The number of publications a resource is published to without feedback errors. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was last modified.A product's 'updatedAt' value can change for different reasons. For example, if an order is placed for a product that has inventory tracking set up, then the inventory adjustment is counted as an update. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product was created. | |
FeedbackSummary | String | True |
Summary of resource feedback pertaining to the resource. | |
PriceRangeMaxVariantPriceAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
PriceRangeMaxVariantPriceCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
PriceRangeMinVariantPriceAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
PriceRangeMinVariantPriceCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
SeoTitle | String | False |
SEO Title. | |
SeoDescription | String | False |
SEO Description. | |
MediaCount | Int | True |
Total count of media belonging to a product. | |
FeaturedImageId | String | True |
A unique identifier for the image. | |
FeaturedImageAltText | String | True |
A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. | |
FeaturedImageHeight | Int | True |
The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
FeaturedImageWidth | Int | True |
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
FeaturedImageUrl | String | True |
The location of the image as a URL. | |
ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationIsPublished | Bool | True |
Whether the resource publication is published. If true, then the resource publication is published to the publication. If false, then the resource publication is staged to be published to the publication. | |
ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublishDate | Datetime | True |
The date that the resource publication was or is going to be published to the publication. | |
ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublicationId | String | True |
A globally-unique identifier. | |
ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublicationName | String | True |
Name of the publication. | |
ResourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationPublicationSupportsFuturePublishing | Bool | True |
Whether the publication supports future publishing. | |
ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeId | String | True |
The ID of the product taxonomy node. | |
ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeName | String | True |
The name of the product taxonomy node. For example, Dog Beds. | |
ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeFullName | String | True |
The full name of the product taxonomy node. For example, Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Dog Supplies > Dog Beds. | |
ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeIsLeaf | Bool | True |
Whether the node is a leaf node. | |
ProductCategoryProductTaxonomyNodeIsRoot | Bool | True |
Whether the node is a root node. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
VariantPrice | Double |
The price of the variant. |
VariantTaxable | Bool |
Whether the variant is taxable. |
VariantRequiresShipping | Bool |
Whether the variant requires shipping. |
Returns a list of the product variants.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Id = 'gid://shopify/ProductVariant/6788079091735'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Id IN ('gid://shopify/ProductVariant/6830135181335', 'gid://ProductVariant/Product/6830135181336')
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE ProductId='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Title='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Barcode='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Sku='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE Taxable='true'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE UpdatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE CreatedAt<'2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE InventoryQuantity<'100'
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WHERE DeliveryProfileId='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'productVariantCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
ProductId, Position, Price, CompareAtPrice, Barcode, Weight, WeightUnit, Sku, Taxable, TaxCode, InventoryPolicy, InventoryItemTracked, ImageId, Options
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'productVariantUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Position, Price, CompareAtPrice, Barcode, Weight, WeightUnit, Sku, Taxable, TaxCode, InventoryPolicy, InventoryItemTracked, ImageId, Options
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'productVariantDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique identifier. | |
LegacyResourceId | Long | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
ProductId | String | True |
Products.Id |
A globally-unique identifier. |
Position | Int | False |
The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. | |
AvailableForSale | Bool | True |
Whether the product variant is available for sale. | |
SellableOnlineQuantity | Int | True |
The total sellable quantity of the variant for online channels. This doesn't represent the total available inventory or capture (limitations based on customer location). | |
SellingPlanGroupCount | Int | True |
Count of selling plan groups associated with the product variant. | |
Price | Decimal | False |
The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. | |
CompareAtPrice | Decimal | False |
The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. | |
DisplayName | String | True |
Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. | |
Barcode | String | False |
The value of the barcode associated with the product. | |
Weight | Double | False |
The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. | |
WeightUnit | String | False |
The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. If you don't specify a value for weight_unit, then the shop's default unit of measurement is applied. Valid values: 'g', 'kg', 'oz', 'lb'. | |
Sku | String | False |
An identifier for the product variant in the shop. Required in order to connect to a fulfillment service. | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the product variant. | |
Taxable | Bool | False |
Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. | |
TaxCode | String | False |
The tax code for the product variant. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the product variant was last modified. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the variant was created. | |
InventoryPolicy | String | False |
Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. | |
InventoryQuantity | Int | True |
The total sellable quantity of the variant. | |
InventoryItemId | String | True |
A globally-unique identifier. | |
InventoryItemTracked | Bool | False |
Whether inventory levels are tracked for the item. | |
ImageId | String | False |
A unique identifier for the image. | |
ImageAltText | String | True |
A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. | |
ImageHeight | Int | True |
The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
ImageWidth | Int | True |
The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify. | |
ImageUrl | String | True |
The location of the image as a URL. | |
DeliveryProfileId | String | True |
A globally-unique identifier. | |
FulfillmentServiceEditableLocked | Bool | True |
Whether the attribute is locked for editing. | |
FulfillmentServiceEditableReason | String | True |
The reason the attribute is locked for editing. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
Options | String |
The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. |
Returns the list of publications.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Publications WHERE CatalogType='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'publicationCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
AutoPublish, CatalogId, DefaultState
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'publicationUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
AutoPublish, PublishablesToAdd, PublishablesToRemove
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'publicationDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AutoPublish | Bool | False |
Whether new products are automatically published to this publication. | |
SupportsFuturePublishing | Bool | True |
Whether the publication supports future publishing. | |
CatalogId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AddAllProductsOperationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AddAllProductsOperationStatus | String | True |
The status of this operation. | |
AddAllProductsOperationProcessedRowCount | Int | True |
The count of processed rows, summing imported, failed, and skipped rows. | |
AddAllProductsOperationRowCountCount | Int | True |
Estimated number of rows contained within this background operation. | |
AddAllProductsOperationRowCountExceedsMax | Bool | True |
Whether the operation exceeds max number of reportable rows. | |
CatalogCsvOperationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
CatalogCsvOperationStatus | String | True |
The status of this operation. | |
CatalogCsvOperationProcessedRowCount | Int | True |
The count of processed rows, summing imported, failed, and skipped rows. | |
CatalogCsvOperationRowCountCount | Int | True |
Estimated number of rows contained within this background operation. | |
CatalogCsvOperationRowCountExceedsMax | Bool | True |
Whether the operation exceeds max number of reportable rows. | |
PublicationResourceOperationId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
PublicationResourceOperationStatus | String | True |
The status of this operation. | |
PublicationResourceOperationProcessedRowCount | Int | True |
The count of processed rows, summing imported, failed, and skipped rows. | |
PublicationResourceOperationRowCountCount | Int | True |
Estimated number of rows contained within this background operation. | |
PublicationResourceOperationRowCountExceedsMax | Bool | True |
Whether the operation exceeds max number of reportable rows. | |
CatalogType | String | True |
Filter publications by catalog type. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
DefaultState | String |
Whether to create an empty publication or prepopulate it with all products. |
PublishablesToAdd | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of publishable IDs to add. The maximum number of publishables to update simultaneously is 50. |
PublishablesToRemove | String |
A simple, comma-separated list of publishable IDs to remove. The maximum number of publishables to update simultaneously is 50. |
Represents a refund of items or transactions in an order.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Refunds WHERE OrderId = 'Val1'
Insert statements are mapped to the 'refundCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
OrderId, Note
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Globally unique identifier. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
OrderId | String | True |
Orders.Id |
A globally-unique ID. |
Note | String | True |
The optional note associated with the refund. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the refund was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the refund was updated. | |
ReturnId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
StaffMemberId | String | True |
A globally-unique ID.(This column is available only with a ShopifyPlus subscription) | |
TotalRefundedSetPresentmentMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalRefundedSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. | |
TotalRefundedSetShopMoneyAmount | Decimal | True |
Decimal money amount. | |
TotalRefundedSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode | String | True |
Currency of the money. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
RefundLineItems | String |
The list of the line items in the draft order. |
Retrieves a list of returns for the order.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Returns WHERE OrdersId = 'Val1'
Insert statements are mapped to the 'returnCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
OrdersId | String | True |
Orders.Id |
A globally-unique ID. |
Name | String | True |
The name of the return. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the return. | |
TotalQuantity | Int | True |
The sum of all line item quantities for the return. | |
DeclineReason | String | True |
The reason the customer's return request was declined. | |
DeclineNote | String | True |
The notification message sent to the customer about their declined return request. Maximum length: 500 characters. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
ReturnLineItems | String |
The list of the line items in the return. |
Returns a list of script tags.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'scriptTagCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Cache, Src, DisplayScope
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'scriptTagUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Cache, Src, DisplayScope
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'scriptTagDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
LegacyResourceId | String | True |
The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. | |
Cache | Bool | False |
Whether the Shopify CDN can cache and serve the script tag. If 'true', then the script will be cached and served by the CDN. The cache expires 15 minutes after the script tag is successfully returned. If 'false', then the script will be served as is. | |
Src | String | False |
The URL to the remote script. | |
DisplayScope | String | False |
The page or pages on the online store that the script should be included. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the script tag was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the script tag was last updated. |
Returns a list Selling Plan Groups.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SellingPlanGroups
SELECT * FROM SellingPlanGroups WHERE Id = 'Val1'
SELECT * FROM SellingPlanGroups WHERE Name = 'Val1'
SELECT * FROM SellingPlanGroups WHERE CreatedAt < '2023-01-01 11:10:00'
Insert statements are mapped to the 'sellingPlanGroupCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
AppId, Name, Description, Options, Position, MerchantCode
The following pseudo-columns can be used to create a new record:
SellingPlansToCreate, ProductIds, ProductVariantIds
Update statements are mapped to the 'sellingPlanGroupUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Id, AppId, Name, Description, Options, Position, MerchantCode
The following pseudo-columns can be updated:
SellingPlansToCreate, SellingPlansToUpdate, SellingPlansToDelete
Delete statements are mapped to the 'sellingPlanGroupDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
AppId | String | False |
The ID for app, exposed in Liquid and product JSON. | |
Name | String | False |
The buyer-facing label of the selling plan group. | |
Description | String | False |
The merchant-facing description of the selling plan group. | |
Options | String | False |
The values of all options available on the selling plan group. Selling plans are grouped together in Liquid when they are created by the same app, and have the same 'selling_plan_group. name' and 'selling_plan_group. options' values. | |
Position | Int | False |
The relative position of the selling plan group for display. | |
Summary | String | True |
A summary of the policies associated to the selling plan group. | |
MerchantCode | String | False |
The merchant-facing label of the selling plan group. | |
ProductCount | Int | True |
A count of products associated to the selling plan group. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the selling plan group was created. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, to offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source, or as parameters in INSERT statements.
Name | Type | Description |
SellingPlansToCreate | String |
List of selling plans to create. |
SellingPlansToUpdate | String |
List of selling plans to update. |
SellingPlansToDelete | String |
List of selling plans to delete as a simple, comma-separated list. |
ProductIds | String |
The IDs of the Products to add to the Selling Plan Group as a simple, comma-separated list. |
ProductVariantIds | String |
The IDs of the Variants to add to the Selling Plan Group as a simple, comma-separated list. |
Retrieves the storefront access token of a private application. These are scoped per-application.
The Cloud processes filters client-side within the Cloud.
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'storefrontAccessTokenCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'storefrontAccessTokenDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A globally-unique ID. | |
ShopId | String | True |
Shop.Id |
A globally-unique ID. |
Title | String | True |
An arbitrary title for each token determined by the developer, used for reference purposes. | |
AccessToken | String | True |
The issued public access token. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the public access token was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The date and time when the storefront access token was updated. |
Returns a list of redirects for a shop.
The Cloud uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM UrlRedirects WHERE Target='VALUE'
INSERT statements are mapped to the 'urlRedirectCreate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be used to create a new record:
Path, Target
UPDATE statements are mapped to the 'urlRedirectUpdate' GraphQL mutation.
The following columns can be updated:
Path, Target
DELETE statements are mapped to the 'urlRedirectDelete' GraphQL mutation.
You can delete entries by specifying the Id.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The ID of the URL redirect. | |
Path | String | False |
The old path to be redirected from. When the user visits this path, they will be redirected to the target location. | |
Target | String | False |
The target location where the user will be redirected to. |
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
Abandonment | Returns abandonment. |
AbandonmentProductsAddedToCart | Returns the products added to the cart during the customer abandoned visit. |
AbandonmentProductsViewed | Returns the products viewed during the customer abandoned visit. |
AppCredits | Lists credits that can be used towards future app purchases. |
ArticleComments | Returns a list of comments posted on an article. |
Articles | Returns a list of the shop's visible articles. |
AssignedFulfillmentOrders | Retrieves a paginated list of fulfillment orders assigned to the shop locations owned by the app. Assigned fulfillment orders are fulfillment orders that are set to be fulfilled from locations managed by fulfillment services that are registered by the app. One app (api_client) can host multiple fulfillment services on a shop. Each fulfillment service manages a dedicated location on a shop. Assigned fulfillment orders can have associated, or might currently not be requested to be fulfilled. The app must have 'read_assigned_fulfillment_orders' to be able to retrieve fulfillment orders assigned to its locations. All assigned fulfillment orders (except those with the 'CLOSED' status) will be returned by default. |
Blogs | Retrieves a list of the shop's blogs. |
CarrierServices | Returns a list of activated carrier services and associated shop locations that support them. |
CollectionProducts | Retrieves a list of the products inside of a collection. |
CompanyEvents | Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject. |
CustomerEvents | Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject. |
DeliveryProfileLocationGroupCountries | Lists countries already selected in any zone for the specified location group. |
DeliveryProfileLocationGroupCountryProvinces | Returns the list of regions associated with this country. |
DeliveryProfileLocationGroups | Lists the location groups using this profile. |
DeliveryProfileLocationGroupZones | Lists the applicable zones associated to the specified location group. |
DeliveryProfileUnassignedLocations | Lists the locations that have not been assigned to a location group for this profile. |
DiscountEvents | Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject. |
DiscountsCodeFreeShipping | Returns a list of discounts. |
DraftOrderCustomAttributes | Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource. |
DraftOrderEvents | Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject. |
DraftOrderLineItemCustomAttributes | Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource. |
DraftOrderLineItems | Returns a list of the line items in the draft order. |
DraftOrderLineItemTaxLines | Represents a single tax applied to the associated resource. |
DraftOrderTaxLines | Represents a single tax applied to the associated resource. |
InventoryItemCountryHarmonizedSystemCodes | Returns a list of country specific harmonized system codes. |
InventoryItemInventoryLevels | Returns a list of the inventory item's quantities for each location that the inventory item can be stocked at. |
Jobs | Returns a Job resource by ID. Used to check the status of internal jobs and any applicable changes. |
Locations | Returns a list of active inventory locations. |
MarketingEvents | Returns a list of marketing events associated with the marketing app. |
MetaobjectDefinitions | Provides the definition of a generic object structure composed of metafields. |
MetaObjects | All metaobjects for the shop. |
OrderCustomAttributes | Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource. |
OrderDiscountApplications | Returns a list of discounts that are applied to the order, not including order edits and refunds. |
OrderEvents | Retrieves a paginated list of events associated with the host subject. |
OrderLineItemCustomAttributes | Retrieves custom attributes associated with the resource. |
OrderLineItemDiscountAllocations | Retrieves the discounts that have been allocated onto the line item by discount applications, not including order edits and refunds. |
OrderLineItems | Retrieves a list of line items in the associated resource. |
OrderNonFulfillableLineItems | Retrieves a list of line items in the associated resource. |
OrderRisks | Lists the order risks associated with this order. |
OrderTaxLines | Represents a single tax applied to the associated resource. |
Pages | Returns a list of the shop's pages. |
ProductOptions | Returns a list of product options. The limit is specified by Shop.resourceLimits.maxProductOptions. |
PublicationCollections | Returns a list of collections published to the publication. |
PublicationProducts | Returns the list of publication for products. |
RefundDuties | Lists the refunded duties as part of this refund. |
RefundLineItems | Retrieves the 'RefundLineItem' resources attached to the refund. |
RefundTransactionFees | Returns the transaction fees charged on the order transaction. Only present for Shopify Payments transactions. |
RefundTransactions | Retrieves the transactions associated with the resource. |
ReturnLineItems | Retrieves the return line items attached to the return. |
SellingPlanGroupSellingPlans | Retrieves selling plans associated to the selling plan group. |
Shop | Returns the Shop resource corresponding to the access token used in the request. The Shop resource contains business and store management settings for the shop. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccount | Returns Shopify Payments account information, including balances and payouts. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccountBalance | Returns current balances in all currencies for the account. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccountBankAccounts | Lists all bank accounts configured for the Shopify Payments account. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes | Lists all disputes related to the Shopify Payments account. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccountPayouts | Returns all current and previous payouts made between the account and the bank account. Its avaible only in a few certain countries. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccountPermittedVerificationDocuments | Retrieves the permitted documents for identity verification. |
ShopifyPaymentsAccountVerifications | Returns the verifications necessary for this account. |
StaffMembers | Retrieves a paginated list of the shop's staff members.(This table is available only with a ShopifyPlus subscription) |
TenderTransactions | Returns a list of TenderTransactions associated with the shop. |
Returns abandonment.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Abandonment WHERE AbandonedCheckoutPayloadId='VALUE'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
AppId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
CustomerId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
AbandonmentType | String | The abandonment type. | |
EmailState | String | The email state (e.g., sent or not sent). | |
InventoryAvailable | Bool | Whether the products in abandonment are available. | |
EmailSentAt | Datetime | When the email was sent, if that is the case. | |
MostRecentStep | String | The most recent step type. | |
VisitStartedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the visit started. | |
IsFromOnlineStore | Bool | Whether the abandonment event comes from the Online Store sales channel. | |
IsFromShopApp | Bool | Whether the abandonment event comes from the Shop app sales channel. | |
IsFromShopPay | Bool | Whether the abandonment event comes from Shop Pay. | |
IsMostSignificantAbandonment | Bool | Whether the customer did not complete another most significant step since this abandonment. | |
LastBrowseAbandonmentDate | Datetime | The date for the latest browse abandonment. | |
LastCartAbandonmentDate | Datetime | The date for the latest cart abandonment. | |
LastCheckoutAbandonmentDate | Datetime | The date for the latest checkout abandonment. | |
DaysSinceLastAbandonmentEmail | Int | The number of days since the last abandonment email was sent to the customer. | |
HoursSinceLastAbandonedCheckout | Double | The number of hours since the customer has last abandoned a checkout. | |
CustomerHasNoOrderSinceAbandonment | Bool | Whether the customer has completed an order since this checkout has been abandoned. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the abandonment was created. | |
AbandonedCheckoutPayloadId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
AbandonedCheckoutPayloadDefaultCursor | String | A default cursor that returns the single next record, sorted ascending by ID. | |
AbandonedCheckoutPayloadAbandonedCheckoutUrl | String | The URL for the buyer to recover their checkout. | |
AbandonedCheckoutPayloadLineItemsQuantity | Int | The number of products in the checkout. |
Returns the products added to the cart during the customer abandoned visit.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AbandonmentProductsAddedToCart WHERE AbandonmentId='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM AbandonmentProductsAddedToCart WHERE AbandonedCheckoutPayloadId='VALUE'
Name | Type | References | Description |
AbandonmentId [KEY] | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
AbandonedCheckoutPayloadId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
ProductId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
VariantId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
Quantity | Int | The quantity of the product that the customer requested. |
Returns the products viewed during the customer abandoned visit.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AbandonmentProductsViewed WHERE AbandonmentId='VALUE'
SELECT * FROM AbandonmentProductsViewed WHERE AbandonedCheckoutPayloadId='VALUE'
Name | Type | References | Description |
AbandonmentId [KEY] | String |
Abandonment.Id | A globally-unique ID. |
AbandonedCheckoutPayloadId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
ProductId [KEY] | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
VariantId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
Quantity | Int | The quantity of the product that the customer requested. |
Lists credits that can be used towards future app purchases.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AppCredits WHERE AppInstallationId='VALUE'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
AppInstallationId | String | A globally-unique ID. | |
Description | String | The description of the app credit. |