Power BI Connector for Shopify

Build 22.0.8462


Contains general settings and information about the shop.

View-Specific Information


The connector processes the WHERE clause client-side within the connector for all queries to this table. You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned. For example, the following query is the only query processed server side:



Name Type References Description
Id Long A unique numeric identifier for the shop.
Name String The name of the shop.
Email String The contact email address for the shop.
Address1 String The shop's street address.
Address2 String The shop's additional street address (apt, suite, etc.).
City String The city in which the shop is located.
Country String The shop's country (by default equal to the two-letter country code).
CountryCode String The two-letter country code corresponding to the shop's country.
CountryName String The shop's normalized country name.
CustomerEmail String The customer's email.
Currency String The three-letter code for the currency that the shop accepts.
Domain String The shop's domain.
GoogleAppsDomain String The URL of the domain if the shop has a google apps domain.
GoogleAppsLoginEnabled String Indicated whether the shop has google apps login enabled.
Latitude Double Geographic coordinate specifying the north/south location of a shop.
Longitude Double Geographic coordinate specifying the east/west location of a shop.
MoneyFormat String A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency isn't specified.
MoneyWithCurrencyFormat String A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency is specified.
WeightUnit String A string representing the default unit of weight measurement for the shop.
MyshopifyDomain String The shop's 'myshopify.com' domain.
PlanName String The name of the Shopify plan the shop is on.
HasDiscounts Boolean Indicates if any active discounts exist for the shop.
HasGiftCards Boolean Indicates if any active gift cards exist for the shop.
PlanDisplayName String The display name of the Shopify plan the shop is on.
PasswordEnabled Boolean Indicates whether the Storefront password protection is enabled.
Phone String The contact phone number for the shop.
PrimaryLocale String The shop's primary locale.
Province String The shop's normalized province or state name.
ProvinceCode String The two-letter code for the shop's province or state.
ShopOwner String The username of the shop owner.
Source String
ForceSSL Boolean Indicates whether the shop forces requests made to its resources to be made over SSL.
TaxShipping Boolean Specifies whether or not taxes were charged for shipping.
TaxesIncluding Boolean The setting for whether applicable taxes are included in product prices.
CountryTaxes Boolean The setting for whether the shop is applying taxes on a per-county basis or not (US-only).
Timezone String The name of the timezone the shop is in.
IANATimezone String The named timezone assigned by the IANA.
Zip String The zip or postal code of the shop's address.
HasStorefront Boolean Indicates whether the shop has web-based storefront or not.
CreatedAt Datetime The date and time when the shop was created.
UpdatedAt Datetime The date and time when the shop was last updated.
SetupRequired Boolean Indicates whether the shop has any outstanding setup steps or not.

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Build 22.0.8462