Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report.
Table Specific Information
The add-in uses the SAP Concur APIs to get the list of expenses for each report.
For example, the add-in will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId IN ('54CF09456D56445CBA37','277FC923845B4E5FB9CE') SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId IN ('54CF09456D56445CBA37','277FC923845B4E5FB9CE') AND ContextType = 'TRAVELER' SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE ExpenseId = '7207FA492E0BFF4AA72480F60752965E' AND userid = '1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c' AND ContextType = 'TRAVELER' AND ReportId = '46864CD1C9894E1BBD47'
Name | Type | Description |
ExpenseId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the expense. |
AllocationSetId | String | The identifier of the allocation set associated with the expense. Allocations that belong to the same set are created at the same time. |
AllocationState | String | Allocation state for the expense. Supported values: FULLY_ALLOCATED, NOT_ALLOCATED, PARTIALLY_ALLOCATED. |
ApprovedAmount | Double | The approved amount of the expense, in the report currency. |
ApprovedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the approved amount of the expense. |
ApproverAdjustedAmount | Double | The total amount adjusted for the expense by the approver. |
ApproverAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the total amount adjusted for the expense. |
AttendeeCount | Int | The total number of attendees associated with the expense. |
BusinessPurpose | String | The text input for the business purpose by the user. |
ClaimedAmount | Double | The total non-personal amount value claimed for reimbursement for the expense. |
ClaimedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the claimed amount value. |
EReceiptImageId | String | The unique identifier of the eReceipt image associated with the expense. |
ExchangeRateValue | Double | Exchange rate data for the expense. |
ExchangeRateOperation | String | Currency code for the exchange rate. |
ExpenseSourceIdentifiers | String | The list of expense sources associated with the expense. |
ExpenseTypeID | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeIsDeleted | Boolean | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeListItemId | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeName | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
FuelTypeListItem | String | The unique id of Fuel Type. |
HasBlockingExceptions | Boolean | Whether the expense has any exceptions that block it from being submitted. |
HasExceptions | Boolean | Whether the expense has any exceptions. |
HasMissingReceiptDeclaration | Boolean | Whether the expense has an affidavit declaration for missing receipt. |
ImageCertificationStatus | String | The final status of the receipt image associated with the expense. |
IsAutoCreated | Boolean | Whether the expense is auto-created. |
IsImageRequired | Boolean | Whether the image is required for the expense. |
IsPaperReceiptRequired | Boolean | Whether the paper receipt is required for the expense to be submitted. |
IsPersonalExpense | Boolean | Whether the expense is marked as personal (non-reimbursable) by the user. |
JptRouteId | String | The unique route ID to identify a Japan rail route. |
LocationName | String | The location information of the expense. |
LocationCity | String | The location information of the expense |
LocationCountryCode | String | The location information of the expense |
LocationCountrySubDivisionCode | String | The location information of the expense |
LocationId | String | The location information of the expense |
PaymentTypeId | String | The payment type information for the expense. |
PaymentTypeCode | String | The code for the payment type. |
PostedAmount | Double | The amount of the expense, in the report currency. |
PostedAmountCode | String | The code for the posted amount. |
ReceiptImageId | String | The unique identifier of the image associated with the expense. |
TicketNumber | String | The ticket number associated with the travel. |
TransactionAmount | Double | The amount of the expense, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor. |
TransactionAmountCode | String | Currency code for the transaction ammount |
TransactionDate | Date | The transaction date. |
IsExpensePartOfTravelAllowance | Boolean | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
TravelAllowanceDailyLimit | String | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
DailyTravelAllowanceId | String | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
VendorId | String | The unique identifier of the vendor. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor. |
VendorDescription | String | The description of the vendor. Maximum length: 64 characters |
ReportId | String | The unique identifier of the report that is being read. |
UserId | String | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Query the Identity table to retrieve this value. |
ContextType | String | The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify. Supported values: TRAVELER, PROXY. Default value is TRAVELER.
The default value is TRAVELER. |