Tableau Connector for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


The connector models the data in SAP Concur as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Tableau Connector for SAP Concur Tables

Name Description
Attendees Create, update, delete, and query all attendees owned by the specified user.
AttendeeTypes Create, update, delete, and query all active attendee types for the company.
BudgetCategories Retrieve a list of all budget categories.
Entries Create, update, delete, and query all expense entries owned by the user.
EntryAttendeeAssociations Create, update, delete, and query all entry-attendee associations owned by the user. These are the associations between an expense entry and an attendee.
FiscalYears Retrieve a list of all fiscal years.
Invoice Gets all relevant information (Payment Request Header, Payment Request Line Item and Payment Request Allocation) of a Payment Request.
Itemizations Create, update, delete, and query all expense itemizations owned by the user.
Items Lists list items based on the search criteria.
ListItems Lists list items based on the search criteria.
Lists The driver uses the SAP Concur APIs to view your configured lists within SAP Concur products.
ReceiptImages Create, update, delete, and query all receipt Ids owned by the user.
Reports Create, update, delete, and query all reports owned by the user.
TravelRequests Retrieve a list of all budget categories.
UsersV4 Read the user's core identity profile.

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Build 24.0.9111