The CData Sync App provides a straightforward way to continuously pipeline your SAP Concur data to any database, data lake, or data warehouse, making it easily available for Analytics, Reporting, AI, and Machine Learning.
The SAP Concur connector can be used from the CData Sync application to pull data from SAP Concur and move it to any of the supported destinations.
The Sync App models the Travel/Itinerary API and the Expense API as a relational database, enabling SQL access to hotel and flight booking information along with expense data.
For required properties, see the Settings tab.
For connection properties that are not typically required, see the Advanced tab.
Before you connect, set the following variables:
Click Connect to SAP Concur to open the OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application.
The driver then completes the OAuth process as follows:
CODE is the default OAuthGrantType. In addition to the variables already described above, using the CODE grant type requires you to set the following additional variables:
In addition to the variables already described above, using the PASSWORD grant type requires you to set the following additional variables:
After creating an custom OAuth application as described in Creating a Custom OAuth Application, you must generate a Company Request Token. If the Company Request Token Tool is available, you can use that. Otherwise, you must contact the SAP Concur support team for generating the Company Request Token.
After the Company Request Token is generated successfully, the request token tool displays the Company UUID and the Company Request Token. Save these values for later use.
In addition to the variables already described above, using company-level authentication, using the CODE grant type requires you to set the following additional variables:
Setting Login ID to ALL retrieves information for all accounts that support the Login ID argument.
SAP Concur uses the OAuth authentication standard, which requires the authenticating user to interact with SAP Concur via the browser. The Sync App facilitates the OAuth exchange in various ways.
The following procedure creates and registers a custom OAuth application in the SAP Concur admin console, and obtains the OAuth client credentials, the OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret.
Once you have registered an application, you will receive a clientId (which will be your OAuthClientId), clientSecret (which will be your OAuthClientSecret), and geolocation information.
Select the APIs that your app will access. For full driver functionality, you must select all of the following:
This section details a selection of advanced features of the SAP Concur Sync App.
The Sync App supports the use of user defined views, virtual tables whose contents are decided by a pre-configured user defined query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. For an overview of creating and configuring custom views, see User Defined Views .
Use SSL Configuration to adjust how Sync App handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats;. For further information, see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" .
Configure the Sync App for compliance with Firewall and Proxy, including Windows proxies and HTTP proxies. You can also set up tunnel connections.
For further information, see Query Processing.
By default, the Sync App attempts to negotiate TLS with the server. The server certificate is validated against the default system trusted certificate store. You can override how the certificate gets validated using the SSLServerCert connection property.
To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert connection property.
To authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set the following:
Set the following properties:
The Sync App models the Travel/Itinerary API and the Expense API as a relational database, enabling access to Tables and Views like Reports, Entries, and Attendees. Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source -- for example, CancelTrip.
The database objects are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files that make schemas easy to customize and extend.
By default the schemas are located in the db subfolder of the installation directory. Set the Location to use a different folder. Call the CreateSchema stored procedure to save a schema file.
The Sync App offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to the SAP Concur APIs and then processes the rest of the query within the Sync App. The following sections document API limitations and requirements.
The Sync App models the data in SAP Concur as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Name | Description |
Attendees | Create, update, delete, and query all attendees owned by the specified user. |
AttendeeTypes | Create, update, delete, and query all active attendee types for the company. |
BudgetCategories | Retrieve a list of all budget categories. |
Entries | Create, update, delete, and query all expense entries owned by the user. |
EntryAttendeeAssociations | Create, update, delete, and query all entry-attendee associations owned by the user. These are the associations between an expense entry and an attendee. |
FiscalYears | Retrieve a list of all fiscal years. |
Invoice | Gets all relevant information (Payment Request Header, Payment Request Line Item and Payment Request Allocation) of a Payment Request. |
Itemizations | Create, update, delete, and query all expense itemizations owned by the user. |
Items | Lists list items based on the search criteria. |
ListItems | Lists list items based on the search criteria. |
Lists | The driver uses the SAP Concur APIs to view your configured lists within SAP Concur products. |
ReceiptImages | Create, update, delete, and query all receipt Ids owned by the user. |
Reports | Create, update, delete, and query all reports owned by the user. |
TravelRequests | Retrieve a list of all budget categories. |
UsersV4 | Read the user's core identity profile. |
Create, update, delete, and query all attendees owned by the specified user.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to AttendeeTypeId and LoginId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Attendees WHERE Id = 'attendeeId' SELECT * FROM Attendees WHERE AttendeeTypeId = 'attendeeTypeId' AND LoginId = 'loginID'
To insert an attendee the following columns are required: AttendeeTypeId and LastName.
INSERT INTO Attendees (AttendeeTypeId, FirstName, LastName, Company, CurrencyCode, MiddleInitial, Suffix, Title, TotalAmountYTD) VALUES ('IdValue', 'John', 'Doe', 'CDATA', 'USD', 'C', 'SuffixValue', 'TitleValue', 1000);
To update an attendee the following column is required: Id.
UPDATE Attendees SET LastName = 'newlastname' WHERE ID = '123456'
Deletes are not supported for this table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
Custom10ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
AttendeeTypeID | String | False |
The ID of the attendee type. |
Custom11ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom12ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom13ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom14ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom15ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom16ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom17ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom18ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom19ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom1ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom20ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom21ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom22ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom23ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom24ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom25ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom2ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom3ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom4ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom5ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom6ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom7ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom8ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom9ListItemID | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
ExternalID | String | False |
A unique identifier for the attendee, assigned outside of Concur. Maximum length: 48 characters |
MiddleInitial | String | False |
The attendee's middle initial. Maximum length: 1 character |
LoginId | String | False |
The login ID of the user who owns the attendee record. |
AttendeeTypeCode | String | False |
A code that indicates the type of attendee. Examples: EMPLOYEE, SPOUSE, BUSGUEST. Maximum length: 40 characters |
Company | String | False |
The name of the attendee's company. Maximum length: 150 characters |
CurrencyCode | String | False |
The ISO 4217 currency code for monetary amounts related to an attendee. |
Custom10Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom10Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom10Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom11Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom11Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom11Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom12Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom12Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom12Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom13Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom13Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom13Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom14Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom14Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom14Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom15Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom15Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom15Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom16Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom16Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom16Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom17Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom17Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom17Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom18Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom18Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom18Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom19Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom19Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom19Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom1Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom1Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom20Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom20Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom20Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom21Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom21Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom21Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom22Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom22Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom22Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom23Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom23Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom23Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom24Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom24Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom24Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom25Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom25Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom25Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom2Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom2Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom3Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom3Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom4Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom4Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom5Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom5Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom6Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom6Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom7Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom7Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom7Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom8Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom8Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom8Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom9Code | String | False |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom9Type | String | False |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom9Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
FirstName | String | False |
The attendee's first name. Maximum length: 50 characters |
HasExceptionsPrevYear | Bool | False |
Determines whether the attendee had exceptions in the previous year, based on yearly total limits for attendees. Format: true or false |
HasExceptionsYTD | Bool | False |
Determines whether the attendee has exceptions in the current year, based on yearly total limits for attendees. Format: true or false |
LastName | String | False |
The attendee's last name. Maximum length: 132 characters |
OwnerName | String | False |
The name of the user who owns the attendee record. |
Suffix | String | False |
The attendee's name suffix. Maximum length: 32 characters |
Title | String | False |
The attendee's title. Maximum length: 32 characters |
TotalAmountPrevYear | Decimal | False |
The total amount spent on the attendee in the previous calendar year. |
TotalAmountYTD | Decimal | False |
The total amount spent on the attendee in the current calendar year. |
URI | String | False |
The URI to the resource. |
VersionNumber | Int | False |
The attendee's version number. |
Create, update, delete, and query all active attendee types for the company.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process a filter that refers to Id. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following query to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM AttendeeTypes WHERE Id = '123456'
To insert an attendee type the following columns are required: Name, Code, AttendeeFormId, and DuplicateSearchFields.
INSERT INTO AttendeeTypes (Name, Code, AttendeeFormId, DuplicateSearchFields) VALUES ('AttendeeTypeName', '01234', '123456', 'Title,Company')
To update an attendee type the following column is required: Id.
UPDATE AttendeeTypes SET Code = 'BUSGUEST' WHERE Id = 'gWjEPiokzJTpMsdq34zvJEM$ptCXpT'
Deletes are not supported for this table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
AttendeeFormID | String | False |
The unique identifier for the attendee form for this attendee type. |
ConnectorID | String | False |
The unique identifier for the Application Connector that is the data source for this attendee type. When this field is empty, the Expense database is the data source. |
AllowAttendeeCountEditing | Bool | False |
Determines whether users are allowed to edit the count for this attendee type. Format: true or false |
AllowManuallyEnteredAttendees | Bool | False |
Determines whether users are allowed to add attendees for this attendee type. Format: true or false |
Code | String | False |
A code that indicates the type of attendee. Examples: EMPLOYEE, SPOUSE, BUSGUEST. Maximum length: 40 characters |
DuplicateSearchFields | String | False |
The list of Attendee field IDs used by the Add Attendee user interface to alert users that the attendee they want to add is a possible duplicate. This parent element has a DuplicateSearchField child element for each field ID. |
Name | String | False |
The name for the attendee type. This name must be unique. Maximum length: 40 characters |
URI | String | True |
The URI to the resource. |
Retrieve a list of all budget categories.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id, UserName, and ExternalId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM BudgetCategories SELECT * FROM BudgetCategories WHERE Id = 'c891b0fb-ae64-45dc-84e4-a43d2adf4332'
To create a budget category the following columns are required: Name, Description, and ExpenseTypes ExpenseTypes can either be an aggregate object containing the full list of expense types or the name of a temp table. You can use the 'ValidExpenseTypes' table to retrieve the list of all vali ExpenseTypes to use.
Insert using a temp table:
INSERT INTO BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP (FeatureTypeCode, ExpenseTypeCode) VALUES ('EXPENSE','ADVT') INSERT INTO BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP (FeatureTypeCode, ExpenseTypeCode) VALUES ('PAYMENT_REQUEST','ADVT') INSERT INTO BudgetCategories (Name, StatusType, Description, ExpenseTypes) VALUES ('My BudgetCategory','OPEN', 'This is a sample BudgetCategory', 'BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP')
Insert using a Json aggregate:
INSERT INTO BudgetCategories (Name, StatusType, Description, ExpenseTypes) VALUES ('My BudgetCategory','OPEN', 'This is a sample BudgetCategory', '[{"featureTypeCode": "EXPENSE","expenseTypeCode": "ADVT"}]')
The API treats update operations as a replace. The flow is the same as the Insert operation with the difference that the Id of the budget category to be updated needs to be specified in the query
INSERT INTO BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP (expenseTypeCode,featureTypeCode) VALUES ('AIRFC', 'EXPENSE') INSERT INTO BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP (expenseTypeCode,featureTypeCode) VALUES ('BLDGMA', 'PAYMENT_REQUEST') INSERT INTO BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP (expenseTypeCode,featureTypeCode) VALUES ('CONFSE', 'PAYMENT_REQUEST') UPDATE BudgetCategories SET StatusType='OPEN', Name = 'Sampe Category', ExpenseTypes='BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes#TEMP' WHERE Id = '4bb52d58-81ea-48b3-8eeb-754b601b2cc5'
In order to delete a budget category the Id is required. You can either specify the budget category Id in the query or the provider will resolve the Id internally by processing the criteria.
When Id is not specified an extra request will be issued to find the Id of all budget category with a name = 'TEST'.
DELETE FROM BudgetCategories WHERE name = 'TEST'
When Id is specified in the query the provider will issue a delete request directly with no extra processing:
DELETE FROM BudgetCategories WHERE Id = 'c891b0fb-ae64-45dc-84e4-a43d2adf4332'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the budget category. |
Name | String | False |
The admin-facing name for this category. |
StatusType | String | False |
The status of this budget category. Supported values: OPEN, REMOVED |
Description | String | False |
The friendly name for this category. |
ExpenseTypes | String | False |
The type of feature that this expense type applies to: Purchase Request, Payment Request (Invoice), Expense, or Travel Authorization. Supported values: PURCHASE_REQUEST, PAYMENT_REQUEST, EXPENSE, REQUEST |
Create, update, delete, and query all expense entries owned by the user.
For example, in the following query the Sync App offloads the processing to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Entries WHERE ReportID = 'IdReport' AND PaymentTypeID = 'IdPaymentType' AND BatchID_p = 'IdBatch' AND IsBillable = 'true' AND AttendeeTypeCode_p = '123' AND HasAttendees = 'true' AND HasVAT = 'false' AND ExpenseTypeCode = 'code' AND AttendeeID_p = 'IdAttendee'
To insert an entry the following columns are required: ReportId, ExpenseTypeCode, TransactionDate, PaymentTypeId, TransactionCurrencyCode, and TransactionAmount.
INSERT INTO Entries (ReportId, ExpenseTypeCode, PaymentTypeId, TransactionCurrencyCode, TransactionAmount, TransactionDate) VALUES ('ReportIdValue', 'TAXIX', 'PaymentTypeIdValue', 'USD', 1000, '01-01-2017')
To update an entry the following column is required: Id.
UPDATE Entries SET ReportId = 'ReportIdValue', ExpenseTypeCode = 'TAXIX', PaymentTypeId = 'PaymentTypeIdValue', TransactionCurrencyCode = 'USD', TransactionAmount = 100 WHERE Id = '12334'
To delete an entry the following column is required: Id.
DELETE FROM Entries WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
CompanyCardTransactionID | String | True |
The unique identifier for a company card transaction that is associated with this expense. Concur Expense uses the Credit Card Import job to import company card transactions. Use the GET CommpanyCardTransactions function to get information about these card transactions. This element is null when there is no company card transaction associated with this expense. |
Custom10ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom11ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom12ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom13ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom14ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom15ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom16ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom17ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom18ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom19ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom1ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom20ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom21ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom22ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom23ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom24ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom25ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom26ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom27ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom28ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom29ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom2ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom30ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom31ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom32ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom33ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom34ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom35ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom36ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom37ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom38ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom39ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom3ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom40ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom4ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom5ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom6ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom7ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom8ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom9ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
ElectronicReceiptID | String | True |
The unique identifier for an eReceipt that is associated with this expense. Use the GET eReceipts function to get information about this eReceipt. This element is null when there is no eReceipt associated with this expense. |
EmployeeBankAccountID | String | True |
The unique identifier of an employee bank account that is associated with this expense. Typically, this element is used when Expense Pay reimburses the employee for this expense. Use the GET BankAccounts function to get information about this bank account. |
FormID | String | True |
The ID of the form used by this expense entry. |
IsPaidByExpensePay | Bool | True |
Whether the entry is paid using the Expense Pay service. This element has a value if the report has reached the Processing Payment workflow step, because this is when Concur Expense determines whether it will be paid by Expense Pay. Format: true or false |
JourneyVehicleID | String | False |
The unique identifier for the vehicle used for this journey. This element is used only with Company Car configuration types. Use the GET Vehicles function to learn the Vehicle ID. |
LocationID | String | False |
The unique identifier for the location where the expense was incurred. |
OrgUnit1ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit2ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit3ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit4ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit5ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit6ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
PaymentTypeID | String | False |
The ID of the payment type for the entry. For mileage expenses, use the Cash payment type. For expense types with an expense code that uses a transaction amount instead of a distance, this element is required. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code for Company Car or Personal Car, because these two expense codes always use the Cash payment type. |
ReportID | String | False |
The report ID of the report where the entry will be added. |
ReportOwnerID | String | True |
The login ID of the report owner. |
TripID | String | True |
The unique identifier of a trip in the Itinerary Service that includes a travel booking associated with this expense. Use GET ItineraryDetails to get information about this trip and the travel booking. This element is null when there is no trip associated with the expense. |
VendorListItemID | String | False |
The unique identifier for a vendor list item. |
AllocationType | String | True |
The type of allocations for the expense. Possible values: P - partial allocation, F - full allocation, N - no allocation. |
ApprovedAmount | Decimal | True |
The approved amount of the expense entry, in the report currency. |
Custom10Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom10Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom10Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom11Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom11Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom11Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom12Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom12Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom12Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom13Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom13Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom13Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom14Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom14Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom14Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom15Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom15Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom15Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom16Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom16Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom16Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom17Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom17Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom17Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom18Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom18Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom18Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom19Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom19Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom19Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom1Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom1Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom20Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom20Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom20Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom21Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom21Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom21Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom22Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom22Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom22Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom23Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom23Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom23Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom24Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom24Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom24Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom25Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom25Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom25Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom26Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom26Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom26Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom27Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom27Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom27Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom28Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom28Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom28Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom29Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom29Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom29Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom2Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom2Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom30Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom30Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom30Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom31Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom31Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom31Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom32Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom32Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom32Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom33Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom33Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom33Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom34Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom34Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom34Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom35Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom35Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom35Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom36Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom36Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom36Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom37Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom37Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom37Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom38Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom38Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom38Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom39Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom39Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom39Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom3Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom3Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom40Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom40Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom40Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom4Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom4Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom5Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom5Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom6Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom6Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom7Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom7Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom7Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom8Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom8Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom8Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom9Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom9Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom9Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Description | String | False |
The description of the expense. Maximum length: 64 characters |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | False |
The currency conversion rate that converts the transaction amount that is in the transaction currency into the posted amount that is in the report currency. This element is typically not provided. If this element is empty for transactions in a currency different than the user's reimbursement currency, Expense will use the company's configured exchange rates to determine the posted amount for the transaction. If the system is not able to determine the exchange rate, a value of 1.0 will be used. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | False |
The code for the expense type. |
ExpenseTypeName | String | True |
The name of the expense type, localized to the user's language. |
HasAppliedCashAdvance | Bool | True |
Whether the entry has a cash advance applied to it. Use the GET ExpenseEntryAccountingCalculations function to get cash advance application information for this entry. Format: true or false |
HasAttendees | Bool | True |
Indicates whether the expense has attendees. Format: true or false |
HasComments | Bool | True |
Whether the expense has comments. Use the GET ExpenseEntryComments function to get information about this entry's comments. Format: true or false |
HasExceptions | Bool | True |
Whether the expense has exceptions. Use the GET ExpenseEntryExceptions function to get information about this entry's exceptions. Format: true or false |
HasImage | Bool | True |
Indicates whether there is an entry image attached to the entry. Use the GET Entry Images function to get this entry image. Format: true or false |
HasItemizations | Bool | True |
Indicates whether the expense has itemizations. Use the Format: true or false |
HasVAT | Bool | True |
Indicates whether the entry has VAT data. Use the GET ExpenseEntryAccountingCalculations function to get VAT information for this entry. Format: true or false |
IsBillable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the expense is billable. Format: true or false |
IsImageRequired | Bool | True |
Indicates whether an entry image is required for the entry. Format: true or false |
IsPersonal | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the expense is personal (that is, non-reimbursable). Format: true or false |
IsPersonalCardCharge | Bool | True |
Indicates whether the expense entry was imported from a personal card feed. Concur Expense uses the Yodlee API to import these card transactions. Format: true or false |
JourneyBusinessDistance | Int | False |
The portion of the journey for business use, in the report owner's unit of measure for distances. This element is required in order to post a personal car mileage expense entry, or to post a company car mileage expense when there is no PersonalDistance value. Format: positive integer. When using the Odometer elements, the sum of PersonalDistance and BusinessDistance must equal the difference between OdometerEnd and OdometerStart. |
JourneyEndLocation | String | False |
Indicates where the journey ended. This is also known as the |
JourneyNumberOfPassengers | Int | False |
The number of people in the vehicle during the journey. Positive Integer. Used with Variable-Rate, Personal or Company Car. |
JourneyOdometerEnd | Int | False |
The odometer reading at the end of the journey. Format: positive integer that must be greater than the OdometerStart value. This element is used with Variable-Rate and Company Car configuration types. |
JourneyOdometerStart | Int | False |
The odometer reading at the start of the journey. Format: positive integer. This element is used with Variable-Rate and Company Car configuration types. |
JourneyPersonalDistance | Int | False |
The portion of the journey for personal use. This element is required in order to post a company car mileage expense when there is no BusinessDistance value. Format: positive integer. When using the Odometer elements, the sum of PersonalDistance and BusinessDistance must equal the difference between OdometerEnd and OdometerStart. Used with Company Car configuration types. |
JourneyStartLocation | String | False |
Indicates where the journey started. This is also known as the |
JourneyUnitOfMeasure | String | False |
The unit of measure for distance and odometer values. Possible values: M - miles, K - kilometers |
LastModified | Datetime | True |
The UTC date when the entry was last modified. |
LocationCountry | String | True |
The country where the expense was incurred. Format: 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code |
LocationName | String | True |
The location where the expense was incurred, usually the city name. |
LocationSubdivision | String | True |
The state, province, or other country subdivision where the expense was incurred. Format: ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision |
OrgUnit1Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit1Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit2Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit2Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit3Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit3Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit4Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit4Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit5Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit5Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit6Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit6Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Supported values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
PaymentTypeName | String | True |
The name of the payment type, localized to the user's language. |
PostedAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the expense entry, in the report currency. |
ReceiptReceived | Bool | True |
Indicates whether this entry has been reviewed by a processor. Format: true or false |
SpendCategoryCode | String | True |
The ID of the spending category that is specified for this expense entry. |
SpendCategoryName | String | True |
The name of the spending category that is specified for this expense entry, localized to the user's language. |
TaxReceiptType | String | False |
The receipt type for this entry. Possible values: T - tax receipt, R - regular receipt, N - no receipt |
TransactionAmount | Decimal | False |
The amount of the expense entry, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor. For expense types with an expense code that uses a transaction amount instead of a distance, this element is required. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code for Company Car or Personal Car, because these two expense codes use a distance instead of a transaction amount. |
TransactionCurrencyCode | String | False |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the expense entry transaction amount. This is the currency in which the vendor was paid. For expense types with an expense code that uses a transaction amount instead of a distance, this element is required. This element should not be used for expense types with an expense code for Company Car or Personal Car, because for these two expense codes the currency is always the Report Currency. |
TransactionDate | Date | False |
The date when the good or service associated with this expense entry was provided. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
URI | String | True |
The URI to the resource. |
VendorDescription | String | False |
The name of the vendor for the expense entry. Maximum length: 64 characters |
VendorListItemName | String | True |
The name of an item from a vendor list. |
LoginId | String | False |
The login ID of the user who owns the entries. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Create, update, delete, and query all entry-attendee associations owned by the user. These are the associations between an expense entry and an attendee.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to EntryId and LoginId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM EntryAttendeeAssociations WHERE Id = 'sampleId' SELECT * FROM EntryAttendeeAssociations WHERE EntryId = 'sampleEntryId' AND LoginId = 'LoginId'
To insert a new record in EntryAttendeeAssociations the following columns are required: EntryId and AttendeeId.
INSERT INTO EntryAttendeeAssociations (EntryId, AttendeeId) VALUES ('EntryIdValue', 'AttendeeIdValue')
To update a record in EntryAttendeeAssociations the following column is required: Id. The EntryId and AttendeeId columns cannot be updated.
UPDATE EntryAttendeeAssociations SET Custom = 'Custom' WHERE Id = '12345'
To delete a department, the following column is required: Id.
DELETE FROM EntryAttendeeAssociations WHERE Id = '123456'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
AttendeeID | String | False |
The unique identifier of the associated attendee. To obtain the attendee ID value, use the GET /expense/attendees endpoint. The value of the ID element in the response is the attendee ID. |
EntryID | String | False |
The unique identifier of the associated entry. To obtain the attendee ID value, use the GET /expense/entries endpoint. The value of the ID element in the response is the entry ID. |
Amount | Decimal | False |
The portion of the entry transaction amount assigned to this attendee. |
AssociatedAttendeeCount | Int | False |
The count of additional attendees associated with this attendee. A count greater than 1 means there are unnamed attendees associated with this attendee. |
Custom1 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. |
Custom2 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. |
Custom3 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. |
Custom4 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. |
Custom5 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. |
URI | String | True |
null |
LoginId | String | False |
The login ID of the user who owns this entry-attendee association. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Retrieve a list of all fiscal years.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id, UserName, and ExternalId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM FiscalYears SELECT * FROM FiscalYears WHERE IncludeRemoved = 'True' SELECT * FROM FiscalYears WHERE LastModified > '2024-02-20 09:51:20.0' SELECT * FROM FiscalPeriod WHERE fiscalYearId = '7af8977c-d996-4ca7-834a-a8e5b719fa95'
To create a fiscal Year the following columns are required: Name, StartDate, EndDate, Status and MonthlyFiscalPeriods MonthlyFiscalPeriods can either be an aggregate object containing the full list of fiscal periods or the name of a temp table.
Insert using a temp table:
INSERT INTO FiscalPeriod#TEMP (Name, PeriodType,StartDate,EndDate,Status) VALUES ('JAN', 'MONTHLY', '2023-01-01', '2023-01-31', 'OPEN') INSERT INTO FiscalPeriod#TEMP (Name, PeriodType,StartDate,EndDate,Status) VALUES ('FEB', 'MONTHLY', '2023-02-01', '2023-02-28', 'OPEN') INSERT INTO FiscalPeriod#TEMP (Name, PeriodType,StartDate,EndDate,Status) VALUES ('MAR', 'MONTHLY', '2023-03-01', '2023-03-31', 'OPEN') INSERT INTO FiscalYears (name, startDate, endDate,Status, MonthlyFiscalPeriods) VALUES ('NewPeriod', '2023-01-01', '2023-03-31', 'OPEN', 'FiscalPeriod#TEMP')
Insert using a Json aggregate:
INSERT INTO FiscalYears (name, startDate, endDate,Status, MonthlyFiscalPeriods) VALUES ('NewPeriod', '2023-01-01', '2023-03-31', 'OPEN', '[{"name": "JAN","periodType": "MONTHLY","startDate": "2023-01-01","endDate": "2023-01-31","fiscalPeriodStatus": "OPEN"}]')
The API treats update operations as a replace. The flow is the same as the Insert operation with the difference that the Id of the fiscal year to be updated needs to be specified in the query
INSERT INTO FiscalPeriod#TEMP (Name, PeriodType,StartDate,EndDate,Status) VALUES ('JAN', 'MONTHLY', '2023-01-01', '2023-01-31', 'OPEN') INSERT INTO FiscalPeriod#TEMP (Name, PeriodType,StartDate,EndDate,Status) VALUES ('FEB', 'MONTHLY', '2023-02-01', '2023-02-28', 'OPEN') INSERT INTO FiscalPeriod#TEMP (Name, PeriodType,StartDate,EndDate,Status) VALUES ('MAR', 'MONTHLY', '2023-03-01', '2023-03-31', 'OPEN') UPDATE FiscalYears SET startDate='2023-01-01',endDate='2023-03-31',Status = 'OPEN', Name = 'TEST' , MonthlyFiscalPeriods = 'FiscalPeriod#TEMP' WHERE id = 'c891b0fb-ae64-45dc-84e4-a43d2adf4332'
In order to delete a fiscal year the Id is required. You can either specify the fiscal year Id in the query or the provider will resolve the Id internally by processing the criteria.
When Id is not specified an extra request will be issued to find the Id of all fiscal years with a name = 'TEST'.
DELETE FROM fiscalYears WHERE name = 'TEST'
When Id is specified in the query the provider will issue a delete request directly with no extra processing:
DELETE FROM fiscalYears WHERE Id = 'c891b0fb-ae64-45dc-84e4-a43d2adf4332'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The budget service's key for this object. |
Name | String | False |
The name of this fiscal year. Must be unique for this entity. |
Status | String | False |
The status of this fiscal year. Supported values: OPEN, CLOSED, REMOVED |
StartDate | Date | False |
The start date for this fiscal year. The distance between start date and end date may not be more than two years. |
EndDate | Date | False |
The end date for this fiscal year. The distance between start date and end date may not be more than two years. |
CurrentYear | Boolean | False |
True if this the current fiscal year based on the current date and time, False otherwise. |
LastModified | Datetime | False |
The UTC date and time when this object was last changed. |
DisplayName | String | False |
Display name for fiscal year. For date range budget item we use this field to display. |
MonthlyFiscalPeriods | String | False |
If true, the service will return all Fiscal Years, including those that were previously removed. If not supplied, this field defaults to false. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeRemoved | Boolean |
If true, the service will return all Fiscal Years, including those that were previously removed. If not supplied, this field defaults to false. |
Gets all relevant information (Payment Request Header, Payment Request Line Item and Payment Request Allocation) of a Payment Request.
The ID Column is required in the WHERE clause in order to access this view. For example:
SELECT * FROM Invoice WHERE Id = 'sampleInvoiceId'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
AmountWithoutVat | String | False |
The net amount of the invoice, excluding VAT. |
Name | String | False |
The Invoice name. |
ApprovalStatus | String | False |
A code which indicates the approval status of the payment request. |
ApprovedByDelegate | String | False |
Was the Payment Request approved by a delegate. Format: true/false. |
AssignedByUsername | String | False |
Username of the assigning employee. |
AssignedDate | String | False |
The date the payment request was assigned to the current owner. |
BuyerCostCenter | String | False |
The company defined center responsible for the payment request. |
CalculatedAmount | String | False |
The sum of all line item amounts plus shipping amount and tax amount for the payment request. |
CheckNumber | String | False |
Check number of the payment made to the vendor. |
CompanyBillToAddress | String | False | |
CompanyShipToAddress | String | False | |
CountryCode | String | False |
The country code. |
CreatedByUsername | String | False |
Username of the payment request creator. |
CurrencyCode | String | False |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the expense report currency. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real;, etc. |
Custom1 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom10 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom11 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom12 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom13 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom14 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom15 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom16 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom17 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom18 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom19 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom2 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom20 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom21 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom22 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom23 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom24 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom3 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom4 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom5 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom6 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom7 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom8 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
Custom9 | String | False |
The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. |
DataSource | String | False |
A code which indicates the method used to created the Payment Request. Use |
DeletedDate | String | False |
The date the user deleted the payment request. |
DeliverySlipNumber | String | False |
The delivery slip number associated with receiving receipt. |
Description | String | False |
User entered description of the Payment Request. |
DiscountPercentage | String | False |
The discount from the supplier if the discount terms are met. |
DiscountTerms | String | False |
The NET discount terms with a supplier when discounts apply. |
EmployeeName | String | False |
The owner of the Payment Request. |
ExternalPolicyId | String | False |
The external policy ID. |
ExtractDate | String | False |
The date the payment request was extracted, in order to import it into an accounts payable system and generate a payment. |
FirstApprovalDate | String | False |
The date the payment request received its first approval in its approval workflow. |
FirstSubmitDate | String | False |
The date the payment request was first submitted. |
ID [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
InvoiceAmount | String | False |
User-entered value representing the total invoice amount, used to calculate amount remaining on the line item page. |
InvoiceDate | String | False |
The date the vendor issued the invoice. |
InvoiceNumber | String | False |
The invoice Number from the vendor for the payment request. |
InvoiceReceivedDate | String | False |
The date on which the invoice was received. |
IsAssigned | String | False |
Whether the payment request is assigned. Format: true/false. |
IsInvoiceConfirmed | String | False |
Indicates if the payment request invoice is confirmed or in a different status. Format: true/false. |
IsPaymentRequestDeleted | String | False |
Whether the payment request is deleted. Format: true/false. |
IsPaymentRequestDuplicate | String | False |
Whether the payment request identified as a duplicate of another existing request. Format:true/false. |
IsTestTransaction | String | False |
Is the payment request a test transaction (true/false). |
LastSubmitDate | String | False |
The date the payment request was last submitted. |
LedgerCode | String | False |
A code which indicates which company journal the payment request is assigned to. Use |
EmployeeId | String | False |
The company ID of the employee to whom the invoice should be assigned. Has precedence over EmployeeEmail; not evaluated if EmployeeLoginId matches an employee. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeLoginId; EmployeeEmail; PurchaseOrderNumber; ExternalPolicyId. |
EmployeeLoginId | String | False |
The login ID of the employee to whom the invoice should be assigned. Has precedence over EmployeeId and EmployeeEmail. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeId; EmployeeEmail; PurchaseOrderNumber; ExternalPolicyId. |
LineItemsAggr | String | False |
Aggregate information of line items |
VendorRemitToIdentifierAgg | String | False |
Used to identify the vendor location for payment remittance. At a minimum, the VendorCode or the combination of (VendorName, Address1, and PostalCode) are required. Use of as many fields as possible is encouraged to ensure a single vendor can be identified. If more than one vendor matches the information provided, the Invoice creation attempt will fail. |
Create, update, delete, and query all expense itemizations owned by the user.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to any combination of ReportID, EntryID, ExpenseTypeCode, and LoginId, as in the following queries. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Itemizations WHERE Id = 'sampleId' SELECT * FROM Itemizations WHERE ReportID = 'sampleReportID' AND EntryId = 'sampleEntryId' AND ExpenseTypeCode = 'code' AND LoginId = 'LoginId'
To insert an itemization the following columns are required: EntryId, ExpenseTypeCode, TransactionDate, and TransactionAmount.
INSERT INTO Itemizations (EntryId, ExpenseTypeCode, TransactionDate, TransactionAmount, IsBillable, IsPersonal, Custom1Value) VALUES ('EntryId', 'TAXIX', '01-01-2017', 1000, true, true, 'Custom1Value')
To update an itemization, the following column is required: Id.
UPDATE Itemizations SET TransactionDate = '01-02-2017', TransactionAmount = 2000, IsBillable = false, IsPersonal = false, Custom1Value = 'Custom1Value' WHERE Id = '12345'
To delete an itemization, the following column is required: Id.
DELETE FROM Itemizations WHERE Id = '123456'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
Custom10ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom11ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom12ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom13ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom14ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom15ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom16ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom17ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom18ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom19ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom1ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom20ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom21ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom22ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom23ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom24ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom25ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom26ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom27ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom28ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom29ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom2ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom30ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom31ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom32ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom33ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom34ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom35ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom36ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom37ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom38ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom39ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom3ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom40ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom4ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom5ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom6ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom7ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom8ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom9ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
EntryID | String | False |
The ID of the expense entry that is the parent for the itemization. |
LocationID | String | True |
The unique identifier for the location where the expense was incurred. |
OrgUnit1ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit2ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit3ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit4ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit5ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit6ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
ReportID | String | True |
The ID of the report that is the parent for the itemization. |
ReportOwnerID | String | True |
The login ID for the report owner. |
AllocationType | String | True |
The type of allocation for the itemization. Possible values: P - partial allocation, F - full allocation, N - no allocation. |
ApprovedAmount | Decimal | True |
The approved amount of the expense itemization, in the report currency. |
Custom10Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom10Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom10Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom11Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom11Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom11Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom12Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom12Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom12Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom13Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom13Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom13Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom14Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom14Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom14Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom15Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom15Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom15Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom16Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom16Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom16Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom17Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom17Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom17Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom18Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom18Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom18Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom19Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom19Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom19Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom1Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom1Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom20Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom20Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom20Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom21Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom21Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom21Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom22Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom22Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom22Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom23Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom23Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom23Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom24Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom24Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom24Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom25Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom25Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom25Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom26Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom26Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom26Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom27Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom27Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom27Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom28Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom28Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom28Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom29Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom29Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom29Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom2Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom2Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom30Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom30Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom30Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom31Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom31Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom31Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom32Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom32Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom32Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom33Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom33Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom33Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom34Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom34Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom34Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom35Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom35Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom35Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom36Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom36Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom36Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom37Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom37Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom37Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom38Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom38Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom38Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom39Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom39Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom39Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom3Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom3Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom40Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom40Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom40Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom4Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom4Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom5Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom5Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom6Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom6Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom7Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom7Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom7Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom8Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom8Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom8Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom9Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom9Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom9Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Description | String | False |
The description of the expense. Maximum length: 64 characters |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | False |
The code for the expense type. Use the GET ExpenseGroupConfigurations endpoint to learn the expense type code for expense types that are active for this report's policy. |
ExpenseTypeName | String | True |
The name of the expense type, localized to the user's language. |
HasComments | Bool | True |
Indicates whether the expense has comments. Use the GET ExpenseEntryComments endpoint to get information about this entry's comments. Format: true or false |
HasExceptions | Bool | True |
Indicates whether the expense has exceptions. Format: true or false |
IsBillable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the itemization is billable. Format: true or false |
IsImageRequired | Bool | True |
Indicates whether a receipt image is required for the entry. Format: true or false |
IsPersonal | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the itemization is personal (that is, non-reimbursable). Format: true or false |
LastModified | Datetime | True |
The UTC date when the itemization was last modified. |
LocationCountry | String | True |
The country where the expense was incurred. Format: 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code |
LocationName | String | True |
The location where the expense was incurred, usually the city name. |
LocationSubdivision | String | True |
The state, province, or other country subdivision where the expense was incurred. Format: ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision |
OrgUnit1Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit1Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit2Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit2Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit3Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit3Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit4Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit4Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit5Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit5Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit6Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit6Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
PostedAmount | Decimal | True |
The amount of the expense itemization, in the report currency. |
SpendCategoryCode | String | True |
The code for the spending category that is specified for this itemization. |
SpendCategoryName | String | True |
The name of the spending category that is specified for this itemization, localized to the user's language. |
TransactionAmount | Decimal | False |
The amount of the expense itemization, in the transaction currency of the parent expense entry. |
TransactionDate | Datetime | False |
The date when the good or service associated with this itemization was provided. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
URI | String | True |
null |
LoginId | String | False |
The login ID of the user who owns the itemizations. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Lists list items based on the search criteria.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to get list items based on the search criteria.
By default the provider will return only the first level of items for each list. Only unique items will be returned. If the item is present in multiple lists it will show only once.
In the following queries, the Sync App offloads the processing to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Items where ListId = '665E58E7E1226346BC424861DEC93F30' SELECT * FROM Items where ListId IN ( '3e5ce609-bcf7-7d49-884c-baf70588d4bc','241563a3-bf89-4842-a0fb-6cbd06c87c0c')
In order to create an Item see ListItems
UPDATE Items SET value = 'updatedListItem', ShortCode='VFAL1' WHERE ID = '54f19bfa-aef0-2645-b3a4-3b2f15749858'
DELETE FROM Items WHERE Id = '54f19bfa-aef0-2645-b3a4-3b2f15749858'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the list item. |
Code | String | False |
List item long code. |
ShortCode | String | False |
List item short code. |
Value | String | False |
List item value. |
ParentId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the parent list item. |
Level | Int | False |
Level of the list item within the list. |
HasChildren | Boolean | False |
If true, the list item has children in this particular list. |
Lists | String | False |
The unique identifiers of the lists that contains the list item. The list item may exist under one or more lists. |
IsDeleted | Boolean | False |
Indicates the deleted state of the item in a particular list. If false, the list item is not deleted from one or more lists. The lists field will include only the lists that contain the list item in a not-deleted state. isDeleted will only be true when the list item is deleted from all lists. The lists field will include all lists that contain the list item. The default value is false. |
ListId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the list that contains the list item. |
Lists list items based on the search criteria.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to get list items based on the search criteria.
By default, the provider only returns the first level of items for each list.
In the following queries, the Sync App offloads the processing to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE id = '3e5ce609-bcf7-7d49-884c-baf70588d4bc' SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE id IN ( '665E58E7E1226346BC424861DEC93F30','3FB790E49CDC924F8B4BA29623B18D2D') SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE ListId = '665E58E7E1226346BC424861DEC93F30' SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE ListId IN ( '3e5ce609-bcf7-7d49-884c-baf70588d4bc','241563a3-bf89-4842-a0fb-6cbd06c87c0c')
Insert query examples:
INSERT INTO ListItems (value, shortCode, listid) VALUES ('MyCustomListItem','VFAL1','4c392113-c827-4e9c-9b2f-80c473018081')
ListItems cannot be updated, but the item itself can. See the table items.
ListItems cannot be deleted, but the item itself can. See the table items.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the list item. |
Code | String | False |
List item long code. |
ShortCode | String | False |
List item short code. |
Value | String | False |
List item value. |
ParentId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the parent list item. |
Level | Int | False |
Level of the list item within the list. |
HasChildren | Boolean | False |
If true, the list item has children in this particular list. |
IsDeleted | Boolean | False |
Indicates the deleted state of the item in a particular list. If false, the list item is not deleted from one or more lists. The lists field will include only the lists that contain the list item in a not-deleted state. isDeleted will only be true when the list item is deleted from all lists. The lists field will include all lists that contain the list item. The default value is false. |
ListId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the list that contains the list item. |
The driver uses the SAP Concur APIs to view your configured lists within SAP Concur products.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of a list. |
Value | String | False |
Name of the list. |
LevelCount | Int | False |
Number of levels in the list. |
SearchCriteria | String | False |
What attribute to search by {TEXT, CODE}. |
DisplayFormat | String | False |
Whether the code or value is displayed first {(CODE) TEXT, TEXT (CODE)} |
CategoryId | String | False |
The category of the list. |
CategoryType | String | False |
The category of the list. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | False |
If true, the list is read-only. |
IsDeleted | Boolean | False |
If true, the list has been deleted. The default value is false. |
Create, update, delete, and query all receipt Ids owned by the user.
The Sync App will use the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or LoginId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM ReceiptImages WHERE Id = '12345' SELECT * FROM ReceiptImages WHERE LoginId = 'LoginId'
You cannot insert a new image by using INSERT queries, but you can upload one by using the UploadReceiptImage stored procedure.
You cannot update an image by using UPDATE queries, but you can upload one by using the UploadReceiptImage stored procedure.
To delete a receipt image, the following column is required: Id.
DELETE FROM ReceiptImages WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
URI | String | True |
The URI to the resource. |
LoginId | String | False |
The login ID of the user. Optional. The user must have the Web Services Admin (Professional) or Can Administer (Standard) user role to use this parameter. |
Create, update, delete, and query all reports owned by the user.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process almost all searches to this table -- you can use server-side processing to search on any pseudocolumn and almost any combination of the remaining columns. The Sync App processes any other filters client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE Id = 'reportId' SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE ApprovalStatusCode = 'code' AND PaymentType_p = 'PaymentTypeID' AND CreateDateBefore_p = '2018-01-01 10:00:00'
To insert a report the following column is required: Name.
INSERT INTO Reports (Name, Custom1Value) VALUES ('Name', 'Test');
To update a report the following column is required: Id.
UPDATE Reports SET Name = 'Name' WHERE Id = '12334'
Deletes are not supported for this table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the resource. |
ApproverLoginID | String | True |
The Login ID of the report owner's expense approver. |
Custom10ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom11ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom12ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom13ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom14ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom15ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom16ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom17ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom18ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom19ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom1ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom20ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom2ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom3ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom4ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom5ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom6ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom7ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom8ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
Custom9ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit1ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit2ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit3ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit4ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit5ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
OrgUnit6ListItemID | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item ID. |
PaidDate | Datetime | True |
The date when all journal entries in the report was integrated with or extracted to the financial system. |
PolicyID | String | False |
The unique identifier of the policy that applies to this report. Maximum 64 characters. |
AmountDueCompanyCard | Decimal | True |
The total amount due to the company card for the report. Maximum 23 characters. |
AmountDueEmployee | Decimal | True |
The total amount due to the employee for the report. Maximum 23 characters. |
ApprovalStatusCode | String | True |
The approval status code for the report. |
ApprovalStatusName | String | True |
The report's approval status, in the OAuth consumer's language. |
ApproverName | String | True |
The name of the report owner's expense approver. |
Country | String | True |
The report country. Maximum 2 characters. Format: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: United States is US. |
CountrySubdivision | String | True |
The report country subdivision. Format: ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision. |
CreateDate | Datetime | True |
The date the report was created. |
CurrencyCode | String | True |
The ISO 4217 currency code for the expense report currency. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; CAD - Canadian dollar; CHF - Swiss franc; EUR - Euro; GBO - Pound sterling; HKD - Hong Kong dollar; INR - Indian rupee; MXN - Mexican peso; NOK - Norwegian krone; SEK - Swedish krona. |
Custom10Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom10Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom10Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom11Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom11Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom11Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom12Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom12Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom12Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom13Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom13Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom13Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom14Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom14Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom14Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom15Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom15Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom15Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom16Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom16Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom16Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom17Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom17Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom17Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom18Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom18Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom18Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom19Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom19Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom19Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom1Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom1Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom20Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom20Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom20Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom2Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom2Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom3Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom3Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom4Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom4Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom5Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom5Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom6Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom6Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom7Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom7Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom7Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom8Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom8Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom8Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Custom9Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
Custom9Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
Custom9Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
EverSentBack | Bool | True |
Whether the report has ever been sent back to the employee. Format: Y/N |
HasException | Bool | True |
Whether the report has exceptions. Format: Y/N |
LastComment | String | True |
The text of the most recent comment on the report. |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | True |
The date the report header was last modified. |
LedgerName | String | True |
The name of the expense report ledger. Maximum 20 characters. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the report. |
OrgUnit1Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit1Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit1Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit2Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit2Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit2Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit3Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit3Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit3Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit4Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit4Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit4Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit5Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit5Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit5Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OrgUnit6Code | String | True |
For list fields, this is the list item code. |
OrgUnit6Type | String | True |
The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text |
OrgUnit6Value | String | False |
The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters |
OwnerName | String | True |
The name of the expense report owner. |
PaymentStatusCode | String | True |
The code for the payment status of the report. |
PaymentStatusName | String | True |
The report's payment status, in the OAuth consumer's language. |
PersonalAmount | Decimal | True |
The total amount of expenses marked as personal. Maximum 23 characters. |
ProcessingPaymentDate | Datetime | True |
The date that the report completed all approvals and was ready to be extracted for payment. |
ReceiptsReceived | Bool | True |
If Y, then this report has its receipt receipt confirmed by the Expense Processor. Format: Y/N |
SubmitDate | Datetime | True |
The date the report was submitted. |
Total | Decimal | True |
The total amount of the report. |
TotalApprovedAmount | Decimal | True |
The total amount of approved expenses in the report. Maximum 23 characters. |
TotalClaimedAmount | Decimal | True |
The total amount of all non-personal expenses in the report. Maximum 23 characters. |
URI | String | True |
null |
UserDefinedDate | Datetime | False |
The date of the report assigned by the user. |
WorkflowActionUrl | String | True |
The URL to post a workflow action to the report using the Post Report Workflow Action function. |
HasImages | Boolean | False |
Determines if the report has at least one expense entry with an entry image or if there is a report image for this report. FORMAT: true or false. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | False |
The expense type code that is the expense type for at least one expense entry in the report. Use ExpenseTypeCode from Response of GET Expense Group Configurations V3. |
LoginId | String | False |
Optional. The login ID of the report owner(s) to use when searching for reports. If the value is set to LoginID, reports for the report owner with this login ID value are returned. If the value is set to ALL, reports for all report owners are returned. If this parameter is not specified, reports for the OAuth Consumer are returned. The access token owner (OAuth Consumer) must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
PaymentType | String | False |
The unique identifier for the payment type that is the payment type for at least one expense entry in the report. Use PaymentTypeID from Response of GET Expense Group Configurations V3 to obtain valid payment types. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PaidDateBefore_p | String |
The report paid date is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
CreateDateBefore_p | String |
The report create date is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
ProcessingPaymentDateBefore_p | String |
The report processing payment date is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
EntryTransactionDateBefore_p | String |
The entry transaction date for at least one expense entry in the report is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
SubmitDateAfter_p | String |
The report submit date is after this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
UserDefinedDateBefore_p | String |
The report user defined date is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
BatchID_p | String |
The unique identifier for a payment batch where there is at least one report payee within the report. Use the BatchID from Response of GET Payment Batch List. |
ProcessingPaymentDateAfter_p | String |
The report processing payment date is after this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
ModifiedDateBefore_p | String |
The report modified date is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
UserDefinedDateAfter_p | String |
The report user defined date is after this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
HasAttendees_p | String |
Determines if the report has at least one expense entry with an attendee. FORMAT: true or false. |
PaidDateAfter_p | String |
The report paid date is after this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
ExpenseGroupConfigID_p | String |
The unique identifier for the expense group configuration associated to the report's expense group. Use the ID from the Response of the Expense Group Configurations V3. |
IsTestUser_p | String |
The report owner is a test user using the report for testing purposes in a non-production envirnment. FORMAT: true or false. |
HasBillableExpenses_p | String |
The IsBillable flag for at least one expense entry in the report. FORMAT: true or false. |
HasVAT_p | String |
Determines if the report has at least one expense entry with VAT details. FORMAT: true or false. |
ReimbursementMethod_p | String |
The method the report owner will be reimbursed. VALUES: ADPPAYR - ADP Payroll; APCHECK - AP (Company Check); CNQRPAY - Expense Pay; PMTSERV - Other Payment Service. NOTE: PAY_PAL is NOT supported. |
AttendeeTypeCode_p | String |
The report contains expense entries that have attendees of the specified type. |
ModifiedDateAfter_p | String |
The report modified date is after this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
CreateDateAfter_p | String |
The report create date is after this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
SubmitDateBefore_p | String |
The report submit date is before this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
CountryCode_p | String |
The report country. Maximum 2 characters. Format: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: United States is US. |
EntryTransactionDateAfter_p | String |
The entry transaction date for at least one expense entry in the report is after this date.Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
VendorName_p | String |
The Vendor Description that is the vendor for at least one expense entry in the report. |
Retrieve a list of all budget categories.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to AttendeeTypeId and LoginId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM TravelRequests WHERE View = 'ALL' SELECT * FROM TravelRequests UserId = '1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c' SELECT * FROM TravelRequests WHERE Id = 'CFA425CD5EE71F44AD23F5067A3A944E'
To insert an attendee the following columns are required:
Name: The name of the Request.
UserId: The userId of the Request owner for whom the Request will be created. The corresponding user name will be displayed in the audit trail of the Request. Required when using the AuthScheme CompanyLevelAuth.
INSERT INTO TravelRequests (name, userid) VALUES ('Test Request','1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c')
To update an TravelRequests the following column is required: Id.
NOTE: UserId is optional. Will be taken into account only if authenticating with AuthScheme CompanyLevelAuth. If not provided the update will be performed as "Concur System".
UPDATE TravelRequests SET Name = 'Event Request Updated' WHERE Id = '7B6026F14200AF45BF0EEEAB0893D6E0'
To delete an TravelRequests the following column is required:
Id: The unique identifier of the Request.
UserId: The id of the User performing the operation. Required when authenticating with the AuthScheme CompanyLevelAuth.
DELETE FROM TravelRequests WHERE Id = '45520CE739E613418EBAD3888C92721E' AND UserId = '1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the Request. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the Request. |
Approved | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether this Request is approved. |
AllocationFormId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the allocation form. |
ApprovalLimitDate | Datetime | False |
Limit approval date of the proposal. Past this date, the proposal will not be viable any more. Note: Offset MUST be in form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. |
AuthorizedDate | Datetime | False |
For approved Request, the date at which the approval process was completed. |
BusinessPurpose | String | False |
The business purpose of the Request. |
CanceledPostApproval | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether this Request was canceledPostApproval. |
Closed | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether this Request is closed. |
CreationDate | Datetime | False |
The date the Request was created. |
EndDate | Date | False |
The end date of the Request. |
EndTime | Time | False |
The end time of the Request. |
EverSentBack | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether the Request has ever been sent back to the employee. |
HighestExceptionLevel | String | False |
The highest level of exception contained in this Request. Supported values: WARNING, ERROR, and NONE |
Href | String | False |
Hyperlink to the resource for this Request. |
LastModified | Datetime | False |
The date the Request was last modified. |
PendingApproval | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether this Request is pending approval. |
PRN | String | False |
The value of the pnr provided within the agency proposals by the travel agency. |
RequestId | String | False |
The public key of the Request (unique per customer). |
StartDate | Date | False |
The start date of the Request. |
StartTime | Time | False |
The end date of the Request. |
SubmitDate | Datetime | False |
The date the Request was submitted (last submit date in case of recall). |
ApprovalStatusCode | String | False |
The code for the approval status of the Request. Supported values: NOT_SUBMITTED, SUBMITTED, APPROVED, CANCELED, or SENTBACK |
ApprovalStatusName | String | False |
The approval status of the Request in the current user?s language. |
ApproverId | String | False |
Unique identifier of the related object. |
ApproverFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the employee. |
ApproverLastName | String | False |
The last name of the employee. |
ApproverMiddleInitial | String | False |
The middle initial of the employee. |
MainDestinationId | String | False |
The id of the location. |
MainDestinationCity | String | False |
Required for all city location type (not airport, or rail station - except for STD location type) The city name of the location.Note: STD location type for rail is considered as a city location type, city and countryCode fields are required in that case. |
MainDestinationCountryCode | String | False |
Required if city or name is used The ISO 3166-1 country code. Max length 2 characters. |
MainDestinationCountrySubDivisionCode | String | False |
The ISO 3166-2 country sub code. |
MainDestinationiataCode | String | False |
Required if air is used The IATA code of an airport location. |
MainDestinationLatitude | Integer | False |
The latitude of the location. |
MainDestinationLongitude | Integer | False |
The longitude of the location. |
MainDestinationLocationCode | String | False |
Required if rail is used with RAIL_xx locationType The code of the location. Optional for segments based on city locations, will be required in case of duplicate locations within database. If provided (with city and countryCode still required), it will be considered first, and if not found then city and countryCode will be considered. |
MainDestinationType | String | False |
Required if rail is used The type of the location. |
MainDestinationName | String | False |
The name of the location. Always provide the countryCode value in addition to the name. |
OwnerId | String | False |
Unique identifier of the related object. |
OwnerFirstName | String | False |
The first name of the employee. |
OwnerLastName | String | False |
The last name of the employee. |
OwnerMiddleInitial | String | False |
The middle initial of the employee. |
TotalApprovedAmountValue | Integer | False |
The amount in the defined currency. |
TotalApprovedAmountCurrency | String | False |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters. |
TotalPostedAmountValue | Integer | False |
The amount in the defined currency. |
TotalPostedAmountCurrency | String | False |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters. |
TotalRemainingAmountValue | Integer | False |
The amount in the defined currency. |
TotalRemainingAmountCurrency | String | False |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters. |
RequestTypeCode | String | False |
The code of the type inherited from the Request Policy type. Possible values: Authorization, Cash Advance, Travel |
RequestTypeLabel | String | False |
The label of the type inherited from the Request Policy Type. |
Custom1Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom1Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom1Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom2Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom2Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom2Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom3Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom3Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom3Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom4Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom4Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom4Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom5Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom5Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom5Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom6Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom6Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom6Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom7Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom7Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom7Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom8Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom8Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom8Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom9Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom9Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom9Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom10Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom10Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom10Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom12ode | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom11Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom1Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom12Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom12Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom12Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom13Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom13Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom13Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom14Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom14Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom14Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom15Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom15Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom15Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom16Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom16Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom16Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom17Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom17Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom17Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom18Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom18Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom18Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom19Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom19Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom19Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
Custom20Code | String | False |
The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank. |
Custom20Value | String | False |
The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item. |
Custom20Href | String | False |
The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items. |
CashAdvances | String | False |
The list of cash advances for this Request. |
Comments | String | False |
The list of comments for this Request. |
Exceptions | String | False |
The list of exceptions that have been raised to this Request. |
Expenses | String | False |
Expected expenses attached to this Request. |
ExtensionOf | String | False |
The Request for which this Request is an extension of, or addendum to. |
EventRequest | String | False |
The parent Event Request to which this child Request is related. |
Policy | String | False |
The policy that applies to the Request. |
TravelAgency | String | False |
The travel agency office that is managing the trip associated to this Request. |
View | String | False |
Name of the view defining the scope of the Requests to get. Supported values:ALL: Get all existing Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler).ACTIVE Get all active Requests. Does not include cancelled Requests. Approved Requests included are aged less than three months based on current date and must not be in closed status.ACTIVEAPPROVED Get all active Requests at the Approved status. Those approved Requests are aged less than three months based on current date and must not be in closed status.UNSUBMITTED: Get all the unsubmitted Requests (relevant only for the traveler).PENDING: Get all the Requests that are submitted but not yet approved (relevant only for the traveler).VALIDATED: Get all the approved Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Closed Requests are included in this view.APPROVED: Get all the approved Requests by a user (relevant only for the approver). Closed Requests are included in this view.CANCELED: Get all the cancelled Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Cancelled could include closed/not closed Requests.CLOSED: Get all the closed Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Includes canceled then closed Request as well as approved then closed Requests.SUBMITTED: Get all the submitted Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Submitted does not include cancelled requests.TOAPPROVE: Get all Requests to be approved by the user (relevant only for the approver).PENDINGEBOOKING: Approved Requests awaiting Concur Travel booking(s).PENDINGPROPOSAL: Get all Requests submitted to a Travel Agency (TMC) step (relevant only for the TMC agent), userId is required.PROPOSALAPPROVED: Get all the approved Requests by a user (relevant only for the TMC agent), userId is required.PROPOSALCANCELED: Get all the cancelled Requests for a user (relevant only for the TMC agent), userId is required.If no view value is sent, the default view ALL will be used. The default value is ALL. |
UserId | String | False |
Associated with a traveler view: the unique identifier of the Request owner to use when searching for Requests.Associated with an approver view: the unique identifier of the approver to user when searching for Requests.Associated with a TMC agent view, Required, the unique identifier of the TMC agent to use. This TMC agent user must have a default Travel Agency assigned in its profile corresponding to the Travel Agency assigned to the Requests |
Read the user's core identity profile.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id, UserName, and ExternalId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
Use the filters to retrieve data only for the authenticated user since SAP Concur requires Company Level Authentication for retrieving data for all users.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM UsersV4 WHERE UserName = '[email protected]' SELECT * FROM UsersV4 WHERE ExternalId = '1234_externalId' SELECT * FROM UsersV4 WHERE Id = '802546f7-52a4-4ce7-6380-d5a869af350f'Use the Id value returned from these queries when working with tables that require a UserId.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier for the user, also known as the UUID. |
Active | Boolean | False |
If true, the user is active. |
UserName | String | False |
The name that can be used to login to Concur Travel and Expense. |
DisplayName | String | False |
The name of the user, suitable for public display. |
GivenName | String | False |
The given or first name of the user. |
MiddleName | String | False |
The middle name(s) of the user, if applicable. |
FamilyName | String | False |
The family or last name of the user. |
FormattedName | String | False |
The full name of the user, formatted for display. |
NickName | String | False |
The casual way to address the user. |
AddressesAggregate | String | False |
JSON aggregate of a physical mailing address for this user. |
DateOfBirth | Date | False |
The user's date of birth. |
EmailsAggregate | String | False |
JSON aggregate of the user's email addresses. |
EmergencyContactsAggregate | String | False |
JSON aggregate of emergency contact information for the user. |
Entitlements | String | False |
The features enabled for the user. Supported values: Expense, Invoice, Locate, Request, Travel. |
ExternalId | String | False |
User identifier from the provisioning client. |
Created | Datetime | False |
The datetime the user was created. |
LastModified | Datetime | False |
The datetime the user was last modified. |
PhoneNumbersAggregate | String | False |
JSON aggregate of the user's phone numbers. |
Timezone | String | False |
The user's time zone in the Olson time zone database format. |
Title | String | False |
The user's job title in the company. |
CompanyId | String | False |
The SAP Concur ID of the company. |
EmployeeNumber | String | False |
Client supplied employee number within the company, unique for the company. |
UserStartDate | Datetime | False |
The user's start date. |
UserTerminationDate | Datetime | False |
The user's termination date. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The employee cost center for product. |
PreferredLanguage | String | False |
Indicates the user's preferred written or spoken language. |
PreferenceEndDayViewHour | String | False |
Preferred hour setting for the end of day. |
PreferenceFirstDayOfWeek | String | False |
Preferred first day of the week for the user. |
PreferenceDateFormat | String | False |
Preferred date format for the user. |
PreferenceCurrencySymbolLocation | String | False |
Preferred currency symbol location for the user. Supported values: BeforeAmount, AfterAmount. |
PreferenceHourMinuteSeparator | String | False |
Preferred separator between hour and minute. |
PreferenceDistance | String | False |
Preferred distance metric. Supported values: mile, km. |
PreferenceDefaultCalView | String | False |
Preferred default calendar view for the user. Supported values: day, week, month. |
Preference24Hour | String | False |
Preferred 24 hour format for the user. |
PreferenceNumberFormat | String | False |
Preferred number format for the user. |
PreferenceStartDayViewHour | String | False |
Preferred start of day for the user, from 1. |
PreferenceNegativeCurrencyFormat | String | False |
Preferred negative currency format for the user. |
PreferenceNegativeNumberFormat | String | False |
Preferred negative number format for the user. |
SchemasAggregate | String | False |
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
Allocations | Lists all allocations per entry or report. |
BudgetCategoriesExpenseTypes | Retrieve a list of all expense types belonging to a budget category. |
BudgetItems | Retrieve all budget items |
BudgetTrackingFields | Retrieve budget tracking fields information that is setup in budget configuration. |
CompanyCardTransactions | Retrieves the list of corporate or credit card charges that are available for use in expense reports. |
DigitalTaxInvoices | Gets all digital tax invoices that can be validated by the user based on the search criteria. |
ExpenseDelegators | Retrieves the list of users that have granted delegate permissions to you. |
ExpenseDetails | Retrieves the details of a Expense by specifying an ExpenseId |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationAttendeeTypes | Lists the Attendee Types of the Expense Group Configurations. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPaymentTypes | Lists the payment types of the Expense Group Configurations. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicies | Lists the policies of Expense Group Configurations. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationPolicyExpenseTypes | Lists the expense types for the Expense Group Configuration Policies. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurations | Lists the configurations of expense groups. |
Expenses | Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report. |
FinancialTransactions | The request returns a list of financial documents that are ready to be processed. The request can include parameters to limit the results. |
FiscalPeriod | Retrieve a list of all fiscal periods |
FormCodes | Query the list of form codes. |
FormFields | Query all expense form fields. |
Forms | Query all expense forms. |
LocalizedData | List the localized strings of various codes. |
Locations | Retrieve details of locations that are used by Concur and that are valid at the company of the user. |
Notifications | Query all the notifications that have failed. |
Opportunities | Gets opportunities for a specified trip or for all trips that fall within a date range. |
PaymentBatches | Lists all the payment batches. |
PaymentRequestDigests | A payment request digest is a collection of summarized payment requests to invoice vendors. |
PurchaseRequests | Gets purchase request details. The supported mode is COMPACT, which returns basic info about the purchase request along with any exceptions. |
ReportComments | Read the comments entered on the expense report header, or the expenses of an existing expense report. |
ReportsV4 | Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report. |
TravelRequestComments | Get the list of comments for an existing Request |
TripBookingPassengers | Query all the bookings passengers for a trip. |
TripBookings | Query all the bookings for a trip. |
TripBookingSegmentCharges | Query all the charges for a trip. |
TripBookingSegments | Query all the bookings for a trip. |
TripBookingSegmentSeats | Query all the seats for a trip. |
Trips | Query all the trips. |
Users | Lists user data based on the search criteria. |
ValidExpenseTypes | Retrieve a list of all possible expense types that may be used in a budget category. |
Lists all allocations per entry or report.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to any combination of ReportId_p, ItemizationId_p, and EntryId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Allocations WHERE Id = 'sampleAllocationsId' SELECT * FROM Allocations WHERE ItemizationId_p = 'sampleItemizationId' AND ReportId_p = 'sampleReportId' AND EntryId = 'sampleEntryId'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
ContextType | String | The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify. Supported value: TRAVELER
The default value is TRAVELER. |
ReportId | String | The unique identifier of the report to which the expense entry belongs whose allocations are being retrieved. |
ExpenseId | String | The unique identifier of the expense entry whose allocations are being retrieved. |
UserID | String | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Use UsersV4 to resolve the userId |
AccountCode | String | The ledger account code associated with the allocation. |
IsPercentEdited | Boolean | Whether the allocation percent has been edited. |
IsSystemAllocation | Boolean | Whether the allocation is a system allocation, usually hidden from the user. If displayed to the user, should be read-only. |
OverLimitAccountCode | String | The ledger account code associated with the allocation if it exceeds a pre-defined threshold, for example, the user's travel allowance limit. |
Percentage | Double | The percentage of the total expense that this allocation represents. |
ApprovedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the expense report currency, based on the user?s assigned reimbursement currency when the report was created. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; CAD - Canadian dollar; CHF - Swiss franc; EUR - Euro; GBO - Pound sterling; HKD - Hong Kong dollar; INR - Indian rupee; MXN - Mexican peso; NOK - Norwegian krone; SEK - Swedish krona |
ApprovedAmountValue | Double | The amount in the defined currency. |
ClaimedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the expense report currency, based on the user?s assigned reimbursement currency when the report was created. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; CAD - Canadian dollar; CHF - Swiss franc; EUR - Euro; GBO - Pound sterling; HKD - Hong Kong dollar; INR - Indian rupee; MXN - Mexican peso; NOK - Norwegian krone; SEK - Swedish krona |
ClaimedAmountValue | Double | The amount in the defined currency. |
CustomDataId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the custom field. Examples: custom1, orgUnit1 |
CustomDataIsValid | String | Whether the value returned is valid or not. This value is returned for custom fields of all data types and is specifically evaluated for list items to represent the current status. Default: true |
CustomDataIsListItemUrl | String | |
CustomDataValue | String | The value of the custom field. This field can have values for all the supported data types such as text, integer, boolean and listItemId. Maximum length: 48 characters |
Retrieve a list of all expense types belonging to a budget category.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The budget service's key for this object. If this field is not supplied, the service will use an existing expense type entry if one exists. |
BudgetCategoryId | String | The unique identifier for the budget category. |
Name | String | The name for this expense type if it maps to an expense type set up in SAP Concur. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | The alphanumeric code that describes an expense type (Example: MEALS, AC_CATER). Any string may be used, but only expense type codes returned by GET /budgetCategory/expenseType will behave properly in the SAP Concur UI. |
FeatureTypeCode | String | The type of feature that this expense type applies to: Purchase Request, Payment Request (Invoice), Expense, or Travel Authorization. Supported values: PURCHASE_REQUEST, PAYMENT_REQUEST, EXPENSE, REQUEST |
SyncGuid | String |
Retrieve all budget items
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The key for this object. |
Active | Boolean | Indicates if this budget should be displayed on user screens. |
AnnualBudget | Decimal | The total budget amount and accumulated balances for this budget header. |
BudgetItemStatusType | String | The status of this budget item. Supported values: OPEN, CLOSED(no spending can be attached to this budget), REMOVED |
BudgetType | String | The budget type indicates if the budget item is personal or not. Supported values: PERSONAL_USE, BUDGET, RESTRICTED, TEAM |
CurrencyCode | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the budget currency. This is the currency code of the budget amount. Spending Items are converted using yesterday?s closing value. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; CAD - Canadian dollar; CHF - Swiss franc; EUR - Euro; GBO - Pound sterling; HKD - Hong Kong dollar; INR - Indian rupee; MXN - Mexican peso; NOK - Norwegian krone; SEK - Swedish krona. |
Description | String | The user-friendly name for this budget. This description is displayed to end users on desktop and mobile. |
CreatedDate | Date | The time the budget item header was created. Date in UTC. |
FiscalYear | String | The fiscal year for this budget. Only the ID of the fiscal year, which can be retrieved from the Fiscal Year service, is required for creating/updating a budget. |
IsTest | Boolean | The test flag for the budget item. If true, this budget will only match spending submitted by test users. |
Name | String | The admin-facing name for this budget. |
Owned | String | A flag indicating if the current user is the owner of this budget. |
PeriodType | String | The type of period within the fiscal year that this budget's details use. |
UseAdminView | String | If true, returns all budgets for this entity, if false, returns only the budgets owned by the current user. Default: false |
BudgetAmounts | String | The accumulated budget amounts for this budget. |
BudgetManagers | String | If managers exist, spend items only matches this budget if one of the managers is in the manager hierarchy of the submitter or approver for the given spend item. |
BudgetApprovers | String | The workflow approvers for this budget. |
BudgetTeamMembers | String | The team members associated with this budget. |
BudgetCategory | String | The budget category for this budget item. If a budget category is present, spending items must match one of the expense types in the budget category in order to match this budget. |
BudgetItemDetails | String | Specify the budget information for each fiscal period in the fiscal year. |
BudgetViewers | String | The users who can view this budget. |
CostObjects | String | The cost object list for matching spending items. |
Owner | String | The user who is ultimately responsible for this budget. |
Retrieve budget tracking fields information that is setup in budget configuration.
Name | Type | Description |
FieldId [KEY] | String | The budget service's key for this object. |
BudgetTrackingFieldName | String | The budget field tracking name. |
FieldType | String | he data type of this field or field collection. Supported values: LIST, MLIST, VARCHAR |
ListSyncGuid | String | If the dataType of this item is LIST or MLIST, this is the ID of the list definition from the SAP Concur list service. |
BudgetSequenceNumber | Int | The sequence or the order in which the budget tracking field appears in the budget UI. This value can be used instead of fieldDefinitionId when importing budgets with POST resource. The budgetSequenceNumber is the the same as the code field when importing budgets. |
ConnectedListSequenceNumber | Int | Indicates the level of the budget tracking field in a connected list. |
FieldDefinitionId | String | The budget service's key for this object's field definition ID. This value is required when using the Budget Item POST Resource to create or update a new budget using budget tracking fields. |
Retrieves the list of corporate or credit card charges that are available for use in expense reports.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
CardNumber | String | The number of the card, with all but the last four digits obscured. |
ExpKey | String | The code for the expense type of the transaction |
Merchant | String | The merchant name for the transaction. |
ExpName | String | The name of the expense type of the transaction. |
TransactionAmount | String | The amount of the card transaction. |
TransactionCrnCode | String | The currency code of the transaction amount. |
TransactionDate | String | The date of the transaction. |
Gets all digital tax invoices that can be validated by the user based on the search criteria.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to ModifiedAfter_p. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM DigitalTaxInvoices WHERE Id = 'sampleDigitalTaxInvoicesId' SELECT * FROM DigitalTaxInvoices WHERE ModifiedAfter_p = '2018-01-01 10:00:00'
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
AccountID | String | The unique identifier assigned by the validation partner to the Concur client company that owns the digital tax invoices. |
ConcurReceiptID | String | The ID of the digital tax invoice in plain text. |
DocumentID | String | The ID of the report in plain text. |
ReceiptData | String | The digital tax invoice data. |
URI | String | The URI to the resource. |
Modifiedafter | Date | A modification date for the queue record; this parameter can be used to limit the results of the GET request to the queue items that have been added since the last time the validation company queried the queue. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Retrieves the list of users that have granted delegate permissions to you.
The Sync App processes all searches on this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id of the user |
DelegatorEmail | String | Email of the delegate |
CanApprove | String | Whether the delegate is granted the right to approve expense reports on behalf of the delegator. |
CanPrepare | String | Whether the delegate is granted the right to create expense reports on behalf of the delegator. |
CanSubmit | String | Whether the delegate is granted the right to submit expense reports on behalf of the delegator. |
CanTemporaryApprove | String | Whether the delegate is granted the same temporary approval rights as the delegator. |
CanViewReceipts | String | Whether the delegate is granted the right to view receipts on behalf of the delegator. |
ReceiveApprovalEmails | String | Whether the delegate also receives the approval emails sent to the delegator. |
ReceivesEmails | String | Whether the delegate also receives the Concur emails sent to the delegator. |
Retrieves the details of a Expense by specifying an ExpenseId
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to get the expense details by specifying the expenseId. We strongly recommend that the queries be as specific as possible.
The API requires the reportId, ExpenseId and in the case of CompanyLevelOAuth, UserId.
The driver can resolve each one of these properties internally, but it needs to pull all records first.
For example, for a query like:
SELECT * FROM ExpenseDetailsthe driver:
Because this is a very costly operation, we strongly advise the use of specific queries.
For example, in the following queries the Sync App offloads the processing to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM ExpenseDetails WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId = '54CF09456D56445CBA37' AND ExpenseId = 'F4CFC3D027EE1548B6423A9BEDE039C7' SELECT * FROM ExpenseDetails WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId = '277FC923845B4E5FB9CE' AND ContextType = 'TRAVELER' AND ExpenseId = 'F4CFC3D027EE1548B6423A9BEDE039C7'
Name | Type | Description |
ExpenseId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the expense. |
AllocationSetId | String | The identifier of the allocation set associated with the expense. Allocations that belong to the same set are created at the same time. |
AllocationState | String | Allocation state for the expense. Supported values: FULLY_ALLOCATED, NOT_ALLOCATED, PARTIALLY_ALLOCATED |
ApprovedAmount | Double | The value for the approved amount of the expense. |
ApprovedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency for the approved amount of the expense. |
ApproverAdjustedAmount | Double | The total amount value adjusted for the expense by the approver. |
ApproverAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the expense adjusted by the approver. |
AttendeeCount | Int | The total number of attendees associated with the expense. |
AuthorizationRequestExpenseId | String | The authorization request expense ID associated with the expense. |
BudgetAccrualDate | Date | The budget accrual date of the expense. |
BusinessPurpose | String | The text input for the business purpose by the user. |
CanAllocate | Boolean | |
CanDelete | Boolean | |
ClaimedAmount | Double | The total non-personal amount claimed for reimbursement for the expense |
ClaimedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the claimed amount. |
ERceiptImageId | String | The unique identifier of the eReceipt image associated with the expense. |
ExchangeRateValue | Double | Exchange rate data for the expense. |
ExchangeRateOperation | String | Currency code for the exchange rate |
ExpenseSourceIdentifiers | String | The list of expense sources associated with the expense. |
ExpenseTypeID | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeIsDeleted | Boolean | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeListItemId | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeName | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
FuelTypeListItem | String | The unique id of Fuel Type. |
HasBlockingExceptions | Boolean | Whether the expense has any exceptions that blocks it from being submitted. |
HasExceptions | Boolean | Whether the expense has any exceptions. |
HasMissingReceiptDeclaration | Boolean | Whether the expense has an affidavit declaration for missing receipt. |
ImageCertificationStatus | String | The final status of the receipt image associated with the expense. Supported values: ACCEPTED, PROCESSED, PROCESSING, PDF, FAILED, NO_PROCESSING_REQUIRED |
IsAutoCreated | Boolean | Whether the expense is auto created. |
IsImageRequired | Boolean | Whether the image is required for the expense. |
IsPaperReceiptRequired | Boolean | Whether the paper receipt is required for the expense to be submitted. |
IsPersonalExpense | Boolean | Whether the expense is marked as personal (non-reimbursable) by the user. |
JptRouteId | String | The unique route ID to identify a Japan rail route. |
LocationName | String | The location information of the expense. |
LocationCity | String | The location information of the expense. |
LocationCountryCode | String | The location information of the expense. |
LocationCountrySubDivisionCode | String | The location information of the expense. |
LocationId | String | The location information of the expense. |
MerchantTaxId | String | Merchant tax ID for the expense. |
Mileage | String | The mileage data associated with the expense. |
ParentExpenseId | String | Expense ID of the parent expense. |
PaymentTypeId | String | The payment type information for the expense. |
PaymentTypeCode | String | The payment type information for the expense. |
PostedAmount | Double | The PostedAmount value. |
PostedAmountCode | String | The PostedAmount code. |
ReceiptId | String | The id of the ReceiptType. |
ReceiptStatus | String | The status of the ReceiptType |
TaxRateLocation | String | Transaction location relative to the employee?s home location as defined by their user profile. Supported values: FOREIGN - The expense transaction took place in foreign currency, HOME - The expense transaction took place in the reimbursement currency, OUT_OF_PROVINCE - The expense transaction took place outside the state jurisdiction. Default: HOME. |
TicketNumber | String | The ticket number associated with the travel. |
TransactionAmount | Double | The amount of the expense, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor. |
TransactionAmountCode | String | The currency code for the TransactionAmount. |
TransactionDate | Date | The transaction date. |
Travel | String | The travel data associated with the expense. |
IsExpensePartOfTravelAllowance | Boolean | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
TravelAllowanceDailyLimit | String | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
DailyTravelAllowanceId | String | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
VendorId | String | The unique identifier of the vendor. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor. |
VendorDescription | String | The description of the vendor. Maximum length: 64 characters |
NetAdjustedTaxAmount | Double | Net adjusted tax amount. |
NetAdjustedTaxAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the net adjusted tax amount. |
NetReclaimAdjustedAmount | Double | Net reclaim adjusted amount. |
NetReclaimAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the net reclaim adjusted amount. |
NetReclaimAmount | Double | Net reclaim amount. |
NetReclaimAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the net reclaim amount. |
NetTaxAmount | Double | Net tax amount. |
NetTaxAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the net tax amount. |
TotalReclaimAdjustedAmount | Double | Total reclaim adjusted amount. |
TotalReclaimAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the total reclaim adjusted amount. |
TotalReclaimPostedAmount | Double | Total reclaim posted amount. |
TotalReclaimPostedAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the total reclaim posted amount. |
TotalTaxAdjustedAmount | Double | Total tax adjusted amount. |
TotalTaxAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the total tax adjusted amount. |
TotalTaxPostedAmount | Double | Total tax posted amount. |
TotalTaxPostedAmountCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the total tax posted amount. |
VatTaxTotal | Double | VAT tax total amount. |
VatTaxTotalCurrencyCode | String | Currency code for the VAT tax total amount. |
CustomDataId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the custom field. Examples: custom1, orgUnit1 |
CustomDataIsValid | Boolean | Whether the value returned is valid or not. This value is returned for custom fields of all data types and is specifically evaluated for list items to represent the current status. Default: true |
CustomDataValue | String | The value of the custom field. This field can have values for all the supported data types such as text, integer, boolean and listItemId. Maximum length: 48 characters |
CustomDataItemURL | String | |
ReportId | String | The unique identifier of the report that is being read. |
UserId | String | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Query the Identity table to retrieve this value. |
ContextType | String | The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify. Supported values: TRAVELER, PROXY. Default value is TRAVELER.
The default value is TRAVELER. |
Lists the Attendee Types of the Expense Group Configurations.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String | The attendee type code. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationId | String | The unique identifier of the Expense Group Configuration. |
Name | String | The name of the attendee type. |
Lists the payment types of the Expense Group Configurations.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the payment type. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationId | String | The unique identifier of the Expense Group Configuration. |
Name | String | The name of the payment type. |
IsDefault | Boolean | Determines whether this payment type is the default |
Lists the policies of Expense Group Configurations.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the policy. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationId | String | The unique identifier of the Expense Group Configuration. |
Name | String | The name of the policy. |
IsDefault | Boolean | Indicates whether this policy is the default. |
IsInheritable | Boolean | Indicates whether the descendent nodes in the Expense Feature Hierarchy are covered by this policy. |
Lists the expense types for the Expense Group Configuration Policies.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String | The code of the expense type. |
ExpenseGroupConfigurationId | String | The unique identifier of the Expense Group Configuration. |
ExpenseCode | String | The code for the expense category. |
Name | String | The name of the policy. |
Lists the configurations of expense groups.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
Name | String | The name of the expense group configuration. |
AttendeeListFormID | String | The unique identifier for the attendee list form. |
AttendeeListFormName | String | The name of the attendee list form. |
AllowUserRegisterYodlee | Boolean | Indicates whether users in the expense group are allowed to register Yodlee credit cards. |
AllowUserDigitalTaxInvoice | Boolean | Indicates whether users are allowed to upload digital tax invoices. |
URI | String | The URI to the resource. |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the expense group. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to get the list of expenses for each report.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId IN ('54CF09456D56445CBA37','277FC923845B4E5FB9CE') SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId IN ('54CF09456D56445CBA37','277FC923845B4E5FB9CE') AND ContextType = 'TRAVELER' SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE ExpenseId = '7207FA492E0BFF4AA72480F60752965E' AND userid = '1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c' AND ContextType = 'TRAVELER' AND ReportId = '46864CD1C9894E1BBD47'
Name | Type | Description |
ExpenseId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the expense. |
AllocationSetId | String | The identifier of the allocation set associated with the expense. Allocations that belong to the same set are created at the same time. |
AllocationState | String | Allocation state for the expense. Supported values: FULLY_ALLOCATED, NOT_ALLOCATED, PARTIALLY_ALLOCATED. |
ApprovedAmount | Double | The approved amount of the expense, in the report currency. |
ApprovedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the approved amount of the expense. |
ApproverAdjustedAmount | Double | The total amount adjusted for the expense by the approver. |
ApproverAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the total amount adjusted for the expense. |
AttendeeCount | Int | The total number of attendees associated with the expense. |
BusinessPurpose | String | The text input for the business purpose by the user. |
ClaimedAmount | Double | The total non-personal amount value claimed for reimbursement for the expense. |
ClaimedAmountCurrencyCode | String | The currency code for the claimed amount value. |
EReceiptImageId | String | The unique identifier of the eReceipt image associated with the expense. |
ExchangeRateValue | Double | Exchange rate data for the expense. |
ExchangeRateOperation | String | Currency code for the exchange rate. |
ExpenseSourceIdentifiers | String | The list of expense sources associated with the expense. |
ExpenseTypeID | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeIsDeleted | Boolean | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeListItemId | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
ExpenseTypeName | String | The expense type information for the expense. |
FuelTypeListItem | String | The unique id of Fuel Type. |
HasBlockingExceptions | Boolean | Whether the expense has any exceptions that block it from being submitted. |
HasExceptions | Boolean | Whether the expense has any exceptions. |
HasMissingReceiptDeclaration | Boolean | Whether the expense has an affidavit declaration for missing receipt. |
ImageCertificationStatus | String | The final status of the receipt image associated with the expense. |
IsAutoCreated | Boolean | Whether the expense is auto-created. |
IsImageRequired | Boolean | Whether the image is required for the expense. |
IsPaperReceiptRequired | Boolean | Whether the paper receipt is required for the expense to be submitted. |
IsPersonalExpense | Boolean | Whether the expense is marked as personal (non-reimbursable) by the user. |
JptRouteId | String | The unique route ID to identify a Japan rail route. |
LocationName | String | The location information of the expense. |
LocationCity | String | The location information of the expense |
LocationCountryCode | String | The location information of the expense |
LocationCountrySubDivisionCode | String | The location information of the expense |
LocationId | String | The location information of the expense |
PaymentTypeId | String | The payment type information for the expense. |
PaymentTypeCode | String | The code for the payment type. |
PostedAmount | Double | The amount of the expense, in the report currency. |
PostedAmountCode | String | The code for the posted amount. |
ReceiptImageId | String | The unique identifier of the image associated with the expense. |
TicketNumber | String | The ticket number associated with the travel. |
TransactionAmount | Double | The amount of the expense, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor. |
TransactionAmountCode | String | Currency code for the transaction ammount |
TransactionDate | Date | The transaction date. |
IsExpensePartOfTravelAllowance | Boolean | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
TravelAllowanceDailyLimit | String | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
DailyTravelAllowanceId | String | The travel allowance data associated with the expense. |
VendorId | String | The unique identifier of the vendor. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor. |
VendorDescription | String | The description of the vendor. Maximum length: 64 characters |
ReportId | String | The unique identifier of the report that is being read. |
UserId | String | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Query the Identity table to retrieve this value. |
ContextType | String | The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify. Supported values: TRAVELER, PROXY. Default value is TRAVELER.
The default value is TRAVELER. |
The request returns a list of financial documents that are ready to be processed. The request can include parameters to limit the results.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to DocType, DocId, IgnoreDocumentStatus, and SystemId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM FinancialTransactions WHERE DocType = 'expense' SELECT * FROM FinancialTransactions WHERE DocType = 'expense' AND DocId = 'some doc id' SELECT * FROM FinancialTransactions WHERE DocType = 'expense' AND IgnoreDocumentStatus = 'yes' SELECT * FROM FinancialTransactions WHERE DocType = 'expense' AND SystemId = 'some system id'
Note DocType is always required by the API. If not specified the provider will transform:
SELECT * FROM FinancialTransactionsTO:
SELECT * FROM FinancialTransactions WHERE DocType IN ('expense','invoice','cashadvance','payroll','requestobligation','reportobligation')
To avoid performance issues always apply the DocType filter.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the document. |
DocType | String | Transaction type |
CompanyId | String | Unique identifier for the company in SAP Concur. Maximum 32 characters. |
EntityId | String | Unique identifier for the entity in SAP Concur. Maximum 32 characters. |
CompanyUuid | String | UUID for the company in SAP Concur. Maximum 36 characters. |
ErpSystemId | String | The external System ID that processed the document. Maximum 50 characters. |
Document | String | The JSON financial document. |
DocStatus | String | The financial document status. Supported values: READY, ACKNOWLEDGED, POSTING_CONFIRMED_SUCCESS, POSTING_CONFIRMED_FAILURE. |
DocId | String | The transaction unique identifier, it could be expense report ID, payment request ID or cash advance ID. If specified, a single document that matches docId is returned. |
IgnoreDocumentStatus | String | Ignores the financial documents status. If yes, a document is returned regardless of status. If no, only documents that have not been acknowledged/confirmed are returned. Supported values: yes, no. |
SystemId | String | The external system ID that processed the document. Maximum 50 characters. |
Retrieve a list of all fiscal periods
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The budget service's key for this object. |
Name | String | The name of this fiscal period. Must be unique for this entity. |
StartDate | Date | The start date for this fiscal period. Must be within the parent fiscal year. |
EndDate | Date | The end date for this fiscal period. Must be within the parent fiscal year. |
Status | String | The status of this fiscal period. Supported values: OPEN, CLOSED, REMOVED |
CurrentPeriod | Boolean | True if this the current fiscal period based on the current date and time, False otherwise. |
PeriodType | String | The type of fiscal period. Supported values: MONTHLY |
FiscalYearId [KEY] | String | The key of the parent fiscal year for this fiscal period. |
SpendDate | Date | If the current date is after this fiscal period's start date, this field shows the current date. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeRemoved | Boolean | If true, the service will return all Fiscal Years, including those that were previously removed. If not supplied, this field defaults to false. |
Query the list of form codes.
Name | Type | Description |
FormCode [KEY] | String | The code for the form. |
Name | String | The name of the form code. |
Query all expense form fields.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that are based on the FormId column. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App. For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FormFields WHERE FormId = '12345'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The form field ID. |
FormId [KEY] | String | The ID of the form. |
Label | String | The form field label.. |
ControlType | String | The type of field. |
DataType | String | The type of data accepted by the field. |
MaxLength | Integer | The maximum length of the field value. |
IsRequired | String | Whether the field is required. |
ColumnNumber | Integer | The number of columns the field contains. |
Access | String | The access level the specified user has to the field. |
Width | String | The width of the field. |
IsCustom | String | Whether the field is custom. |
Sequence | Integer | The field order on the form. |
Query all expense forms.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The id of the form. |
Code [KEY] | String | The code of the form. |
Name | String | The name of the form. |
List the localized strings of various codes.
Name | Type | Description |
Code [KEY] | String | Localized data code. |
LocalizedValue | String | The localized value. |
Type [KEY] | String | The type of attribute to request localized info. |
LangCode [KEY] | String | Optional. The language code requested. lang codes examples - de, en, es, fr, fr_CA, hu, it, ja, pl, pt_BR. Default is en. Set to '' (empty) to retrieve information for all language codes. |
Retrieve details of locations that are used by Concur and that are valid at the company of the user.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or City_p. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the Sync App will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:
SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE Id = '123456' SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE City_p = 'London'
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
AdministrativeRegion | String | The administrative region of the location. |
Country | String | The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code for the location. |
CountrySubdivision | String | The ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision code for the location. Example: US-WA |
IATACode | String | The International Air Transport Association (IATA) airport code of the location. |
IsAirport | Boolean | Indicates whether the location is an airport. Format: true or false |
IsBookingTool | Boolean | Indicates whether the location is used by the booking tool. Format: true or false |
Latitude | String | The latitude of the geocode for the location. |
Longitude | String | The longitude of the geocode for the location. |
Name | String | The location name. Maximum length: 64 characters |
URI | String | The URI to the resource. |
Query all the notifications that have failed.
The Sync App processes all other searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
Context | String | The context of the notification. |
EventType | String | The type of the event that triggered the callout. |
EventDateTime | Datetime | The date of the event. |
NotificationURI | String | The URL that needs to be called to delete a failed notification. |
ObjectType | String | The type of object that triggered the notification. |
ObjectURI | String | The type of the event. |
Status | String | The status of the notification
The default value is FAILED. |
Gets opportunities for a specified trip or for all trips that fall within a date range.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to any combination of TripId_p, OpportunityType_p, FromUtc_p, and ToUtc_p. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE TripId_p = 'sampleTripId' AND OpportunityType_p = 'Hotel' AND FROMUtc_p = '2018-01-01 13:00:00' AND ToUtc_p = '2018-01-01 13:00:00'
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
TripId [KEY] | String | The trip id of the associated itinerary |
EndCityCode | String | The city code of the destination city where the opportunity is offered |
EndDateLocal | Datetime | The local end date of the location where the opportunity is offered |
EndPostalCode | String | The postal code of the destination location where the opportunity is offered |
IsActive | Bool | Indicates that the opportunity is currently active |
StartCityCode | String | The city code of the originating city where the opportunity is offered |
StartDateLocal | Datetime | The local start date of the location where the opportunity is offered |
StartPostalCode | String | The postal code of the originating location where the opportunity is offered |
Type | String | The type of opportunity |
URI | String | The URI to the resource. |
Lists all the payment batches.
The Sync App processes all searches to this table client-side within the Sync App.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The id of the batch. |
BatchName | String | The batch name, as it appears in Payment Manager. |
BatchTotal | Decimal | The number of payment demands in the batch. |
Count | Integer | The name of the form. |
Currency | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the batch. |
PaymentMethod | String | The reimbursement method for the batch. Either Expense Pay by Concur, Company Check (via Accounts Payable), ADP (via EPIP file), or Other Reimbursement Methods. |
Type | String | The payee of the batch. Either Employee or Card Program. |
BatchUrl | String | The URL to use as a basis for other actions, such as closing the batch. |
A payment request digest is a collection of summarized payment requests to invoice vendors.
At least one of the following columns should be specified in the WHERE clause:
You can use any combination of these filters but the following columns support only semi intervals createDate,userDefinedDate,submitDate,paidDate (Refere to the examples)
These columns can not be used to define intervals.
For example:
SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE CreateDate > '2024-01-01' AND CreateDate < '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE CreateDate = '2024-01-01'
The above examples will produce 0 results.
Supported queries:
SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE ApprovalStatusCode = 'R_NOTF' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE PaymentStatusCode = 'R_NOTP' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE VendorInvoiceNumber = '2000' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE CreateDate > '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE CreateDate < '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE UserDefinedDate > '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE UserDefinedDate < '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE SubmitDate > '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE SubmitDate < '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE PaidDate > '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE PaidDate < '2024-01-01' SELECT * FROM PaymentRequestDigests WHERE UserDefinedDate > '2024-01-01' AND ApprovalStatusCode='R_ACCO' AND CreateDate > '2024-03-06'
Name | Type | Description |
ID | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
ApprovalStatusCode | String | A code indicating the request's approval status. |
CreateDate | Date | The date the request was created. |
CurrencyCode | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the request currency. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; etc. |
InvoiceNumber | String | The invoice number of the payment request. |
IsDeleted | String | A true/false value which indicates whether the request has been deleted. Deleted requests are retained in the system for historical purposes. |
OwnerLoginID | String | The login ID of the payment request owner. |
OwnerName | String | The name of the payment request owner. |
PaidDate | Date | The date when all journal entries in the request were integrated with or extracted to the financial system. |
PaymentRequestId | String | The unique identifier of the payment request summarized in this digest. |
PaymentRequestUri | String | The URI of the payment request summarized in this digest. |
PaymentStatusCode | String | A code indicating the request's payment status. |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | The purchase order number for the purchase order associated with the invoice. |
Total | String | The total amount of the request. |
URI | String | The URI to the resource. |
UserDefinedDate | Date | The invoice date as assigned by the user. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor. |
VendorCode | String | The name of the vendor. |
VendorInvoiceNumber | String | Vendor invoice number tied to invoice. |
SubmitDate | Date | The payment request submit date is before this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
Gets purchase request details. The supported mode is COMPACT, which returns basic info about the purchase request along with any exceptions.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique purchase request reference Id. Returned by the Create Purchase Request API call. |
PurchaseRequestNumber | String | The unique purchase request identifier which can be used to uniquely identify a purchase request in SAP Concur products. |
PurchaseRequestQueueStatus | String | The creation status of the purchase request. Possible values are: PENDING_CREATION, CREATED, CREATE_FAILED. |
PurchaseRequestWorkflowStatus | String | The workflow status of the purchase request. Possible values are: Approved, Pending Approval, Pending Cost Object Approval, Sent Back To Employee, Not Submitted, Submitted, Pending Processor Review, Vendor Approval, Approval Time Expired. |
PurchaseOrders | String | If the purchase request has been approved and a purchase order generated, this array contains the purchase order details. If empty, this element will not be returned. |
PurchaseRequestExceptions | String | An aggregate json object containing all exceptions, if present on the purchase request. If empty, this element will not be returned. |
Mode | String | Specifies mode for Get Purchase Request Details. Supported value: COMPACT
The default value is COMPACT. |
Read the comments entered on the expense report header, or the expenses of an existing expense report.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to ReportId, UserId, and ContextType. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
All three filters are required to query ReportComments. If ReportId is not specified, the Sync App queries the Reports table to retrieve the Id values. If ContextType is not specified, the default value is TRAVELER.
The UserId value should be specified either in the query or in the UserId connection property. If CompanyLevelOAuth is active, all report comments for all users are pulled by default. This may result in a very large number of server requests.
Example queries:
SELECT * FROM ReportComments WHERE UserId = '4b32882d-29t3-3f88-a738-c299ae3212' SELECT * FROM ReportComments WHERE ReportId IN ('288DG832423A4E5B6C4', '177DG832635A4E5B6D5') SELECT * FROM ReportComments WHERE UserId = '4b32882d-29t3-3f88-a738-c299ae3212' AND ReportId IN ('288DG832423A4E5B6C4', '177DG832635A4E5B6D5') SELECT * FROM ReportComments WHERE UserId = '4b32882d-29t3-3f88-a738-c299ae3212' AND ReportId IN ('288DG832423A4E5B6C4', '177DG832635A4E5B6D5') AND ContextType = 'PROXY'
Name | Type | Description |
Comment | String | The comments input on the report by all users. |
AuthorFirstName | String | The comment author's first name. |
AuthorLastName | String | The comment author's last name. |
AuthorMiddleInitial | String | The comment author's middle initial. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The UTC datetime when the comment was created on the report or expense. |
ExpenseId | String | The unique identifier of the expense. |
IsAuditorComment | Boolean | If true, this attribute represents whether this comment has been authored by an auditor. |
IsLatest | Boolean | If true, this attribute represents the latest comment by the user. |
StepInstanceId | String | The unique identifier of the step instance. |
CreatedForEmployeeId | String | The unique identifier of the employee the comment was created on behalf of. |
CreatedForEmployeeFirstName | String | The first name of the employee the comment was created on behalf of. |
CreatedForEmployeeLastName | String | The last name of the employee the comment was created on behalf of. |
CreatedForEmployeeMiddleInitial | String | The middle initial of the employee the comment was created on behalf of. |
ReportId | String | The unique identifier of the report that is being read. |
UserId | String | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Query the Identity table to retrieve this value. |
ContextType | String | The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify. Supported values: TRAVELER, PROXY. Default value is TRAVELER.
The default value is TRAVELER. |
IncludeAllComments | String | Return all the comments that are present on the report at all levels. Default value: true
The default value is true. |
Retrieves the expenses that belong to a specific expense report or modifies an expense on an existing expense report.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the report that is being read. |
UserID | String | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. |
ContextType | String | The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify.
The default value is TRAVELER. |
Name | String | |
ApprovalStatus | String | |
ApprovalStatusId | String | |
Approver | String | |
CanAddExpense | Booolean | |
CardProgramStatementPeriodId | Booolean | |
EndDate | Date | |
HasBlockingExceptions | Boolean | |
IsApproved | Boolean | |
IsEnabledForFinancialIntegration | Boolean | |
IsEnabledForReopen | Boolean | |
IsPaymentConfirmed | Boolean | |
IsPendingApproval | Boolean | |
IsPendingDelegatorReview | Boolean | |
IsPendingProcessor | Boolean | |
IsReopened | Boolean | |
IsReportEverSentBack | Boolean | |
IsSentBack | Boolean | |
IsSentForPayment | Boolean | |
IsSubmitted | Boolean | |
PaidDate | Datetime | |
PaymentStatus | String | |
PaymentStatusId | String | |
ReportDate | Date | |
ReportNumber | String | |
ReportType | String | |
SentBackDate | Datetime | |
SponsorId | String | |
StartDate | Date | |
SubmitDate | Datetime |
Get the list of comments for an existing Request
Name | Type | Description |
TravelRequestId [KEY] | String | The id of the travel request. Can be found by querying TravelRequests. |
Value [KEY] | String | The value of the comment. |
AuthorFirstName | String | The first name of the employee. |
AuthorLastName | String | The last name of the employee. |
CreationDateTime | Datetime | Creation date of the comment. |
IsLatest | Boolean | If true, the comment has been edited since the last workflow transition. |
Query all the bookings passengers for a trip.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to TripId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TripBookingPassengers WHERE TripId = '123456'
Name | Type | Description |
TripId [KEY] | String | The id of the trip. |
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] | String | The record locator of the booking. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the passenger. |
LastName | String | The last name of the passenger. |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Query all the bookings for a trip.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to TripId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TripBookings WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId'
Name | Type | Description |
RecordLocator [KEY] | String | The record locator of the booking. |
TripId [KEY] | String | The id of the trip. |
BookingOwner | String | The id of the trip. |
Source | String | The name of the trip. |
BookingSource | String | The record locator of the trip. |
BookedDate | Datetime | The first name of the traveler. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | The last name of the traveler. |
ModifiedDate | Datetime | A comma separated list of passengers. |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Query all the charges for a trip.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to TripId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TripBookingSegmentCharges WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId'
Name | Type | Description |
TripId [KEY] | String | The id of the trip. |
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] | String | The record locator of the booking. |
SegmentType [KEY] | String | The type of the segment. |
ChargeType [KEY] | String | The type of the charge. |
Amount | String | The total amount for the rate for the booking. |
AllowanceAmount | String | The cost of overage fees when the allowance is exceeded. |
Currency | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total amount. |
Description | String | The description for the rate. |
IsPaid | Boolean | Whether the rate has been paid. |
AllowanceIsUnlimited | Boolean | Whether the allowance is unlimited. |
IsPrimary | Boolean | Indicates whether the charge is the Primary or Main rate. |
NumUnits | Integer | The number of units expected for the charge. For instance, 3 days. |
AllowanceNumUnits | Integer | The number of units for the allowance associated with the charge. |
PerUnit | String | The unit of measure for the charge. Values represent rates like per DAY, WEEK, or MONTH. |
AllowanceUnit | String | The unit of measure for the allowance associated with the charge. |
SemanticsCode | String | Indicates the charge category for the line item. |
SemanticsVendorType | String | The vendor type: H=Hotel, C=Car, A=Air, G=Ground, R=Rail |
StartDateLocal | Datetime | The start date of the booking, in the user's local time. |
Vendor | String | The vendor for the booking charge. |
VendorChargeCode | String | The vendor's code for the charge |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Query all the bookings for a trip.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to TripId. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TripBookingSegments WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId'
Name | Type | Description |
TripId [KEY] | String | The id of the trip. |
SegmentType [KEY] | String | The type of the segment. |
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] | String | The record locator of the booking. |
ConfirmationNumber | String | The record locator or confirmation number for the segment. |
ClassOfService | String | The class of the booking. |
FlightNumber | String | The flight number for the booking. |
StartDateLocal | Datetime | The booking starting time and date |
EndDateLocal | Datetime | The booking ending time and date. |
Vendor | String | The vendor for the booking charge. |
Name | String | The name on the booking. |
CancellationNumber | String | The cancellation number from the vendor. |
CancellationPolicy | String | The cancellation policy from the vendor. |
Currency | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking. |
DailyRate | Decimal | The daily rate for the booking. |
EndCityCode | String | The IATA airport code for the end city of the booking. |
StartLongitude | String | The longitude of the starting point of the booking. |
StartLatitude | String | The latitude of the starting point of the booking. |
EndLongitude | String | The longitude of the ending point of the booking. |
EndLatitude | String | The latitude of the ending point of the booking. |
Notes | String | Additional information about the booking. |
PhoneNumber | String | The ride vendor phone number. |
Rate | String | The rate for the booking. |
RateType | String | The rate type for the booking. |
RateCode | String | The rate code for the booking. |
RateNotes | String | The rate notes for the booking. |
RateDescription | String | The rate description for the booking. |
StartCityCode | String | The starting IATA airport code of the booking. |
Status | String | The status of the segment. |
TimeZone | String | The time zone of the booking. |
TotalRate | String | The total rate amount of the booking. |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor. |
DateCancelledUtc | Datetime | The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC. |
DateCreatedUtc | Datetime | The date the booking was created, in UTC. |
DateModifiedUtc | Datetime | The date the booking was last modified, in UTC. |
EndDateUtc | Datetime | The booking ending time and date, in UTC. |
StartDateUtc | Datetime | The booking starting time and date, in UTC. |
StartGate | String | The departure gate for the booking. |
EndGate | String | The arrival gate for the booking. |
StartTerminal | String | The departure terminal for the booking. |
EndTerminal | String | The arrival terminal for the booking. |
LegId | Integer | The trip leg ID. |
CheckinTime | String | The check in time for the hotel booking. |
CheckoutTime | String | The check out time for the hotel booking. |
HotelPropertyId | String | The hotel's property ID. |
ParkingLocationId | String | The location of the parking booking. |
NumRooms | Integer | The number of rooms the booking is for. |
RoomDescription | String | The room description for the booking |
RoomType | String | The room type for the booking. |
RestaurantId | String | The booking vendor's restaurant ID. |
AirCondition | String | The character code that indicates if car has air conditioner. R for AC, N for No AC |
Body | String | The character code to indicate how many passengers the car can seat. |
Class | String | Character code to indicate the class of the car e.g. if it is economy, full size, compact, etc. Varies by Vendor. |
DiscountCode | String | The discount code for the booking. |
DropoffCollectionAddress1 | String | The AddressLine1 for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionAddressType | String | The type of the dropoff address. |
DropoffCollectionCategory | String | Thecategory of the dropoff collection. |
DropoffCollectionCity | String | City for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionCityCode | String | The IATA airport code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionCountry | String | The country for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionLatitude | String | The latitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionLongitude | String | The longitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionNumber | String | the dropoff location number. |
DropoffCollectionPhoneNumber | String | The phone number for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionPostalCode | String | The postal code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
DropoffCollectionState | String | The state for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. |
EndAddress | String | The ending address for the booking. |
EndAddress2 | String | The ending address for the booking. |
EndCity | String | The ending address for the booking. |
EndCloseTime | String | The closing time for the dropoff location. |
EndCountry | String | The ending address for the booking. |
EndLocation | String | The dropoff location. |
EndOpenTime | String | The opening time of the dropoff location. |
EndPhoneNumber | String | The phone number of the dropoff location. |
EndPostalCode | String | The ending address for the booking. |
EndState | String | The ending address for the booking. |
FrequentTravelerId | String | The loyalty program ID for the user. |
IsUpgradeAllowed | String | Whether the booking can be upgraded. |
NumCars | Integer | The number of cars rented. |
NumPersons | Integer | The number of people including the driver that the rental is for. |
NumberOfHours | Integer | The number of hours of the booking. |
PickupDeliveryAddress1 | String | The AddressLine1 for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryAddressType | String | The type of the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryCategory | String | The category of the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryCity | String | The city for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryCityCode | String | The IATA airport code for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryCountry | String | The country for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryLatitude | String | The latitude for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryLongitude | String | The longitude for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryNumber | String | The number of the pickup delivery. |
PickupDeliveryPhoneNumber | String | The phone number for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryPostalCode | String | The postal code for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
PickupDeliveryState | String | The state for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. |
SpecialEquipment | String | Any special equipment required by the renter. |
SpecialInstructions | String | Additional instructions regarding the booking. |
MeetingInstructions | String | The instructions for the meeting location of the booking. |
PickupInstructions | String | Instructions regarding the booking. |
StartAddress | String | The starting address of the booking. |
StartAddress2 | String | The starting address of the booking. |
StartCity | String | The starting city of the booking. |
StartCloseTime | String | The closing time for the pickup location. |
StartCountry | String | The starting country of the booking. |
StartLocation | String | The starting location of the booking. |
StartOpenTime | String | The opening time for the pickup location. |
StartPostalCode | String | The starting postal code for the booking. |
StartState | String | The starting state for the booking. |
Transmission | String | The character code that indicates if the car has auto-transmission. A for Auto, M for Manual. |
UpgradedDateTime | Datetime | The date and time the booking was upgraded. |
AircraftCode | String | The code for the aircraft type. |
Bags | String | The number of bags included in the booking. |
Cabin | String | The cabin for the booking. |
Amenities | String | The amenities for the seat. |
TrainNumber | String | The number for the booked train. |
TrainTypeCode | String | The code for the type of train used in the booking. |
TrainTypeName | String | The name of the type of train used in the booking. |
WagonNumber | String | The number of the wagon the seat is on. |
TransportMode | String | The transport mode of the booking. |
CarbonEmissionLbs | String | The pounds of carbon emission for this booking. |
CarbonModel | String | The model used to calculate the carbon emissions. |
CheckedBaggage | Boolean | Whether the booking includes checked baggage. |
Duration | String | The duration of the booked flight. |
ETicket | String | Whether the booking has an e-ticket. |
IsPersonal | Boolean | Whether the segment is for personal travel. |
IsOpenSegment | Boolean | Whether the segment is open. |
IsPreferredVendor | Boolean | If the airline is marked as a preferred property by the company. |
IsUpgradeAllowed | Boolean | Whether the booking can be upgraded. |
Meals | String | The meals included in the booking. |
Miles | String | The number of miles included in the booking. |
OpenSegment | String | Additional information about the open segment. |
OperatedByFlightNumber | String | Flight Number provided by the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline. |
OperatedByTrainNumber | String | The train identifier of the operating vendor of the booked trip. |
OperatedByVendor | String | The operated by vendor for the booking. |
OperatedByVendorName | String | The name of the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline. |
RouteRestrictCode | String | The code to restrict the route of the booking. |
StartPlatform | String | The starting platform location of the booking. |
StartRailStation | String | The code of the starting station of the booking. |
StartRailStationName | String | The name of the starting station of the booking. |
Services | String | The services included in the booking. |
HadDeposit | Boolean | Whether the booking had a deposit. |
ModificationCode | String | The code for the modification to the booking. |
PartnerMembershipId | String | The membership ID of the partner associated with the booking. |
PassiveType | String | The type of the booking. |
PassiveCityCode | String | The passive city code of the booking. |
VendorFlags | String | Semi-colon-delimited list of flags for free hotel service flags. E.g. free breakfast (FB), internet (FI), Parking (FP), etc. If they were all present they can be concatenated as - FB;FI;FP; |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Query all the seats for a trip.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to TripId and BookingRecordLocator. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TripBookingSegmentSeats WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId' AND BookingRecordLocator = 'sampleBookingRecordLocator'
Name | Type | Description |
TripId [KEY] | String | The id of the trip. |
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] | String | The record locator of the booking. |
SegmentType [KEY] | String | The type of the segment. |
PassengerRph | String | Which passenger the seat is assigned to. |
Amenities | String | The amenities for the seat. |
BerthPosition | String | The berth location of the seat. |
Deck | String | Which deck the seat is on. |
FacingForward | String | Whether the seat is facing forward. |
FareSpaceComfort | String | The space around the seat. |
SeatNumber | String | The number of the seat. |
SeatPosition | String | The location of the seat. |
SpaceType | String | The type of space around the seat. |
Status | String | The status of the seat booking. |
WagonNumber | String | The number of the wagon the seat is on. |
WagonType | String | The type of wagon the seat is on. |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
Query all the trips.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to any combination of TripStartDate, TripEndDate, and ModifiedDate. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
SELECT * FROM Trips WHERE TripStartDate = '2018-01-01 10:00:00' AND TripEndDate = '2018-03-01 10:00:00' AND ModifiedDate = '2018-02-01 10:00:00'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The id of the trip. |
TripName | String | The name of the trip. |
TravelerFirstName | String | The first name of the traveler. |
TravelerLastName | String | The last name of the traveler. |
Passengers | String | A comma separated list of passengers. |
TripStartDate | Date | The URL-encoded start date (in Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC) for the trip. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. If no query parameters are provided, the start date is set to today?s date - 30 days. The request will only return trips that are ongoing during the provided dates, either starting on the date, or starting before the date and ongoing during the provided date. |
TripEndDate | Date | The URL-encoded UTC end date for the trip. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. If no query parameters are provided, the end date is set to today?s date + 12 months. The request will only return trips that are ongoing during the provided dates, either ending on the date, or starting before the date and ongoing during the provided date. |
ModifiedDate | Date | The last modified UTC date of the trips and their associated bookings. This query string will return only the trips where the trip or any of its associated bookings have a last modified date that is greater or equal to the supplied time. The provided date/time can be anytime between now and the first date of trip creation in the database. The format is either the date or the date and time combined. |
TripStatus | String | The status of the trip. One of the following: Confirmed; Ticketed; Canceled; Proposal; Booked Proposal. |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user who owns the trip. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter. |
IncludeCancelledTrips | Boolean | Whether or not the canceled trips should be included in the response
The default value is false. |
BookingType | String | The trip includes at least one booking of this type. |
IncludeVirtualTrip | Boolean | Show virtual trips. Virtual trips are segments booked offline through the Travel Request product. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
CreatedAfterDate | Date | Date for when the trip was created. The query string will return trips created on or after this date. |
CreatedBeforeDate | Date | Date for when the trip was created. The query string will return trips created on or before this date. |
Lists user data based on the search criteria.
The Sync App uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer either to LoginId or to any combination of PrimaryEmail, EmployeeID, LastName, and Active. The Sync App processes other filters client-side within the Sync App.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE LoginId = '[email protected]' SELECT * FROM Users WHERE PrimaryEmail = '[email protected]' AND EmployeeID = 'sampleEmployeeID' AND LastName = 'sampleLastName' AND Active = 'true'
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the resource. |
EmployeeID | String | The employee ID of the user. |
LoginId | String | The login ID of the user. |
MiddleName | String | The middle name of the user. |
Active | Boolean | Indicates whether the user is currently active or not. |
CellPhoneNumber | String | The cell phone number of the user. |
FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
OrganizationUnit | String | The organization unit of the user. |
PrimaryEmail | String | The primary email of the user. |
URI | String | The URI to the resource. |
Retrieve a list of all possible expense types that may be used in a budget category.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The budget service'ss key for this object. If this field is not supplied, the service will use an existing expense type entry if one exists. |
Name | String | The name for this expense type if it maps to an expense type set up in SAP Concur. |
ExpenseTypeCode | String | The alphanumeric code that describes an expense type (Example: MEALS, AC_CATER). Any string may be used, but only expense type codes returned by GET /budgetCategory/expenseType will behave properly in the SAP Concur UI. |
FeatureTypeCode | String | The type of feature that this expense type applies to: Purchase Request, Payment Request (Invoice), Expense, or Travel Authorization. Supported values: PURCHASE_REQUEST, PAYMENT_REQUEST, EXPENSE, REQUEST |
SyncGuid | String |
The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth, OAuthPassword, and CompanyLevelAuth. |
UseSandbox | A boolean indicating if you are using a Sandbox account. The provider makes requests to the production environment by default. |
Username | The user account used to authenticate to SAP Concur. |
Password | The password used to authenticate the user. |
CompanyId | Unique identifier of your company. This is required for Company Level Authentication. |
CompanyRequestToken | The Company Request Token generated from the Company Request Token tool or retrieved from SAP Concur support. |
ConcurInstanceURL | The server URL to use. The new server URLs are backwards compatible with the legacy authentication methods, so set this only if necessary. For example, for some production accounts and for sandbox accounts. |
Property | Description |
Region | The region where the server is located. Valid values are US, EU and CN. |
LoginId | Login ID of the user. Can be used if the user account associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token has a Concur account with one of these roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional or Can Administer for Standard. |
UserId | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Used only for tables that expose V4 endpoints of the SAP Concur API. |
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | The client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
GeoLocation | The GeoLocation of the account instance. |
OAuthGrantType | The grant type for the OAuth flow. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
FirewallType | The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall. |
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | When this connection property is set to True, the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details). Set to False if you want to manually configure the provider to connect to a specific proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port that the proxy server (specified in the ProxyServer connection property) is running on. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connnection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer . |
Property | Description |
LogModules | Core modules to be included in the log file. |
Property | Description |
Location | A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures. |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Tables | This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC. |
Views | Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC. |
Property | Description |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from SAP Concur. |
PseudoColumns | Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth, OAuthPassword, and CompanyLevelAuth. |
UseSandbox | A boolean indicating if you are using a Sandbox account. The provider makes requests to the production environment by default. |
Username | The user account used to authenticate to SAP Concur. |
Password | The password used to authenticate the user. |
CompanyId | Unique identifier of your company. This is required for Company Level Authentication. |
CompanyRequestToken | The Company Request Token generated from the Company Request Token tool or retrieved from SAP Concur support. |
ConcurInstanceURL | The server URL to use. The new server URLs are backwards compatible with the legacy authentication methods, so set this only if necessary. For example, for some production accounts and for sandbox accounts. |
The scheme used for authentication. Accepted entries are OAuth, OAuthPassword, and CompanyLevelAuth.
A boolean indicating if you are using a Sandbox account. The provider makes requests to the production environment by default.
The SAP Concur API to be used to process transactions. If you are using a production account, this property can be left blank. If you are using an implementation server, set this to 'TRUE'.
The user account used to authenticate to SAP Concur.
Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate to SAP Concur.
The password used to authenticate the user.
The password used to authenticate the user.
Unique identifier of your company. This is required for Company Level Authentication.
Unique identifier of your company. This is required for Company Level Authentication.
The Company Request Token generated from the Company Request Token tool or retrieved from SAP Concur support.
Admins with the required permissions will have a link to the Company Request Token tool on the Administration > Company > Authentication Administration page.
The server URL to use. The new server URLs are backwards compatible with the legacy authentication methods, so set this only if necessary. For example, for some production accounts and for sandbox accounts.
The server URL to use. The new server URLs are backwards compatible with the legacy authentication methods, so set this only if necessary. For example, for some production accounts and for sandbox accounts. Set this connection property if you are using API versions V1-V3 and the server does not accept the Base URL with region information.
This section provides a complete list of the Connection properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Region | The region where the server is located. Valid values are US, EU and CN. |
LoginId | Login ID of the user. Can be used if the user account associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token has a Concur account with one of these roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional or Can Administer for Standard. |
UserId | The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Used only for tables that expose V4 endpoints of the SAP Concur API. |
The region where the server is located. Valid values are US, EU and CN.
The region where the server is located. Valid values are US, EU and CN.
Login ID of the user. Can be used if the user account associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token has a Concur account with one of these roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional or Can Administer for Standard.
Login ID of the user. Can be used if the user account associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token has a Concur account with one of these roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional or Can Administer for Standard. Setting the Login ID to "ALL" will retrieve information for all accounts at the expense of certain tables that do not support this argument.
The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Used only for tables that expose V4 endpoints of the SAP Concur API.
The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Used only for tables that expose V4 endpoints of the SAP Concur API. Query the Identity table to retrieve this value. Some V4 tables allow UserId to be set as query parameter. If not set in either the query or in the conection string, the driver tries to automaticaly get the user id either by parsing the authentication info or by making an extra request. In case of CompanyLevelOAuth, only user input is considered.
This section provides a complete list of the OAuth properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | The client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server. |
GeoLocation | The GeoLocation of the account instance. |
OAuthGrantType | The grant type for the OAuth flow. |
The client Id assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId value, sometimes also called a consumer key, and a client secret, the OAuthClientSecret.
The client secret assigned when you register your application with an OAuth authorization server.
As part of registering an OAuth application, you will receive the OAuthClientId, also called a consumer key. You will also receive a client secret, also called a consumer secret. Set the client secret in the OAuthClientSecret property.
The GeoLocation of the account instance.
The GeoLocation of the account instance. Set this property when InitiateOAuth is set to OFF. Get the value as an ouput of the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure.
The grant type for the OAuth flow.
The following options are available: CODE,PASSWORD
This section provides a complete list of the SSL properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.
If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.
This property can take the following forms:
Description | Example |
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
A path to a local file containing the certificate | C:\cert.cer |
The public key (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.
Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.
This section provides a complete list of the Firewall properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
FirewallType | The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall. |
The protocol used by a proxy-based firewall.
This property specifies the protocol that the Sync App will use to tunnel traffic through the FirewallServer proxy. Note that by default, the Sync App connects to the system proxy; to disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
Type | Default Port | Description |
TUNNEL | 80 | When this is set, the Sync App opens a connection to SAP Concur and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | When this is set, the Sync App sends data through the SOCKS 4 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort and passes the FirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines if the connection request should be granted. |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | When this is set, the Sync App sends data through the SOCKS 5 proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort. If your proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes. |
To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.
The name or IP address of a proxy-based firewall.
This property specifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. The protocol is specified by FirewallType: Use FirewallServer with this property to connect through SOCKS or do tunneling. Use ProxyServer to connect to an HTTP proxy.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy by default. To use a different proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The TCP port for a proxy-based firewall.
This specifies the TCP port for a proxy allowing traversal of a firewall. Use FirewallServer to specify the name or IP address. Specify the protocol with FirewallType.
The user name to use to authenticate with a proxy-based firewall.
The FirewallUser and FirewallPassword properties are used to authenticate against the proxy specified in FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified in FirewallType.
A password used to authenticate to a proxy-based firewall.
This property is passed to the proxy specified by FirewallServer and FirewallPort, following the authentication method specified by FirewallType.
This section provides a complete list of the Proxy properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | When this connection property is set to True, the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details). Set to False if you want to manually configure the provider to connect to a specific proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port that the proxy server (specified in the ProxyServer connection property) is running on. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connnection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer . |
When this connection property is set to True, the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details). Set to False if you want to manually configure the provider to connect to a specific proxy server.
This connection property takes precedence over other proxy settings, so you'll need to set ProxyAutoDetect to False in order to use custom proxy settings.
To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through.
The hostname or IP address of a proxy to route HTTP traffic through. The Sync App can use the HTTP, Windows (NTLM), or Kerberos authentication types to authenticate to an HTTP proxy.
If you need to connect through a SOCKS proxy or tunnel the connection, see FirewallType.
By default, the Sync App uses the system proxy. If you need to use another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The TCP port that the proxy server (specified in the ProxyServer connection property) is running on.
The port the HTTP proxy is running on that you want to redirect HTTP traffic through. Specify the HTTP proxy in ProxyServer. For other proxy types, see FirewallType.
The authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
This value specifies the authentication type to use to authenticate to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer and ProxyPort.
The authentication type can be one of the following:
If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.
The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connnection property.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword options are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
You can select one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme. If you are using HTTP authentication, set this to the user name of a user recognized by the HTTP proxy. If you are using Windows or Kerberos authentication, set this property to a user name in one of the following formats:
user@domain domain\user
The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property.
This property is used to authenticate to an HTTP proxy server that supports NTLM (Windows), Kerberos, or HTTP authentication. To specify the HTTP proxy, you can set ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To specify the authentication type, set ProxyAuthScheme.
If you are using HTTP authentication, additionally set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to HTTP proxy.
If you are using NTLM authentication, set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword to your Windows password. You may also need these to complete Kerberos authentication.
For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.
By default, the Sync App uses the system proxy. If you want to connect to another proxy, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The SSL type to use when connecting to the ProxyServer proxy.
This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to an HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. This value can be AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER, or TUNNEL. The applicable values are the following:
AUTO | Default setting. If the URL is an HTTPS URL, the Sync App will use the TUNNEL option. If the URL is an HTTP URL, the component will use the NEVER option. |
ALWAYS | The connection is always SSL enabled. |
NEVER | The connection is not SSL enabled. |
TUNNEL | The connection is through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the ProxyServer .
The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed; if you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, you need to set ProxyAutoDetect = false, and configure ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate, set ProxyAuthScheme and set ProxyUser and ProxyPassword, if needed.
This section provides a complete list of the Logging properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
LogModules | Core modules to be included in the log file. |
Core modules to be included in the log file.
Only the modules specified (separated by ';') will be included in the log file. By default all modules are included.
See the Logging page for an overview.
This section provides a complete list of the Schema properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Location | A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures. |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Tables | This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC. |
Views | Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC. |
A path to the directory that contains the schema files defining tables, views, and stored procedures.
The path to a directory which contains the schema files for the Sync App (.rsd files for tables and views, .rsb files for stored procedures). The folder location can be a relative path from the location of the executable. The Location property is only needed if you want to customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, and so on) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.
If left unspecified, the default location is "%APPDATA%\\CData\\SAPConcur Data Provider\\Schema" with %APPDATA% being set to the user's configuration directory:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | The value of the APPDATA environment variable |
Linux | ~/.config |
This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.
Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.
This property restricts the tables reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC.
Listing the tables from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of tables in the connection string improves the performance of the Sync App.
This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.
Specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.
Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
Restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC.
Listing the views from some databases can be expensive. Providing a list of views in the connection string improves the performance of the Sync App.
This property can also be used as an alternative to automatically listing views if you already know which ones you want to work with and there would otherwise be too many to work with.
Specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.
Note that when connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you will need to provide the fully qualified name of the table in this property, as in the last example here, to avoid ambiguity between tables that exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from SAP Concur. |
PseudoColumns | Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows.
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows.
These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases.
The properties listed below are available for specific use cases. Normal driver use cases and functionality should not require these properties.
Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.
DefaultColumnSize | Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000. |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine. |
RecordToFile=filename | Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file. |
The maximum number of results to return per page from SAP Concur.
Due to masive differences in pagsize on the SAP Concur API the pagesize connection property can be used only to reduce the pagesize for requests and can not be set to higher values. For example the ReportsV4 table has a default pagesize of 100, any value greater than 100 or smaller than 0 will deffault to 100. The same thing goes for the UsersV4 which has a default pagesize of 1000.
Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns.
The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1;Table1=Column2;Table2=Column3".
You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".
The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.
If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the Sync App throws an exception.
A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views.
User Defined Views are defined in a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. The Sync App automatically detects the views specified in this file.
You can also have multiple view definitions and control them using the UserDefinedViews connection property. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the Sync App.
This User Defined View configuration file is formatted as follows:
For example:
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }Use the UserDefinedViews connection property to specify the location of your JSON configuration file. For example:
"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.jsonNote that the specified path is not embedded in quotation marks.