Gets purchase request details. The supported mode is COMPACT, which returns basic info about the purchase request along with any exceptions.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique purchase request reference Id. Returned by the Create Purchase Request API call. |
PurchaseRequestNumber | String | The unique purchase request identifier which can be used to uniquely identify a purchase request in SAP Concur products. |
PurchaseRequestQueueStatus | String | The creation status of the purchase request. Possible values are: PENDING_CREATION, CREATED, CREATE_FAILED. |
PurchaseRequestWorkflowStatus | String | The workflow status of the purchase request. Possible values are: Approved, Pending Approval, Pending Cost Object Approval, Sent Back To Employee, Not Submitted, Submitted, Pending Processor Review, Vendor Approval, Approval Time Expired. |
PurchaseOrders | String | If the purchase request has been approved and a purchase order generated, this array contains the purchase order details. If empty, this element will not be returned. |
PurchaseRequestExceptions | String | An aggregate json object containing all exceptions, if present on the purchase request. If empty, this element will not be returned. |
Mode | String | Specifies mode for Get Purchase Request Details. Supported value: COMPACT
デフォルト値はCOMPACTです。 |