CData Python Connector for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


Create, update, delete, and query all expense itemizations owned by the user.



本製品 はSAP Concur API を使用して、Id を参照するフィルタ、 または以下のクエリのようにReportID、EntryID、ExpenseTypeCode、LoginId の任意の組み合わせを参照するフィルタを処理します。本製品 はクライアント側で本製品 内で他のフィルタを処理します。


SELECT * FROM Itemizations WHERE Id = 'sampleId'
SELECT * FROM Itemizations WHERE ReportID = 'sampleReportID' AND EntryId = 'sampleEntryId' AND ExpenseTypeCode = 'code' AND LoginId = 'LoginId'



INSERT INTO Itemizations (EntryId, ExpenseTypeCode, TransactionDate, TransactionAmount, IsBillable, IsPersonal, Custom1Value) VALUES ('EntryId', 'TAXIX', '01-01-2017', 1000, true, true, 'Custom1Value')



UPDATE Itemizations SET TransactionDate = '01-02-2017', TransactionAmount = 2000, IsBillable = false, IsPersonal = false, Custom1Value = 'Custom1Value' WHERE Id = '12345'



DELETE FROM Itemizations WHERE Id = '123456'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier of the resource.

Custom10ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom11ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom12ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom13ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom14ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom15ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom16ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom17ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom18ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom19ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom1ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom20ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom21ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom22ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom23ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom24ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom25ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom26ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom27ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom28ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom29ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom2ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom30ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom31ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom32ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom33ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom34ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom35ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom36ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom37ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom38ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom39ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom3ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom40ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom4ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom5ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom6ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom7ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom8ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

Custom9ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

EntryID String False

The ID of the expense entry that is the parent for the itemization.

LocationID String True

The unique identifier for the location where the expense was incurred.

OrgUnit1ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

OrgUnit2ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

OrgUnit3ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

OrgUnit4ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

OrgUnit5ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

OrgUnit6ListItemID String True

For list fields, this is the list item ID.

ReportID String True

The ID of the report that is the parent for the itemization.

ReportOwnerID String True

The login ID for the report owner.

AllocationType String True

The type of allocation for the itemization. Possible values: P - partial allocation, F - full allocation, N - no allocation.

ApprovedAmount Decimal True

The approved amount of the expense itemization, in the report currency.

Custom10Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom10Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom10Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom11Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom11Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom11Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom12Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom12Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom12Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom13Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom13Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom13Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom14Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom14Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom14Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom15Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom15Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom15Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom16Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom16Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom16Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom17Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom17Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom17Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom18Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom18Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom18Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom19Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom19Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom19Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom1Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom1Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom1Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom20Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom20Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom20Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom21Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom21Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom21Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom22Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom22Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom22Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom23Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom23Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom23Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom24Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom24Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom24Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom25Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom25Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom25Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom26Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom26Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom26Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom27Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom27Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom27Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom28Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom28Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom28Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom29Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom29Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom29Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom2Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom2Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom2Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom30Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom30Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom30Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom31Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom31Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom31Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom32Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom32Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom32Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom33Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom33Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom33Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom34Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom34Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom34Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom35Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom35Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom35Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom36Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom36Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom36Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom37Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom37Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom37Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom38Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom38Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom38Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom39Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom39Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom39Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom3Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom3Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom3Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom40Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom40Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom40Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom4Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom4Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom4Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom5Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom5Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom5Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom6Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom6Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom6Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom7Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom7Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom7Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom8Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom8Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom8Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Custom9Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

Custom9Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

Custom9Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Description String False

The description of the expense. Maximum length: 64 characters

ExpenseTypeCode String False

The code for the expense type. Use the GET ExpenseGroupConfigurations endpoint to learn the expense type code for expense types that are active for this report's policy.

ExpenseTypeName String True

The name of the expense type, localized to the user's language.

HasComments Bool True

Indicates whether the expense has comments. Use the GET ExpenseEntryComments endpoint to get information about this entry's comments. Format: true or false

HasExceptions Bool True

Indicates whether the expense has exceptions. Format: true or false

IsBillable Bool False

Indicates whether the itemization is billable. Format: true or false

IsImageRequired Bool True

Indicates whether a receipt image is required for the entry. Format: true or false

IsPersonal Bool False

Indicates whether the itemization is personal (that is, non-reimbursable). Format: true or false

LastModified Datetime True

The UTC date when the itemization was last modified.

LocationCountry String True

The country where the expense was incurred. Format: 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code

LocationName String True

The location where the expense was incurred, usually the city name.

LocationSubdivision String True

The state, province, or other country subdivision where the expense was incurred. Format: ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision

OrgUnit1Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

OrgUnit1Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

OrgUnit1Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

OrgUnit2Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

OrgUnit2Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

OrgUnit2Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

OrgUnit3Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

OrgUnit3Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

OrgUnit3Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

OrgUnit4Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

OrgUnit4Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

OrgUnit4Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

OrgUnit5Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

OrgUnit5Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

OrgUnit5Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

OrgUnit6Code String True

For list fields, this is the list item code.

OrgUnit6Type String True

The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text

OrgUnit6Value String False

The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

PostedAmount Decimal True

The amount of the expense itemization, in the report currency.

SpendCategoryCode String True

The code for the spending category that is specified for this itemization.

SpendCategoryName String True

The name of the spending category that is specified for this itemization, localized to the user's language.

TransactionAmount Decimal False

The amount of the expense itemization, in the transaction currency of the parent expense entry.

TransactionDate Datetime False

The date when the good or service associated with this itemization was provided. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

URI String True


LoginId String False

The login ID of the user who owns the itemizations. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111