Retrieve all budget items
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The key for this object. |
Active | Boolean | Indicates if this budget should be displayed on user screens. |
AnnualBudget | Decimal | The total budget amount and accumulated balances for this budget header. |
BudgetItemStatusType | String | The status of this budget item. Supported values: OPEN, CLOSED(no spending can be attached to this budget), REMOVED |
BudgetType | String | The budget type indicates if the budget item is personal or not. Supported values: PERSONAL_USE, BUDGET, RESTRICTED, TEAM |
CurrencyCode | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the budget currency. This is the currency code of the budget amount. Spending Items are converted using yesterday?s closing value. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; CAD - Canadian dollar; CHF - Swiss franc; EUR - Euro; GBO - Pound sterling; HKD - Hong Kong dollar; INR - Indian rupee; MXN - Mexican peso; NOK - Norwegian krone; SEK - Swedish krona. |
Description | String | The user-friendly name for this budget. This description is displayed to end users on desktop and mobile. |
CreatedDate | Date | The time the budget item header was created. Date in UTC. |
FiscalYear | String | The fiscal year for this budget. Only the ID of the fiscal year, which can be retrieved from the Fiscal Year service, is required for creating/updating a budget. |
IsTest | Boolean | The test flag for the budget item. If true, this budget will only match spending submitted by test users. |
Name | String | The admin-facing name for this budget. |
Owned | String | A flag indicating if the current user is the owner of this budget. |
PeriodType | String | The type of period within the fiscal year that this budget's details use. |
UseAdminView | String | If true, returns all budgets for this entity, if false, returns only the budgets owned by the current user. Default: false |
BudgetAmounts | String | The accumulated budget amounts for this budget. |
BudgetManagers | String | If managers exist, spend items only matches this budget if one of the managers is in the manager hierarchy of the submitter or approver for the given spend item. |
BudgetApprovers | String | The workflow approvers for this budget. |
BudgetTeamMembers | String | The team members associated with this budget. |
BudgetCategory | String | The budget category for this budget item. If a budget category is present, spending items must match one of the expense types in the budget category in order to match this budget. |
BudgetItemDetails | String | Specify the budget information for each fiscal period in the fiscal year. |
BudgetViewers | String | The users who can view this budget. |
CostObjects | String | The cost object list for matching spending items. |
Owner | String | The user who is ultimately responsible for this budget. |