ADO.NET Provider for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieve a list of all budget categories.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to Id or to AttendeeTypeId and LoginId. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

For example, the 本製品 will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:

SELECT * FROM TravelRequests WHERE View = 'ALL'
SELECT * FROM TravelRequests UserId = '1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c'
SELECT * FROM TravelRequests WHERE Id = 'CFA425CD5EE71F44AD23F5067A3A944E'


To insert an attendee the following columns are required:

Name: The name of the Request.

UserId: The userId of the Request owner for whom the Request will be created. The corresponding user name will be displayed in the audit trail of the Request. Required when using the AuthScheme CompanyLevelAuth.

INSERT INTO TravelRequests (name, userid) VALUES ('Test Request','1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c')


To update an TravelRequests the following column is required: Id.

NOTE: UserId is optional. Will be taken into account only if authenticating with AuthScheme CompanyLevelAuth. If not provided the update will be performed as "Concur System".

UPDATE TravelRequests SET Name = 'Event Request Updated' WHERE Id = '7B6026F14200AF45BF0EEEAB0893D6E0'


To delete an TravelRequests the following column is required:

Id: The unique identifier of the Request.

UserId: The id of the User performing the operation. Required when authenticating with the AuthScheme CompanyLevelAuth.

DELETE FROM TravelRequests WHERE Id = '45520CE739E613418EBAD3888C92721E' AND UserId = '1f710045-273d-40d2-aece-544ff49b0b1c'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The unique identifier of the Request.

Name String False

The name of the Request.

Approved Boolean False

Indicates whether this Request is approved.

AllocationFormId String False

The unique identifier of the allocation form.

ApprovalLimitDate Datetime False

Limit approval date of the proposal. Past this date, the proposal will not be viable any more. Note: Offset MUST be in form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.

AuthorizedDate Datetime False

For approved Request, the date at which the approval process was completed.

BusinessPurpose String False

The business purpose of the Request.

CanceledPostApproval Boolean False

Indicates whether this Request was canceledPostApproval.

Closed Boolean False

Indicates whether this Request is closed.

CreationDate Datetime False

The date the Request was created.

EndDate Date False

The end date of the Request.

EndTime Time False

The end time of the Request.

EverSentBack Boolean False

Indicates whether the Request has ever been sent back to the employee.

HighestExceptionLevel String False

The highest level of exception contained in this Request. Supported values: WARNING, ERROR, and NONE

Href String False

Hyperlink to the resource for this Request.

LastModified Datetime False

The date the Request was last modified.

PendingApproval Boolean False

Indicates whether this Request is pending approval.

PRN String False

The value of the pnr provided within the agency proposals by the travel agency.

RequestId String False

The public key of the Request (unique per customer).

StartDate Date False

The start date of the Request.

StartTime Time False

The end date of the Request.

SubmitDate Datetime False

The date the Request was submitted (last submit date in case of recall).

ApprovalStatusCode String False

The code for the approval status of the Request. Supported values: NOT_SUBMITTED, SUBMITTED, APPROVED, CANCELED, or SENTBACK

ApprovalStatusName String False

The approval status of the Request in the current user?s language.

ApproverId String False

Unique identifier of the related object.

ApproverFirstName String False

The first name of the employee.

ApproverLastName String False

The last name of the employee.

ApproverMiddleInitial String False

The middle initial of the employee.

MainDestinationId String False

The id of the location.

MainDestinationCity String False

Required for all city location type (not airport, or rail station - except for STD location type) The city name of the location.Note: STD location type for rail is considered as a city location type, city and countryCode fields are required in that case.

MainDestinationCountryCode String False

Required if city or name is used The ISO 3166-1 country code. Max length 2 characters.

MainDestinationCountrySubDivisionCode String False

The ISO 3166-2 country sub code.

MainDestinationiataCode String False

Required if air is used The IATA code of an airport location.

MainDestinationLatitude Integer False

The latitude of the location.

MainDestinationLongitude Integer False

The longitude of the location.

MainDestinationLocationCode String False

Required if rail is used with RAIL_xx locationType The code of the location. Optional for segments based on city locations, will be required in case of duplicate locations within database. If provided (with city and countryCode still required), it will be considered first, and if not found then city and countryCode will be considered.

MainDestinationType String False

Required if rail is used The type of the location.

MainDestinationName String False

The name of the location. Always provide the countryCode value in addition to the name.

OwnerId String False

Unique identifier of the related object.

OwnerFirstName String False

The first name of the employee.

OwnerLastName String False

The last name of the employee.

OwnerMiddleInitial String False

The middle initial of the employee.

TotalApprovedAmountValue Integer False

The amount in the defined currency.

TotalApprovedAmountCurrency String False

The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters.

TotalPostedAmountValue Integer False

The amount in the defined currency.

TotalPostedAmountCurrency String False

The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters.

TotalRemainingAmountValue Integer False

The amount in the defined currency.

TotalRemainingAmountCurrency String False

The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters.

RequestTypeCode String False

The code of the type inherited from the Request Policy type. Possible values: Authorization, Cash Advance, Travel

RequestTypeLabel String False

The label of the type inherited from the Request Policy Type.

Custom1Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom1Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom1Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom2Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom2Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom2Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom3Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom3Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom3Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom4Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom4Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom4Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom5Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom5Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom5Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom6Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom6Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom6Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom7Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom7Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom7Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom8Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom8Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom8Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom9Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom9Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom9Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom10Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom10Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom10Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom12ode String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom11Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom1Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom12Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom12Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom12Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom13Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom13Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom13Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom14Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom14Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom14Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom15Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom15Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom15Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom16Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom16Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom16Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom17Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom17Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom17Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom18Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom18Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom18Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom19Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom19Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom19Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

Custom20Code String False

The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.

Custom20Value String False

The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.

Custom20Href String False

The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.

CashAdvances String False

The list of cash advances for this Request.

Comments String False

The list of comments for this Request.

Exceptions String False

The list of exceptions that have been raised to this Request.

Expenses String False

Expected expenses attached to this Request.

ExtensionOf String False

The Request for which this Request is an extension of, or addendum to.

EventRequest String False

The parent Event Request to which this child Request is related.

Policy String False

The policy that applies to the Request.

TravelAgency String False

The travel agency office that is managing the trip associated to this Request.

View String False

Name of the view defining the scope of the Requests to get. Supported values:ALL: Get all existing Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler).ACTIVE Get all active Requests. Does not include cancelled Requests. Approved Requests included are aged less than three months based on current date and must not be in closed status.ACTIVEAPPROVED Get all active Requests at the Approved status. Those approved Requests are aged less than three months based on current date and must not be in closed status.UNSUBMITTED: Get all the unsubmitted Requests (relevant only for the traveler).PENDING: Get all the Requests that are submitted but not yet approved (relevant only for the traveler).VALIDATED: Get all the approved Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Closed Requests are included in this view.APPROVED: Get all the approved Requests by a user (relevant only for the approver). Closed Requests are included in this view.CANCELED: Get all the cancelled Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Cancelled could include closed/not closed Requests.CLOSED: Get all the closed Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Includes canceled then closed Request as well as approved then closed Requests.SUBMITTED: Get all the submitted Requests for a user (relevant only for the traveler). Submitted does not include cancelled requests.TOAPPROVE: Get all Requests to be approved by the user (relevant only for the approver).PENDINGEBOOKING: Approved Requests awaiting Concur Travel booking(s).PENDINGPROPOSAL: Get all Requests submitted to a Travel Agency (TMC) step (relevant only for the TMC agent), userId is required.PROPOSALAPPROVED: Get all the approved Requests by a user (relevant only for the TMC agent), userId is required.PROPOSALCANCELED: Get all the cancelled Requests for a user (relevant only for the TMC agent), userId is required.If no view value is sent, the default view ALL will be used.


UserId String False

Associated with a traveler view: the unique identifier of the Request owner to use when searching for Requests.Associated with an approver view: the unique identifier of the approver to user when searching for Requests.Associated with a TMC agent view, Required, the unique identifier of the TMC agent to use. This TMC agent user must have a default Travel Agency assigned in its profile corresponding to the Travel Agency assigned to the Requests

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111