ADO.NET Provider for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


Gets purchase request details. The supported mode is COMPACT, which returns basic info about the purchase request along with any exceptions.


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The unique purchase request reference Id. Returned by the Create Purchase Request API call.
PurchaseRequestNumber String The unique purchase request identifier which can be used to uniquely identify a purchase request in SAP Concur products.
PurchaseRequestQueueStatus String The creation status of the purchase request. Possible values are: PENDING_CREATION, CREATED, CREATE_FAILED.
PurchaseRequestWorkflowStatus String The workflow status of the purchase request. Possible values are: Approved, Pending Approval, Pending Cost Object Approval, Sent Back To Employee, Not Submitted, Submitted, Pending Processor Review, Vendor Approval, Approval Time Expired.
PurchaseOrders String If the purchase request has been approved and a purchase order generated, this array contains the purchase order details. If empty, this element will not be returned.
PurchaseRequestExceptions String An aggregate json object containing all exceptions, if present on the purchase request. If empty, this element will not be returned.
Mode String Specifies mode for Get Purchase Request Details. Supported value: COMPACT


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Build 24.0.9111