ADO.NET Provider for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


Lists list items based on the search criteria.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the SAP Concur APIs to get list items based on the search criteria.

By default, the provider only returns the first level of items for each list.

In the following queries, the 本製品 offloads the processing to the SAP Concur APIs:

SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE id = '3e5ce609-bcf7-7d49-884c-baf70588d4bc'
SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE id IN ( '665E58E7E1226346BC424861DEC93F30','3FB790E49CDC924F8B4BA29623B18D2D')
SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE ListId = '665E58E7E1226346BC424861DEC93F30'
SELECT * FROM ListItems WHERE ListId IN ( '3e5ce609-bcf7-7d49-884c-baf70588d4bc','241563a3-bf89-4842-a0fb-6cbd06c87c0c')


Insert query examples:

INSERT INTO ListItems (value, shortCode, listid) VALUES ('MyCustomListItem','VFAL1','4c392113-c827-4e9c-9b2f-80c473018081')


ListItems cannot be updated, but the item itself can. See the table items.


ListItems cannot be deleted, but the item itself can. See the table items.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The unique identifier of the list item.

Code String False

List item long code.

ShortCode String False

List item short code.

Value String False

List item value.

ParentId String False

The unique identifier of the parent list item.

Level Int False

Level of the list item within the list.

HasChildren Boolean False

If true, the list item has children in this particular list.

IsDeleted Boolean False

Indicates the deleted state of the item in a particular list. If false, the list item is not deleted from one or more lists. The lists field will include only the lists that contain the list item in a not-deleted state. isDeleted will only be true when the list item is deleted from all lists. The lists field will include all lists that contain the list item.


ListId [KEY] String False

The unique identifier of the list that contains the list item.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111