ADO.NET Provider for SAP Concur

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieve budget tracking fields information that is setup in budget configuration.


Name Type Description
FieldId [KEY] String The budget service's key for this object.
BudgetTrackingFieldName String The budget field tracking name.
FieldType String he data type of this field or field collection. Supported values: LIST, MLIST, VARCHAR
ListSyncGuid String If the dataType of this item is LIST or MLIST, this is the ID of the list definition from the SAP Concur list service.
BudgetSequenceNumber Int The sequence or the order in which the budget tracking field appears in the budget UI. This value can be used instead of fieldDefinitionId when importing budgets with POST resource. The budgetSequenceNumber is the the same as the code field when importing budgets.
ConnectedListSequenceNumber Int Indicates the level of the budget tracking field in a connected list.
FieldDefinitionId String The budget service's key for this object's field definition ID. This value is required when using the Budget Item POST Resource to create or update a new budget using budget tracking fields.

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Build 24.0.9111