Excel Add-In for SAP Concur

Build 23.0.8839


Query all the bookings for a trip.

Table Specific Information


The add-in uses the SAP Concur APIs to process filters that refer to TripId. The add-in processes other filters client-side within the add-in. For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM TripBookingSegments WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId'


Name Type References Description
TripId [KEY] String


The id of the trip.
SegmentType [KEY] String The type of the segment.
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] String The record locator of the booking.
ConfirmationNumber String The record locator or confirmation number for the segment.
ClassOfService String The class of the booking.
FlightNumber String The flight number for the booking.
StartDateLocal Datetime The booking starting time and date
EndDateLocal Datetime The booking ending time and date.
Vendor String The vendor for the booking charge.
Name String The name on the booking.
CancellationNumber String The cancellation number from the vendor.
CancellationPolicy String The cancellation policy from the vendor.
Currency String The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DailyRate Decimal The daily rate for the booking.
EndCityCode String The IATA airport code for the end city of the booking.
StartLongitude String The longitude of the starting point of the booking.
StartLatitude String The latitude of the starting point of the booking.
EndLongitude String The longitude of the ending point of the booking.
EndLatitude String The latitude of the ending point of the booking.
Notes String Additional information about the booking.
PhoneNumber String The ride vendor phone number.
Rate String The rate for the booking.
RateType String The rate type for the booking.
RateCode String The rate code for the booking.
RateNotes String The rate notes for the booking.
RateDescription String The rate description for the booking.
StartCityCode String The starting IATA airport code of the booking.
Status String The status of the segment.
TimeZone String The time zone of the booking.
TotalRate String The total rate amount of the booking.
VendorName String The name of the vendor.
DateCancelledUtc Datetime The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc Datetime The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc Datetime The date the booking was last modified, in UTC.
EndDateUtc Datetime The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
StartDateUtc Datetime The booking starting time and date, in UTC.
StartGate String The departure gate for the booking.
EndGate String The arrival gate for the booking.
StartTerminal String The departure terminal for the booking.
EndTerminal String The arrival terminal for the booking.
LegId String The trip leg ID.
CheckinTime String The check in time for the hotel booking.
CheckoutTime String The check out time for the hotel booking.
HotelPropertyId String The hotel's property ID.
ParkingLocationId String The location of the parking booking.
NumRooms Integer The number of rooms the booking is for.
RoomDescription String The room description for the booking
RoomType String The room type for the booking.
RestaurantId String The booking vendor's restaurant ID.
AirCondition String The character code that indicates if car has air conditioner. R for AC, N for No AC
Body String The character code to indicate how many passengers the car can seat.
Class String Character code to indicate the class of the car e.g. if it is economy, full size, compact, etc. Varies by Vendor.
DiscountCode String The discount code for the booking.
DropoffCollectionAddress1 String The AddressLine1 for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionAddressType String The type of the dropoff address.
DropoffCollectionCategory String Thecategory of the dropoff collection.
DropoffCollectionCity String City for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionCityCode String The IATA airport code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionCountry String The country for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionLatitude String The latitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionLongitude String The longitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionNumber String the dropoff location number.
DropoffCollectionPhoneNumber String The phone number for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionPostalCode String The postal code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionState String The state for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
EndAddress String The ending address for the booking.
EndAddress2 String The ending address for the booking.
EndCity String The ending address for the booking.
EndCloseTime String The closing time for the dropoff location.
EndCountry String The ending address for the booking.
EndLocation String The dropoff location.
EndOpenTime String The opening time of the dropoff location.
EndPhoneNumber String The phone number of the dropoff location.
EndPostalCode String The ending address for the booking.
EndState String The ending address for the booking.
FrequentTravelerId String The loyalty program ID for the user.
IsUpgradeAllowed String Whether the booking can be upgraded.
NumCars Integer The number of cars rented.
NumPersons Integer The number of people including the driver that the rental is for.
NumberOfHours Integer The number of hours of the booking.
PickupDeliveryAddress1 String The AddressLine1 for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryAddressType String The type of the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryCategory String The category of the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryCity String The city for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryCityCode String The IATA airport code for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryCountry String The country for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryLatitude String The latitude for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryLongitude String The longitude for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryNumber String The number of the pickup delivery.
PickupDeliveryPhoneNumber String The phone number for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryPostalCode String The postal code for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
PickupDeliveryState String The state for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
SpecialEquipment String Any special equipment required by the renter.
SpecialInstructions String Additional instructions regarding the booking.
MeetingInstructions String The instructions for the meeting location of the booking.
PickupInstructions String Instructions regarding the booking.
StartAddress String The starting address of the booking.
StartAddress2 String The starting address of the booking.
StartCity String The starting city of the booking.
StartCloseTime String The closing time for the pickup location.
StartCountry String The starting country of the booking.
StartLocation String The starting location of the booking.
StartOpenTime String The opening time for the pickup location.
StartPostalCode String The starting postal code for the booking.
StartState String The starting state for the booking.
Transmission String The character code that indicates if the car has auto-transmission. A for Auto, M for Manual.
UpgradedDateTime Datetime The date and time the booking was upgraded.
AircraftCode String The code for the aircraft type.
Bags String The number of bags included in the booking.
Cabin String The cabin for the booking.
Amenities String The amenities for the seat.
TrainNumber String The number for the booked train.
TrainTypeCode String The code for the type of train used in the booking.
TrainTypeName String The name of the type of train used in the booking.
WagonNumber String The number of the wagon the seat is on.
TransportMode String The transport mode of the booking.
CarbonEmissionLbs String The pounds of carbon emission for this booking.
CarbonModel String The model used to calculate the carbon emissions.
CheckedBaggage Boolean Whether the booking includes checked baggage.
Duration String The duration of the booked flight.
ETicket String Whether the booking has an e-ticket.
IsPersonal Boolean Whether the segment is for personal travel.
IsOpenSegment Boolean Whether the segment is open.
IsPreferredVendor Boolean If the airline is marked as a preferred property by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed Boolean Whether the booking can be upgraded.
Meals String The meals included in the booking.
Miles String The number of miles included in the booking.
OpenSegment String Additional information about the open segment.
OperatedByFlightNumber String Flight Number provided by the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline.
OperatedByTrainNumber String The train identifier of the operating vendor of the booked trip.
OperatedByVendor String The operated by vendor for the booking.
OperatedByVendorName String The name of the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline.
RouteRestrictCode String The code to restrict the route of the booking.
StartPlatform String The starting platform location of the booking.
StartRailStation String The code of the starting station of the booking.
StartRailStationName String The name of the starting station of the booking.
Services String The services included in the booking.
HadDeposit Boolean Whether the booking had a deposit.
ModificationCode String The code for the modification to the booking.
PartnerMembershipId String The membership ID of the partner associated with the booking.
PassiveType String The type of the booking.
PassiveCityCode String The passive city code of the booking.
VendorFlags String Semi-colon-delimited list of flags for free hotel service flags. E.g. free breakfast (FB), internet (FI), Parking (FP), etc. If they were all present they can be concatenated as - FB;FI;FP;

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Build 23.0.8839