CData Python Connector for SAP Concur

Build 23.0.8839


Read the expenses that belong to a specific expense report and modify an expense on an existing expense report.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the SAP Concur APIs to get the list of expenses for each report.

For example, the connector will offload the processing of the following queries to the SAP Concur APIs:

SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc'
SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId IN ('54CF09456D56445CBA37','277FC923845B4E5FB9CE')
SELECT * FROM Expenses WHERE UserId = '1f338d3-68e3-4a88-a760-f979ddef61dc' AND ReportId IN ('54CF09456D56445CBA37','277FC923845B4E5FB9CE') AND ContextType = 'TRAVELER'


Name Type References Description
ExpenseId [KEY] String The unique identifier for the expense.
AllocationSetId String The identifier of the allocation set associated with the expense. Allocations which belong to the same set were created at the same time.
AllocationState String Allocation state for the expense. Supported values: FULLY_ALLOCATED, NOT_ALLOCATED, PARTIALLY_ALLOCATED
ApprovedAmount Double The approved amount of the expense, in the report currency.
ApprovedAmountCurrencyCode String The currency code for the approved amount of the expense.
ApproverAdjustedAmount Double The total amount adjusted for the expense by the approver.
ApproverAdjustedAmountCurrencyCode String The currency code for the total amount adjusted for the expense.
AttendeeCount Int The total number of attendees associated with the expense.
BusinessPurpose String The text input for the business purpose by the user.
ClaimedAmount Double The total non-personal amount value claimed for reimbursement for the expense.
ClaimedAmountCurrencyCode String The currency code for the claimed amount value.
EReceiptImageId String The unique identifier of the eReceipt image associated with the expense.
ExchangeRateValue Double Exchange rate data for the expense.
ExchangeRateOperation String Currency code for the exchange rate.
ExpenseSourceIdentifiers String The list of expense sources associated with the expense.
ExpenseTypeID String The expense type information for the expense.
ExpenseTypeCode String The expense type information for the expense.
ExpenseTypeIsDeleted Boolean The expense type information for the expense.
ExpenseTypeListItemId String The expense type information for the expense.
ExpenseTypeName String The expense type information for the expense.
FuelTypeListItem String The unique id of Fuel Type.
HasBlockingExceptions Boolean Whether the expense has any exceptions that block it from being submitted.
HasExceptions Boolean Whether the expense has any exceptions.
HasMissingReceiptDeclaration Boolean Whether the expense has an affidavit declaration for missing receipt.
ImageCertificationStatus String The final status of the receipt image associated with the expense.
IsAutoCreated Boolean Whether the expense is auto-created.
IsImageRequired Boolean Whether the image is required for the expense.
IsPaperReceiptRequired Boolean Whether the paper receipt is required for the expense to be submitted.
IsPersonalExpense Boolean Whether the expense is marked as personal (non-reimbursable) by the user.
JptRouteId String The unique route ID to identify a Japan rail route.
LocationName String The location information of the expense.
LocationCity String The location information of the expense
LocationCountryCode String The location information of the expense
LocationCountrySubDivisionCode String The location information of the expense
LocationId String The location information of the expense
PaymentTypeId String The payment type information for the expense.
PaymentTypeCode String The code for the payment type.
PostedAmount Double The amount of the expense, in the report currency.
PostedAmountCode String The code for the posted amount.
ReceiptImageId String The unique identifier of the image associated with the expense.
TicketNumber String The ticket number associated with the travel.
TransactionAmount Double The amount of the expense, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor.
TransactionAmountCode String Currency code for the transaction ammount
TransactionDate Date The transaction date.
IsExpensePartOfTravelAllowance Boolean The travel allowance data associated with the expense.
TravelAllowanceDailyLimit String The travel allowance data associated with the expense.
DailyTravelAllowanceId String The travel allowance data associated with the expense.
VendorId String The unique identifier of the vendor.
VendorName String The name of the vendor.
VendorDescription String The description of the vendor. Maximum length: 64 characters
ReportId String The unique identifier of the report that is being read.
UserId String The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user. Query the Identity table to retrieve this value.
ContextType String The access level of the SAP Concur user, which determines the form fields they can view/modify. Supported values: TRAVELER, PROXY. Default value is TRAVELER.

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Build 23.0.8839