CData Python Connector for SAP Concur

Build 23.0.8839


General Changes

01/30/20248795SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added support for update operations on the AttendeeTypes table
01/09/20248774SAP ConcurChanged
  • The UploadReceiptImage allows to append a receipt image by specifying the input Id
  • The ROUND function doesn't accept the negative precision values anymore.

  • The returning types of the FDMonth, FDQuarter, FDWeek, LDMonth, LDQuarter, LDWeek functions are changed from Timestamp to Date.
  • The return type of the ABS function will be consistent with the parameter value type.
  • Added support for SQLAlchemy 2.0.
08/14/20238626SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added OAuthRefreshToken output in RefreshOAuthAccessToken stored procedure.
  • Added the new sys_lastresultinfo system table.
05/24/20238544SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added the Expenses, ExpenseDetails, ListItemsV4 and ListItemsChildrenV4 which expose endpoints from the SAP Concur V4 API
  • Added support for Python 3.11 on Windows, Linux and Mac.
  • Removed support for Python 3.7 on Windows and Linux
  • Removed support for the SELECT INTO CSV statement. The core code doesn't support it anymore.
02/17/20238448SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added support for Company Level Authentication.
12/23/20228392SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added the Identity and ReportComments tables which expose endpoints from the SAP Concur V4 API.
  • Added the Default column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
  • Updated embedded JRE to jre8u345-b01(Linux x64 / MacOS x64) and jre-17.0.5+8(MacOS aarch64).
  • Added the IsPath column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
09/02/20228280SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added binary and encoded content output support for CreateSchema. Added FileStream as an input, and FileData as an output.
08/18/20228265SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added binary input support for CreateTripFromFile, UpdateTripFromFile and UploadReceiptImage.
  • Added Content as an input for CreateTripFromFile/UpdateTripFromFile/UploadReceiptImage
  • Added Id as an output for UploadReceiptImage.
  • Added support for Python 3.10 on Windows, Linux, and Mac
  • Added support for Python 3.9 on Mac
  • Added support for Mac M1

  • Removed support for Python 3.6 on Windows and Linux
05/18/20228173SAP ConcurDeprecated
  • The OAuthGrantType connection property has been deprecated.

  • The AuthScheme connection property has been added and it will be used as a replacement for OAuthGrantType. It has two options, OAuth which replaces OAuthGrantType=CODE and OAuthPassword which replaces OAuthGrantType=PASSWORD.
09/14/20217927SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added support for Invoices and Invoice Digest endpoints.
  • Added support for the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function in the CROSS APPLY clause.
  • Added the KeySeq column to the sys_foreignkeys table.
  • Added the new sys_primarykeys system table.
  • Updated the Literal Function Names for relative date/datetime functions. Previously, relative date/datetime functions resolved to a different value when used in the projection as opposed to the predicate. For example: SELECT LAST_MONTH() AS lm, Col FROM Table WHERE Col > LAST_MONTH(). Formerly, the two LAST_MONTH() methods would resolve to different datetimes. Now, they will match.
  • As a replacement for the previous behavior, the relative date/datetime functions in the criteria may have an 'L' appended to them. For example: WHERE col > L_LAST_MONTH(). This will continue to resolve to the same values that were previously calculated in the criteria. Note that the "L_" prefix will only work in the predicate - it not available for the projection.
07/07/20217858SAP ConcurAdded
  • Added support for ReportDetails, ReportDetailsExpenseEntry, and similar tables. You can control how many requests are sent to the ReportDetails API with the connection property ReportLimit which defaults to 25. But the table ReportDetails will overwrite this connection property with the value of LIMIT
  • Added support for handling client side formulas during insert / update. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1 = CONCAT(Col1, " - ", Col2) WHERE Col2 LIKE 'A%'
  • Updated how display sizes are determined for varchar primary key and foreign key columns so they will match the reported length of the column.
  • Non-conditional updates between two columns is now available to all drivers. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1=Col2
  • Reduced the length to 255 for varchar primary key and foreign key columns.

  • Updated index naming convention to avoid duplicates.
  • Updated implicit and metadata caching to improve performance and support for multiple connections. Old metadata caches are not compatible - you need to generate new metadata caches if you are currently using CacheMetadata.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839