Query all the bookings for a trip.
本製品 はSAP Concur API を使用して、TripId を参照するフィルタを処理します。本製品 はクライアント側で本製品 内で他のフィルタを処理します。
SELECT * FROM TripBookingSegments WHERE TripId = 'sampleTripId'
Name | Type | References | Description |
TripId [KEY] | String |
Trips.Id | The id of the trip. |
SegmentType [KEY] | String | The type of the segment. | |
BookingRecordLocator [KEY] | String | The record locator of the booking. | |
ConfirmationNumber | String | The record locator or confirmation number for the segment. | |
ClassOfService | String | The class of the booking. | |
FlightNumber | String | The flight number for the booking. | |
StartDateLocal | Datetime | The booking starting time and date | |
EndDateLocal | Datetime | The booking ending time and date. | |
Vendor | String | The vendor for the booking charge. | |
Name | String | The name on the booking. | |
CancellationNumber | String | The cancellation number from the vendor. | |
CancellationPolicy | String | The cancellation policy from the vendor. | |
Currency | String | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking. | |
DailyRate | Decimal | The daily rate for the booking. | |
EndCityCode | String | The IATA airport code for the end city of the booking. | |
StartLongitude | String | The longitude of the starting point of the booking. | |
StartLatitude | String | The latitude of the starting point of the booking. | |
EndLongitude | String | The longitude of the ending point of the booking. | |
EndLatitude | String | The latitude of the ending point of the booking. | |
Notes | String | Additional information about the booking. | |
PhoneNumber | String | The ride vendor phone number. | |
Rate | String | The rate for the booking. | |
RateType | String | The rate type for the booking. | |
RateCode | String | The rate code for the booking. | |
RateNotes | String | The rate notes for the booking. | |
RateDescription | String | The rate description for the booking. | |
StartCityCode | String | The starting IATA airport code of the booking. | |
Status | String | The status of the segment. | |
TimeZone | String | The time zone of the booking. | |
TotalRate | String | The total rate amount of the booking. | |
VendorName | String | The name of the vendor. | |
DateCancelledUtc | Datetime | The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC. | |
DateCreatedUtc | Datetime | The date the booking was created, in UTC. | |
DateModifiedUtc | Datetime | The date the booking was last modified, in UTC. | |
EndDateUtc | Datetime | The booking ending time and date, in UTC. | |
StartDateUtc | Datetime | The booking starting time and date, in UTC. | |
StartGate | String | The departure gate for the booking. | |
EndGate | String | The arrival gate for the booking. | |
StartTerminal | String | The departure terminal for the booking. | |
EndTerminal | String | The arrival terminal for the booking. | |
LegId | String | The trip leg ID. | |
CheckinTime | String | The check in time for the hotel booking. | |
CheckoutTime | String | The check out time for the hotel booking. | |
HotelPropertyId | String | The hotel's property ID. | |
ParkingLocationId | String | The location of the parking booking. | |
NumRooms | Integer | The number of rooms the booking is for. | |
RoomDescription | String | The room description for the booking | |
RoomType | String | The room type for the booking. | |
RestaurantId | String | The booking vendor's restaurant ID. | |
AirCondition | String | The character code that indicates if car has air conditioner. R for AC, N for No AC | |
Body | String | The character code to indicate how many passengers the car can seat. | |
Class | String | Character code to indicate the class of the car e.g. if it is economy, full size, compact, etc. Varies by Vendor. | |
DiscountCode | String | The discount code for the booking. | |
DropoffCollectionAddress1 | String | The AddressLine1 for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionAddressType | String | The type of the dropoff address. | |
DropoffCollectionCategory | String | Thecategory of the dropoff collection. | |
DropoffCollectionCity | String | City for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionCityCode | String | The IATA airport code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionCountry | String | The country for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionLatitude | String | The latitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionLongitude | String | The longitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionNumber | String | the dropoff location number. | |
DropoffCollectionPhoneNumber | String | The phone number for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionPostalCode | String | The postal code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
DropoffCollectionState | String | The state for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff. | |
EndAddress | String | The ending address for the booking. | |
EndAddress2 | String | The ending address for the booking. | |
EndCity | String | The ending address for the booking. | |
EndCloseTime | String | The closing time for the dropoff location. | |
EndCountry | String | The ending address for the booking. | |
EndLocation | String | The dropoff location. | |
EndOpenTime | String | The opening time of the dropoff location. | |
EndPhoneNumber | String | The phone number of the dropoff location. | |
EndPostalCode | String | The ending address for the booking. | |
EndState | String | The ending address for the booking. | |
FrequentTravelerId | String | The loyalty program ID for the user. | |
IsUpgradeAllowed | String | Whether the booking can be upgraded. | |
NumCars | Integer | The number of cars rented. | |
NumPersons | Integer | The number of people including the driver that the rental is for. | |
NumberOfHours | Integer | The number of hours of the booking. | |
PickupDeliveryAddress1 | String | The AddressLine1 for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryAddressType | String | The type of the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryCategory | String | The category of the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryCity | String | The city for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryCityCode | String | The IATA airport code for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryCountry | String | The country for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryLatitude | String | The latitude for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryLongitude | String | The longitude for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryNumber | String | The number of the pickup delivery. | |
PickupDeliveryPhoneNumber | String | The phone number for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryPostalCode | String | The postal code for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
PickupDeliveryState | String | The state for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup. | |
SpecialEquipment | String | Any special equipment required by the renter. | |
SpecialInstructions | String | Additional instructions regarding the booking. | |
MeetingInstructions | String | The instructions for the meeting location of the booking. | |
PickupInstructions | String | Instructions regarding the booking. | |
StartAddress | String | The starting address of the booking. | |
StartAddress2 | String | The starting address of the booking. | |
StartCity | String | The starting city of the booking. | |
StartCloseTime | String | The closing time for the pickup location. | |
StartCountry | String | The starting country of the booking. | |
StartLocation | String | The starting location of the booking. | |
StartOpenTime | String | The opening time for the pickup location. | |
StartPostalCode | String | The starting postal code for the booking. | |
StartState | String | The starting state for the booking. | |
Transmission | String | The character code that indicates if the car has auto-transmission. A for Auto, M for Manual. | |
UpgradedDateTime | Datetime | The date and time the booking was upgraded. | |
AircraftCode | String | The code for the aircraft type. | |
Bags | String | The number of bags included in the booking. | |
Cabin | String | The cabin for the booking. | |
Amenities | String | The amenities for the seat. | |
TrainNumber | String | The number for the booked train. | |
TrainTypeCode | String | The code for the type of train used in the booking. | |
TrainTypeName | String | The name of the type of train used in the booking. | |
WagonNumber | String | The number of the wagon the seat is on. | |
TransportMode | String | The transport mode of the booking. | |
CarbonEmissionLbs | String | The pounds of carbon emission for this booking. | |
CarbonModel | String | The model used to calculate the carbon emissions. | |
CheckedBaggage | Boolean | Whether the booking includes checked baggage. | |
Duration | String | The duration of the booked flight. | |
ETicket | String | Whether the booking has an e-ticket. | |
IsPersonal | Boolean | Whether the segment is for personal travel. | |
IsOpenSegment | Boolean | Whether the segment is open. | |
IsPreferredVendor | Boolean | If the airline is marked as a preferred property by the company. | |
IsUpgradeAllowed | Boolean | Whether the booking can be upgraded. | |
Meals | String | The meals included in the booking. | |
Miles | String | The number of miles included in the booking. | |
OpenSegment | String | Additional information about the open segment. | |
OperatedByFlightNumber | String | Flight Number provided by the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline. | |
OperatedByTrainNumber | String | The train identifier of the operating vendor of the booked trip. | |
OperatedByVendor | String | The operated by vendor for the booking. | |
OperatedByVendorName | String | The name of the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline. | |
RouteRestrictCode | String | The code to restrict the route of the booking. | |
StartPlatform | String | The starting platform location of the booking. | |
StartRailStation | String | The code of the starting station of the booking. | |
StartRailStationName | String | The name of the starting station of the booking. | |
Services | String | The services included in the booking. | |
HadDeposit | Boolean | Whether the booking had a deposit. | |
ModificationCode | String | The code for the modification to the booking. | |
PartnerMembershipId | String | The membership ID of the partner associated with the booking. | |
PassiveType | String | The type of the booking. | |
PassiveCityCode | String | The passive city code of the booking. | |
VendorFlags | String | Semi-colon-delimited list of flags for free hotel service flags. E.g. free breakfast (FB), internet (FI), Parking (FP), etc. If they were all present they can be concatenated as - FB;FI;FP; |