Lists all allocations of an itemization
Name | Type | References | Description |
ReportID | String | The unique identifier for the report, which appears in the Concur Expense UI. Maximum 32 character varchar. | |
ReportEntryID | String | The ID of the report entry. Maximum 13 characters. | |
ItemizationID | String | The unique identifier for the itemization. Maximum 19 characters. | |
AllocationID | String | The unique alphanumeric identifier for the allocation. Maximum 13 characters. | |
JournalID [KEY] | String | Unique identifier for the journal entry. | |
PayerPaymentTypeName | String | Payer payment type. Maximum 64 characters. One of these:, Company = Company, Employee = Employee, Payment Type for the Credit Card Payment Type | |
PayerPaymentTypeCode | String | Payment code name for the payer. Maximum 80 characters. | |
PayeePaymentTypeName | String | Payee payment type. Maximum 64 characters. One of these:, Company = Company, Employee = Employee, Payment Type for the Credit Card Payment Type | |
PayeePaymentCode | String | Payment code name for the payee. Maximum 80 characters. | |
AccountCode | String | The account code Concur Expense determines should apply to this journal entry. For journal entries associated to an allocation, Concur Expense uses the business logic described in the Expense: Account Codes Setup Guide to determine whether the primary or secondary account code should apply. When there is no allocation associated to the journal entry, Concur Expense uses clearing account codes for Credit Card and Cash Advance for personal use of a company paid expense or a cash advance issued to an employee respectively. Maximum 48 characters. NOTE: The developer should almost always use this accounting code when creating financial transactions in financial systems. In some situations a developer may need to use the accounting codes in the Allocation parent element. | |
DebitOrCredit | String | Maximum 2 characters. Either: DR = Debit, CR = Credit | |
Amount | String | Value, as credit or debit, of the amount to be exchanged between the payer and payee for this expense account code (not an absolute value) Maximum 23 characters. | |
JobRunKey | String | Either the unique identifier for job run for the accounting extract that processed this journal, or a static value indicating the journal was processed by Manual Pay, Expense Pay, or some other system. |