ODBC Driver for SurveyMonkey

Build 24.0.9111


Shows rolled up individual stats information for a survey.


You must specify the survey Id for this view to see roll up stats for the survey. The 本製品 will execute other filters client-side in memory.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM RollupQuestions WHERE SurveyId = '1231231' 


Name Type Description
SurveyId String The Id of the survey.
QuestionId String The Id of the question
ResponseCount Integer Number of people which answered by selecting this choice.
ResponseTextCount Integer Number of people which answered by writing in a text.
ChoiceId String The Id of the response.
Other Boolean Whether the selected choice was an other response.
Ordinal Int The number of the order this choice appears in the list of choices. Ordinals are used to get a meaningful representation for stats like maximum, minimum, average, median, and standard deviation.
Max Double The maximum value of the ordinals of the answered choices.
Min Double The minimum value of the ordinals of the answered choices.
Mean Double The average value of the ordinals of the answered choices.
Median Double The median value of the ordinals of the answered choices.
Std Double The standard deviation value of the ordinals of the answered choices.

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Build 24.0.9111