ODBC Driver for SurveyMonkey

Build 24.0.9111


Shows collector information.

Table Specific Information


You must specify the survey Id or the collector Id to query from this view. The 本製品 will execute other filters client-side in memory.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Collectors WHERE SurveyId = '126748712'

SELECT * FROM Collectors WHERE Id = '175305200'


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the collector.
SurveyId String The Id of the Survey this collector belongs to. Only shows up if filtering Collectors by SurveyId.
Name String The name of the collector.
Status String Collector status: 'open' or 'closed'. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
Type String Collector type: 'weblink' or 'email'. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
ThankYouMessage String Message for thank you page. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
DisqualificationMessage String Message for disqualification page. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
ClosedPageMessage String Message shown when someone visits a closed survey. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
DisplaySurveyResults Boolean Shows respondents survey instant results when they complete the survey. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
EditResponseTypes String When respondents can edit their response: 'until_complete', 'never', or 'always'. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
AnonymousType String Turns off IP tracking. For email collectors, also removes respondent email address and name from response: 'not_anonymous', 'partially_anonymous', 'fully_anonymous'. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
SenderEmail String Sender email for email collectors. User's email is used if null. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
Url String If collector is a Web Collector (type 'weblink') then the url for the collector. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
RedirectType String Determines survey end page behavior: url (redirects to URL set in redirect_url or if none is set, shows standard SurveyMonkey thank you page), close (closes the survey window or tab), or loop (loops the survey back to the beginning, only available for weblink collectors with allow_multiple_responses:true). Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
RedirectUrl String Redirects respondent to this url upon survey completion. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
AllowMultipleResponses Boolean Allows respondents to take a survey more than once from the same browser on the same computer. Only available for weblink collectors. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
PasswordEnabled Boolean True if the collector is password protected. Only available for weblink collectors. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
DateModified Datetime Date collector was last modified. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
DateCreated Datetime Date collector was created. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.
CloseDate Datetime Close date of collector. Only available if resource is being queried by Id.

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Build 24.0.9111