This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection settings for this provider.
Property | Description |
CleanQueryResults | Amazon Athena produces cache files with every query, in the folder specified in S3StagingDirectory . CleanQueryResults specifies whether these files should be deleted once the connection is closed. |
EnableFIPSMode | A boolean indicating if FIPS URLs should be enabled. |
IncludeTableTypes | If set to true, the provider will query for the types of individual tables. |
MaximumColumnSize | The maximum column size. |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. LIMIT clauses take precedence over the limit specified in MaxRows. |
MetadataDiscoveryMethod | API to use to retrieve the metadata for Amazon Athena. |
Other | These hidden properties are used only in specific use cases. |
PageSize | The number of results to return per page of data retrieved from Amazon Athena. |
PollingInterval | This determines the polling interval in milliseconds to check whether the result is ready to be retrieved. |
PseudoColumns | Specify a set of pseudocolumns to expose as columns. |
PushEmptyValuesAsNull | Indicates whether to read the empty values as empty or as null. |
QueryCachingLevel | Modifies the usage of query results stored in S3StagingDirectory . Cached queries will not be scanned again by Amazon Athena until the amount of seconds specified in QueryTolerance has passed. |
QueryPassthrough | This option passes the query to the Amazon Athena server as is. |
QueryTimeout | The timeout in seconds for requests issued by the provider to download large result sets. |
QueryTolerance | Specifies the amount of time in seconds queries cache for if QueryCachingLevel is not set to None. |
ResultFetcher | The fetcher that will be used to download query results. |
RTK | The runtime key used for licensing. |
ShowS3Filepath | Whether or not to expose the _S3Path column for the Amazon Athena tables. |
SkipHeaderLineCount | Specifies the number of header rows to skip for SELECT queries. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
UserDefinedViews | A filepath pointing to the JSON configuration file containing your custom views. |
Workgroup | Work group of the executed queries. |