Excel Add-In for Amazon Athena

Build 23.0.8839


このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続設定で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。

CleanQueryResultsAmazon Athena produces cache files with every query, in the folder specified in S3StagingDirectory . CleanQueryResults specifies whether these files should be deleted once the connection is closed.
EnableFIPSModeA boolean indicating if FIPS URLs should be enabled.
IncludeTableTypesIf set to true, the provider will query for the types of individual tables.
MaximumColumnSizeThe maximum column size.
MaxRowsクエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
MetadataDiscoveryMethodAPI to use to retrieve the metadata for Amazon Athena.
PageSizeThe number of results to return per page of data retrieved from Amazon Athena.
PollingIntervalThis determines the polling interval in milliseconds to check whether the result is ready to be retrieved.
PushEmptyValuesAsNullIndicates whether to read the empty values as empty or as null.
QueryCachingLevelModifies the usage of query results stored in S3StagingDirectory . Cached queries will not be scanned again by Amazon Athena until the amount of seconds specified in QueryTolerance has passed.
QueryPassthroughこのオプションは、クエリをAmazon Athena サーバーにas-is で渡します。
QueryTimeoutThe timeout in seconds for requests issued by the provider to download large result sets.
QueryToleranceSpecifies the amount of time in seconds queries cache for if QueryCachingLevel is not set to None.
ShowS3FilepathWhether or not to expose the _S3Path column for the Amazon Athena tables.
SkipHeaderLineCountSpecifies the number of header rows to skip for SELECT queries.
UserDefinedViewsカスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。
WorkgroupWork group of the executed queries.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839