Lists information about a user's or organization's repositories.
Table-Specific Information
The component uses the GitHub API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the below columns and operators. The component processes other filters client-side within the component.
- Name supports the '=, !=' comparison operators.
- OwnerLogin supports the '=' comparison operator.
- ForkCount supports the '=, >, >=, <, <=' comparison operators.
- StargazerCount supports the '=, >, >=, <, <=' comparison operators.
- TopicCount supports the '=, >, >=, <, <=' comparison operators.
- IsArchived supports the '=' comparison operator.
- IsFork supports the '=' comparison operator.
- IsMirror supports the '=' comparison operator.
- IsPrivate supports the '=' comparison operator.
- LicenseKey supports the '=, !=' comparison operators.
- LanguageName supports the '=, !=' comparison operators.
- PushedAt supports the '=, >, >=, <, <=' comparison operators.
- CreatedAt supports the '=, >, >=, <, <=' comparison operators.
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[Name] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[OwnerLogin] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[ForkCount] = '100'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[StargazerCount] = '100'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[TopicCount] = '100'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[IsArchived] = 'true'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[IsFork] = 'true'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[IsMirror] = 'true'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[IsPrivate] = 'true'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[LicenseKey] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[LanguageName] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[PushedAt] = '2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[Repositories] WHERE [Information].[Repositories].[CreatedAt] = '2000-01-01 01:00:00.0'
The following inputs can be used in INSERT statements:
Name, OwnerId, Visibility, Description, HomepageUrl, HasIssuesEnabled, HasWikiEnabled, IsTemplate, TeamId
INSERT INTO [Information].[Repositories] ([Name], [OwnerId], [Visibility], [HasWikiEnabled]) VALUES ('APIRepo', 'MDQ6VXNlcjg3ODExMTEx', 'PRIVATE', true)
INSERT INTO [Information].[Repositories] ([Name], [OwnerId], [Visibility], [HomepageUrl], [TeamId]) VALUES ('OrgRepo', 'O_kgDOCfyf0Q', 'PRIVATE', '', 'T_kwDOCfyf0c4AmRiX')
The following inputs can be used to update a repository's fields:
Name, Description, HomepageUrl, HasDiscussionsEnabled, HasIssuesEnabled, HasProjectsEnabled, HasWikiEnabled, HasSponsorshipsEnabled
The following inputs can be used to archive a repository:
The following inputs can be used to unarchive a repository:
UPDATE [Information].[Repositories] SET [Name]='NewRepoNameTest', [Description]='Test description.', [HasProjectsEnabled]=true WHERE [Id]='R_kgDOML7svg'
UPDATE [Information].[Repositories] SET [IsArchived]=true WHERE [Id]='R_kgDOML7svg'
UPDATE [Information].[Repositories] SET [IsArchived]=false WHERE [Id]='R_kgDOML7svg'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The ID of the repository. | |
DatabaseId | Int | False |
Identifies the primary key from the database. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the repository. | |
NameWithOwner | String | False |
The repository's name with owner. | |
OwnerId | String | False |
The repository's owner ID. | |
OwnerLogin | String | False |
The login field of a user or organization. | |
Visibility | String | False |
Indicates the repository's visibility level. | |
DiskUsage | Int | False |
The number of kilobytes this repository occupies on disk. | |
ForkCount | Int | False |
Returns how many forks there are of this repository in the whole network. | |
StargazerCount | Int | False |
Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this object. | |
WatcherCount | Int | False |
The number of watchers in a repository. | |
TopicCount | Int | False |
The number of topics that have been applied to the repository. | |
TempCloneToken | String | False |
Temporary authentication token for cloning this repository. | |
WebCommitSignoffRequired | Bool | False |
Whether contributors are required to sign off on web-based commits in this repository. | |
UsesCustomOpenGraphImage | Bool | False |
Whether this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar. | |
Description | String | False |
The description of the repository. | |
DescriptionHTML | String | False |
The description of the repository rendered to HTML. | |
ShortDescriptionHTML | String | False |
A description of the repository, rendered to HTML without any links in it. | |
ResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for this repository. | |
ProjectsResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path listing the repository's projects. | |
Url | String | False |
The HTTP URL for this repository. | |
HomepageUrl | String | False |
The repository's URL. | |
MirrorUrl | String | False |
The repository's original mirror URL. | |
ProjectsUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL listing the repository's projects. | |
SecurityPolicyUrl | String | False |
The security policy URL. | |
SSHUrl | String | False |
The SSH URL to clone this repository. | |
OpenGraphImageUrl | String | False |
The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data. | |
MergeCommitTitle | String | False |
How the default commit title will be generated when merging a pull request. | |
MergeCommitMessage | String | False |
How the default commit message will be generated when merging a pull request. | |
SquashMergeCommitTitle | String | False |
How the default commit title will be generated when squash merging a pull request. | |
SquashMergeCommitMessage | String | False |
How the default commit message will be generated when squash merging a pull request. | |
DeleteBranchOnMerge | Bool | False |
Whether or not branches are automatically deleted when merged in this repository. | |
HasDiscussionsEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository has the Discussions feature enabled. | |
HasIssuesEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository has issues feature enabled. | |
HasProjectsEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository has the Projects feature enabled. | |
HasWikiEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository has wiki feature enabled. | |
HasVulnerabilityAlertsEnabled | Bool | False |
Whether vulnerability alerts are enabled for the repository. | |
HasSponsorshipsEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository displays a Sponsor button for financial contributions. | |
IsInOrganization | Bool | False |
Indicates if a repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository. | |
IsBlankIssuesEnabled | Bool | False |
Returns true if blank issue creation is allowed. | |
IsSecurityPolicyEnabled | Bool | False |
Returns true if this repository has a security policy. | |
IsUserConfigurationRepository | Bool | False |
Is this repository a user configuration repository? | |
IsArchived | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository is unmaintained. | |
IsDisabled | Bool | False |
Returns whether or not this repository disabled. | |
IsEmpty | Bool | False |
Returns whether or not this repository is empty. | |
IsFork | Bool | False |
Identifies if the repository is a fork. | |
IsLocked | Bool | False |
Indicates if the repository has been locked or not. | |
IsMirror | Bool | False |
Identifies if the repository is a mirror. | |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
Identifies if the repository is private. | |
IsTemplate | Bool | False |
Identifies if the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories. | |
LockReason | String | False |
The reason the repository has been locked. | |
TemplateRepositoryId | String | False |
The ID of the repository from which this repository was generated, if any. | |
ParentId | String | False |
The repository parent ID, if this is a fork. | |
ForkingAllowed | Bool | False |
Whether this repository allows forks. | |
AutoMergeAllowed | Bool | False |
Whether or not Auto-merge can be enabled on pull requests in this repository. | |
SquashMergeAllowed | Bool | False |
Whether or not squash-merging is enabled on this repository. | |
RebaseMergeAllowed | Bool | False |
Whether or not rebase-merging is enabled on this repository. | |
MergeCommitAllowed | Bool | False |
Whether or not PRs are merged with a merge commit on this repository. | |
AllowUpdateBranch | Bool | False |
Whether or not a pull request head branch that is behind its base branch can always be updated even if it is not required to be up to date before merging. | |
ViewerPermission | String | False |
The users permission level on the repository. Will return null if authenticated as an GitHub App. | |
ViewerSubscription | String | False |
Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity. | |
ViewerHasStarred | Bool | False |
Returns a boolean indicating whether the viewing user has starred this starrable. | |
ViewerDefaultCommitEmail | String | False |
The last commit email for the viewer. | |
ViewerDefaultMergeMethod | String | False |
The last used merge method by the viewer or the default for the repository. | |
ViewerPossibleCommitEmails | String | False |
A list of emails this viewer can commit with. | |
ViewerCanAdminister | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the viewer has admin permissions on this repository. | |
ViewerCanSubscribe | Bool | False |
Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository. | |
ViewerCanCreateProjects | Bool | False |
Can the current viewer create new projects on this owner. | |
ViewerCanUpdateTopics | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the viewer can update the topics of this repository. | |
CodeOfConductId | String | False |
The ID of the Code of Conduct. | |
CodeOfConductName | String | False |
The formal name of the Code of Conduct. | |
CodeOfConductBody | String | False |
The body of the Code of Conduct. | |
CodeOfConductKey | String | False |
The key for the Code of Conduct. | |
CodeOfConductUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL for this Code of Conduct. | |
CodeOfConductResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for this Code of Conduct. | |
DefaultBranchRefId | String | False |
The ref id. | |
DefaultBranchRefName | String | False |
The ref name. | |
InteractionAbilityLimit | String | False |
The current limit that is enabled on this object. | |
InteractionAbilityOrigin | String | False |
The origin of the currently active interaction limit. | |
InteractionAbilityExpiresAt | Datetime | False |
The time the currently active limit expires. | |
LatestReleaseId | String | False |
The ID of the release. | |
LatestReleaseName | String | False |
The title of the release. | |
LicenseId | String | False |
The ID of the license associated with the repository. | |
LicenseKey | String | False |
Licenses.Key |
The key of the license associated with the repository. |
LanguageId | String | False |
The ID of the current primary language. | |
LanguageName | String | False |
The name defined for the current language. | |
LanguageColor | String | False |
The color defined for the current language. | |
PushedAt | Datetime | False |
Identifies when the repository was last pushed to. | |
ArchivedAt | Datetime | False |
Identifies the date and time when the repository was archived. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
Identifies the date and time when the object was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
TeamId | String |
When an organization is specified as the owner, this ID identifies the team that should be granted access to the new repository. |