CData Python Connector for GitHub

Build 24.0.8963

Data Model

The CData Python Connector for GitHub models entities in the GitHub API as views and stored procedures. These are defined in schema files, which are simple, text-based configuration files.

The connector exposes three kinds of schemas:

Information Schema

The Information schema contains tables that expose licensing information and high-level overviews of the projects and repositories associated with the authenticated account. There is only one Information schema.

See Information Data Model for the available entities.

Repository Schemas

The connector exposes a schema for each repository in the authenticated user or organization's account.

See Repository Data Model for the available entities.

Project Schemas

The connector exposes a schema for each project in the authenticated user or organization's account.

See Project Data Model for the available entities.

Note: The connector does not read from classic projects, due their deprecation in the GitHub API.

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Build 24.0.8963