Lists information about the teams of the logged in user's organizations or the teams of the specified organization.
Table-Specific Information
The connector uses the GitHub API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the below columns and operators. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.
- OrganizationLogin supports the '=' comparison operator.
- Privacy supports the '=' comparison operator.
- Slug supports the '=' comparison operator.
- NotificationSetting supports the '=' comparison operator.
- LdapMapped supports the '=' comparison operator.
- Role supports the '=' comparison operator.
- RootTeamsOnly supports the '=' comparison operator.
- UserLogins supports the '=' comparison operator.
The connector uses the GitHub API to process ORDER BY clause conditions built with the following column. The connector processes ordering by other columns client-side within the connector.
- Name ASC (when OrganizationLogin is specified in the criteria with the '=' comparison operator or when OwnerLogin is set to an organization's login)
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[OrganizationLogin] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[Privacy] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[Slug] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[NotificationSetting] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[LdapMapped] = 'true'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[Role] = 'EXAMPLE'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[RootTeamsOnly] = 'true'
SELECT * FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [Information].[OrganizationTeams].[UserLogins] = 'EXAMPLE'
The following inputs can be used to create an organization team:
OrganizationLogin, ParentTeamDatabaseId, Name, Description, Privacy, NotificationSetting, UserLogins, RepositoryNamesWithOwner
INSERT INTO [Information].[OrganizationTeams] ([Name], [Description], [Privacy], [NotificationSetting], [OrganizationLogin], [UserLogins], [RepositoryNamesWithOwner]) VALUES ('TestTeam', 'A test team.', 'SECRET', 'NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED', 'myorg', 'User1,User2', 'myorg/test2,myorg/test')
The following inputs can be used to update an organization team:
ParentTeamDatabaseId, Name, Description, Privacy, NotificationSetting
UPDATE [Information].[OrganizationTeams] SET [Name]='123456',[Description]='newDescription',[Privacy]='VISIBLE',[NotificationSetting]='NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED' WHERE [OrganizationLogin]='myorg' AND [Slug]='team'
You can specify the OrganizationLogin and Slug, or OrganizationDatabaseId and DatabaseId to delete an organization team.
DELETE FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [OrganizationLogin]='myorg' AND [Slug]='team'
DELETE FROM [Information].[OrganizationTeams] WHERE [OrganizationDatabaseId]='178278491' AND [DatabaseId]='13017906'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The ID of the team. | |
DatabaseId | Int | False |
Identifies the primary key from the database. | |
OrganizationId | String | False |
The ID of the organization. | |
OrganizationDatabaseId | Int | False |
Organizations.DatabaseId |
Identifies the primary key from the database of the organization. |
OrganizationLogin | String | False |
Organizations.Login |
The organization's login name. |
ParentTeamId | String | False |
The ID of the parent team of the team. | |
ParentTeamDatabaseId | Int | False |
Identifies the primary key from the database of the parent team of the team. | |
ParentTeamName | String | False |
The name of the parent team of the team. | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the team. | |
Description | String | False |
The description of the team. | |
Privacy | String | False |
The level of privacy the team has. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。SECRET, VISIBLE | |
Slug | String | False |
The slug corresponding to the team. | |
Url | String | False |
The HTTP URL for this team | |
AvatarUrl | String | False |
A URL pointing to the team's avatar. | |
CombinedSlug | String | False |
The slug corresponding to the organization and team. | |
DiscussionsUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL for team discussions | |
MembersUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL for the team' members | |
NotificationSetting | String | False |
The notification setting that the team has set. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED, NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED | |
RepositoriesUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL for this team's repositories | |
ResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for this team | |
TeamsUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL for this team's teams | |
ViewerSubscription | String | False |
Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity. | |
DiscussionsResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for team discussions | |
EditTeamUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL for editing this team | |
MembersResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for the team' members | |
NewTeamUrl | String | False |
The HTTP URL creating a new team | |
RepositoriesResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for this team's repositories | |
TeamsResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for this team's teams | |
ViewerCanAdminister | Bool | False |
Team is adminable by the viewer. | |
ViewerCanSubscribe | Bool | False |
Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository. | |
EditTeamResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path for editing this team | |
NewTeamResourcePath | String | False |
The HTTP path creating a new team | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
Identifies the date and time when the object was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated. | |
ReviewRequestDelegationAlgorithm | String | False |
What algorithm is used for review assignment for this team. | |
ReviewRequestDelegationEnabled | Bool | False |
True if review assignment is enabled for this team. | |
ReviewRequestDelegationMemberCount | Int | False |
How many team members are required for review assignment for this team. | |
ReviewRequestDelegationNotifyTeam | Bool | False |
When assigning team members via delegation, whether the entire team should be notified as well. | |
LdapMapped | Bool | False |
If true, filters teams that are mapped to an LDAP Group (Enterprise only) | |
Role | String | False |
If non-null, filters teams according to whether the viewer is an admin or member on team. | |
RootTeamsOnly | Bool | False |
If true, restrict to only root teams. | |
UserLogins | String | False |
OrganizationMembers.Login |
Comma-separated list of user logins to filter by when querying data or who will become team maintainers when creating a team. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
RepositoryNamesWithOwner | String |
Comma-separated list of the full name (e.g., organization-name/repository-name) of repositories to add the team to. |