CData SSIS Components for GitHub ビュー
Name | Description |
AssignableUsers | Lists information about the users that can be assigned to issues in this repository. |
Branches | Lists information about branches in a repository. |
Collaborators | A list of collaborators associated with the repository. |
CommitComments | Lists information about comments which were made on a specific commit. |
CommitCompare | Lists information about relevant commits for the specified BASE and HEAD references. |
CommitCompareFiles | Lists information about file changes between the specified BASE and HEAD references. The list includes up to 300 changed files for the entire comparison. |
CommitFiles | Lists information about changed files for commits. |
Commits | Lists information about commits done in a repository . |
Forks | Lists information about forks of a repository. |
IssueAssignees | Lists information about the users assigned to the repository's issues. |
Labels | Lists information about the different labels you can apply on an issue. |
MentionableUsers | Lists information about the users that can be mentioned in the context of the repository. |
MergeQueueEntries | Lists information about the different entries on an merge queue. |
MergeQueues | Lists information about the different labels you can apply on an issue. |
Milestones | Lists information about milestones in a repository. |
PullRequestComments | Lists information about comments which were made on a specific pull request. |
PullRequestCommits | Lists information about commits associated with pull requests. |
PullRequestFiles | Lists the files changed within pull requests. |
PullRequestReviewComments | Lists information about comments which were made on a pull request review. |
PullRequestReviews | Lists information about pull request reviews in a repository. |
ReleaseAssets | List of releases assets which are dependent on a release. |
Releases | Lists information about the different releases of a repository. |
Stargazers | Lists information about the users who have starred this repository. |
Topics | A list of applied repository-topic associations for this repository. |
TrafficClonesDaily | Get the total number of clones and breakdown per day for the last 14 days. |
TrafficClonesWeekly | Get the total number of clones and breakdown per week for the last 14 days. |
TrafficPageViewsDaily | Get the total number of views and breakdown per day for the last 14 days. |
TrafficPageViewsWeekly | Get the total number of views and breakdown per week for the last 14 days. |
TrafficTopReferralPaths | Get the top 10 popular contents over the last 14 days. |
TrafficTopReferralSources | Get the top 10 referrers over the last 14 days. |
Watchers | A list of users watching the repository. |