Compares two commits against one another. You can compare references (branches or tags) and commit SHAs in the same repository, or you can compare references and commit SHAs that exist in different repositories within the same repository network, including fork branches.
Name | Type | Description |
OwnerLogin | String | The login field of a GitHub entity. |
Repository | String | The name of the repository. |
Base | String | The reference that serves as the BASE for a comparison. |
Head | String | The reference that serves as the HEAD for a comparison. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Success | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the operation executed successfully. |
Details | String | Any extra details on the operation's execution. |
Url | String | A URL to the generated comparison. |
HtmlUrl | String | An HTML URL to view this comparison in a web browser |
PermalinkUrl | String | A permanent URL to the comparison. |
DiffUrl | String | A URL that shows the differences between the two references. |
PatchUrl | String | A URL to the comparison patch. |
Status | String | The status of the HEAD compared to the BASE (e.g. ahead, behind, identical). |
AheadBy | Integer | This indicates how many commits the HEAD has that the BASE does not. |
BehindBy | Integer | This indicates how many commits the HEAD lacks compared to the BASE. |
TotalCommits | Integer | The total number of commits between the two references. |