JDBC Driver for GitHub

Build 24.0.8963


Lists information about commits associated with pull requests.

View-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the GitHub API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the below columns and operators. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

  • PullRequestNumber supports the '=' comparison operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM [Repository].[PullRequestCommits] WHERE [Repository].[PullRequestCommits].[PullRequestNumber] = '100'


Name Type References OrderBySupport Description
Id String The ID of the commit.
Oid String The Git object ID.
AbbreviatedOid String An abbreviated version of the Git object ID.
BranchName String


The name of the branch.
ChangedFilesIfAvailable Int The number of changed files in this commit. If GitHub is unable to calculate the number of changed files (for example due to a timeout), this will return 'null'. We recommend using this field instead of 'changedFiles'.
Additions Int The number of additions in this commit.
Deletions Int The number of deletions in this commit.
AuthoredByCommitter Bool Check if the committer and the author match.
CommittedViaWeb Bool Check if committed via GitHub web UI.
AuthoredDate Datetime The datetime when this commit was authored.
CommittedDate Datetime The datetime when this commit was committed.
ViewerSubscription String Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity.
ViewerCanSubscribe Bool Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository.
Message String The Git commit message.
MessageBody String The Git commit message body.
MessageHeadline String The Git commit message headline.
MessageBodyHTML String The commit message body rendered to HTML.
MessageHeadlineHTML String The commit message headline rendered to HTML.
ResourcePath String The HTTP path for this commit.
CommitResourcePath String The HTTP path for this Git object.
TreeResourcePath String The HTTP path for the tree of this commit.
Url String The HTTP URL for this commit.
CommitUrl String The HTTP URL for this Git object.
TarballUrl String Returns a URL to download a tarball archive for a repository. Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire after five minutes.
TreeUrl String The HTTP URL for the tree of this commit.
ZipballUrl String Returns a URL to download a zipball archive for a repository. Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire after five minutes.
AuthorName String The name in the Git commit.
AuthorEmail String The email of the commit author.
AuthorDate Datetime The timestamp of the Git action (authoring or committing).
AuthorUserLogin String The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists.
CommitterName String The name in the Git commit.
CommitterEmail String The email of the committer.
CommitterDate Datetime The timestamp of the Git action (authoring or committing).
CommitterUserLogin String The GitHub user corresponding to the email field. Null if no such user exists.
OnBehalfOfId String The organization's ID this commit was made on behalf of.
OnBehalfOf String The organization's login name this commit was made on behalf of.
SignatureIsValid Bool True if the signature is valid and verified by GitHub.
Signature String ASCII-armored signature header from object.
SignatureEmail String Email used to sign this object.
SignaturePayload String Payload for GPG signing object. Raw ODB object without the signature header.
SignatureState String The state of this signature. VALID if signature is valid and verified by GitHub, otherwise represents reason why signature is considered invalid.
SignatureSigner String GitHub user's login name corresponding to the email signing this commit.
WasSignedByGitHub Bool True if the signature was made with GitHub's signing key.
StatusId String The commit status ID.
StatusState String The combined commit status.
StatusCheckRollupId String The Check and Status rollup ID.
StatusCheckRollupState String Check and Status rollup combined status state for this commit.
TreeId String The commit's root Tree ID.
TreeOid String The Git object ID.
TreeAbbreviatedOid String An abbreviated version of the Git object ID.
TreeCommitUrl String The HTTP URL for this Git object.
TreeCommitResourcePath String The HTTP path for this Git object.
PullRequestCommitId [KEY] String The Node ID of the PullRequestCommit object.
PullRequestCommitResourcePath String The HTTP path for this pull request commit.
PullRequestCommitUrl String The HTTP URL for this pull request commit.
PullRequestId String The ID of the pull request.
PullRequestNumber Int Identifies the pull request number.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963