カスタムOAuth アプリの作成
When To Create a Custom OAuth Application
CData embeds OAuth Application Credentials with CData branding that can be used when connecting via a desktop application or headless application. Web applications require that you create a custom OAuth application.You may choose to use your own OAuth Application Credentials when you want to
- control branding of the Authentication Dialog
- control the redirect URI that the application redirects the user to after the user authenticates
- customize the permissions that you are requesting from the user
Follow the steps below to create a custom OAuth application and obtain the connection properties in a specific OAuth authentication flow.
Create a Custom OAuth App
Follow the procedure below to obtain the OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and CallbackURL connection properties.- After logging in to your GitHub account, click your profile photo and then click Settings.
- Click Developer Settings > OAuth Apps.
- Click Register a New Application.
- Enter the application name, homepage URL, and application description.
- Set the callback URL:
- For desktop applications and headless machines, use http://localhost:33333 or another port number of your choice. When you connect, you must set the CallbackURL to this exact value.
- For web applications, set the callback URL to a trusted redirect URL. This is the location the user returns to with the token that verifies that your application access has been granted.
- Click Register Application.
- Return to your OAuth apps. The client Id ( OAuthClientId) and its client secret (OAuthClientSecret) are located there.