ADO.NET Provider for GitHub

Build 23.0.8847




CData ADO.NET Provider for GitHub ビュー

Name Description
AssignableUsers Lists information about the users that can be assigned to issues in this repository.
Branches Lists information about branches in a repository.
Collaborators A list of collaborators associated with the repository.
CommitComments Lists information about comments which were made on a specific commit.
Commits Lists information about commits done in a repository .
Forks Lists information about forks of a repository.
IssueAssignees Lists information about the users assigned to the repository's issues.
IssueComments Lists information about comments which were made on a specific issue.
Issues Lists all project issues.
Labels Lists information about the different labels you can apply on an issue.
MentionableUsers Lists information about the users that can be mentioned in the context of the repository.
MergeQueueEntries Lists information about the different entries on an merge queue.
MergeQueues Lists information about the different labels you can apply on an issue.
Milestones Lists information about milestones in a repository.
PullRequestComments Lists information about comments which were made on a specific pull request.
PullRequestReviewComments Lists information about comments which were made on a pull request review.
PullRequestReviews Lists information about pull request reviews in a repository.
PullRequests Lists information about pull requests in a repository.
ReleaseAssets List of releases assets which are dependent on a release.
Releases Lists information about the different releases of a repository.
Stargazers Lists information about the users who have starred this repository.
Topics A list of applied repository-topic associations for this repository.
Watchers A list of users watching the repository.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8847