JDBC Driver for GitHub

Build 22.0.8462


Lists information about pull request reviews in a repository.

View-Specific Information

You must specify the UserLogin when executing a SELECT query against this view. You can specify the values in the WHERE clause or as connection properties. A value specified in the WHERE clause takes precedence over the connection property.

If you do not specify a UserLogin value, the driver will use the login name of the authenticated user.


The driver uses the GitHub API to restrict results to the specified UserLogin and RepositoryName values.

The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver. You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria that refer to other columns will cause an error.

  • UserLogin, RepositoryName, PullRequestNumber, Author, and State support the following operator: =
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PullRequestReviews WHERE RepositoryName = 'test'

SELECT * FROM PullRequestReviews WHERE RepositoryName = 'test' AND Author = 'testaccount71'

SELECT * FROM PullRequestReviews WHERE RepositoryName='test' AND State IN ('PENDING','DISMISSED')


Name Type OrderBySupport Description
Id [KEY] String The ID of the pull request review.
UserLogin String The login name of the user.
RepositoryName String The name of the repository.
PullRequestNumber Integer Identifies the pull request associated with this pull request review.
Body String Identifies the pull request review body.
BodyHTML String The body rendered to HTML.
BodyText String The body of this review rendered as plain text.
CreatedAt Datetime Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
CreatedViaEmail Boolean Check if this comment was created via an email reply.
IncludesCreatedEdit Boolean Check if this comment was edited and includes an edit with the creation data.
LastEditedAt Datetime The moment the editor made the last edit.
PublishedAt Datetime Identifies when the comment was published at.
Author String The actor's username login who authored the comment.
ResourcePath String The HTTP path permalink for this PullRequestReview.
CommitId String Identifies the commit associated with this pull request review.
State String Identifies the current state of the pull request review.


SubmittedAt Datetime Identifies when the Pull Request Review was submitted.
UpdatedAt Datetime Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.
Url String The HTTP URL permalink for this PullRequestReview.
ViewerCanDelete Boolean Check if the current viewer can delete this object.
ViewerCanReact Boolean Can user react to this subject.
ViewerCanUpdate Boolean Check if the current viewer can update this object.
ViewerDidAuthor Boolean Did the viewer author this comment.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462