Excel Add-In for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


A person subscribed to receive email or SMS communication.

Table-Specific Information


The add-in uses the Salesforce Marketing Cloud APIs to process the following WHERE clause operators for all but date-time values: =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IN. For date-time values, only > and < are supported. The add-in processes other filters client-side within the add-in.

For example, the following (but not only) queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Subscriber WHERE Id = 123

SELECT * FROM Subscriber WHERE Id IN (123, 456)

SELECT * FROM Subscriber WHERE CreatedDate > '2017/01/25'


You must specify the following fields when inserting to this table: SubscriberKey and EmailAddress.

INSERT INTO Subscriber (SubscriberKey, EmailAddress) VALUES (123, '[email protected]')


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.

UPDATE Subscriber SET EmailAddress = '[email protected]' WHERE Id = 123


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.

DELETE FROM Subscriber WHERE Id = 123


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID Int False

Identifier for an object.

PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Indicates the date and time of the object's creation.

Client_ID Int False

The Id of the client.

Client_PartnerClientKey String False

User-defined partner key for an account.

EmailAddress String False

Contains the email address for a subscriber.

SubscriberKey String False

Identification of a specific subscriber.

UnsubscribedDate Datetime False

Represents date subscriber unsubscribed from a list.

Status String False

Defines status of object.

EmailTypePreference String False

The format in which email should be sent.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963