Excel Add-In for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


Indicates a file within the Portfolio of a Marketing Cloud account.

Table-Specific Information


The add-in uses the Salesforce Marketing Cloud APIs to process the following WHERE clause operators for all but date-time values: =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IN. For date-time values, only > and < are supported. The add-in processes other filters client-side within the add-in.

For example, the following (but not only) queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Portfolio WHERE ObjectID = 'nzxcaslkjd-123'

SELECT * FROM Portfolio WHERE ObjectID IN ('nzxcaslkjd-123', 'nzxcaslkjd-456')

SELECT * FROM Portfolio WHERE CreatedDate > '2017/01/25'


You must specify the following fields when inserting to this table: DisplayName, FileName, CustomerKey, and Source_URN.

INSERT INTO Portfolio (DisplayName, FileName, CustomerKey,  Source_URN) VALUES ('portdisplayname', 'portfilename.jpg', 'portcuskey', 'https://example.com/image.jpg')


You must specify the ObjectID in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.

UPDATE Portfolio SET DisplayName = 'ChangedDisplayName' WHERE ObjectID = 'nzxcaslkjd-123'


You must specify the ObjectID in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.

DELETE FROM Portfolio WHERE ObjectID = 'nzxcaslkjd-123'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
RowObjectID String False

Identifier for the row of an object.

ObjectID [KEY] String False

System-controlled, text string identifier for object.

PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

CustomerKey String False

User-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type.

Client_ID Int False

The Id of the client.

CategoryID Int False

Specifies the identifier of the folder containing the email.

FileName String False

Indicates name of file associated with the object.

DisplayName String False

Name to be displayed for an item within a Portfolio.

Description String False

Describes and provides information regarding the object.

TypeDescription String False

Describes type for a Portfolio object.

IsUploaded Bool False

Indicates whether the Portfolio object in question was uploaded.

IsActive Bool False

Specifies whether or not the object is active.

FileSizeKB Int False

Specifies file size of a Portfolio item.

ThumbSizeKB Int False

Indicates size of a thumbnail image associated with a Portfolio object.

FileWidthPX Int False

Specifies the width of a Portfolio image in pixels.

FileHeightPX Int False

Specifies height of image contained in Portfolio (value)

FileURL String False

Specifies the URL at which a Portfolio file is stored.

ThumbURL String False

Indicates URL of a thumbnail image associated with a Portfolio object.

CacheClearTime Datetime False

Reserved for future use.

CategoryType String False

Defines whether a folder within a Portfolio is shared to other account users or not. Valid values are shared_portfolio, media.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Indicated the date and time of the object's creation.

CreatedBy Int False

The Id of the user who created the Portfolio.

ModifiedBy Int False

The id of the user who modified the Portfolio.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

Indicates the last time object information was modified.

ModifiedByName String True

The name of the user who modified the Portfolio.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Source_URN String

A URN (uniform resource name) of the location of the source.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963