Excel Add-In for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


A Marketing Cloud account.

Table-Specific Information


The add-in uses the Salesforce Marketing Cloud APIs to process the following WHERE clause operators for all but date-time values: =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IN. For date-time values, only > and < are supported. The add-in processes other filters client-side within the add-in.

For example, the following (but not only) queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Id = 123

SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Id IN (123, 456)

SELECT * FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > '2017/01/25'


You must specify the Name column when executing an insert against this table.

INSERT INTO Account (Name) VALUES ('Test')


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.

UPDATE Account SET Fax = '1123123' WHERE Id = 123


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.

DELETE FROM Account WHERE Id = 123


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] Int False

Identifier of the account.

AccountType String False

Type of Marketing Cloud account.


ParentID Int False

Specifies the ID number of the parent account for Lock and Publish, On Your Behalf, Enterprise, and Enterprise 2.0 account children and business units.

BrandID Int False

Specifies brand tags to use on an account.

PrivateLabelID Int False

Specifies the private label for an account.

ReportingParentID Int False

Reserved for future use.

Name String False

Name of the account.

Email String False

Default email address the account. Indicates if subscriber information can be used for email sends.

FromName String False

Specifies the default email message From Name. Deprecated for email send definitions and triggered send definitions.

BusinessName String False

Business name of an account's owner.

Phone String False

Specifies a phone number.

Address String False

The address used to communicate with a Person.

Fax String False

Fax number of the account's owner.

City String False

City of an account's owner to be displayed in the physical mailing address required at the bottom of all email messages.

State String False

Specifies the geographical state of the account's owner.

Zip String False

Specifies the zip code of the account's owner.

Country String False

Country of an account's owner, as displayed in the physical mailing address required at the bottom of all email messages.

IsActive Boolean False

Specifies whether or not the account is active.

IsTestAccount Bool False

Specifies whether or not an account is a 'Test' account.

Client_ClientID1 Int True

The Client Id of the client.

DBID Int False

Reserved for future use.

CustomerID Long False

Reserved for future use.

DeletedDate Datetime True

Date and time of an account's deletion.

EditionID Int False

Specifies the product edition of the account.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

Indicates the last time account information was modified.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Date and time of the account's creation.

ParentName String False

Specifies the name of the Parent account.

Subscription_SubscriptionID String True

Reserved for future use.

Subscription_HasPurchasedEmails Bool True

Reserved for future use.

Subscription_EmailsPurchased Int True

Specifies the number of emails purchased in a subscription.

Subscription_Period String True

Reserved for future use.

Subscription_AccountsPurchased Int True

Marketing Cloud Accounts purchased.

Subscription_LPAccountsPurchased Int True

Specifies the number of Lock and Publish account purchased.

Subscription_DOTOAccountsPurchased Int True

Specifies number of Marketing Cloud agency reseller accounts purchased.

Subscription_BUAccountsPurchased Int True

Defines the number of business units purchased for a subscription.

Subscription_AdvAccountsPurchased Int True

This property represents the number of advertising accounts purchased for the account.

Subscription_BeginDate Datetime True

Specifies the date a subscription begins.

Subscription_EndDate Datetime True

Specifies the end data of an activity.

Subscription_Notes String True


PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an account, accessible only via API.

Client_PartnerClientKey String True

The partner client key of the client.

InheritAddress Bool False

Specifies that an Enterprise 2.0 business unit will inherit the address from the parent business unit.

UnsubscribeBehavior Int True

The behavior of the subscription when unsubscripbed.

Subscription_ContractNumber String True

Reserved for future use.

Subscription_ContractModifier String True

Reserved for future use.

IsTrialAccount Bool False

Reserved for future use.

Client_EnterpriseID Long True

Read-only identifier the enterprise of the client.

ParentAccount_ID Int False

Read-only identifier for the parent of the account.

ParentAccount_Name String True

Name of the parent of the account.

ParentAccount_ParentID Int True

Read-only identifier for the parent of the parent of this account.

ParentAccount_CustomerKey String True

The customer key of the parent account.

ParentAccount_AccountType String True

The account type of the parent account.

CustomerKey String False

User-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type.

Locale_LocaleCode String True

The locale code of the locale.

TimeZone_ID Int True

Read-only identifier of the timezone.

TimeZone_Name String True

Name of the timezone.

Roles String False

Collection of roles defined for an account.

ContextualRoles Int True

The contextual roles of the account.

ObjectState String False

Reserved for future use.

LanguageLocale_LocaleCode String True

The locale code of the language layout.

IndustryCode String False

The code of the industry.

AccountState Int False

The state of the account.

SubscriptionRestrictionFlags Long False

Restriction flags of the subscription.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963