Excel Add-In for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete and query assets from your SalesForce Marketing Cloud account.

Table Specific Information


Select all assets:


Retrieve a specific asset:


Advanced server side filtering using 'AND' and 'OR' logical operators are supported for this table. You can check in the table info if the column has supported filters. All the columns which have supported filters, also can be sorted server side.

SELECT * FROM ASSETS WHERE (Id = 5895 OR Id = 19442) AND EnterpriseId = 7307527 ORDER BY Name ASC, Id DESC


To create an Asset, you will need to specify at least the Name and TypeId column.

INSERT INTO ASSETS (TypeID, TypeName, Name) VALUES (207, 'templatebasedemail', 'First_Based_Template_Email_CData')


Assets may be modified by providing the Id of the Asset and issuing an UPDATE statement.

UPDATE ASSETS SET Description = 'This is an updated asset.', Data = '
  "campaigns": {
    "campaigns": [
        "campaignId": 12345,
        "campaignAssociationId": 2387
  "email": { } ... }'  WHERE ID = 19442


Assets may be deleted by providing the Id of the Asset and issuing a DELETE statement.



Name Type ReadOnly References Filters Description
Id [KEY] Integer True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The Id of the Asset.

CustomerKey String False =,!=

Reference to customer's private ID/name for the asset.

ObjectId String True

System-controlled, read-only text string identifier for object.

Name String False =,!=

Name of the asset, set by the client.

Description String False =,!=

Description of the asset, set by the client.

OwnerId Integer True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The Id of the asset owner.

OwnerName String True =,!=

The name of the asset owner.

OwnerEmail String True =,!=

The email of the asset owner.

OwnerUserId Integer True

The user Id of the asset owner.

CreatedDate Datetime True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The datetime when the asset was created.

CreatorId Integer True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The Id of the asset creator.

CreatorName String True

The name of the asset creator.

CreatorEmail String True

The email of the asset creator.

CreatorUserId Integer True

The user Id of the asset creator.

ModifiedDate Datetime True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The last datetime when the asset was modified.

ModifierId Integer True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The Id of the asset modifier.

ModifierName String True

The name of the asset modifier.

ModifierEmail String True

The email of the asset modifier.

ModifierUserId Integer True

The user Id of the asset modifier.

EnterpriseId Integer True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

A short description of the ...

MemberId Integer True =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

Marketing Cloud MID (member ID) for your account.

ActiveDate Datetime False =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

A short description of the ...

ExpirationDate Datetime False =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

A short description of the ...

ContentType String False =,!=

The type that the content attribute will be in.

TypeId Integer False =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The Id of the asset type.

TypeName String False

The name of the asset type.

TypeDisplayName String False

The display name of the asset type.

CategoryId Integer False =,!=,<,<=,>,>=

The Id of the category where the asset is located.

CategoryName String False

The name of the category where the asset is located.

CategoryParentId Integer False

The Parent Id of the category where the asset is located.

Content String False =,!=

The actual content of the asset.

Design String False =,!=

Fallback for display when neither content nor supercontent are provided.

SuperContent String False =,!=

Content that supersedes content in terms of display.

File String False

Base64-encoded string of a file associated with an asset.

FileProperties String False

Stores the different properties that this asset refers to if it is a file type.

ForwardHtml String False

Field inside the views object.

ForwardText String False

Field inside the views object.

HtmlContent String False

Field inside the views object.

HtmlSlots String False

Field inside the views object.

HtmlTemplate String False

Field inside the views object.

Preheader String False

Field inside the views object.

SubjectLine String False

Field inside the views object.

SubscriptionCenter String False

Field inside the views object.

Text String False

Field inside the views object.

ViewAsAWebPage String False

Field inside the views object.

GenerateFrom String False

Tells the sending compiler what view to use for generating this view's content.

Slots String False

Slots within the asset.

Blocks String False

Blocks within the asset.

MinBlocks Integer False

Minimum number of blocks within an asset.

MaxBlocks Integer False

Maximum number of blocks within an asset.

AllowedBlocks String False

List of blocks that are allowed in the asset.

Template String False

Template the asset follows.

CustomFields String False

Custom fields within an asset.

Data String False

Property bag containing the asset data.

Channels String False

List of channels that are allowed to use this asset.

Version Integer True

The version of the asset.

Locked Boolean False

Specifies if the asset can be modified or not.

Status String False

The asset's status.

Tags String False

List of tags associated with the asset.

BusinessUnitAvailability String False

A dictionary of member IDs that have been granted access to the asset.

SharingProperties String False

Allows you to share content with one or more business units that have Content Builder Sharing enabled.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963