Power BI Connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


To create or update a TriggeredSendDefinition where the list ID is the All Subs List ID, you need the Email | Subscribers | All Subscribers | View and SendEmailToList permissions.

Table-Specific Information


The connector uses the Salesforce Marketing Cloud APIs to process the following WHERE clause operators for all but date-time values: =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IN. For date-time values, only > and < are supported. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

For example, the following (but not only) queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM TriggeredSendDefinition WHERE ObjectID = 'nzxcaslkjd-123'

SELECT * FROM TriggeredSendDefinition WHERE ObjectID IN ('nzxcaslkjd-123', 'nzxcaslkjd-456')

SELECT * FROM TriggeredSendDefinition WHERE CreatedDate > '2017/01/25'


You must specify the following fields when inserting to this table: Name, SendClassification_ObjectID, and Email_Id.

INSERT INTO TriggeredSendDefinition (Name, SendClassification_ObjectID, Email_Id) VALUES ('Test', 'nzxcaslkjd-789', 123)


You must specify the ObjectID in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.

UPDATE TriggeredSendDefinition SET Description = 'Changed' WHERE ObjectID = 'nzxcaslkjd-123'


You must specify the ObjectID in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.

When deleting a row from this table, the row will not be deleted, but instead the value of TriggeredSendStatus will be set to false.

DELETE FROM TriggeredSendDefinition WHERE ObjectID = 'nzxcaslkjd-123'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ObjectID [KEY] String False

System-controlled, text string identifier for object.

PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Indicates the date and time of the object's creation.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

Indicates the last time object information was modified.

Client_ID Long False

The Id of the client.

CustomerKey String False

User-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type.

Email_ID Int False

Identifier for an object.

List_ID Int False

Identifier for an object.

Name String False

Name of the object or property.

Description String False

Describes and provides information regarding the object.

TriggeredSendType String False


TriggeredSendStatus String False

Represents status of triggered send.

HeaderContentArea_ID Int False

Identifier for an object.

FooterContentArea_ID Int False

Identifier for an object.

SendClassification_ObjectID String False

System-controlled, text string identifier for object.

SendClassification_CustomerKey String False

The customer key of the send classification.

SenderProfile_CustomerKey String False

The customer key of the sender profile.

SenderProfile_ObjectID String False

System-controlled, text string identifier for object.

DeliveryProfile_CustomerKey String False

The customer key of the delivery profile.

DeliveryProfile_ObjectID String False

System-controlled, text string identifier for object.

PrivateDomain_ObjectID String False

System-controlled, text string identifier for object.

PrivateIP_ID Int True

Read-only identifier for an object.

AutoAddSubscribers Bool False

Indicates whether a triggered send recipient should be added to a subscriber list.

AutoUpdateSubscribers Bool False

Indicates if any subscriber information should be updated as part of a triggered send.

BatchInterval Int False


FromName String False

Specifies the default email message From Name.

FromAddress String False

Indicates From address associated with a object.

BccEmail String False

Indicates email addresses to receive blind carbon copy of a message.

EmailSubject String False

Subject for an email send.

DynamicEmailSubject String False

Contains content to be used in a dynamic subject line.

IsMultipart Bool False

Indicates whether the email is sent with Multipart/MIME enabled.

IsWrapped Bool False

Indicates whether an email send contains the links necessary to process tracking information for clicks.

TestEmailAddr String False

Specified a test email address.

AllowedSlots String False

Reserved for future use.

NewSlotTrigger Int False


SendLimit Int False

Indicates limit of messages to send as part of a send definition within a predefined send window.

SendWindowOpen Datetime False

Defines the beginning of a send window for a send definition.

SendWindowClose Datetime False

Defines the end of a send window for a send definition.

SuppressTracking Bool False

Indicates whether the send definition suppresses tracking results for associated sends.

Keyword String False

Reserved for future use.

List_PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

Email_PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

SendClassification_PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

PrivateDomain_PartnerKey String True

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

PrivateIP_PartnerKey String True

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

Client_PartnerClientKey String False

User-defined partner key for an account.

IsPlatformObject Bool False

Indicated whether the object is a platform object.

CategoryID Int False

Specifies the identifier of the folder containing the email.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963