ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


Represents an email in a Marketing Cloud account.

Table-Specific Information


The provider uses the Salesforce Marketing Cloud APIs to process the following WHERE clause operators for all but date-time values: =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IN. For date-time values, only > and < are supported. The provider processes other filters client-side within the provider.

For example, the following (but not only) queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Email WHERE Id = 123

SELECT * FROM Email WHERE Id IN (123, 456)

SELECT * FROM Email WHERE CreatedDate > '2017/01/25'


You must specify the following fields when inserting to this table: Name and Subject.

INSERT INTO Email (Name, Subject) VALUES ('Testing', 'Greetings')


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing an update against this table.

UPDATE Email SET Name = 'Changed' WHERE Id = 31558


You must specify the Id in the WHERE clause when executing a delete against this table.



Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] Int False

Identifier for an object.

PartnerKey String False

Unique identifier provided by partner for an object, accessible only via API.

CreatedDate Datetime False

Indicates the date and time of the object's creation.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

Indicates the last time object information was modified.

Client_ID Int False

The Id of the client.

Name String False

Name of the object or property.

PreHeader String False

Contains text used in preheader of email message on mobile devices.

Folder String False

Specifies folder information (Retrieve only) - Deprecated.

CategoryID Int False

Specifies the identifier of the folder containing the email.

HTMLBody String False

Contains HTML body of an email message.

TextBody String False

Contains raw text body of a message.

Subject String False

Defines the subject of an object.

IsActive Bool False

Specifies whether or not the object is active.

IsHTMLPaste Bool False

Indicates whether email message was created via pasted HTML.

ClonedFromID Int False

ID of email message from which the specified email message was created.

Status String False

Defines the status of an object.

EmailType String False

Defines the preferred email type.

CharacterSet String False

Indicates encoding used in an email message.

HasDynamicSubjectLine Bool False

Indicates whether email message contains a dynamic subject line.

ContentCheckStatus String False

Indicates whether content validation has completed for this email message.

Client_PartnerClientKey String False

User-defined partner key for an account.

ContentAreas String False

Contains information on content areas included in an email message.

CustomerKey String False

User-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963