ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 24.0.8963


Deletes a keyword on an account.

Delete Keyword By Id

Deletes a keyword on an account given a keyword Id.

EXECUTE DeleteKeyword KeywordId = 'alm5LXNSSktGMGluRznRb1Rb1R5MDZFQTo4Njow'

Delete Keyword By Longcode

Deletes a keyword on an account given a keyword and long code.

EXECUTE DeleteKeyword LongCode = '5550003232', Keyword = 'TEST'

Delete Keyword By Shortcode

Deletes a keyword on an account given a keyword, short code, and country code.

EXECUTE DeleteKeyword ShortCode = '89239', Keyword = 'TEST', CountryCode = 'US'


Name Type Required Description
KeywordId String False Encoded Id of keyword that will be deleted
Keyword String False The keyword that will be deleted.
LongCode String False The long code of the keyword that will be deleted
ShortCode String False The short code of the keyword that will be deleted.
CountryCode String False The two letter country code specifying the country that short code belongs to.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Status String The current status after the delete operation.

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Build 24.0.8963