JDBC Driver for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Build 22.0.8462


This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.

AuthSchemeThe type of authentication to use when connecting to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
APIIntegrationTypeThe grant type for the OAuth flow. Accepted entries are Server-to-Server and Web-App.
UseLegacyAuthenticationA boolean determining if the connection should be made to Salesforce Marketing Cloud REST API using the legacy authentication or not.
UserThe Salesforce Marketing Cloud user account used to authenticate.
PasswordThe password used to authenticate the user.
SubdomainThe subdomain of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud API.
UseAsyncBatchWhether to use the synchronous or the asynchronous SOAP API to perform Batch insert.
WaitForBulkResultsWhether to wait for bulk results when using the asynchronous API. Only active when UseAsyncBatch is true.

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Build 22.0.8462