CData Python Connector for Microsoft Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Use this report to discover which keywords and negative keywords are in conflict, and whether the conflict is at the campaign or ad group level. Use this list to figure out which negative keywords to delete.


Name Type Select requirement Metric Aggregate Description
AccountName String True The account name.
AccountNumber String The Bing Ads assigned number of an account.
AccountStatus String The account status.
AccountId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of an account.
AdGroupId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of an ad group.
AdGroupName String The ad group name.
AdGroupStatus String The ad group status.
CampaignId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of a campaign.
CampaignName String The campaign name.
CampaignStatus String The campaign status.
Keyword String True The keyword text.
KeywordId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of a keyword.
KeywordStatus String The keyword status.
NegativeKeyword String True The negative keyword text.
ConflictLevel String The entity level where the keyword and negative keyword conflict occurs. The possible values are AdGroup and Campaign.
ConflictType String The type of negative keyword conflict encountered.The possible values are Possibly intentional conflict and True conflict.
BidMatchType String The keyword bid match type. This can be different from the DeliveredMatchType column, for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match. For more information, see Budget and Bid Strategies.
NegativeKeywordListId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of a negative keyword list.
NegativeKeywordList String The name of the negative keyword list.
NegativeKeywordId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of a negative keyword.
NegativeKeywordMatchType String The type of match to compare the negative keyword and the user's search term. The possible values for a negative keyword are Exact and Phrase.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
DatePreset String The time period to use for the report. You can specify a custom date range or select a predefined date range, for example, Today or ThisWeek.

The allowed values are Today, Yesterday, LastSevenDays, ThisWeek, LastWeek, LastFourWeeks, ThisMonth, LastMonth, LastThreeMonths, LastSixMonths, ThisYear, LastYear.

EndDate String The end date of the custom date range. The end date cannot be later than today's date.
StartDate String The start date of the custom date range. The start date must be earlier than or the same as the end date.

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Build 23.0.8839