CData Python Connector for Microsoft Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Query the available Audiences in Bing Ads.

Table Specific Information


Searches on this table are processed client-side by the connector; the following query is executed server-side.
SELECT * FROM [Audiences]
SELECT * FROM Audiences WHERE AccountId = '65098547' AND Type = 'RemarketingList'


Name Type Select requirement Metric Aggregate Description
Id [KEY] Long The Bing Ads identifier of the audience.
ParentId Long The Bing Ads identifier of the account or customer.
Name String The name of the audience. The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters.
Type String The type of the audience.

The allowed values are RemarketingList, Custom, InMarket.

Description String The description of the audience. Use a description to help you remember what audience you are targeting.
MembershipDuration Integer When you create an audience, you can specify how far back in time Bing Ads should look for actions that match your audience definition.
ForwardCompatibilityMap String The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility. This element can be used to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in future releases.
Scope String Scope defines what accounts can use this audience.

The allowed values are Account, Customer.

TagId Long The unique Bing Ads identifier of the tag.
AudienceNetworkSize Long The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Audience network.
SearchSize Long The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Search network.
SupportedCampaignTypes String The list of campaign types that support this audience.
CustomerShareAggregate String True Contains information about CustomerAccountShares and OwnerCustomerId.
AccountId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of an account.

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Build 23.0.8839