Cmdlets for Bing Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Query the available Keyword Estimated Bid in Bing Ads.

Table Specific Information


You must set the KeywordText and MatchType columns in the WHERE clause to query this table. Set the MatchType column to one of the following values in the WHERE clause: Exact, Phrase, Broad, Content, or Aggregate.

The 本製品 will use the Microsoft Ads API to filter the results by KeywordText and MatchType while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side.

SELECT * FROM [ KeywordEstimatedBid ] WHERE KeywordText = 'SAP R/3 Developers' AND MatchType = 'Exact'
You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria that refers to columns other than KeywordText and MatchType will cause an error.

Filtering by accountid

You can filter by accountid using the IN condition. For example,

SELECT * FROM KeywordEstimatedBid 
WHERE KeywordText IN ('Text', 'Gmail') 
AND MatchType = 'Exact' 
AND AccountId IN ('141163452', '2562405', '141163453', '141163454', '141163455', '141163456', '141163457')


Name Type Select requirement Metric Aggregate Description
KeywordText String The keyword text.
MatchType String The keyword match type used to determine the estimates. Can be one of Exact, Phrase, Broad, Aggregate.
CurrencyCode String The monetary unit of the cost values, such as AverageCPC.
CampaignId Long The system generated identifier of the campaign.
AdGroupId Long The system generated identifier of the ad group.
MinClicksPerWeek Double The estimated minimum number of clicks per week.
MaxClicksPerWeek Double The estimated maximum number of clicks per week.
AverageCPC Double The estimated average CPC.
MinImpressionsPerWeek Long The estimated minimum number of impressions per week.
MaxImpressionsPerWeek Long The estimated maximum number of impressions per week.
ClickThroughRate Double The estimated CTR.
MinTotalCostPerWeek Double The estimated minimum cost per week.
MaxTotalCostPerWeek Double The estimated maximum cost per week.
EstimatedMinBid Double The position in the search results given the specified bid.
AccountId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of an account.

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Build 23.0.8839