Query the available Audiences in Bing Ads.
Table Specific Information
Searches on this table are processed client-side by the 本製品; the following query is executed server-side.SELECT * FROM [Audiences]
SELECT * FROM Audiences WHERE AccountId = '65098547' AND Type = 'RemarketingList'
Name | Type | Select requirement | Metric | Aggregate | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The Bing Ads identifier of the audience. | |||
ParentId | Long | The Bing Ads identifier of the account or customer. | |||
Name | String | The name of the audience. The name can contain a maximum of 128 characters. | |||
Type | String | The type of the audience.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。RemarketingList, Custom, InMarket | |||
Description | String | The description of the audience. Use a description to help you remember what audience you are targeting. | |||
MembershipDuration | Integer | When you create an audience, you can specify how far back in time Bing Ads should look for actions that match your audience definition. | |||
ForwardCompatibilityMap | String | The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility. This element can be used to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in future releases. | |||
Scope | String | Scope defines what accounts can use this audience.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Account, Customer | |||
TagId | Long | The unique Bing Ads identifier of the tag. | |||
AudienceNetworkSize | Long | The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Audience network. | |||
SearchSize | Long | The total number of people who are active members of this audience in the Search network. | |||
SupportedCampaignTypes | String | The list of campaign types that support this audience. | |||
CustomerShareAggregate | String | True | Contains information about CustomerAccountShares and OwnerCustomerId. | ||
AccountId | Long | The Bing Ads assigned identifier of an account. |