ODBC Driver for Bing Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Query the available AdGroups in Bing Ads.

Table Specific Information


You must specify the CampaignId column in the WHERE clause to query this table. The 本製品 will use the Microsoft Ads API to filter the results by CampaignId while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM [AdGroups] WHERE CampaignId = '234505536'
The client-side execution of the query can be turned off by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria with columns in the WHERE clause other than CampaignId will cause an error.


Name Type Select requirement Metric Aggregate Description
Id [KEY] Long The system generated identifier of the ad group.
CampaignId Long The system generated identifier of the campaign.
Name String The name of the ad group.
AdRotationType String Determines how often you'd like the ads in your ad group to show in relation to one another. If you have multiple ads within an ad group, your ads will rotate because no more than one ad from your account can show at a time.
StartDate Date The date that the ads in the ad group can begin serving; otherwise, the service can begin serving the ads in the ad group the day that the ad group becomes active.
EndDate Date The date that the ads in the ad group will expire.
Language String The language of the ads and keywords in the ad group.
CpcBidAmount Double The default bid to use when the user's query and the ad group's keywords match by using either a broad, exact, or phrase match comparison..
AudienceAdsBidAdjustment String The percent amount by which to adjust your bid for native ads above or below the base ad group or keyword bid.
BiddingSchemeType String The bid strategy type for how you want to manage your bids.
ForwardCompatibilityMap String The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility. This element can be used to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in future releases.
Network String The search networks where you want your ads to display.
Status String The status of the ad group.
TrackingUrlTemplate String The tracking template to use as a default for all URLs in your ad group.
UrlCustomParameters String Your custom collection of key and value parameters for URL tracking.
AccountId Long The Bing Ads assigned identifier of an account.

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Build 23.0.8839